What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Framework
3. Methodology
3.1. Scientific Research Selection
3.1.1. Search Strategy and Information Sources
3.1.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
3.2. Scientific Production Analysis
3.3. Bibliometric Analysis
3.4. Current Regimes in Patent Box Countries
4. Results
4.1. Sample Characteristics
4.2. Patent Box: A Complete Review
4.3. Current Patent Box Regimes in the World
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Review of Papers, Methods, and Findings
No | Title | Authors | Year | Outcome | Type | Objective | Method | Country |
1 | Should there be lower taxes on patent income? | Gaessler F., Hall B.H., Harhoff D. | 2021 | (−) Patents move across jurisdictions | Quantitative | Impact of PB on international Patent Transfers | Random-effects Poisson model | Various (51) |
2 | Thinking outside the box: The cross-border effect of tax cuts on R&D | Schwab T., Todtenhaupt M. | 2021 | (+) patent output in other countries | Quantitative | Effects of PB on the R&D in other countries | Using Diff in Diff, Instrumental Variables, and event study methods | Various (9) |
3 | The Impact of IP Box Regimes on the M&A Market | Bradley S., Robinson L., Ruf M. | 2021 | (+) On M&A Activity | Quantitative | Effects of the Nexus Approach on M&A transactions | Using Diff in Diff, triple differences, and event study methods | Various (24) |
4 | Tax Accounting Research on Corporate Investment: A Discussion of The Impact of IP Box Regimes on the M& A Market by Bradley, Ruf, and Robinson (2021) | Lester R. | 2021 | NA | Qualitative | Discussion about findings of PB on M&A transactions | Descriptive and qualitative | Various (24) |
5 | State stimulation of innovation activities in Switzerland and Russia | Belozyorov S., Zabolotskaya V. | 2021 | NA | Qualitative | Explore the system of State Financing of Research and Development (R&D) of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Switzerland | Descriptive and qualitative | Switzerland |
6 | The impact of R&D tax incentive programs on the performance of innovative companies | Makeeva E., Murashkina I., Mikhaleva I. | 2019 | (+) company performance | Quantitative | Explore the influence of corporate taxation on the performance of innovative companies under various research and development (R&D) tax incentive programs. | Blundell–Bond equation | Various (13) |
7 | Patent boxes and the erosion of trust in trade and governance | Diaz E.B. | 2019 | NA | Qualitative | Discuss the BEPS reform and its implications on trust and governance | Descriptive and qualitative | Nonspecific |
8 | Impact of the Intellectual Property Tax Regime on FDI in R&D Activities at the City Level | Falk M., Peng F. | 2018 | (+) FDI inflows in R&D and related activities | Quantitative | Determine the impact of the introduction of the patent box/IP regime on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in R&D and related activities | Diff in Diff Model | Various (80) |
9 | Patent boxes design, patents location, and local R&D | Alstadsæter A., Barrios S., Nicodeme G., Skonieczna A.M., Vezzani A. | 2018 | (+) Attract Patents | Quantitative | Find determinants of the geographical distribution of patent applications in countries. | The structural model proposed by Griffith et al.(2014) was estimated with a negative binomial model. | Various (39) |
10 | The Portuguese intellectual property box: issues in designing investment incentives | Martins A. | 2018 | (−) Not competitive and raised complexities | Qualitative | Discuss the competitiveness of Intellectual Property Box, effects on tax avoidance, and accounting complexities | Descriptive and qualitative | Portugal |
11 | Evaluating the innovation box tax policy instrument in the Netherlands, 2007-13 | Mohnen P., Vankan A., Verspagen B. | 2017 | (+) on R&D investment | Quantitative | Effect of the Innovation Box policy on local R&D investment of the firm | Diff in Diff Model | Netherlands |
12 | R&D tax incentives and the emergence and trade of ideas | Bösenberg S., Egger P.H. | 2017 | (−) Filling patents | Quantitative | Effects of tax incentives in R&D on the filing and trading of patents | Fixed-country-effects Poisson model for patent filing and a random-country-pair-effects Poisson model for patent trading | Various (106) |
13 | The Luxembourg effect: Patent boxes and the limits of international cooperation | Faulhaber L.V. | 2017 | NA | Qualitative | Discuss the Nexus approach’s effect on EU Members’ regulations | Descriptive and qualitative | Luxembourg |
14 | Do patent boxes still make sense under the OECD-BEPS nexus approach? | Englisch J. | 2017 | NA | Qualitative | Examine the effectiveness of a patent box regime that adheres to the nexus approach in attracting or stimulating additional R&D investments | Descriptive and qualitative | Germany |
15 | Patent boxes: research incentive or tax loophole? | Klodt H., Lang S. | 2016 | (−) Shift profits to low-tax countries | Quantitative | Impact of the introduction of patent boxes on R&D expenditures and patent applications. | Descriptive | Various (15) |
16 | A patent/innovation box as a tax incentive for domestic research and development | Gravelle J.G. | 2016 | NA | Quantitative | Effects of a patent box on encouraging research and development in the United States | Descriptive equations | US |
17 | Corporate patents, R&D success, and tax avoidance | Gao L., Yang L.L., Zhang J.H. | 2016 | NA | Quantitative | Examine whether R&D success (expenditures and patent activity) concerning patent output is associated with the level of tax reduction. | Panel Data Regress with firm fixed effects | US |
