Investigating Regenerative Ideation within Sustainable Development Goals
:1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Conceptual Framework
3.1. The Ecological Versus the Mechanistic Worldviews of Sustainability
3.2. Regeneration Ideation versus Sustainability
3.3. Emergence of Regenerative Development and Design
3.4. Definition of Regenerative Development
3.5. Principles of Regenerative Development and Design
4. Developing Regenerative Development and Design Goals (RDGs)
5. Analysis of The Two Case Studies against RDGs
5.1. Case Study 1. SEKEM Village
5.1.1. RDGs 1. Integration of Place, Nature, and Ecosystem
- SEKEM’s approach to sustainable development combines four aspects of life: the economy, society, culture, and ecology into a holistic totality in which all elements are independent and interconnected [28,29,30,31,32]. It has developed 16 goals that emerged from these four pillars to realize Abouleish’s vision of sustainable development [28]. SEKEM established several institutions to manage each sector, including the SEKEM Development Foundation (SDF) for cultural life, the SEKEM Holding for economic life, the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA), SEKEM Agriculture for ecological aspects, and the SEKEM Future Council for social life [33,34], as shown in Figure 5.
- SEKEM’s approach to integrating with nature is reflected in adopting organic and biodynamic agriculture that enhances soil fertility and conserves the ecosystem’s biodiversity. It has implemented a new plant protection system for cotton, which has resulted in a prohibition on crop dusting throughout Egypt. By 2000, pesticide usage in Egyptian cotton fields had dropped by more than 90% [29]. SEKEM’s farms promoted animal health, welfare, and genetic diversity in wildlife and husbandry [28]. The other related projects were: the Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in North Africa project and sustainable intensification of food production through resilient farming systems [35]. Figure 6 demonstrates the indicators of ecological life in SEKEM. See Figure A1 for more details.
5.1.2. RDGs 2. Energy Management
- Developing a multi-generation solar power plant for the medical center [36];
5.1.3. RDGs 3. Zero Carbon
5.1.4. RDGs 4. Water Management
5.1.5. RDGs 5. Material and Resources Management
- SEKEM uses healthy and safe materials in its agricultural activities and industries. It produces several organic products based on organic fertilizers that are safe for human health, thus increasing awareness of the consumption habits of employees and members of the surrounding community.
- SEKEM recycled all its organic waste into a valuable input for land reclamation processes.
- SEKEM reused agricultural waste such as tree trunks and leaves as outdoor furniture for kids’ play areas in SEKEM school.
5.1.6. RDGs 6. Zero Waste
- Fully monitoring, sorting, and recycling the waste produced by the companies inside SEKEM;
- Recycling all organic waste into compost;
- Having its pharmacy research its waste production and develop methods to deal with it;
- Reusing waste in the fine arts;
- Implementing better waste collection with economic incentives;
- Implementing zero-waste research.
5.1.7. RDGs 7. Health and Well-Being
5.1.8. RDGs8. Regenerative Economy
5.1.9. RDGs9. Culture and Community
- SEKEM kindergarten was established in 1985 for employees’ kids and the surrounding community.
- The SEKEM School, launched in 1989, provides a creative approach to learning by emphasizing the development of its pupils’ social, cultural, and intellectual abilities besides offering aesthetic and art courses.
- The vocational training center, which started in 1997, offers a three-year curriculum designed to provide youth with relevant professional skills. The curriculum emphasizes the principle of doing while learning. The training fields include industrial mechanics, carpentry, textile production technology, and agricultural machinery. Since 2006, about 1000 students have graduated from this center.
- SEKEM Environmental Scientific Center provides its local community with interactive science classes on environmental themes.
- In 2012, SEKEM built Heliopolis University, a not-for-profit university specialized in sustainable development in different fields, including medicine, agriculture, arts, economics, and engineering. It also provides knowledge transfer opportunities to farmers, workers, and the community.
- SEKEM enhanced its employee engagement through the art department and training that aims at personal development by exploring their potential.
- The other applications of this mission are as follows:
- Enhancing and strengthening the value of equality through the daily meeting circles, where all employees come together to talk about their accomplishments. This meeting circle symbolizes unity and equity value [31];
- Entitling its staff to discounted education expenses for their children at SEKEM’s schools [32];
- Providing free courses for illiterate employees [32];
- Developing the Special Education Program in 1989, which aims to equip students with special needs with multiple fundamental skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic as well as cooking, landscape care, painting, music, and religion courses [34,39]. Figure 9 shows the socio-cultural life indicators.
5.2. Case Study 2: Dubai Sustainable City
5.2.1. RDGs 1. Integration of Place, Nature, and Ecosystem
- The city is surrounded by thousands of trees, which provide superior air quality and natural ventilation. Nonetheless, it serves as a vital natural habitat for birds and reptiles [42].
- Residents can cultivate their veggies and herbs on the central urban farm. There are 11 biodomes distributed across the city. As a result, the residents’ carbon footprint has decreased by eliminating the need for transportation and storage [42]. A gardening campaign encourages residents to plant their organic food on their balconies [43].
