System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Method
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- Households: the element that generates and manages waste.
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- Local government and KOICA: the elements that have the economic funds to collect and manage waste.
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- Waste: an element generated, managed, and collected (or not).
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- Pollution: an element that accumulates the effects of poor waste management.
- “Economic subsystem”. The control subsystem of DARKHAN-15. It comprises the economic resources that fund the education and infrastructure policies. The subsystem has the following inputs: on the one hand, the KOICA funds that finance the education policy and the initial infrastructure. On the other, the local funds that maintain the infrastructure created. As outputs, the implementation of the policies results in a “knowledge effect” and a “situational factors effect” on the “households subsystem”. The infrastructure policy provides as outputs a “collection frequency” of waste and the maintenance, or not, of a “recycling collection” in the “waste subsystem”. Lastly, the “waste taxes” evidenced via the rubbish bags, an element from the “waste subsystem”, provide income to the local government.
- “Households subsystem”. Comprises the citizens of the ger districts forming family units that generate waste. We consider educated households those that, regardless of their level of formal education, are educated in environmental awareness, sustainable development, and proper waste management. This implies that “educated households” (EHH) will generate less waste and manage it correctly (reducing, recycling, and reusing), in contrast with “non-educated households” (NEHH) that manage it incorrectly (burning waste, throwing it on the ground, etc.). The education process will depend on the “knowledge effect” and “situational factors effect” from the “economic subsystem”. As outputs, “waste generation rate of EHH” and “waste generation rate of NEHH” will determine the volume of waste to be managed in the “waste subsystem”.
- “Waste subsystem” comprises the generation of waste by “waste generation rate of EHH” and “waste generation rate of NEHH” from the “households subsystem” and its collection, depending on the “collection frequency” and the existence or not of a “recycling collection”. As outputs of the subsystem, there are “waste on heating mix fuel effect” and the “waste on ground effect on water”, resulting from incorrect waste management, which affect water and air quality from the “pollution function”. Additionally, the use of waste bags, which includes a volume waste fee, provides income to the local government (“economic subsystem”) through “waste taxes”. Therefore, the “waste subsystem” depends on the generation of waste of the “households subsystem” and the economic resources from the “economic subsystem”.
- “Pollution function” comprises the elements affected by the consequences of bad waste management that sickens “households” (people) and deteriorates the environment. This function depends on the “waste subsystem”. According to the waste management in the latter subsystem, “waste on heating mix fuel effect” and the “waste on ground effect on water” will result in a greater or lesser “death rate indoor air pollution” and “death rate water pollution” in the “households subsystem”.
2.1. Economic Subsystem
2.2. Households Subsystem
2.3. Waste Subsystem
2.4. Pollution Function
3. Results Analysis
3.1. Scenarios of Simulations and Results
- WMPS1+, Waste Management Policy Scenario 1, optimistic. Considers that KOICA finances the education and infrastructure plan, and the local government is responsible for its maintenance. This scenario includes increasing collection frequency to 30 days—every two days for organic waste, every two days for recycling waste – resulting in an effect on situational factors. Citizen response to education activities and re-education is positive. See parameters and conditions in Table 1. Parameters of effects seen in the table have been set according to the results of residential waste separation behavioral intention in Darkhan [35] and factors influencing source separation intention [45]
- WMPS1-, Waste Management Policy Scenario 1, pessimistic. Considers that KOICA finances the education and infrastructure plan, and the local government is responsible for its maintenance. This scenario includes increasing collection frequency to 30 days—every two days for organic waste, every two days for recycling waste—resulting in an effect on situational factors. Compare to the latter scenario, citizen response to education activities and re-education however is moderately negative.
- WMPS2+, Waste Management Policy Scenario 2, optimistic (a pessimistic WMPS2 scenario is not contemplated because the situation would be very similar to the initial one). KOICA finances the education and infrastructure plan, but the local government is not responsible for its maintenance. This scenario has been named WMPS2 Waste Management Policy Scenario 2. It does not include a commitment to maintaining the infrastructure in place, so the frequency of collection does not change from the initial situation—3 times a month—the incentive system does not exist, and the recycling system and street lighting do not work. In this situation, the positive effects derived from the incentives and situational factors are non-existent. This scenario is considered to assess the effect of the policy without the commitment of the local government.
- An associated budget of EUR 9,600 to be divided over the three years of the plan’s implementation, equivalent to 4 activities per year.
- An associated budget of EUR 19,200 to be divided over the three years of the plan’s implementation, equivalent to 8 activities per year.
- An associated budget of EUR 28,800 to be divided over the three years of the plan’s implementation, equivalent to 12 activities per year.
- An associated budget of EUR 38,400 to be divided over the three years of the plan’s duration, equivalent to 16 activities per year.
- An associated budget of EUR 48,000 to be divided over the three years of the plan’s duration, equivalent to 20 activities per year.
- Time unit: months
- Simulation horizon: 36 months
- Time step: 1 month
- Number of simulations: 16 simulations
3.2. Simulation Results
4. Discussions
- If the real conditions are similar to the WMSP1+ scenario, we recommend, in addition to the funding of the infrastructure policy, an allocation of EUR 38,400, to be spread over three years of the education policy. A larger budget would not result in a much higher impact. During the first year, we would recommend focusing the budget on meetings, the design and printing of materials, and capacity building for cleaning staff, as well as citizen training programs. In the second and third years, we recommend focusing the budget on education and training activities within the communities, with special attention paid to women, a street leader contest, and education at the university.
