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Effect of Crop Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculations on Augmenting the Energy Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Rice and Wheat in Cropping System Mode

Division of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture under (CAU, Imphal), Kyrdemkulai, Ri-Bhoi 793 105, India
Division of Microbiology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(10), 5986;
Submission received: 28 March 2022 / Revised: 23 April 2022 / Accepted: 26 April 2022 / Published: 15 May 2022
(This article belongs to the Topic Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Energy Systems)


A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years with the aim to quantify the role of different nutrient management variables such as microbial inoculation, zinc (Zn) fertilization and optimal and sub-optimal fertilization of nitrogen and phosphorus on the energetic and nutritional status of the rice–wheat cropping system (RWCS). The said nutrient management variables were applied over six different crop establishment methods (CEMs) in RWCS viz. puddled transplanted rice (PTR), system of rice intensification (SRI) and aerobic rice system (ARS) in rice and conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW), system of wheat intensification (SWI) and zero-tillage wheat (ZTW) in wheat. Two microbial consortia viz. Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia (MC1) and Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations (MC2) were used in this study, while recommended dose of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) (RDN) (120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1), 75% RDN and Zn fertilization (soil applied 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate) were the other variables. The contribution of microbial consortia, Zn fertilization and RDN (over 75% RDN) to net energy production of RWCS was 12.9–16.1 × 103 MJ ha−1, 10.1–11.0 × 103 MJ ha−1 and 11.7–15.3 × 103 MJ ha−1. Among the CEMs, the highest gross and net energy production was recorded in ARS–ZTW with lowest energy required for production of one tonne of system yield (2366–2523 MJ). The system protein yield varies from 494.1 to 957.7 kg ha−1 with highest protein yield in 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn applied ARS–ZTW. Among micronutrients, the uptake of Zn and iron (Fe) is sensitive to all studied variables, while manganese (Mn) and cupper (Cu) uptake was found significantly affected by CEMs alone. The combination of 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in ARS–ZTW was found superior in all respects with 288.3 and 286.9 MJ ha−1 net energy production and 2320 and 2473 MJ energy required for production of one tonne system yield in the first and second year of study, respectively.

1. Introduction

Rice and wheat are the forerunner staple food crops in imparting the energy for humans, directly through carbohydrate and protein as the main components of foods and indirectly through different provisional services. Out of the total protein consumption in India, 56.7% is from cereals [1], while 20% of per-capita energy for humans and 13% protein in the diet of nearly half of the world population were contributed by rice, and this share is much higher in developing countries [2]. The share of both crops to food grain production is 75.11%, while the share in total cereal production was 81.3% [3]. This indicates the role of rice and wheat in meeting the protein requirement of the Indian population. On another side, the contribution of rice and wheat to resource utilization among all crops is the highest with 34.5% and 24.4% of the gross cropped area under rice and wheat, respectively [3]. At the same time, the share of rice in the total fertilizer consumption is 37% for nitrogen (6.98 million tonnes), 37% for phosphorus (2.76 million tonnes) and also 37% for potassium (0.977 million tonnes) in 2020–2021, respectively, and the same for wheat was nearly 24% for nitrogen (4.897 million tonnes) and 24% for phosphorus (2.155 million tonnes). Besides the above-mentioned natural resources, the monetary involvement is much higher in the cultivation of both crops with an average cost of cultivation for rice varying from Indian national rupee (INR) 1082.5 to 2732.6 for 100 kg grain yield, and the same for wheat varies from INR 1109.8 to 2233.9 for 100 kg grain yield, respectively [4]. The monetary criteria such as gross and net returns are used most commonly for calculating crop profitability, while for different artificial resources such as irrigation water, electricity, petroleum products, fertilizers, etc., which are purchased at a subsidized price, the present monetary evaluation is not complete. In this regard, the evaluation of all resources in a single unit, and with it the non-subsidized or original cost, is needed, and this can be carried out by the quantification of all inputs and outputs in terms of energetic and nutritional outcome. The need for accounting for energetics in crops and cropping systems along with monetary returns can be justified by increasing energy scarcity, increasing adoption of energy-efficient CEMs [5,6,7], the contribution of energy to greenhouse gas emissions and subsidies on fertilizers. As energy scarcity is aggravating and large variants for management practices and input additions are available, the study of these parameters for their energy efficiency will be an important scope and generate valuable scientific information. The requirement of energy per kg of crop produce and reduction in energy requirements for different field operations, and higher net energy production with the same level of resources, are useful criteria for judging efficiency in crop production. This high contribution of both crops to input consumption and meeting the energy and nutritional requirements of human beings creates scope to evaluate both crops in the cropping system mode for their energetic and nutritional outcomes.
Rice and wheat had significant variation in the crop establishment methods (CEMs) and cultivation methods and this can be explained by significant variations in hydrological regimes in rice ecosystems in India [8,9,10,11] and variation in tillage and land configuration in wheat [7,12]. The significance of energetics in a crop/cropping system has both economic and environmental bias. The largest contribution of the energy sector to global warming [13] with finite, limited and shrinking conventional (coal and petroleum-based) energy resources and increasing emphasis of policy makers on use of solar, wind and hydroelectric energy explain the environmental bias of energetics, while increasing the price per unit of energy leading to increasing prices of inputs, promotion of energy-efficient machines/equipment in crop production [14,15] and increasing wages of labour elucidate the economic bias of energy use. The energy equivalents given by different authors [16,17,18] indicate the highest energy equivalent per unit input was accounted by different nutrients. The energy equivalent for 1 kg nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and Zn was 60.6 MJ, 11.1 MJ, 6.7 MJ and 20.2 MJ, respectively. The higher energy equivalent signifies the need for studying nutrient management variables for their role in energetics, while variation in CEMs and cultivation methods leading to variation in tillage requirements create scope for studying their energetics with varied levels of inputs. Along with the energy equivalent, the nutritional status of both crops needs to be studied considering their contribution to human nutrition and growing concerns of micronutrient deficiency [19,20] and other health-related risks [21,22]. The CEMs were studied for their energetics, while scientific information on the interactions of different CEMs and input additions (microbial inoculation, Zn fertilization and optimum and sub-optimum fertilization) on the energetic and nutritional status of RWCS is lacking, which was considered a research gap. Considering the increased number of crop establishment methods (CEMs) in RWCS with significant variations, the significant contribution of both rice and wheat to input consumption and human nutrition and the high energy equivalent of nutrients, the study was planned with two objectives: (i) to identify the energy-efficient CEMs in RWCS and the role of microbial inoculations and Zn fertilization in enhancing the energetics of RWCS; and (ii) to know about the micronutrient uptake in rice and wheat as affected by applied treatments, thereby increasing the nutritional status of grains.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Experimental Site

The field experiment was conducted consecutively for two years (2013–2014 and 2014–2015) at Research Farm of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (latitude of 28°38′ N, longitude of 77°10′ E and altitude of 228.6 m above the mean sea level). Two crops in a year including rice during wet season (June to September) and wheat during dry/winter season (November to April) were grown. The climate of New Delhi is of subtropical and semi-arid type with hot and dry summers followed by monsoon rains in July-September and cold winters in November–April and falls under the agro-climatic zone ‘Trans-Gangetic plains’. The mean annual normal rainfall and evaporation are 650 and 850 mm, respectively. Amount of rainfall received during growing duration of first cycle of RWCS (2013–2014) was 1497.4 mm, out of which 1349.8 mm was received during rice growing season and 147.6 mm was received during wheat growing season. In second cycle (2014–2015), total rainfall was 760 mm, out of which 451.4 mm received in rice growing season and 308.6 mm during wheat growing season. The number of rainy days was higher during first rice growing season (39 days) than second rice growing season (22 days). The highest amount of rainfall during rice growing season was received during 33rd (196.1 mm) and 29th meteorological weeks (112.7 mm) in first and second year, while in case of wheat, 7th (53 mm) and 9th (135.4 mm) meteorological weeks received highest rainfall in first and second year, respectively (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2).
The soil was sandy clay loam (Typic Ustochrept) in texture with a mechanical composition [23] of 51.4% sand, 22.2% silt and 26.4% clay. The soils of experimental field had 0.54% organic C [24], 257 kg ha−1 alkaline permanganate oxidizable N [25], 17 kg ha−1 available P (Olsen’s method) [26], 327 kg ha−1 1 N ammonium acetate exchangeable K [27] and 0.85 mg kg−1 of available zinc [28]. The pH of the soil was 7.6 (1:2.5 soil-to-water ratio) [29].

