Internal Consistency Reliability
The study analyzed the internal consistency reliability of ILS on secondary-grade students with 421 valid instruments. The analysis was not conducted on the missing data hence, cases (
) with missing responses of participants were eliminated from the data analysis.
Table 2 provides the Cronbrach value of each bipolar dimension of Felder’s learning style model for secondary-grade students. It was found that Cronbach’s alpha value was between 0.518 and 0.618.
Table 1 provides the comparison of Cronbach’s alpha value of the present study with other studies, which shows that the reliability report is quite similar. However, the rest of the studies were carried out on higher education students and the present study finds the reliability of ILS for secondary-grade students.
The internal consistency reliability of the index of learning style was identified through Cronbach’s alpha then construct validity must be explicitly reported as suggested by [
48]. To establish the construct validity, Structural or factorial validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) was carried out. The dataset was randomly split to minimize the chance of the over-analyzing of the data and EFA was analyzed on the first subset of data. The exploratory factor analysis was carried out to extract the factors using principal component analysis (PCA). ILS is a psychometric test developed to identify the learning preferences of higher education students specifically engineering students. Its construct validity has been established for only higher-grade students by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in various studies. The present study analyzed the EFA of ILS for secondary-grade students for the first time because the tool has been used in secondary-grade by [
41]. The data analysis for EFA, Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), and Bartlett’s Test of sphericity, was performed on SPSS 25.0.
The splitting of data reduced the sample size for EFA that is (
). According to Pallant, a sample size of up to
cases can be sufficient if the solution has high loading markers variable [
34], however, Kyriazos [
60] recommends a small sample size for factor analysis. Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was performed on the first half of the random split dataset to assess the suitability of data for EFA [
34]. The KMO measures the sample adequacy, its index ranges from 0 to 1 with 0.6 suggested as good for factor analysis [
63]. The estimated Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) value was 0.630 and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was significant (
), where
is considered significant [
53]. Hence, the given dataset was suitable for EFA.
Two techniques (i.e., Kaiser’s criterion and Catell’s scree test) were used to retain the number of factors and then were examined for consistency. First, Kaiser’s criterion method was used to extract factors, that help in deciding the number of factors that can be retained using the eigenvalue of a factor [
34]. The factors were extracted by identifying items that loaded greater than 0.3 as suggested by Tabachnick and Fidell [
53], that in order to inspect the factorability, a correlation coefficient over 0.3 should be considered. Loading less than
is considered minimal value as a rule of thumb [
34]. This sixteen-factor solution was estimated with a total variance of 62.515% and the distribution of loading above 0.3 is shown in
Table 3. However, in a study carried out by [
35], a total variance was 54.1% when 14 factors were extracted using the Kaiser criterion method [
63]. In the present study, a 16-factor solution, ten items—1, 5, 9, 13, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37 and 41—have high loading, i.e., greater than 0.4 in factor 1 and; one item, 17, does not load well (i.e., less than 0.3) on any factor. However, cross-loadings were observed on factors 6, 9, and 10 for items 5, 25, and 29, respectively. All of these items were related to the active-reflective (AR) dimension. Ten Items (i.e., 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 and 44) related to sequential-global (SG) dimension loaded on factor 2 but item 32 also cross-loaded on factors 14 and 15. One item, 4, loaded on factor 5 with cross-loading on factors 9 and 13. More cross-loading was observed in SG on factors 7, 10, and 16 for items 12, 20, 8, respectively.
For the visual-verbal (VV) dimension, ten items (i.e., 3, 8, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39 and 43) loaded on factor 3. One item, 43, loaded on factor 7. Several cross-loadings were observed (i.e., item 3 also loaded on factors 4 and 11, item 8 on factors 6, item 11 on factors 5, item 15 on factors 14, Item 19 on factors 4 and 14, item 23 on factors 4, 8, 10, item 27 on factors 4, item 35 on factors 6 and 13, item 39 on factor 5, item 43 on factor 7. Five items (i.e., 2, 18, 30, 34, and 42) in the sensing-intuitive (SI) dimension loaded on factor 4, though cross-loadings for item 2 are on factors 7 and item 42 on factor 5 and 9. Items 14, 22, and 38 loaded on factor 3 with cross loadings of item 14 on factor 8, 22 on factor 12, item 38 on factors 6, 9, and 15. Item 6 loaded on 6, item 10 loaded on factors 5 and 6, and item 26 loaded on factors 5 and 7. The resulting table implicates that three of the four scales (i.e., active-reflective, sequential-global and visual-verbal) were relatively orthogonal with AR largely loading on factor 1, SG on factor 2, and VV on factor 3. However, SI loaded on several factors. However, there were a lot of cross-loadings observed in the 16-factor solution, as shown in
Table 3.
