Promoting the Adoption of Agricultural Green Production Technologies for Sustainable Farming: A Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- This study enriches the literature on farmers’ adoption decisions by analyzing a comprehensive framework of behavioral factors in promoting agricultural green production.
- (2)
- Considering the uncertainties and ambiguity in the decision-making process of adopting AGPTs, this study employs PLTSs to model farmers’ knowledge and thoughts.
- (3)
- This study develops a novel MADA approach by extending the PSI method into the PLTSs environment to help policymakers understand farmers’ adoption decisions on AGPTs.
- (4)
- Based on the proposed PL-PSI method, we analyze the relative importance of the behavioral factors promoting the adoption of AGPTs among rice growers in Ghana.
2. Theoretical Background and Literature Review
2.1. Farmer Decision-Making and Behavioral Factors
2.2. Related Works on AGPTs
2.3. MADA and Green Technology Adoption
2.4. Probabilistic Linguistic Term Set
- (i)
- If , then is more significant than , denoted by ;
- (ii)
- If , then
- (a)
- if , then ;
- (b)
- if , then is indifferent to , indicated as .
3. Methodology
3.1. Problem Description
3.2. Probabilistic Linguistic Preference Selection Index
- Step 3: Calculate the preference variation value regarding each AGPT as follows:
- Step 4: Obtain the deviation in the preference variation value for every AGPT as follows:
- Step 5: Determine the total preference value for each AGPT as follows:
- Step 6: Ascertain the preference selection index of each factor based on the probabilistic linguistic weighted average (PLWA) operator [33] as follows:
- Step 7: Calculate the score according to Definition 2.
- Step 8: Rank the factors in descending order of . The larger , the higher the extent to which the factor influences the adoption of the AGPTs.
4. Decision Analysis
4.1. Research Approach
4.2. Results
- Step 1: Based on the questionnaire responses, we employed the PLTS described in Section 2.3 and constructed the initial probabilistic linguistic decision matrix of Table 5.
- Step 2: Following the second step, we computed the mean of each AGPT evaluation value using the decision matrix of Table 3 and Equation (4). The result is given as follows:
- Step 3: Per Equation (5), the preference variation value regarding each AGPT was calculated, and the result is given as follows.
- Step 4: Furthermore, we obtained the deviation in the preference variation value for every AGPT based on Equation (6), and we present the outcome in column 3 of Table 4.
- Step 5: The total preference value for each AGPT was determined according to Equation (7), and we show it in column 4 of Table 4.
- Step 6: Then, we computed the preference selection index . based on Equation (8), and the outcome is given in Table 6.
- Step 7: Finally, we deduced the preference selection index scores since they were probabilistic linguistic elements using Definition 2. The nine behavioral factors’ overall scores are listed in column 5 of Table 7. To ascertain the dimensions’ scores, we averaged the individual factors’ scores within a dimension, and we present the outcome in column 2 of Table 7.
- Step 8: The ranking positions of the behavioral factors are presented as follows:
4.3. Discussion
4.4. Implications
4.5. Comparative and Sensitivity Analysis
4.5.1. Comparative Study
4.5.2. Sensitivity Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Constructs | Factors | References |
Dispositional | Personality | [66,67] |
Resistance to change | [57] | |
Risk tolerance | [68,69] | |
Moral and environmental concerns | [58,59,60] | |
Farming objective | [68,70] | |
Social | Descriptive norm | [41,62] |
Injunctive norm | [63,68] | |
Signaling motives | [62,63] | |
Cognitive | Knowledge | [65] |
Perceived control | [63,71] | |
Perceived costs and benefits | [58,64,72] | |
Perceived risk | [65,72] |
Author | Country | Study Objective | Method/ Approach | Study Results |
[76] | Malaysia | To measure the intention level of farmers to adopt GFT based on the psychological aspects based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) | Structural Equation Modeling | The results have shown that direct and indirect attitude and indirect subjective norm, as well as direct–indirect perceived behavioral control, have a positive and significant influence on the intention of adopting. |
[77] | China | To examine the logical relationship of farmers’ willingness to adopt green fertilization technology | Structural Equation Modeling | The results showed that adoption motivation, adoption opportunity, technical operation ability, and anti-risk ability had significant positive direct effects on adoption willingness, which were 0.610, 0.381, 0.491, and 0.297, respectively. Trust had an indirect effect, which was 0.191. |