2.2. Experimental Details

The field experiment was planned in split-plot design with six crop establishment methods (CEMs) with three for each rice (Pusa Sugandh 5) and wheat (HD 2967) as main plot (net area for each main plot was 256.5 m2). The CEMs were arranged as puddled transplanted rice (PTR) followed by (fb) conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW), system of rice intensification (SRI) fb system of wheat intensification (SWI) and aerobic rice system (ARS) fb zero-tillage wheat (ZTW). In all these CEMs, nine subplot treatments were applied (net area for each sub-plot was 9.5 m2), which include RDN (recommended dose of nutrients) (120 kg ha−1 N and 25. 8 kg ha−1 P), 75% RDN, 75% RDN + Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia (MC1) and 75% RDN + Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations (MC2). These four treatments were applied with and without Zn (soil applied 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate) making total eight treatments and one control (no fertilizer). All treatments were replicated thrice.

2.3. Crop Establishment Methods (CEMs)

The details for CEMs of rice and wheat are mentioned in Table 1 and Table 2. In order to have the same crop growth duration in all three methods of cultivation, sowing of rice in main field for ARS and sowing rice in nursery for transplanting in both PTR and SRI was performed on the same date. The PTR is traditionally followed by the CEM in which rice is grown in standing water. The level of standing water is maintained by reduction in soil infiltration rate through soil cultivation in standing water before transplanting (puddling) and applying irrigation at frequent intervals. The level of water is maintained at 2–3 cm during vegetative growth stage and increased up to 5 cm during flowering and grain filling stage. In SRI [30,31,32], soil puddling is carried out the same as that of PTR and soil water level is maintained at saturation. The seedlings at13–14 days old were transplanted with 1–2 healthy seedlings per hill at a spacing of 20 cm × 20 cm. The ARS is growing of rice in unsaturated, unpuddled and arable soil conditions [33]. The soil is maintained at field capacity and direct sowing of pre-soaked rice grain was conducted through seed-drill. In case of wheat, drill-sowing of wheat is mostly followed in India in which row sowing of seed at 22.5 cm with seed drill is performed, while SWI [34,35,36] is a new CEM involving dibbling or transplanting of young seedlings at 20 cm × 20 cm spacing. The ZTW is gaining acceptance in Indo-Gangetic plains (IGPs) by the farmers due to energy and cost saving [12] and timely sowing [7].

2.4. Application of Microbial Inoculation and Fertilizers

Two microbial consortia were applied in present study (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia (MC1) and Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations (MC1)) [37,38]. For application of microbial consortia, a thick paste of respective culture was made in carboxyl methyl cellulose and applied to rice seedlings in PTR and SRI by dipping roots in paste of respective culture for half an hour before transplanting. In ARS, pre-soaked seeds were treated with thick paste of culture made in carboxyl methyl cellulose half an hour before sowing. In wheat, thick paste of respective culture was made in carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) and seeds were treated with this thick paste in all CEMs for half an hour just before sowing. For application of N, P and K chemical fertilizers, urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash were used, while zinc sulphate heptahydrate was used for supply of Zn. Among nutrients, P, K and Zn were applied at the time of sowing and N was split, applied in both rice and wheat (Table 1 and Table 2).

2.5. Energy Calculation

For calculation of gross energy, grain and straw yield was measured and their cited energy equivalents [16,18] were considered. The energy equivalents mentioned in [16,17,18] were used to calculate the energy input (Table 3). The energy input consists of both direct (human labour, diesel and electricity) and indirect (seed, fertilizers and machinery) energy in rice and wheat. The net energy output is calculated by subtracting energy input from gross energy output. The energy input is also expressed as energy tonne−1 of economic yield produced.

2.6. Calculation of Grain Yield, Protein Yield and Micronutrient Uptake

Both rice and wheat were harvested at harvest maturity and threshed produce obtained from net plot areas were cleaned, dried and weighed at 14% moisture content and expressed as Mg ha−1. The protein yield was calculated based on the nitrogen concentration in grain. For determining the nitrogen content, the plant sample (0.5 g each) was digested by using 10 mL of analytical grade concentrated sulphuric acid along with a pinch of digestion mixture (CuSO4 + K2SO4) to determine total nitrogen content. The samples were analyzed by using Kjeldahl’s apparatus [39] and were expressed as percentage. The zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) concentrations in rice and wheat plant samples were determined as per the procedure described by [40] using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and expressed as mg kg−1. For calculating the uptake in grain, grain yield was measured at 12% moisture content. For rice, white rice kernel was used instead of rough rice.

2.7. Statistical Analysis

The data obtained from the experiment were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the IBM SPSS statistics package and the Duncan’s multiple range test to quantify and evaluate the source of variation at the 5% level of significance.

3. Results

3.1. Energy Input

Energy requirement was higher in rice than wheat in both years (Figure 1 and Figure 2). In both crops, the second year had a higher energy requirement than the first year. Among all major operations, fertilization requires higher energy in rice, wheat and the rice–wheat cropping system. The share of fertilizer application in total energy consumption is 54–62%, 66–75% and 59–68% in rice, wheat and RWCS, respectively. The fertilization (54–62%), land preparation (17–22%) and irrigation (8–10%) are the three major consumers of energy in rice. The energy required for nursery, seed and sowing accounts for 10–11% in PTR, 5–6% SRI and 6% in ARS. In wheat, 66–75% of the total energy was accounted for by fertilization. The contribution of land preparation to the total energy consumption was 16–17% in CDW and SWI, while it was zero in ZTW (Figure 1 and Figure 2). The seed requirement was the lowest in SWI and therefore accounts for only 3–4% of total energy. The CDW and ZTW require 11% and 16% energy for seed. In the case of system energy inputs, fertilization, land preparation and irrigation accounts for 59–68%, 9–19% and 6–10% of total energy, respectively. Among all operations, the energy required for nursery, seed requirement, land preparation and fertilization varies across CEMs. The renewable energy (seed and labour) consumption in rice varies from 1257.0 to 1879.7 MJ ha−1, while in wheat it varies from 1258.2 to 2516.6 MJ ha−1 (Table 4). The highest renewable energy consumption was observed in ARS and ZTW, while the highest non-renewable energy consumption was recorded in PTR and CDW. In all CEMs of rice, indirect energy accounts for 61.8 to 69.9% of total energy inputs and in wheat its share is 75.9 to 90.7%. In rice, both direct and indirect energy consumption was highest in PTR. In case of wheat, direct energy consumption was highest in SWI, while indirect energy use was highest in ZTW (Table 5). The application of microbial consortia and Zn fertilization require 20 and 101 MJ ha−1 energy, while the application of microbial consortia decreases energy requirements by 1964.5 MJ ha−1 over RDN (Table 4 and Table 5). Among CEMs, PTR had the highest energy requirement and it was higher by 1222–1229 and 2043–2391 MJ ha−1, respectively, than SRI and ARS. In wheat, ZTW reduces the energy requirement by 1655 and 684 MJ ha−1 over CDW and SWI. On the system basis, ARS-ZTW was found superior in saving energy.