- If the real conditions are similar to the WMSP1- scenario, we recommend, in addition to the funding of the infrastructure policy, an allocation of EUR 28,800, as this budget will achieve extremely similar effects to higher ones. In this scenario, the sustainability of the policy and re-education of households will play a key role over time. Thus, in the years following the plan, the population will continue to be re-educated, despite a lower response than desired. Within this assumption, we recommend performing the same activities as in the WMSP1+ scenario, but with a lower burden of meetings, field work, and university training activities in the second and third years.
- If the real conditions are similar to the WMPS2+ scenario, we recommend not implementing the infrastructure policy, as the results obtained would be insufficient in the absence of local government support. In this case, it would be better to direct the budget of the infrastructure policy towards other types of initiatives which could improve the district’s development. It would be advisable to support the education policy with a budget of EUR 28,800 for the benefits it would bring to the population (environmental awareness, improvement of the situation in the streets, etc.), although it would not have as much impact as desired. Within this assumption, we recommend performing the same activities as in the WMSP1+ scenario, focusing almost totally on education and training activities within the communities in the second and third years, with special attention paid to women. Capacity building for cleaning staff activities is not recommended under this scenario.
- If such a large volume of funds is not available to cover the infrastructure and education policy, we recommend eliminating the lighting infrastructure line, which would mean a cut of EUR 2,310,000 (total). The remaining education and infrastructure policy lines contained in Appendix A are considered essential.
- Lastly, in case the primary objective of the cooperation plan is the reduction of pollution in the district, it is recommended to combine the proposed policies with a clean policy that includes solar panels, access to central heating, and sealing pit latrines.
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C. Detailed Budget of Educational Activities
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WMPS1+ | WMPS1- | WMPS2+ | |
Funding & maintenance infrastructure conditions | |||
Cost of waste management infrastructure (KOICA) -total- | EUR 281,000 | EUR 281,000 | EUR 281,000 |
Lighting infrastructure Budget -total- | EUR 2,310,000 | EUR 2,310,000 | EUR 2,310,000 |
Waste Management infrastructure maintenance (Local government) - monthly- | EUR 167,000 | EUR 167,000 | EUR - |
Frequency of waste collection (days/month) | 30 | 30 | 3 |
Levels of people’s response to action policies | |||
Reeducation rate (by social recognition and public participation) | [50, 0.0001; 200, 0.0005; 400, 0.001; 600, 0.01; 800, 0.05; 1000, 0.8; 1500, 0.11] | [100, 0.0001; 300, 0.0005; 550, 0.001; 800, 0.01; 1000, 0.05; 1300, 0.8; 1700, 0.11] | [50, 0.0001; 200, 0.0005; 400, 0.001; 600, 0.01; 800, 0.05; 1000, 0.8; 1500, 0.11] |
Knowledge effect | [400, 0.001; 600, 0.002; 800, 0.005; 1000, 0.01] | [400, 0.0005; 600, 0.001; 800, 0.002; 1000, 0.005] | [400, 0.001; 600, 0.002; 800, 0.005; 1000, 0.01] |
Incentive-based factors effect | 0.37 | 0.37 | 0 |
Situational factors effect | 0.53 | 0.53 | 0 |
Funding alternatives | |||
A | EUR 9,600 | ||
B | EUR 19,200 | ||
C | EUR 28,800 | ||
D | EUR 38,400 | ||
E | EUR 48,000 | ||
Total simulated scenarios | |||
WMPS1+A | WMPS1-A | WMPS2+A | |
WMPS1+B | WMPS1-B | WMPS2+B | |
WMPS1+C | WMPS1-C | WMPS2+C | |
WMPS1+D | WMPS1-D | WMPS2+D | |
Unit | Initial Situation | A | B | C | D | E | ||
WMPS1+ | Quality water consumed | Unitless | 0.5123 | 0.5123 | 0.5131 | 0.5201 | 0.5259 | 0.5387 |
Indoor air pollution (PM 2.5) | μg/m3 | 176 | 176 | 176 | 172 | 164 | 160 | |
Diseases attributable to water | % people | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.016 | |
Children with respiratory disease | ‰ people | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.39 | 0.38 | |
WMPS1- | Quality water consumed | Unitless | 0.5123 | 0.5123 | 0.5129 | 0.5134 | 0.5169 | 0.5174 |
Indoor air pollution (PM 2.5) | μg/m3 | 176 | 176 | 176 | 175 | 175 | 174 | |
Diseases attributable to water | % people | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.016 | 0.014 | 0.014 | |
Children with respiratory disease | ‰ people | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | |
WMPS2+ | Quality water consumed | Unitless | 0.5123 | 0.5123 | 0.5128 | 0.519 | 0.5234 | 0.5309 |
Indoor air pollution (PM 2.5) | μg/m3 | 176 | 176 | 176 | 174 | 172 | 169 | |
Diseases attributable to water | % people | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.017 | 0.016 | |
Children with respiratory disease | ‰ people | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.4 |
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Chica-Morales, P.; Muñoz, V.F.; Domenech, A.J. System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4595.
Chica-Morales P, Muñoz VF, Domenech AJ. System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia. Sustainability. 2021; 13(8):4595.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChica-Morales, Patricia, Victor F. Muñoz, and Antonio J. Domenech. 2021. "System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia" Sustainability 13, no. 8: 4595.