Additionally, the Kaiser’s criterion method sometimes extracts too many factors; thus, it was vital to look at the scree plot to retain an appropriate number of factors as suggested in [
35]. Therefore, the 5 factors were extracted using Catell’s Scree test. All factors above the elbow were retained because these factors deliver the most to the validation of variance in the data set. Then, five factors were examined, and the associated Scree plot is shown in
Figure 1. These five-component solution explained a total of 31.55% variance with components 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 contributing 9.128%, 7.841%, 6.377%, 4.773% and 3.795%, respectively. However, in [
35], the total variance was 28.9% when five factors were reduced form a 14-factor solution. Next, the factors were rotated to have a pattern of loading with better and easier interpretation. Oblique rotation was used instead of Varimax rotation to avoid the overlap as suggested by [
35]. Moreover, Oblimin rotation provides information about the degree of correlation between the factors [
34]. The five-factor solution is provided in
Table 4.
The solution greater than 0.4 is considered as high loading, because the correlation coefficient
is considered important and
is considered significant [
34].The clear pattern can be observed with high loadings (
) through
Table 4 for each dimension. The loading (
) of five-factor solution of ILS for Secondary grade students is identified in ‘bold’ in
Table 4 and the distribution of loading (
) is also provided in
Table 5 to have easier comparison with 16 factor solution provided in
Table 3. Item 17 does not load well on any factor and highlighted by underlining in
Table 4 and
Table 6.
Table 5, well-defined pattern can be seen in 5 factor solution as compared to 16 factor solution. All four dimensions load predominantly (i.e., AR on factor 1, SG on factor 2 VV on factor 3, and SI on factor 4). However, three items of SI and one item of SG loaded on factor 5 and VV (i.e., two items) somewhat overlap with SI. Subsequently, items were reviewed concerning factor loadings to determine the nature of factors, and are summarized in
Table 6.
The item: 17 did not load well is given below:
When I start a homework problem, I am more likely to: (a) Start working on solution immediately; (b) Try to fully understand the problem first.
Item 17 of the AR scale requires students to choose one of the two options in the given context. The students were asked to generalize their approach to doing their homework however the approach to doing homework is subjective with respect to discipline. This item may need revision if ILS needs to be administered to identify the leaning preferences of secondary-grade students. A slight revision of the item with minor word changes would compensate for the weakness, which is also supported by [
35]. For construct validity, factor analysis using EFA joined with the evaluation of reliability is provided, and according to [
35], this provides the evidence of construct validity. The finding shows strong evidence for AG and SG with ten items loaded on a single factor in both 16-factor solution and 5-factor solution with appropriate Cronbach’s alpha value. Evidence of construct value is also good for VV and SI as most of the items load on single factor. However, few items of VV were shared with SI and one item of SG is shared with SI, which implies that dimensions are not orthogonal and these dimensions have somewhat association with each other and these findings are similar to [
57]. However, they provided evidence of construct validity for tertiary grade students. The association between these scales is consistent with the underlying theory of ILS and it does not impact the validity of tool [
Next, The five factors and corresponding 44 items were subjected to CFA. The second part of the randomly split sample (
) was analyzed through CFA to cross-validate the factorial validity identified by EFA. The suitability of the data was checked before analysis through Kaiser–Mayer–Oklin (KMO) (i.e., 0.628) and significance was assessed through Bartlett’s test of sphericity. The KMO was 0.628 and Bartlett’s Test of sphericity reached significance (
). This indicates that existing commonalities are appropriate in the manifest variables in order to conduct factor analysis [
The path diagram (
Figure 2) displays the standardized regression weight for the common factors and each of the indicators. For absolute fit indices that establish how well a priori model fits sample data initially, a model chi-square statistics examination is required to assess the model fit exactly in the population (i.e.,
). However, Chi-Square statistic is sensitive to the sample size (i.e., it rejects the large sample size and lacks power if a small sample size is used) [
61] and with the complex model as in the case of ILS Model 1 (
Figure 2) and assessing CFA for the instrument with several items (i.e.,
), Chi-square statistics must not be seen as valid and only goodness-of-fit index [
53]. Hence, for, absolute fit indices, model chi-square (X2), RMSEA, GFI, and SRMR were assessed, to determine the indication of the amount at which the proposed theory fits the data. For well-fitting model, RMSEA value less than 0.05, GFI greater than 0.90, and SRMR below 0.08 are needed. For incremental fit indices, CFI and TLI were examined and strived for values less than 0.90 [
The result of CFA points to moderate but still insufficiently high fit indices (
). The fit indices are contradicting each other. Although the RMSEA, SPRMR, and X2/df provide a good fit for model 1 but, CFI, TLI, and X2 significantly suggest that model- 1 does not fit well. In order to achieve a good fit, changes were made to model 1 and re-tested. Items (i.e., SG44, AR25, SG28, SG8, AR37, VV31, AR9, SI2, VV23, VV43, SI42) were removed as the modification indices indicated that the error covariance must be included among these test scores and test scores of the other scale [
33]. Standardized residual covariance matrix was also examined for re-specification of the model. The items (i.e., AR17, SI26, VV35, VV39, SG16, AR33, SI28) with a value above one was deleted. The nested model is provided in
Figure 3.
This leads to new five factor structure with 28 items and with well model fit (; ; ; ; GFI= ; ; ; ; ). The several item reduced impact the scoring of ILS but it does not impact the underlying theory of Felder’s Learning style model.