3.2. Energy Production

The PTR and SRI were found statistically superior to ARS in gross energy production in both years (Table 6). The net energy production in SRI was significantly higher over both PTR and ARS, while between PTR and ARS, PTR was found superior to ARS. The net energy production in SRI was higher by 1000 to 1500 MJ ha−1 over PTR and 4800 to 5100 MJ ha−1 over ARS. The lower net energy production in ARS was mainly due to lower yield. The saving in energy per tonne of rough rice produced in ARS was 401–492 and 86–167 MJ t−1 more than PTR and SRI. In the case of wheat, both gross and net energy production in ZTW were significantly higher than CDW and SWI. The increase in gross and net energy production in ZTW over CDW was 7500–8000 and 9200–9600 MJ ha−1 and similarly for ZTW versus SWI was 8200–8600 and 8900–9300 MJ ha−1, respectively. The ZTW required the lowest amount of energy for production of a tonne of grain. The saving in energy per tonne of grain produced was 216–488 and 274–275 MJ ha−1 over CDW and SWI, respectively. The system gross energy output was highest in ARS–ZTW but remained on par with all other CEMs in the first year. During the second year, gross energy production in ARS–ZTW was significantly higher than SRI–SWI and remained on par with PTR–CDW. In regard to net energy production, ARS–ZTW was found superior to both PTR–CDW and SRI–SWI and increased net energy production by 5900 and 4100 MJ ha−1. The energy required to produce a tonne of system yield varied between 2523 and 3039 MJ ha−1 and all three systems differed significantly, with ARS–ZTW found superior over the rest.
The gross energy production in rice was highest in RDN + Zn applied in PTR and found significantly superior over same treatments applied in SRI and ARS in both years (Table 7). Application of 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn and 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in PTR and SRI remained on par with RDN and found significantly superior over same treatment applied in ARS in first year, while in second year only 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in SRI was found on par with RDN. The net energy production was highest in 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in SRI and found superior over same treatment applied in ARS in both years. The net energy production in 75% RDN + MC2 was higher by 900–1000 and 7300–8600 MJ ha−1 than RDN and 75% RDN (averaged over all CEMs). Application of MC1 increased net energy production by 6800–8300, 6900–8500 and 7100–8600 MJ ha−1, respectively, in PTR, SRI and ARS. Similarly, increase in net energy production by MC2 was 7100–8400, 7000–8600 and 7500–8800 MJ ha−1, respectively. The zinc fertilization significantly increased gross and net energy production in all CEMs and in all treatments. The increase in gross and net energy production due to Zn fertilization varied between 1600 and 7300 and 1400 and 7100 MJ ha−1, respectively. The lowest amount of energy for production of one tonne of grain was in control. Among CEMs, control in ARS had significantly lower energy per tonne of rice grain produced. Application of MC1 lower energy required per tonne of grain produced by 167–233 MJ tonne−1 and MC2 by 183 to 234 MJ tonne−1 over 75% RDN.
In wheat, the highest amount of gross energy production was recorded in RDN + Zn in ZTW and remained on par with 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn and 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in ZTW (Table 8). These three treatments were found significantly superior over same treatment applied in CDW and SWI except RDN in CDW. The net energy production in second year was 100 to 3500 MJ ha−1 higher than first year. The application of 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn had the highest net energy production. Application of MC1 and MC2 increases net energy production by 5500 to 6700 and 6800 to 7700 MJ ha−1. Similarly increase in net energy production due to Zn fertilization was 1200 to 7900 MJ ha−1. The energy per tonne of wheat grain produced varied between 786 and 2858 MJ tonne−1 in the first year and 853 and 2956 MJ tonne−1 in the second year. Application of microbial consortia significantly reduces energy required for production of one tonne of wheat grain, while Zn fertilization found statistically superior when applied with RDN in CDW during both the years and 75% RDN + MC1 in CDW and SWI in first year. The system gross and net energy production varied between 247.2 and 311.9 × 103 MJ ha−1 and 233.6 and 288.3 × 103 MJ ha−1 (Table 9). The highest gross and net energy production was found with RDN + Zn in ZTW and 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn in ZTW, respectively. The increase in system net returns due to microbial consortia and Zn fertilization was 12,900 to 16,100 and 4800 to 12,040 MJ ha−1, respectively.

3.3. Grain Yield, Protein Yield and Micronutrient Uptake

The grain yield was significantly affected at the individual crop level, while at system level it remained on par (Figure 3). Application of RDN + Zn recorded the highest yield in both crops, while the yield in 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn and 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn remained on par with RDN + Zn. The protein yield in wheat was higher than rice and this amount is 303 to 318 kg ha−1 in the first year and 304 to 315 kg ha−1 during the second year (Table 6 and Table 7). The system protein yield varied between 456.7 and 999.1 kg ha−1, respectively, with the highest and lowest in RDN + Zn in ARS–ZTW and control in CDW–PTR, respectively (Table 8). In both rice and wheat, CEMs differed significantly in protein production with the highest protein in SRI in rice and ZTW in wheat. The increase in protein yield in PTR over ARS was 25.2 to 23.2 kg ha−1, while the same for ZTW over CDW and SWI was 86.2 to 88.3 kg ha−1. The order of significance for the variation in system protein yield was RDN > microbial consortia > Zn fertilization > CEMs, while their contribution to protein yield was 112.7–326.3 kg ha−1; 85.7–102.1 kg ha−1, 16.1–105.1 kg ha−1 and 62–65 kg ha−1, respectively.
The uptake of all studied micronutrients was affected significantly due to CEMs in both rice (white rice kernel) and wheat (whole grain) (Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12). In rice, PTR and SRI remained on par with each other and were found statistically superior to ARS for all micronutrients. In wheat, ZTW recorded significantly higher micronutrient uptake than both CDW and SWI. Among nutrient management treatments, the uptake of Zn and Fe was significantly affected due to all treatment variables, while for Mn and Cu, the uptake remained on par in all treatments except control. The highest uptake of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in rice was 45.42 g ha−1, 235.0 g ha−1, 24.78 g ha−1 and 19.66 g ha−1 (all in SRI), respectively. Similarly, for wheat it was 217.9 g ha−1 for Zn, 528.2 g ha−1 for Fe, 179.9 g ha−1 for Mn and 35.84 g ha−1 for Cu (all in ZTW), respectively.

