The Chemical Training of Agrarian Specialists: From the Chemicalization of Agriculture to Green Technologies
:1. Introduction
- Analysis of the century-and-a-half history of chemical training in Russian agrarian universities to determine the causes of the current crisis and to identify the “strengths” that should be preserved;
- Identifying the main trends in the modernization of chemical training;
- Examples of the implementation of chemical training systems based on the concept of sustainable development.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. How Was the Chemical Training System Formed in Russian Agrarian Universities?
3.2. In Which Direction Is the System of Students’ Chemical Training in Russian Agrarian Universities Developing at Present?
3.3. Outlook Basis and Objectives
- Providing consumers with ecologically safe top-quality agricultural production;
- Preserving the ecological well-being of farmlands and surrounding areas and maintaining and improving soil fertility.
- (1)
- Diagnostics of characteristics, soil fertility, and identification of scarce elements, as well as elaboration of plans to improve soil quality. This criterion is being implemented both in intensive farming and in emerging evaluation methodologies of farming enterprises for organic production [42,43];
- (2)
- Monitoring of soil conditions. With long-term use, soil fertility should not decrease. This is a key criterion for modern sustainable agricultural enterprises. Long-term observations of the soil conditions are necessary;
- (3)
- Processing of agricultural products while applying methods that ensure environmental integrity and preserve the defining qualitative characteristics of products at all stages of the production chain;
- (4)
- Product quality control proof of the absence of toxicants and proof of the presence of the necessary quantities of trace elements, vitamins, and other valuable nutrients for a given type of product [44];
- (5)
- Solving the problem of agricultural waste utilization.
3.4. Main Directions of the Modernization of Future Agricultural Specialists’ Chemical Training
- (1)
- Farm specialists working with soil and plants (agronomists, soil scientists, and ecologists);
- (2)
- Specialists involved in product processing (food production technologists, technologists of medicinal and essential oil raw materials, biotechnologists, etc.);
- (3)
- Specialists working in laboratories for the quality control of raw materials and finished products.
3.5. Examples of Implementation of the Green Chemistry Principles in the Educational Process
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Development Phases | Key Concepts and Innovations | Content of Chemical Disciplines | Methodological Aspects |
| Borrowing of the teaching system from other universities and laboratories and adaptation to their specific goals. This leads to the formation of the classical university system for teaching chemical disciplines. | Classical university courses in inorganic, organic, and analytical chemistry. | Many hours divided between lectures, laboratory practicums, and lectures/demonstrations. Students do not engage in research activities. The chemistry handbooks published in this phase are not specialized for agrarian universities. |
| The teaching system aims at educating a great number of students. The curriculum focuses on the chemicalization of agriculture. | The fundamental nature of basic chemical education is preserved. Agrochemistry is flourishing. Fertilizers and pesticides are the main focus. | Programmed control. The chemistry handbooks are now specialized for agrarian specialties. Students are more engaged in research activities. |
| The ecological crisis leads to “chemophobia”. The economic crisis leads to a search for the least possible expenses for education. Shift from a knowledge-based approach to a competency-based one. | Chemical training becomes weak and superficial. | The number of hours devoted to the study of chemical disciplines is reduced. |
| Orientation towards the concept of sustainable development and application of the principles of green chemistry. | Chemical disciplines interact with ecology. The role of physicochemical analytic methods increases. | Active use of project-based learning. |
Competences | Skills | Knowledge | Possible Educational Programs for Competence Formation |
Agronomists, soil scientists, and agricultural chemists (Soil fertility, productivity, and quality of crops) | |||
Conduct agrotechnical measures aimed at increasing soil fertility and productivity of cultivated crops. | Conduct sampling of agrosphere objects (soil, water, plants, etc.) for the determination of physical and chemical indices. Assess soil fertility, make recommendations on agrotechnical measures based on the results of the analytical determinations of the physical and chemical indices of soil, water, and plants. Carry out the necessary calculations. Apply fertilizers. | Knowledge of the methods of chemical and physicochemical analysis. Basic knowledge of the fundamental sections of chemistry that are necessary for understanding the foundations of dynamic processes in nature and the technosphere. Quantitative methods describing chemical processes and innovative methods of quantitative information processing. | Bachelor’s disciplines: Inorganic, analytical, physical, colloid, and chemistry, physicochemical analytic methods, the chemistry of biologically active substances, chemicals for plant protection, toxicology of pesticides. Optional: methods for identifying an unknown compound. |
Food technologists, technologists for the processing of medicinal and essential oil raw materials, and biotechnologists (Products processing) | |||
Process organic products using processing methods that guarantee environmental integrity and preserve the defining qualitative characteristics of products at all the stages of the production chain. | Evaluate the introduction of planned changes in the processing technology to improve product quality. Control the technological process. Conduct sampling of raw materials and food products for the determination of physical and chemical indices at certain stages of the production process. Keep records concerning the laboratory research of raw materials and products. | Basic knowledge of the fundamental sections of chemistry that are necessary for understanding and controlling the dynamic processes in nature and the technosphere. Sampling rules for analytical determinations. | Biotechnology of food raw materials and products of plant and animal origin. |
Specialists of raw material and finished product quality control laboratories and ecologists (Laboratory research) | |||
Carry out the analytical determination of physicochemical indices by methods of thermal and chromatographic analysis, molecular and atomic spectroscopy, electron microscopy, potentiometry, flame photometry, methods of chemical analysis, etc. | Conduct sampling and sample preparation of agrosphere objects (soil, water, plants, etc.), raw materials, and food products for the determination of physical and chemical indicators. Perform analytical determinations on devices. Interpret the results of the analytical determinations. | Rules for sampling and preparing the samples for analytical determinations. Principles of methods of thermal and chromatographic analysis, molecular and atomic spectroscopy, electron microscopy, etc., the field of their application, the technical characteristics and operation techniques of the corresponding devices. Rules for the interpretation of research results and for concluding physicochemical methods of analysis. | Master’s program “Agroecological management, chemical-toxicological and microbiological analysis of agricultural objects” and further education programs. |
Competence Level | Control Group, Frequency/% | Experimental Group, Frequency/% |
Low | 38/82.6 | 27/53 |
Average | 7/15.2 | 14/27.4 |
High | 1/2.2 | 10/19.6 |
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Grigoryeva, M.; Dmitrevskaya, I.; Belopukhov, S.; Osipova, A. The Chemical Training of Agrarian Specialists: From the Chemicalization of Agriculture to Green Technologies. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8062.
Grigoryeva M, Dmitrevskaya I, Belopukhov S, Osipova A. The Chemical Training of Agrarian Specialists: From the Chemicalization of Agriculture to Green Technologies. Sustainability. 2022; 14(13):8062.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrigoryeva, Marina, Inna Dmitrevskaya, Sergey Belopukhov, and Alla Osipova. 2022. "The Chemical Training of Agrarian Specialists: From the Chemicalization of Agriculture to Green Technologies" Sustainability 14, no. 13: 8062.