- A Sustainable Engineering and Research Institute, a training center, and an international “green school” from kindergarten to Grade 12 are comprised of various sustainable activities. The courses will support the Sustainable City’s progressive sustainable model and serve to build a new generation of compassionate problem solvers [43].
- Environmental festivities and seminars are held throughout the city.
- The city has a diverse ecosystem with animals, birds, honeybees, and a wide range of plants, allowing it to establish a fully functional, environmentally-friendly community [43].
5.2.2. RDGs 2. Energy Management
- Wind Towers of “barajeel” for reducing ambient air temperature and humidity;
- Exteriors of villas were made of glass to benefit from the natural sunlight and less reliance on light bulbs;
- UV-reflective paint;
- Energy-efficient air conditioning;
- LED lighting;
- Solar water heaters;
- Energy-rated appliances.
5.2.3. RDGs 3. Zero Carbon
- Establishing a car-free zone where no fossil-fuel-powered vehicles are permitted. The distance between the parking area and the farthest villa is approximately 90 m, making it walkable [42];
- Using renewable resources such as wind turbines, solar panels, and solar heaters to minimize greenhouse gas emissions [42].
5.2.4. RDGs 4. Water Management
5.2.5. RDGs 5. Material and Resources Management
5.2.6. RDGs 6. Zero Waste
- Residents are encouraged to separate their trash by placing disposal bins near each cluster, which are divided into five waste streams. It is then recycled and reused at “Tadweer”, Dubai’s largest materials recovery facility [42].
- As indicated in Figure 12, in 2021, the public will have access to an electronic trash station (EFATE) where all electronic devices will be collected and recycled.
- It is not only restricted to city residents but is also open to the general public. Useful components are reused in the creation of new products, while useless components are safely crushed with no environmental impact. Large electrical equipment can be picked up for free by “EFATE”. Residents can have defective products refurbished and repaired for free [42].
5.2.7. RDGs 7. Health and Well-being
5.2.8. RDGs8. Regenerative Economy
5.2.9. RDGs9. Culture and Community
6. Results and Discussion
- Building a coevolution and balanced connection between human beings and their social systems, the built environment, and nature, as reflected in RDGs 1, 7, 8, 9, 10;
- Shifting from minimizing consumption to producing resources through a closed-loop system, as emphasized in RDGs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. These significant features of the nine RDGs tackle the shortcomings of the traditional approach to sustainability and align with the accelerated rates of ecosystem degradation.
- Optimizing the positive impact on the ecosystem. Considering the social, cultural, and ecological dimensions;
- Optimizing the role of people as partners in development;
- Creating more equitable communities;
- Offering a conscious and creative design process founded on a holistic consideration of place;
- Increasing flexibility and adaptability in the built environment.
7. Conclusions
- Conducting further research to develop an assessment tool to evaluate future built environments for the practical application of the nine RDGs in investigating future communities within the Sustainable Development Goals;
- Building an assessment tool for examining urban development and building design to fulfill the SDGs;
- Conducting case studies at different urban scales and different regions to create a range of methods and techniques for applying and practicing regenerative development;
- Promoting educational programs and courses on regenerative development and design among students, architects, planners, and stakeholders.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Year | Developer | Principles of Regenerative Development and Design |
1993 | The Todds’ Principles of Ecological Design [25] | The living world is the template for all design Following nature rather than rejecting Achieving biological balance Imitating bioregionalism Using renewable energy Coevolution with nature Sustainability through integrating whole systems Promoting the restoration of the earth Following a sacred ecology |
1994 | John Tillman Lyle [26] | Effectiveness as the end target Closed-loop system Integration of human developments with natural processes Interdependence between different substances Multiple approaches to the same target |
2000 | Hannover Principles by William McDonough [27] | The coexistence of human beings and nature in a healthy, supporting, dynamic, and sustainable manner Understanding the interrelationship of the built and natural environments Spiritual and physical awareness Accountability for the effects of design decisions on human well-being Safe materials of long-term value Eliminate waste by improving the products’ whole life cycle and processes. Natural energy flows Understand the limits of design Nature as a model and guide |
2005 | The Five Principles of Ecological Design by Van Der Ryn and Cowan [18] | Solutions Emerge from the Environment Ecological Accounting Influences Design Design with Nature All humans are designers Make Nature More Apparent |
2009 | The Nine Principles of RA by Littman [23] | Whole design integration Integration into the Landscape Principle of Intelligent limits Principle of Concentration on Space Principle of Intelligent Construction Principle of Bold Ecology Principle of Community Experience of Place Principle of Culture |
2012 | Ray Cole [10] | Supporting the constructive coevolution of human and natural systems, versus designing things positively supporting design processes versus building as a product The building is crucial in establishing greater degrees of order Constructive interactions and innovative synergy with neighboring buildings and other natural systems |