4. Discussion

4.1. Energy Input and Type of Energy

The study of energy input is important in rice and wheat at the individual crop level as well as system level due to significant variations in cultivation practices which include CEMs, nutrient management and soil hydrological regimes across a region. The faster adoption of CEMs such as ZTW [41], which is reported to reduce the energy expenditure on tillage, promotion of consortia-based microbial inoculations for nutrient endowments in crops [42,43], thereby reducing the total nutrient applied and increasing the use of micronutrients due to crop response [44,45], was evaluated for biological parameters and economic scale, while their evaluation in terms of energy requirement carries significant importance considering their share in total energy consumption in the crop production process (Figure 1).
In our study, CEMs, rate of N and P application, Zn fertilization and microbial inoculation significantly affected the energetics of RWCS. The higher energy requirement in rice than wheat was contributed by the field preparation, nursery and higher number of irrigations [5,17]. The variation in energy inputs across CEMs in rice was governed by nursery, puddling, seed and sowing and number of irrigations, while in wheat tillage, seed rate and weeding operation contributed to the variation in energy input, with highest contribution coming from tillage. The highest share of fertilization to total energy consumption [18,46] was due to the energy equivalent for N (60.6 MJ kg−1), P2O5 (11.1 MJ kg−1) and K2O (6.7 MJ kg−1) and the higher quantity (90–120 kg N, 44.67–59.1 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O) applied, while higher energy equivalents for tractor-operated machinery and diesel increased the share of field preparation in total energy input. As the share of fertilizer in energy consumption is higher in wheat, the increase in energy efficiency by using microbial consortia will be more profitable for wheat. The variation in energy requirement due to irrigation was contributed by rice alone as the irrigation requirement of all CEMs in wheat remained the same. The saving in energy by changing CEM from PTR to ARS was 563.7 MJ ha−1 (2%). At the same time, this contribution was less if calculated based on monetary terms at the farmer field level which might be due to the subsidized rate of electricity and very low irrigation charges. At the system level, the share of irrigation in total energy input remained the same (6%) even though the difference in energy consumption in irrigation among CEMs is 326.6 MJ ha−1. The reduction in energy requirement by changing CEM was reported by [17,47].
The ARS and ZTW were found to be better as they use higher renewable energy than PTR and CDW. The use of higher seed rate and absence of puddling and tillage in ARS and ZTW were the important reasons for higher renewable energy consumption. At the same time, total energy input was also lower in ARS and ZTW which makes them energy-efficient. Both methods were also recommended on the issue of water shortage [48,49] and timely planting along with energy efficiency [7]. Among nutrient management treatments, the use of microbial inoculations reduces the share of non-renewable energy; therefore, treatment with 75% RDN + MC1 or MC2 increases the share of renewable energy in crop production.
The variation in gross energy production arose due to yield superiority of PTR [50] and SRI [51] over ARS in rice and ZTW [52] over CDW and SWI in wheat. The higher gross energy than ARS and lower energy input than PTR make SRI significantly superior in net energy production. The variation across CEMs in energy input and net energy production [53,54] was also reported. We found that in rice and wheat, the variations in energy input and gross energy production contribute equally towards the variation in net energy production among CEMs, while at the system level, the variation in input has the highest contribution to the increase in net energy production.

4.2. Energy Production

Among the nutrient management options, gross and net energy output was affected significantly by the rate of N and P application, Zn fertilization and microbial inoculation. The rate of N and P application had the highest contribution to variation in energy production, while Zn fertilization had the lowest contribution to energy production. The highest gross energy in RDN + Zn was the outcome of highest yield, while the highest net energy production in 75% RDN + Zn + MC1 or MC2 was due to reduction in cost of cultivation on 25% of N and P fertilizer. The difference in energy input across CEMs had a higher contribution to the variation in net energy production than gross energy production. The variation in energy input across CEM was 6.53 × 103 to 15.47 × 103 MJ ha−1 for rice, 3.95 to 12.19 MJ ha−1 for wheat and 10.49 to 27.66 MJ ha−1 for RWCS, while variation in gross energy production was 125.0–157.1, 125.7–153.1 and 250.9–309.2 MJ ha−1 for rice, wheat and RWCS, respectively.
The nutrient application through chemical fertilizers is the single most important source of nutrients. Its importance has increased over the years due to increasing nutrient deficiency [55,56], response to fertilization and use of high-yielding nutrient responsive varieties. In terms of energy, fertilizer contributes 59–64% to total energy input in RWCS and the cost of chemical fertilizer is also going to increase in future on account of the increasing cost of fertilizer production, depletion in natural reserves and increasing demand. The rice and wheat together contribute 61% (17.67 million tonnes) to total fertilizer consumption in India. Considering this, complimentary options such as use of microbial inoculations with partial replacement of chemical fertilizers will help in making the RWCS more energy-efficient.

4.3. Grain Yield, Protein Yield and Micronutrient Uptake

The calculations of nutritional status of staple crops are essential considering the shifting of focus of India from food security to nutritional security [57,58]. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) ranks first among the major nutrition-related disorders in India [21]. As both rice and wheat are the staple crops catering the protein need of the majority of the population (especially BLP where PEM is a severe problem), the calculation of their protein yield will be more focused than just the calculation of yield. In our experiment, the variation in protein yield was accounted due to the variation in grain yield of rice and wheat and the factor used for calculation converting nitrogen content to protein. The yield variations in rice recorded due to better crop establishments leading to superior growth and yield attributes due to transplanting in both PTR and SRI and less weed menace due to puddling than ARS. The variation in yields response by different CEMs was reported by [59,60], while variation in weed dynamics across CEMs [61] and weed problem in aerobic rice [62] was also reported. This significantly higher yield variation across CEMs nullified the effect of factor used for calculation of protein yield which is higher in rice (5.95) than wheat (5.70).
Another health-related risk is micronutrient deficiency also called as hidden hunger [63]. The need and significant of micronutrient application for enhancing yield [20] as well as increasing grain micronutrient concentration and uptake was reported [64], while their uptake variation across the CEMs with use of different microbial inoculations is meagre and studied in this investigation. The uptake of all studied micronutrients was higher in wheat. Along with uptake, concentration dilution by dry matter production and presence of anti-nutritional factors (phytate) [65] are the other factors deciding the nutritional status of food grains. The higher micronutrient uptake in PTR and SRI signifies the role of puddling in enhancing the uptake of micronutrients [66], while significantly higher micronutrient uptake in ZTW is the indication of the superior performance of ZTW arose due to residual effect of previous season rice (ARS) and better root growth leading higher forage area due to less physical constraints for root growth (non-puddled ARS). The uptake of Zn and Fe in both rice and wheat was significantly affected by application of microbial inoculations, RDN and Zn fertilization. This indicates ability of above-mentioned factors in amending the micronutrient uptake in rice. The variation in micronutrient uptake across the CEMs was explained by changes in hydrological regimes across CEMs in rice and residual effect as well as soil physical constraints in wheat.

5. Conclusions

The crop establishment methods (CEMs) differ significantly in energy input and output along with protein and micronutrient uptake in both years of study. The gross and net energy production was highest in ARS–ZTW which was 293.9 × 103 MJ ha−1 and 273.5–267.6 × 103 MJ ha−1, respectively. The protein yield increase in ARS–ZTW was 61.5–62 kg ha−1 in the first year and 86.2–88.3 kg ha−1 in the second year over other CEMs, respectively,, while it reduced the energy required for the production of one tonne of system yield by 206 and 250 MJ tonne−1 over PTR–CDW in the first and second year, while the same for SRI–SWI was 467 and 517 MJ tonne−1, respectively, for the first and second year. The application of 75% RDN with microbial consortia and Zn showed promise in enhancing net and gross energy production over all other combinations. This signifies their role of microbial consortia in energy efficiency and nutrient security of RWCS. The future research may focus on evaluation and standardization of microbial consortia in other crops and cropping systems under diverse ecologies. Furthermore, understanding the physiological and biochemical processes or mechanisms which are affected by the microbial consortia in rice and wheat can be an innovative line of research work. Besides this, the energy inputs and output and energy efficiency need to be studied for the increased level of mechanization in crop production as the lack of labour availability and higher wage rate in the future will increase mechanization in crop production.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: Table S1: Mean weekly meteorological data during the rice-growing season in 2013 and 2014; Table S2: Mean weekly meteorological data during the wheat growing season in 2013–14 and 2014–15.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.S.S. and A.A.S.; methodology, A.A.S., Y.S.S. and R.P.; software, R.S.B. and A.A.S.; validation, A.A.S., Y.S.S. and D.K.; formal analysis, Y.S.S., A.A.S. and R.S.B.; investigation, Y.S.S. and A.A.S.; resources, Y.S.S., D.K., R.P. and A.A.S.; data curation, R.S.B.; writing—original draft preparation, A.A.S.; writing—review and editing, Y.S.S., R.P. and R.S.B.; visualization, A.A.S. and Y.S.S.; supervision, Y.S.S.; project administration, Y.S.S.; funding acquisition, Y.S.S. and A.A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research was part of PhD research work conducted at Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi (India). This research received no external funding, except the financial support as Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from ICAR for living expenses and facilities from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


