Calculating Economic Flood Damage through Microscale Risk Maps and Data Generalization: A Pilot Study in Southern Italy
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methods
- Definition and mapping of flood hazards (hazard, H);
- Definition of elements at risk from both FAM and DGM (exposure, E);
- Definition of the stage–damage curves (vulnerability, V);
- Definition of the building’s economic damage;
- Risk estimation (risk, R).
2.3. Hazards
2.4. Elements Exposed at Risk
2.5. Stage–Damage Curves
2.6. Monetary Damage Estimate
2.7. Risk Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Hazards
3.2. Elements Exposed to Risk
3.3. Stage–Damage Curves
3.4. Monetary Damage Estimate
3.5. Risk Assessment
- Digital elevation model (DEM) and digital surface model (DSM) containing information about the territory;
- Water surface model and flood hazards;
- Layers of building types and characteristics: building identification number (GID), presence of cellar, number of floors, building height, building area, and type of building;
- Layers relating to the division of the OMI zones;
- Layers relating to stage–damage curves;
- Layers relating to the risk calculation.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Data | FAM (1) | DGM (2) | |
1 | Type of building | Field survey | CTR (3) |
2 | Building height (m) | PST (4) surveys | PST (4) surveys |
3 | Building area (m2) | CTR (3) + OSM (5) | CTR (3) + OSM (5) |
4 | Number of floors | Field survey | Building height vs. floor height by category from PST (4) surveys |
5 | Presence of cellar | Field survey | Not considered |
6 | Market Value (EURm2) | OMI (6) | OMI (6) |
Type of Building (FAM and DGM) | Floor Height (m) (DGM) |
Civil dwellings, economic housing | 3.6 |
Parking garages, box, villas | 3.2 |
Offices, structured offices | 3.7 |
Industrial sheds, typical warehouses, laboratories | 4.5 |
Shopping centers, stores, shops | 4.6 |
Other | 4.3 |
Types of Building | f (1) |
Civil dwellings, economic housing, villas | 0.50 |
Industrial sheds | 3.50 |
Parking garages, boxes, shopping centers, stores, shops, offices, structured offices, laboratories, typical warehouses | 2.00 |
FAM (M EUR/y) | DGM (M EUR/y) | Difference (%) | |
Total buildings | ≈29.35 | ≈28.36 | 3.35 |
Industrial area | ≈4.06 | ≈4.06 | 0.002 |
Rione Ferrovia area | ≈1.97 | ≈1.75 | 10.36 |
Rione Libertà area | ≈23.32 | ≈22.54 | 3.34 |
Typology | Number of Buildings | FAM (M EUR/y) | DGM (M EUR/y) | Difference (%) |
Total buildings | 1533 | ≈29.35 | ≈28.36 | 3.35 |
Civil dwellings | 893 | ≈14.59 | ≈13.78 | 5.54 |
Economic housing | 94 | ≈0.49 | ≈0.48 | 0.76 |
Garages | 12 | ≈0.76 | ≈0.73 | 2.80 |
Boxes | 89 | ≈0.26 | ≈0.26 | 0.07 |
Villas | 3 | ≈0.0037 | ≈0.0037 | 0.00 |
Shopping centers | 5 | ≈0.13 | ≈0.12 | 2.72 |
Stores | 21 | ≈1.06 | ≈1.06 | 0.00 |
Shops | 67 | ≈4.30 | ≈4.29 | 0.15 |
Offices | 60 | ≈2.19 | ≈1.98 | 6.50 |
Structured offices | 4 | ≈0.15 | ≈0.15 | 0.00 |
Industrial sheds | 149 | ≈4.63 | ≈4.63 | 0.02 |
Typical warehouses | 125 | ≈0.27 | ≈0.27 | 0.00 |
Workshops | 11 | ≈0.60 | ≈0.60 | 0.00 |
Typology | Number of Buildings | FAM | DGM | Difference % |
Without cellar | 1281 | ≈22.34 | ≈22.34 | 0.0002 |
With cellar | 252 | ≈4.94 | ≈3.96 | 19.87 |
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Share and Cite
Festa, G.I.; Guerriero, L.; Focareta, M.; Meoli, G.; Revellino, S.; Guadagno, F.M.; Revellino, P. Calculating Economic Flood Damage through Microscale Risk Maps and Data Generalization: A Pilot Study in Southern Italy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6286.
Festa GI, Guerriero L, Focareta M, Meoli G, Revellino S, Guadagno FM, Revellino P. Calculating Economic Flood Damage through Microscale Risk Maps and Data Generalization: A Pilot Study in Southern Italy. Sustainability. 2022; 14(10):6286.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFesta, Gianna Ida, Luigi Guerriero, Mariano Focareta, Giuseppe Meoli, Silvana Revellino, Francesco Maria Guadagno, and Paola Revellino. 2022. "Calculating Economic Flood Damage through Microscale Risk Maps and Data Generalization: A Pilot Study in Southern Italy" Sustainability 14, no. 10: 6286.
APA StyleFesta, G. I., Guerriero, L., Focareta, M., Meoli, G., Revellino, S., Guadagno, F. M., & Revellino, P. (2022). Calculating Economic Flood Damage through Microscale Risk Maps and Data Generalization: A Pilot Study in Southern Italy. Sustainability, 14(10), 6286.