2013 | Mang and Reed, Regenesis Group [11] | Recognizing and visualizing the direct correlations to place Regenerative potential must be locally created and incorporated Partnering with Place Progressive harmonization between human and natural systems |
RDGs | Description | UN’s SDGs |
RDGs 1. Integration of human, place, nature, and ecosystem | All systems and their elements are accommodated for and incorporated into the whole system design in a healthy, supportive, and co-evolutionary relationship | SDG 1–SDGs 16 |
RDGs 2. Energy management | Net-positive energy and renewable energy production | SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy SDG 13 Climate Action |
RDGs 3. Zero Carbon | Adopting a carbon-neutral approach | SDG 13 Climate Action |
RDGs 4. Water management | Net-zero water or positive water purification | SDG14 Life Below Water: |
RDGs 5. Material and Resources Management | Healthy (nontoxic, biodegradable, and sustainable materials) and safe materials | SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: |
RDGs 6. Zero waste | Closed-loop with net-positive waste management | SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production |
RDGs 7. Health and well-being | Increase the quality of life and improve the overall health and well-being of individuals, communities, and societies | SDG 2 Zero Hunger SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being |
RDGs 8. Regenerative economy | Fair and equitable, well-being economy | SDG1 SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: |
RDGs 9. Culture and community | Inclusive and equitable societies, regenerative cultural design, and identity | SDG 4 Quality Education SDG 5 Gender Equality |
RDGs | SDGs | SEKEM Village | Dubai Sustainable City |
Evidence, Methods, Techniques | Evidence, Methods, Techniques | ||
RDGs 1. Integration of place, nature, and ecosystem | SDGs 1 SDGs 16 | Adopting an integrated approach by combining economy, society, culture, and ecology | Incorporating the pillars of sustainability; environment, society, and economy |
RDGs 2. Energy management | SDG 7 SDG 13 | Increasing Renewable energy share by: Establishing a multi-generation solar power plant Establishing concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal (CPVT) implementing the ‘Greening the Desert’ project with renewable energy and developing biodiesel fuel | Increasing Renewable energy share by: Using solar panels on villas’ roofs and shaded car parking Adopting passive and active design strategies Energy-rated appliances LED lighting Solar water heaters |
RDGs 3. Zero carbon | SDG 13 | Zero-carbon neutral community by: Establishing a composting facility that reduces carbon emissions Reliance on renewable energy | Significant reduction f GHG emissions by: Electric cars and a car-free neighborhood Reliance on renewable resources |
RDGs 4. Water management | SDG14 | Using aquaponics in organic food production Developing a wastewater management system Applying low-cost techniques for water recovery Recycling and reusing 100% of wastewater | Using water-efficient devices Native plants Recycling and reusing wastewater for irrigation and other internal purposes |
RDGs 5. Material and resources management | SDG12 | Producing healthy organic and biodynamic products Recycling and reusing all organic waste on-site | Applying life cycle assessment to materials. Reusing wood planks and steel containers as seats for public Resource efficiency in consumption and production |
RDGs 6. Zero waste | SDG 3 SDG 12 | Applying proper waste management through: The waste is fully monitored, sorted, and recycled All organic waste is recycled into compost Pharmacy is researching its waste production and has methods to deal with it Reusing waste in the fine arts Better waste collection with economic incentives Implementing zero-waste research | Setting up a waste disposal management Reusing and recycling waste. Establishment of an electronic waste station (EFATE) for recycling defective parts cleanly |
RDGs 7. Health and well-being | SDG2 SDG 3 | Protecting human health by adopting organic and biodynamic agriculture and producing healthy foods Offering comprehensive healthcare and awareness services Zero carbon neutral Recycling and reusing all its waste-reducing GHG emissions | Adopting the target of the happiest community Improving the mental health of residents through: Open spaces buffer zones with the urban landscape Cycling and walking trails Cutting-edge healthcare service Safety and security systems reducing GHG emissions |
RDGs 8. Regenerative Economy | SDG 1 SDG 8 SDG12 | Supporting local economies through the supply chain Providing employment opportunities for the local community Providing fair prices to the farmers Offering training on biodynamic agriculture Adopting a circular economy model | Biodomes and composted use reduce reliance on external resources and improve the local economy. Adopting circular economy Resource efficiency in consumption and production |
RDGs 9. Culture and community | SDG 4 SDG 5 SDG10 SDG11 SDG16 | Focusing on human development and raising cultural awareness through establishing educational institutions Adopting social initiatives Enhancing employee engagement Strengthen the value of equality and cultural diversity | Supporting cultural diversity through public events Promoting community participation Strengthen the societal relationships Conserving the cultural identity and heritage |
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Ibrahim, I.; Ahmed, N. Investigating Regenerative Ideation within Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10137.
Ibrahim I, Ahmed N. Investigating Regenerative Ideation within Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):10137.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIbrahim, Iman, and Nadia Ahmed. 2022. "Investigating Regenerative Ideation within Sustainable Development Goals" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 10137.
APA StyleIbrahim, I., & Ahmed, N. (2022). Investigating Regenerative Ideation within Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 14(16), 10137.