The authors duly acknowledge ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (India) for providing financial support as Senior Research Fellowship. Our sincere thanks are also to Head and Professor, Division of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India for providing facilities required for the field experiment.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no competing interest.


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Figure 1. Effect of crop establishment methods on energy requirement for different inputs and operations in rice–wheat cropping system in 2013–2014.
Figure 1. Effect of crop establishment methods on energy requirement for different inputs and operations in rice–wheat cropping system in 2013–2014.
Sustainability 14 05986 g001aSustainability 14 05986 g001b
Figure 2. Effect of crop establishment methods (a) and nutrient management (bd) on energy input requirement in rice–wheat cropping system. (T1: Control, T2: RDN, T3: RDN + Zn, T4: 75% RDN, T5: 75% RDN + Zn, T6: 75% RDN + MC1, T7: 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn, T8: 75% RDN + MC2 and T9: 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn). RDN Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Figure 2. Effect of crop establishment methods (a) and nutrient management (bd) on energy input requirement in rice–wheat cropping system. (T1: Control, T2: RDN, T3: RDN + Zn, T4: 75% RDN, T5: 75% RDN + Zn, T6: 75% RDN + MC1, T7: 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn, T8: 75% RDN + MC2 and T9: 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn). RDN Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Sustainability 14 05986 g002aSustainability 14 05986 g002b
Figure 3. Effect of crop establishment methods and nutrient management on grain yield of rice (a) and wheat (b) (pooled data over two years). (T1: Control, T2: RDN, T3: RDN + Zn, T4: 75% RDN, T5: 75% RDN + Zn, T6: 75% RDN + MC1, T7: 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn, T8: 75% RDN + MC2 and T9: 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn). RDN Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Figure 3. Effect of crop establishment methods and nutrient management on grain yield of rice (a) and wheat (b) (pooled data over two years). (T1: Control, T2: RDN, T3: RDN + Zn, T4: 75% RDN, T5: 75% RDN + Zn, T6: 75% RDN + MC1, T7: 75% RDN + MC1 + Zn, T8: 75% RDN + MC2 and T9: 75% RDN + MC2 + Zn). RDN Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Sustainability 14 05986 g003
Table 1. The details about methodologies of different CEM in rice.
Table 1. The details about methodologies of different CEM in rice.
Method of CultivationMethod of SowingSeed Rate (kg ha−1)Spacing
Age of
Number of Irrigation Depth of IrrigationWeed
Nutrient Application Method and Timing
PTRTransplanting (manual)2020 × 1523–25 days old2–3One ploughing, one harrowing and puddling twice5 cm water applied at each irrigation; puddled and saturated11 in first year and 18 in second year 5 cm puddled saturated Two hand weeding in each cropBroadcasting; 1/3 at 5 DAT, 1/3 at 25 days after transplanting (DAT) and 1/3 at 55 DAT for N; All dose of P, K and Zn at 5 DAT
SRITransplanting (manual)520 × 2013–14 days old1One ploughing, one harrowing and puddling twice2 cm up to panicle initiation and 5 cm thereafter11 in first year and 20 in second year 2 cm up to panicle initiation and 5 cm thereafter Two hand weeding in each cropBroadcasting; 1/3 at 5 DAT, 1/3 at 25 DAT and 1/3 at 55 DAT for N; All dose of P, K and Zn at 5 DAT
ARSDirect sowing of seed in main field 6020 cm row to rowDirect sowing of seed in field-One ploughing followed by harrowing2 cm to maintain field capacity moisture level, non-saturated and non-puddled10 in first year and 24 in second year2 cm to maintain field capacity moisture
level, non-saturated and non-puddled
Three hand weeding in each cropBroadcasting; 1/3 at sowing, 1/3 at 30 days after sowing (DAS) and 1/3 at 60 DAS for N; All dose of P, K and Zn at sowing
Table 2. The details about methodologies of different CEMs in wheat.
Table 2. The details about methodologies of different CEMs in wheat.
Method of CultivationMethod of SowingSeed Rate
(kg ha−1)
Nutrient Application Method and Timing
CDWSowing through seed drill10022.5 cm
row to row
One ploughing followed by one harrowing and plankingFour and six irrigations at critical growth stages in first and second year, respectively, in all CEMsTwo hand weeding in each crop at 20 and 40 days after sowing (DAS) in all CEMsBroadcasting; 1/3 at sowing, 1/3 at 30 DAS and 1/3 at 60 DAS for N; All dose of P, K and Zn at sowing
SWIDibbling of seeds (manual)3020 cm × 20 cmOne ploughing followed by one harrowing and planking
ZTWSowing through seed drill12022.5 cm
row to row
Direct sowing without cultivation
Table 3. Energy equivalents used for calculation of energy input and output in production system [16,17,18].
Table 3. Energy equivalents used for calculation of energy input and output in production system [16,17,18].
S. No.Input UsedEnergy Equivalent (MJ Unit−1)
1.Human labour1.96
2.Diesel (per litre)56.31
3.Farm machinery62.7
4.Fertilizer (Nitrogen MJ kg−1 N)60.60
5.Fertilizer (Phosphorus MJ kg−1 N)11.2
6.Fertilizer (Potassium MJ kg−1 N)6.7
7.Fertilizer (Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate MJ kg−1 N)20.2
8.Electricity (per unit)11.93
9.Rice and wheat grain (MJ kg−1)14.7
10.Rice and wheat straw (MJ kg−1)12.5
Table 4. Partitioning of energy inputs in different forms of energy in selected crop establishment methods of rice during first cycle of RWCS.
Table 4. Partitioning of energy inputs in different forms of energy in selected crop establishment methods of rice during first cycle of RWCS.
ParticularDirect Energy (MJ ha−1)Total Direct EnergyIndirect Energy (MJ ha−1)Total Indirect Energy
(MJ ha−1)
Grand Total
(MJ ha−1)
Human LabourDieselElectricityTotalSeedFertilizersMachineryTotal
Energy requirement in puddled transplanted rice (PTR) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation139.23350.4-3350.43489.6--328.9328.9328.93818.5
Seed and sowing341---341.0294---294635
Inter-cultural operation270.5---270.5-----270.5
Energy requirement in system of rice intensification (SRI) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation100.93054.8-3054.83155.7--299.9299.9299.93455.6
