Numerical Simulation of Fracture Propagation during Refracturing
:1. Introduction
2. Method and Theory
2.1. Enrichment Displacement Functions
2.2. Fluid Flow within HFs
2.3. Traction–Separation Constitutive Behavior
3. Numerical Simulation
3.1. Model Verification
3.2. The Impact of Approaching Angle on Fracture Reorientation
3.3. The Impact of Stress Difference on Fracture Reorientation
3.4. The Impact of Production Time on Fracture Reorientation
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Values |
Elastic modulus, E | 15,000 MPa |
Poisson’s ratio, ν | 0.25 |
Critical fracture energy, GC | 250 Pa·m |
Injection rate, Qinj | 0.001 m2/s |
Fluid viscosity, μ | 1 mPa·s |
Tensile strength, Tmax | 3 MPa |
Filtration coefficient, cL | 5.879 × 10−13 Pa/(m·s) |
Rock porosity, | 0.1 |
Rock permeability, k | 0.01 mD |
Original pore pressure, pp | 30 MPa |
Far-field stress, σH/σh/σv | 15/12/18 MPa |
Injection rate, Qinj | 2 × 10−3 m2/s |
Injection time, tinj | 100 s |
Production rate, Qprod | 2 × 10−4 m2/s |
Production time, tprod | 86,400 s |
Parameters | Values |
Elastic modulus, E | 20,000 MPa |
Poisson’s ratio, ν | 0.22 |
Fracture toughness, KIC | 100 kPa·m1/2 |
Flow rate, Qinj | 0.06 m2/min |
Fluid viscosity, μ | 100 mPa·s |
Dimensionless parameter, Km | 0.313 |
Time, t | 0.5 min |
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Wang, D.; Dahi Taleghani, A.; Yu, B.; Wang, M.; He, C. Numerical Simulation of Fracture Propagation during Refracturing. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9422.
Wang D, Dahi Taleghani A, Yu B, Wang M, He C. Numerical Simulation of Fracture Propagation during Refracturing. Sustainability. 2022; 14(15):9422.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Daobing, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Bo Yu, Meng Wang, and Chunming He. 2022. "Numerical Simulation of Fracture Propagation during Refracturing" Sustainability 14, no. 15: 9422.
APA StyleWang, D., Dahi Taleghani, A., Yu, B., Wang, M., & He, C. (2022). Numerical Simulation of Fracture Propagation during Refracturing. Sustainability, 14(15), 9422.