Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Islamabad by Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Acquisition
2.3. Software Usage
- IDRISI package from the TerrSet software (version 18.08) developed by Clark Labs at Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA was used to ascertain the spatiotemporal trends in the surface temperature whereby image processing and enhancement were carried out (, accessed on 15 December 2021).
- Earth Trends Modeler from the TerrSet software was used to calculate the seasonal trends followed by image decomposition to generate a time series to gain insight into the reoccurring sequence of spatiotemporal trends.
- R-Software (3.3.5 version) an open source project in 1995, initially written by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka—also known as “R & R” of the Statistics Department of the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand was used to configure seasonal decomposition of time series by Loess (STL) which is a computationally simple non-parametric method (, accessed on 15 December 2021). The seasonal component that is found by Loess works on smoothing the seasonal sub-series, i.e., if s., the window which is the Loess window for seasonal extraction is equal to periodic (s. window =”periodic”) smoothing is effectively replaced by taking the mean.
- The non-parametric Mann–Kendall test was incorporated to detect significant trends in the time series. Application of Mann–Kendall tests helped to gain the probability (P) and standard score (Z) values.
- ArcGIS 9.3 Desktop software developed and maintained by ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA, accessed on 15 December 2021) was used in this study. ArcGIS is a software that assists to analyze mapped information and managing information in a database. It provides an infrastructure for making maps and geographic information available. P, Z, R2, linear slope, and trend maps in the study were produced by the use of spatial data frame within the software. Spatial data frame is similar to spreadsheets that have fields in form of columns.
- Box and whisker graphical representations were used for the interpretation of the distribution of the data and to depict the variability of the numerically arranged data. They aided in determining the seasonal variability in Islamabad from the year 1960 to 2012 (Figure 2).
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- For a developing country such as Pakistan, where the emerging metropolitan cities are under greater threat of changing climatic and seasonal patterns, there is a stronger need for developing and implementing policies and adaptation strategies for considering the importance of climatic changes in the field of planning, designing, and implementing developmental activities.
- The development of new institutions and modification of the existing ones should be practiced so that adaptation to climate change must be promoted whereby aspects such as environmental management, building/infrastructure controls, and town planning regulations must be taken into account. However, in this case, it is important to revise the master plan for Islamabad as well as the building bylaws and town planning regulations.
- Developmental projects should leave a sufficient amount of green space in order to combat climate change; therefore, the capacity of provincial governments should be improved so that they can devise their own climate change policies, strategies, and action plans.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Wasif Ali, N.u.A.B.; Amir, S.; Iqbal, K.M.J.; Shah, A.A.; Saqib, Z.; Akhtar, N.; Ullah, W.; Tariq, M.A.U.R. Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Islamabad by Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9894.
Wasif Ali NuAB, Amir S, Iqbal KMJ, Shah AA, Saqib Z, Akhtar N, Ullah W, Tariq MAUR. Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Islamabad by Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):9894.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWasif Ali, Noor ul Ain Binte, Sarah Amir, Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Ashfaq Ahmad Shah, Zafeer Saqib, Nadia Akhtar, Wahid Ullah, and Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman Tariq. 2022. "Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Islamabad by Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 9894.
APA StyleWasif Ali, N. u. A. B., Amir, S., Iqbal, K. M. J., Shah, A. A., Saqib, Z., Akhtar, N., Ullah, W., & Tariq, M. A. U. R. (2022). Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Islamabad by Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Sustainability, 14(16), 9894.