Seed and sowing341.0---341.088.2---88.2429.2
Inter-cultural operation270.5---270.5-----270.5
Energy requirement in aerobic rice system (ARS) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation101.91970.8-1970.82072.7--191.2191.2191.22263.9
Seed and sowing176.4---176.4882---8821058.4
Inter-cultural operation329.3---329.3-----329.3
Total995.71970.81145.33116.14111.8882 8441219.68660.69542.613,654.4
Table 5. Partitioning of energy inputs in different forms of energy in selected crop establishment methods of wheat during first cycle of RWCS.
Table 5. Partitioning of energy inputs in different forms of energy in selected crop establishment methods of wheat during first cycle of RWCS.
ParticularDirect EnergyTotal Direct EnergyIndirect EnergyTotal Indirect EnergyGrand Total
Human LabourDieselElectricityTotalSeedFertilizersMachineryTotal
Energy requirement in conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation76.441773.8-1773.81850.2--1691691692019.2
Seed and sowing176.4---176.41470---14701646.4
Inter-cultural operation188.2---188.2-----188.2
Energy requirement in system of wheat intensification (SWI) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation76.41773.7-1773.71850.2--1691691692019.2
Seed and sowing199.9---199.9441---441640.9
Inter-cultural operation223.4---223.4-----223.4
Energy requirement in zero-tillage wheat (ZTW) for RDN + Zn
Field preparation35.3---35.3-----35.3
Seed and sowing176.4---176.41764---17641940.4
Inter-cultural operation199.9---199.9-----199.9
Total752.600286.3286.31038.91764 84417.18448.110,212.111,251.6
Table 6. Effect of crop establishment methods on energetic and protein yield of rice, wheat and rice–wheat cropping system.
Table 6. Effect of crop establishment methods on energetic and protein yield of rice, wheat and rice–wheat cropping system.
TreatmentGross Energy (×103 MJ ha−1)Net Energy (×103 MJ ha−1)Energy tonne−1 of Grain (MJ tonne−1)Protein Yield (kg ha−1)
Puddled transplanted rice (PTR)151.2a149.4a137.8b134.9b3276a3629a246.5a229.1a
System of rice intensification (SRI)151.5a149.6a139.2a136.4a2961b3304b247.3a229.6a
Aerobic rice system (ARS)145.5b143.7b134.1c131.6c2875c3137c221.2b206.0b
Conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW)140.4b142.7b129.8b131.9b2421a2497a552.3b535.1b
System of wheat intensification (SWI)139.8b142.0b130.1b132.2b2208b2281b550.8b533.1b
Zero-tillage wheat (ZTW)148.4a150.2b139.4a141.1a1933c2007c639.1a621.4a
Rice–wheat cropping system
Puddled transplanted rice (PTR)–conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW)291.7a292.1a267.6b266.8b2834a3039a798.8b764.3b
System of rice intensification (SRI)–system of wheat intensification (SWI)291.3a291.6a269.4b268.6b2573b2773b798.2b762.7b
Aerobic rice system (ARS)–zero-tillage wheat (ZTW)293.9a293.9a273.5a272.7a2366c2523c860.2a827.3a
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test.
Table 7. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of rice in different crop establishment methods.
Table 7. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of rice in different crop establishment methods.
TreatmentGross Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Net Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Energy tonne−1 of Grain
(MJ tonne−1)
Protein Yield
(kg ha−1)
Puddled transplanted rice (PTR)
Control 129.6j127.0j121.9l118.4p2395l2842j161.0j144.2i
RDN * 154.3cd152.0d138.7efg135.5ghij3704a4089a258.2de240.3d
RDN + Zn ** 160.4a159.3a144.7ab142.6a3604ab3897b292.6a274.9a
75% RDN 144.9h144.0gh131.3i129.4m3515bc3825bc215.5gh202.7f
75% RDN + Zn149.3f147.2e135.6h132.5kl3402cd3783c220.4fgh204.5ef
75% RDN + MC1153.2d150.8d139.6def136.2fghi3262efg3642d258.2de235.3d
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn157.8ab156.3b144.1abc141.6abc3167gh3476e283.3ab267.6ab
75% RDN + MC2153.3d151.2d139.7def136.5efgh3262efg3623d254.6de235.1d
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn158.1ab156.6b144.4ab141.9ab3174gh3487e274.6bcd257.7bc
System of rice intensification (SRI)
Control 131.4j128.7j125.0k121.3o1881m2293k172.6j155.5i
RDN * 154.9cd152.6d140.6dc137.3defg3421cd3797bc259.8cde241.8d
RDN + Zn ** 156.5bc155.4bc142.0bcd139.9bcd3324def3613d290.7ab273.1a
75% RDN 145.3gh144.5fg132.9i131.1lm3202fgh3510e208.8ghi196.4fg
75% RDN + Zn150.0ef147.8e137.5fgh134.4hijk3096hi3467e222.1fg206.2ef
75% RDN + MC1153.8cd151.4d141.4cde138.0defg2972j3342f255.6de232.9d
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn158.3ab156.8b145.8a143.3a2894jk3199gh276.4abc257.3bc
75% RDN + MC2153.9cd151.8d141.5cde138.4def2979ij3333f253.0de233.6d
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn159.0ab157.4ab146.5a143.9a2876jk3181gh286.9ab269.5ab
Aerobic rice system (ARS)
Control 122.0k119.3k116.4m113.1q1737n2049l154.1k138.5j
RDN *149.2f146.9ef135.7h132.8kl3341de3637d232.8f216.1e
RDN + Zn ** 154.6cd153.5cd140.9de139.2cde3269efg3484e261.9cde245.5cd
75% RDN 139.1i138.3i127.6j126.1n3118h3340f193.0i181.2h
75% RDN + Zn143.8h141.7h132.2i129.4m2996ij3282fg204.2hi189.1gh
75% RDN + MC1147.8fg145.4efg136.2gh133.2jkl2900jk3191gh218.5fgh198.1fg
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn152.4de150.9d140.7de138.6def2810k3037i251.0de243.3d
75% RDN + MC2148.0f145.9efg136.4gh133.6ijkl2894jk3168h220.9fgh203.3ef
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn152.6de 151.1d140.9de138.7def2814k3045i254.5de238.5d
Nutrient management********
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test. “*”: Indicates significant different of treatments the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test; RDN *: Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn **: Soil applied 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Table 8. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of wheat in different crop establishment methods.
Table 8. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of wheat in different crop establishment methods.
TreatmentGross Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Net Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Energy tonne−1 of Grain
(MJ tonne−1)
Protein Yield
(kg ha−1)
Conventional drill–wheat (CDW)
RDN *143.8defgh145.5defghi131.0defg132.5efgh2858a2956a583.3de561.5fg
RDN + Zn **150.0abcde151.4abcdef137.1cde138.3cde2756b2858b647.8b624.9bcd
75% RDN134.3jk138.0jkl123.5gh127.1h2590c2643d498.5f486.7i
