Study of the Effect of a Seismic Zone to the Construction Cost of a Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building
:1. Introduction
2. Analytical Research
2.1. Construction Details
2.2. Materials
2.3. Analysis Method
2.4. Energy Aspect
2.5. Gravity Loads
2.6. Modelling
2.7. Model Inputs and Sources
3. Results
3.1. Measurements of the Materials
3.2. Analysis of Material Measurements
3.3. Analysis of CO2 Emissions
3.4. Discussion
4. Conclusions
- Moving from Zone I to Zone II, the earthquake acceleration increased by about 50%, whereas the steel demand for the entire building increment was much smaller and equal to 2.11%;
- Moving from Zone II to Zone III, the earthquake acceleration increased by about 50%, whereas the steel demand for the entire building increment was much smaller and equal to 2.41%;
- Moving from Zone I to Zone III, the earthquake acceleration increased by about 125%, whereas the steel demand for the entire building increment was much smaller and equal to 4.51%.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Floor | Height (m) | Beam Dimensions (cm) | Wall Thickness (cm) | Columns (cm) | |
Perimeter | Internal | ||||
1st (Ground) | 4.5 | 25 × 70 | 25 × 60 | 25 | 50 × 50 |
2nd | 3.0 | 25 × 70 | 25 × 60 | 25 | 50 × 50 |
3rd | 3.0 | 25 × 70 | 25 × 60 | 25 | 45 × 45 |
4th | 3.0 | 25 × 70 | 25 × 60 | 25 | 40 × 40 |
5th | 3.0 | 25 × 70 | 25 × 60 | 25 | 35 × 35 |
Spectrum Data EC8 | ||
N/A | Type | Data |
1 | Spectrum type | Horizontal design spectrum type 1 |
2 | Soil category | Β |
3 | Factor β 1 | 0.20 |
4 | Seismic acceleration factor α | For the three categories: α = 0.16, 0.24, 0.36 |
5 | Gravity acceleration g | 9.81 m/s2 |
6 | Damping ratio | 5% |
7 | Coefficient behavior q | Calculation based on EC8 |
Permanent Loads | ||
N/A | Type | Value |
1 | Flooring | 1.40 kN/m2 |
2 | Partition brick structures | 1.00 kN/m2 |
3 | Perimeter brick structures | 8.00 kN/m |
4 | Roofing | 3.50 kN/m2 |
5 | Parapet roof load | 3.60 kN/m2 |
Live Loads | ||
N/A | Type | Value |
1 | Ground floor | 2.00 kN/m2 |
2 | Typical floors | 2.00 kN/m2 |
3 | Roof | 2.00 kN/m2 |
Model Inputs and Their Sources | ||
N/A | Model Input | Source |
1 | Dimensions | Typical for construction practice followed in Greece |
2 | Materials’ characteristics | Eurocode 2 [54] |
3 | Analysis method | Eurocode 8 [20] |
4 | Spectrum data | Eurocode 8/National Annex for Greece [20] |
5 | Loads | Eurocode 1/National Annex for Greece [61] |
6 | Modelling assumptions, e.g., stiffness | Eurocode 8/National Annex for Greece [20] |
Concrete Measurements | |||||
Floor | Slabs (m3) | Beams (m3) | Columns (m3) | Walls (m3) | Total (m3) |
1st | 89.95 | 35.78 | 27.00 | 36.00 | 188.73 |
2nd | 89.95 | 35.78 | 18.00 | 24.00 | 167.73 |
3rd | 89.95 | 35.78 | 14.58 | 24.00 | 164.31 |
4th | 89.95 | 35.78 | 11.52 | 24.00 | 161.25 |
5th | 89.95 | 35.78 | 8.82 | 24.00 | 158.55 |
840.57 |
Reinforcement Steel Measurements | |||||
Zone | Slabs (kg) | Beams (kg) | Columns (kg) | Walls (kg) | Total (kg) |
Ι | 9066 | 4682 | 2119 | 3109 | 18,977 |
ΙΙ | 9066 | 4687 | 2119 | 3507 | 19,380 |
ΙΙΙ | 9066 | 4689 | 2119 | 3992 | 19,866 |
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Chrysanidis, T.; Mousama, D.; Tzatzo, E.; Alamanis, N.; Zachos, D. Study of the Effect of a Seismic Zone to the Construction Cost of a Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10076.
Chrysanidis T, Mousama D, Tzatzo E, Alamanis N, Zachos D. Study of the Effect of a Seismic Zone to the Construction Cost of a Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):10076.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChrysanidis, Theodoros, Dimitra Mousama, Eleni Tzatzo, Nikolaos Alamanis, and Dimos Zachos. 2022. "Study of the Effect of a Seismic Zone to the Construction Cost of a Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 10076.
APA StyleChrysanidis, T., Mousama, D., Tzatzo, E., Alamanis, N., & Zachos, D. (2022). Study of the Effect of a Seismic Zone to the Construction Cost of a Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building. Sustainability, 14(16), 10076.