18 | Why are researchers paid bonuses? On technology spillovers and market rivalry | d’Andria D. | 2016 | (+) Increase the capital investment on R&D (−) Overinvestment under certain conditions | Quantitative | Analyze the R&D tax incentives’ effects on the innovation process and market rivalry | Theoretical Model | Nonspecific |
19 | Innovation boxes: BEPS and beyond | Merrill P. | 2016 | NA | Qualitative | Explains the IP box concept, outlines recent US IP box proposals with a focus on the Boustany–Neal discussion draft, and explains changes adopted in 2015 to the OECD standards. | Descriptive and qualitative | US |
20 | Economic impacts of intellectual property-conditioned government incentives | Prud’homme D., Song H. | 2016 | NA | Qualitative | Relations between tax incentives and Patent activity | Descriptive and qualitative | Nonspecific |
21 | Intellectual property box regimes: effective tax rates and tax policy considerations | Evers L., Miller H., Spengel C. | 2015 | (+) Increase incentives for investment by reducing the EATR | Quantitative | Estimate the cost of capital and the effective average tax rate under Patent Box conditions | Descriptive with effective average tax rates (EATR) | Various (12) |
22 | Cross-Country Evidence On The Preliminary Effects Of Patent Box Regimes On Patent Activity And Ownership | Bradley S., Dauchy E., Robinson L. | 2015 | (+) Patent Applications | Quantitative | Effects of Patent Box on extent and location of innovation and patent ownership. | Panel Data regressions including year and country fixed effects. | Various (70) |
23 | Corporate Tax Changes under the UK Coalition Government (2010-15) | Miller H., Pope T. | 2015 | NA | Qualitative | Review the policy changes of the UK government. Patent Box between them. | Descriptive and qualitative | UK |
24 | Taxation and incentives to innovate: a principal-agent approach | d’Andria D. | 2014 | (+) Aggregate innovation | Quantitative | Effects of different tax schemes on innovation in a pure knowledge economy | Principal-Agent Model | Nonspecific |
25 | Ownership of intellectual property and corporate taxation | Griffith R., Miller H., O’Connell M. | 2014 | (+) Share of new patents | Quantitative | Effects of the corporate income taxes in the location of patents. | The choice model estimated with mixed logit random model | Various (15) |
26 | Technological innovation, international competition, and the challenges of international income taxation | Graetz M.J., Doud R. | 2013 | NA | Qualitative | Describe the R&D tax incentives and offer recommendations | Descriptive and qualitative | US |
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Description | Results |
Timespan | 2013–2021 |
Sources (Journals, Books, etc.) | 21 |
Documents | 26 |
Average years from publication | 4.73 |
Average citations per document | 11.08 |
References | 1239 |
Document Types | |
Article | 21 |
Book | 1 |
Book chapter | 1 |
Review | 3 |
Authors | |
Authors | 49 |
Authors of single-authored documents | 8 |
Co-Authors per Doc | 2.08 |
No | Country | Year Implemented | Qualified PI Assets | Patent Box Rate | Corporate Income Tax | ||
Patent | Software | Others * | |||||
1 | Andorra | 2010 | ✓ | ✓ | 2% | 10% | |
2 | Belgium | 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | 3.75% | 25% | |
3 | China ** | 2008 | ✓ | 15% | 25% | ||
4 | Curacao | 2018 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 0% | 22% |
5 | Cyprus | 2012 | ✓ | ✓ | 2.5% | 12.5% | |
6 | France | 2000 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 10% | 28.4% |
7 | Hungary | 2003 | ✓ | ✓ | 0% for qualifying IP and 4.5% in royalties’ income | 9% | |
8 | India | 2016 | ✓ | 10.3% to 11.85% | 30.91% to 35.45% | ||
9 | Ireland | 1973 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 6.25% | 12.5% |
10 | Israel | 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 5%, 7.5%, 8%, 16% | 23% |
11 | Italy | 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | 13.91% | 27.81% | |
12 | Lithuania | 2018 | ✓ | ✓ | 5% | 15% | |
13 | Luxemburg | 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | 4.99% | 24.94% | |
14 | Malta | 2010 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 1.75% minimum (referred to as a deduction of 95% of net income) | 35% |
15 | Netherlands | 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 9% | 25% |
16 | Poland | 2019 | ✓ | ✓ | 5% | 19% | |
17 | Portugal | 2014 | ✓ | 10.5% | 21% | ||
18 | San Marino | ✓ | ✓ | 0% or 8.5% | 17% | ||
19 | Slovakia | 2018 | ✓ | ✓ | 10.5% | 21% | |
20 | Spain (Federal) | 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | 10% | 25% | |
21 | Spain (Basque Country) | 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | 7.8% | 25% | |
22 | Spain (Navarre) | 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | 8.4% | 25% | |
23 | Singapore | 2018 | ✓ | ✓ | 5% or 10% | 17% | |
24 | Switzerland | 2020 | ✓ | Tax base reduction of up to 90% on patent income | 11.9–21.6% (canton level) | ||
25 | Turkey | 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | 12.5% | 25% | |
26 | United Kingdom | 2013 | ✓ | 10% | 19% |
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Silva-Gámez, A.I.; Méndez-Prado, S.M.; Arauz, A. What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 11423. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811423
Silva-Gámez AI, Méndez-Prado SM, Arauz A. What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review. Sustainability. 2022; 14(18):11423. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811423
Chicago/Turabian StyleSilva-Gámez, Alexander Israel, Silvia Mariela Méndez-Prado, and Andrés Arauz. 2022. "What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review" Sustainability 14, no. 18: 11423. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811423