75% RDN + Zn135.6ijk139.4ijkl124.7fgh128.3gh2589c2641d503.3f496.2hi
75% RDN + MC1141.0fghijk144.3fghij130.1efg133.3efgh2469d2528e560.5e546.0g
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn148.7cdefg150.2cdefg137.8cde139.2cde2360efg2449efg633.4bc612.0bcde
75% RDN + MC2142.1efghij145.3defghi131.2defg134.3defg2450de2510ef565.8e555.9g
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn148.6cdefg149.9cdef137.6cde138.8cde2360efg2453efg637.8b620.4bcd
System of wheat intensification (SWI)
Control 123.8l124.2m119.9hi120.2i1028n1103n355.3h326.0k
RDN *143.0defghi144.6efghij131.2defg132.7efgh2656c2750c580.1e557.9g
RDN + Zn ** 148.5cdefg149.7cdefgh136.5cde137.7cde2575c2675cd642.8b619.4bcd
75% RDN 133.3k137.0kl123.4gh127.0h2376ef2428fg497.0f484.8i
75% RDN + Zn135.4ijk139.2ijkl125.5fgh129.1gh2362efg2413gh505.0f497.5hi
75% RDN + MC1139.3hijk142.6hijk129.4efg132.5efgh2275gh2333hij554.7e539.7gh
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn147.2defgh148.7defgh137.3cde138.6cde2172i2258j628.9bcd607.0bcdef
75% RDN + MC2140.6ghijk143.8ghijk130.7defg133.8defgh2254hi2312ij560.8e550.5g
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn147.2defgh148.5defgh137.3cde138.4cde2170i2260j632.8bc615.0bcde
Zero-tillage wheat (ZTW)
Control 133.2k133.3l130.1efg130.0fgh786o853o436.3g405.5j
RDN * 150.8abcd152.1abcd139.7abc140.7bcd2373ef2466efg666.1b643.6bc
RDN + Zn ** 157.3a158.2a146.1ab146.8ab2291fgh2388ghi737.2a713.4a
75% RDN 141.5fghij144.8defghij132.3cdef135.5cdefg2082j2139k583.0de571.3efg
75% RDN + Zn143.0defghi146.4defghi133.8cde137.0cdef2083j2139k589.2cde582.5defg
75% RDN + MC1148.2cdefg151.1bcdefg139.0bcd141.7abc1991k2052l642.6b628.1bc
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn155.6abc156.7abc146.3ab147.2ab1914kl1998l719.8a697.7a
75% RDN + MC2148.9bcdef151.8abcde139.7abc142.4abc1980kl2042l647.0b637.3bc
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn156.6ab157.6ab147.3a148.1ab1900l1986l730.8a712.8a
LSD (p= 0.05)4.053.584.053.5848.445.447.645.5
Nutrient management********
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test. ”*”: Indicates significant different of treatments the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test; RDN *: Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn **: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Table 9. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of rice–wheat cropping system in different crop establishment methods.
Table 9. Effect of nutrient management options on energetic and protein yield of rice–wheat cropping system in different crop establishment methods.
TreatmentGross Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Net Energy
(×103 MJ ha−1)
Energy tonne−1 of Grain
(MJ tonne−1)
Protein Yield
(kg ha−1)
Control 249.5k247.2g237.0j233.6l1847k2092o501.7l456.7m
RDN * 298.2cdef297.5c269.8def268.0fghi3268a3500a841.5fgh801.8ghi
RDN + Zn ** 310.4a310.7a281.8abc280.9abc3164b3360b940.5abcd899.9bcd
75% RDN 279.2j282.1f254.7h256.5j3035c3209cd714.0j689.5k
75% RDN + Zn284.9ij286.6f260.3gh260.8ij2986c3190cd723.6ij700.7jk
75% RDN + MC1294.2fgh295.1cd269.7def269.5efgh2856de3063ef818.7ghi781.3hi
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn306.5abc306.6a281.8abc280.8abc2750efg2945ghi916.7cde879.6def
75% RDN + MC2295.4fg296.5c270.9def270.9defgh2844def3043efg820.3ghi791.0ghi
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn306.7abc306.5a282.0abc280.7abc2753efg2952ghi912.4cde878.1def
Control 255.2k252.9g244.9ij241.5k1433l1662p527.9l481.5m
RDN * 297.9cdef297.3c271.7def269.9defgh3027c3254c839.9fhg799.7ghi
RDN + Zn ** 304.9abcde305.1ab278.5bcd277.6bcd2938cd3131de933.6bcd892.5cde
75% RDN 278.6j281.4f256.3h258.1j2775efg2947ghi705.8j681.2k
75% RDN + Zn285.4hij287.0ef263.0fgh263.4hij2721g2920hi727.1ij703.6jk
75% RDN + MC1293.1fghi294.0cde270.8def270.5defgh2617h2820j810.3ghi772.7hi
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn305.5cdef305.5ab283.0abc281.9ab2522h2714kl905.4de864.3def
75% RDN + MC2294.5fg295.6c272.2def272.2defg2607h2803jk813.8ghi784.1hi
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn306.2abcd305.9ab283.7abc282.3ab2514hi2708kl919.7cde884.5def
Control 255.2k252.6g246.5i243.1k1207m1376q590.4k544.1l
RDN * 300.1bcdef299.0bc275.4cde273.5cdefg2821efg3005fgh898.9def859.7defg
RDN + Zn ** 311.9a311.7a287.0ab286.0a2740fg2894j999.1a958.9a
75% RDN 280.6j283.1f259.9gh261.6ij2556h2687l776.0i752.5ij
75% RDN + Zn286.9ghij288.1def265.9efg266.4ghi2509hi2664m793.4h771.6hi
75% RDN + MC1296.0def296.5c275.2cde274.9bcdef2413ij2572n861.1efg826.2fgh
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn308.0ab307.6a287.0ab285.9a2328j2478n970.9abc941.0abc
75% RDN + MC2296.9def297.6c276.2cd276.1bcde2404j2557n867.9efg840.5efg
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn309.2ab308.7a288.3a286.9a2320j2473n985.3ab 951.4ab
LSD (p = 0.05)4.773.934.773.9358.654.261.355.7
Nutrient management********
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test. ”*”: Indicates significant different of treatments the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test; RDN *: Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn **: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Table 10. Effect of crop establishment methods on micronutrient uptake in rice and wheat.
Table 10. Effect of crop establishment methods on micronutrient uptake in rice and wheat.
TreatmentZn Uptake (g ha−1)Fe Uptake (g ha−1)Cu Uptake (g ha−1)Mn Uptake (g ha−1)
Puddled transplanted rice (PTR)38.3a30.2a206.0a184.9a17.0a12.5a21.4a17.1a
System of rice intensification (SRI)38.8a30.3a208.1a187.8a17.1a12.8a21.5a17.2a
Aerobic rice system (ARS)32.8b25.8b182.5b165.3b13.8b10.1b18.0a15.1b
LSD (p = 0.05)0.550.453.094.860.800.700.570.63
Conventional drill-sown wheat (CDW)154.5b138.1b418.7b400.6b21.6b18.5b126.3b115.2b
System of wheat intensification (SWI)154.3b138.7b418.3b401.2b22.2b18.9b127.1b116.3b
Zero-tillage wheat (ZTW)183.6a167.1a475.8a451.0a31.1a26.8a155.1a143.4a
LSD (p = 0.05)1.961.828.937.741.881.675.074.90
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test.
Table 11. Effect of nutrient management options on micronutrient uptake in rice in different crop establishment methods.
Table 11. Effect of nutrient management options on micronutrient uptake in rice in different crop establishment methods.
TreatmentZn Uptake (g ha−1)Fe Uptake (g ha−1)Cu Uptake (g ha−1)Mn Uptake (g ha−1)
Control 18.94k15.15o133.3kl113.7n5.70k4.23j9.18l6.69j