[43] | China | To perform social network analysis to identify critical stakeholders and barriers in agriculture green technology diffusion | Network Analysis | The results show that agricultural research institutes, universities, agribusiness, agencies of township promotion, the government, and farmers’ relatives are key stakeholders and that the limited market demand for green technology and the high cost of its diffusion are two main barriers. |
[78] | China | To evaluate the contribution of time preferences to farmers’ technology adoption behavior | Econometric Modeling | The results show that time preferences significantly reduce technology adoption; in particular, farmers who are more present-biased have a lower proportion of technology adoption. |
[74] | China | To study the factors influencing tea farmers’ adoption of PGCT for tea plant pest control | Structural Equation Modeling | The results indicated that subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have a positive and significant effect on intention, while attitude has no significant effect on the intention |
[79] | China | To analyze the key factors affecting the development of green agriculture | Econometric Modeling | The results show that a farmer’s age, land type, compensation for land transfer, technical service organization, related training, and economic and technological subsidies had significant effects on their green agricultural production willingness. |
[73] | China | To analyze the formation mechanism of the peer effects | Econometric Modeling | The authors found peer effects in the adoption behavior of green control techniques among farmers, which only existed in core and intermediate farmers and not in marginal farmers |
Author | Country | Application Area | Study Objective | Method/ Approach |
[81] | China | Emerging industries | To evaluate green technology innovation on ecological economic efficiency of strategic emerging industries | Entropy-weighted TOPSIS |
[82] | China | Emerging industries | To assess the barriers of green technology adoption for enterprises | Fuzzy AHP |
[83] | Pakistan | Energy | To assess the barriers to the implementation of cleaner energy technologies | Modify Delphi and fuzzy AHP |
[84] | United Kingdom (UK) | Building construction | To select retrofit for non-domestic building by using green technology | AHP |
[25] | Ghana | Energy | To identify and rank the barriers to renewable energy development | MULTIMOORA-EDAS |
[85] | Turkey | Energy | To evaluate solar projects | AHP and fuzzy VIKOR |
[86] | Egypt | Transportation | To select an electric bus for green transportation | AHP and TOPSIS |
[7] | Pakistan | General | To develop an integrated green technology framework to fill a gap in the literature by prioritizing green technologies’ most critical attributes | Fuzzy AHP |
[87] | Ghana | Human-resource management | To investigate critical barriers to green human resource management (GHRM) implementation | PSI |
[8] | Pakistan | General | To develop an integrated strategic framework based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) for effective green technology planning | Gray AHP and gray TOPSIS |
[88] | Ghana | Energy | To assess renewable energy barriers and prioritize their adoption and development strategies | CRITIC and fuzzy TOPSIS |
Factors | ||||
Mean |
Factors | PSI |
Dimensions | Average Score | Dimension Ranking | Factors | Global Ranking | |
Dispositional context | |||||
Social context | |||||
Cognitive context | |||||
No. | Methods | Rank |
1 | PL-TOPSIS | |
2 | PL-EDAS | |
3 | PL-WASPAS | |
4 | Our proposed method |
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Asiedu-Ayeh, L.O.; Zheng, X.; Agbodah, K.; Dogbe, B.S.; Darko, A.P. Promoting the Adoption of Agricultural Green Production Technologies for Sustainable Farming: A Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9977.
Asiedu-Ayeh LO, Zheng X, Agbodah K, Dogbe BS, Darko AP. Promoting the Adoption of Agricultural Green Production Technologies for Sustainable Farming: A Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):9977.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAsiedu-Ayeh, Love Offeibea, Xungang Zheng, Kobina Agbodah, Bright Senyo Dogbe, and Adjei Peter Darko. 2022. "Promoting the Adoption of Agricultural Green Production Technologies for Sustainable Farming: A Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 9977.
APA StyleAsiedu-Ayeh, L. O., Zheng, X., Agbodah, K., Dogbe, B. S., & Darko, A. P. (2022). Promoting the Adoption of Agricultural Green Production Technologies for Sustainable Farming: A Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis. Sustainability, 14(16), 9977.