RDN * 40.66cd31.77ef216.1cd194.7def18.35abc13.49abcde22.86abcde18.29abcde
RDN + Zn ** 42.22ab35.96a232.2a210.5ab19.89a14.95a25.03a20.15a
75% RDN 34.22gh27.05ij189.6fgh171.9hij15.95efgh12.04cdefg20.26efghi16.31efghi
75% RDN + Zn35.67fg27.72i194.0fgh175.0hi16.19defgh11.69efg20.44defgh16.21efghi
75% RDN + MC141.32c32.61de219.5bc195.6def18.97abc13.91ab23.51abcd18.81abcd
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn44.58ab35.40ab228.2ab207.1abc19.89a14.57a24.54ab20.01ab
75% RDN + MC240.60c32.20ef217.0bcd194.9def18.49abc13.56abcd23.21abcd18.44abcde
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn43.55b33.84cd223.8abc200.6cd19.14ab14.01ab23.66abcd18.98abcd
Control 20.7k16.44n144.1k124.5m6.74k5.16j10.19l7.45j
RDN * 41.11cd31.85ef219.4bc199.1cd18.26abcd13.63abcd22.95abcde18.34abcde
RDN + Zn ** 45.15ab35.63a231.9a211.7a19.66a15.03a24.78ab19.93ab
75% RDN 33.45h26.22jk184.5hi168.5ij15.52ghi11.95defg19.69ghijk15.84fghi
75% RDN + Zn37.67e29.31h197.8efg179.8gh17.80abcdef13.43abcde22.08bcdefg17.73bcdefg
75% RDN + MC141.03cd32.09ef218.8bc196.3de18.54abc13.80abc23.05abcd18.40abcde
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn43.92ab34.15bc224.1abc201.8bcd19.51a14.27ab24.06abcd19.34abc
75% RDN + MC240.38c31.72ef217.1bcd196.4de18.04abcde13.41abcde22.76abcdef18.02abcdef
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn45.42a35.00abc235.0a212.5a19.54a14.48a24.28abc19.43abc
Control 16.86l13.54p123.5l106.1n5.02k3.65j8.19l 6.49j
RDN * 35.76fg27.84i194.3fgh176.1hi15.72fgh11.43fg20.05fghij16.79defgh
RDN + Zn ** 39.41d31.25efg206.2de188.0efg16.86cdefg12.56bcdef21.67cdefg18.23abcde
75% RDN 28.45j22.73m166.1j151.5l12.99j9.64hi16.99k14.29i
75% RDN + Zn31.01i23.91lm175.6ij159.4kl13.36j9.39i17.45jk14.44i
75% RDN + MC132.44hi25.24kl183.6hi164.2jk13.58ij9.49i17.63ijk14.55hi
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn37.38ef30.25gh199.7ef187.3fg15.61fghi11.36fgh19.93ghij17.36cdefg
75% RDN + MC233.61h26.45ijk187.2gh168.9ij14.48hij10.33ghi18.80hijk15.52ghi
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn39.74cd30.84fg 206.0de 185.9g17.25bcdefg 12.59bcdef21.63cdefg 18.21abcde
LSD (p = 0.05)1.841.4511.
Nutrient management treatments********
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test. ”*”: Indicates significant different of treatments at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test; RDN *: Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn **: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
Table 12. Effect of nutrient management options on micronutrient uptake in wheat in different crop establishment methods.
Table 12. Effect of nutrient management options on micronutrient uptake in wheat in different crop establishment methods.
TreatmentZn Uptake (g ha−1)Fe Uptake (g ha−1)Cu Uptake (g ha−1)Mn Uptake (g ha−1)
Control 81.6k70.5k263.9k249.0j61.5j55.4h12.5j10.4j
RDN * 163.0fgh145.1g442.3fg422.4efgh137.9fg125.1cd23.1fgh19.9fgh
RDN + Zn ** 186.1cde163.4d469.8de446.1d148.7ef133.9cd25.0def21.5de
75% RDN 173.3i127.8i394.0b381.4i114.3h106.8f19.9hi17.2gh
75% RDN + Zn140.1i128.9i401.9h386.7i115.2h107.3f19.9hi16.7hi
75% RDN + MC1158.8gh142.2gh432.0g416.8h133.8g122.8cd22.7fgh19.4fgh
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn181.1e160.2def463.7ef441.4de144.4fg130.1cd24.3defgh21.4def
75% RDN + MC2160.1gh143.7g435.8g420.7fgh136.1g123.7cd22.9fgh19.1fh
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn182.8de161.2de465.1e441.3de145.3fg131.6cd24.2efgh21.3defg
Control 86.5k75.6k273.3j258.9j66.3j60.4h15.5i13.0ij
RDN * 162.0fgh145.1g442.9fg423.9efgh137.9fg125.6cd23.0fgh19.5fgh
RDN + Zn ** 184.5de162.8d467.3e444.7d148.3ef134.0c25.0def21.4def
75% RDN 136.8i128.2i394.7h383.0i114.8h107.7f20.2gh17.4fgh
75% RDN + Zn142.7i132.3i403.8h389.5i118.7h111.1ef22.6fgh19.3fgh
75% RDN + MC1156.9h141.3gh429.1g414.8h133.2g122.5de22.4fgh18.9fgh
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn179.9e160.1def458.8e437.7defg144.5fg130.6cd24.7defg21.5ef
75% RDN + MC2158.3gh142.9g433.6g419.5gh135.4g123.4cd22.5fgh18.5fgh
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn180.8e160.3def461.6ef438.8def144.5fg131.3cd23.7fgh20.5efgh
Control 111.6j99.8j320.8i299.8i90.5i83.4g23.2fgh19.7fhg
RDN * 192.6c174.6c501.3bc474.5bc167.5bcd154.1ab33.4ab28.9ab
RDN + Zn ** 217.9a194.8a528.2a497.2a179.9a164.3a35.7a30.9a
75% RDN 164.4fg155.4f450.5efg431.8defgh141.4fg133.7cd28.9bcd25.1bcd
75% RDN + Zn167.3f156.4ef458.8f437.2defg142.2fg134.0c28.6cde24.3cde
75% RDN + MC1185.2de163.7d490.3cd468.5c160.2cde148.7b29.8bc25.3bcd
75% RDN + MC1 + Zn209.9b188.9b515.8ab486.6abc172.8abc157.8ab32.9abc28.8ab
75% RDN + MC2187.9cd171.6c493.4c471.8c164.0cd151.1b31.6abc26.6bc
75% RDN + MC2 + Zn216.1ab194.1ab522.9ab491.8ab 177.8ab163.3a35.8a 31.6a
Nutrient management treatments********
Within a column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test. ”*”: Indicates significant different of treatments at the 0.05 level of probability by the Duncan’s multiple range test; RDN *: Recommended dose of nutrients 120 kg N ha−1 and 25.8 kg P ha−1; Zn **: Soil applied with 5 kg Zn ha−1 through zinc sulphate heptahydrate; MC1: (Anabaena sp. (CR1) + Providencia sp. (PR3) consortia; MC2: Anabaena-Pseudomonas biofilmed formulations.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Shahane, A.A.; Shivay, Y.S.; Prasanna, R.; Kumar, D.; Bana, R.S. Effect of Crop Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculations on Augmenting the Energy Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Rice and Wheat in Cropping System Mode. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5986.

AMA Style

Shahane AA, Shivay YS, Prasanna R, Kumar D, Bana RS. Effect of Crop Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculations on Augmenting the Energy Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Rice and Wheat in Cropping System Mode. Sustainability. 2022; 14(10):5986.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Shahane, Amit Anil, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Radha Prasanna, Dinesh Kumar, and Ram Swaroop Bana. 2022. "Effect of Crop Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculations on Augmenting the Energy Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Rice and Wheat in Cropping System Mode" Sustainability 14, no. 10: 5986.

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