Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Is Shortening the Answer? A Literature Review for a Research and Innovation Agenda
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Approach and Methodology
3. Defining and Characterizing SFSCs
3.1. Conceptualizing SFSCs
3.2. Diverse Types and Trajectories of SFSCs
3.3. Moving Past Definitions, Three Directions for Further Research on SFSC Characterisation
4. Evaluating the Impacts of SFSCs
4.1. The Economic Dimension
4.2. The Social Dimension
4.3. The Environmental Dimension
4.4. The Nutrition/Health Dimension
4.5. From Multidimensional to Systemic and Longitudinal Approaches
5. Governing SFSCs towards Integrated Sustainability
5.1. SFSCs at the Heart of New Local Food Policies
5.2. SFSCs and Power Issues
5.3. SFSCs in Food Systems Resilience
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Date | Project Title | Main Objective | Website |
2011–2013 | | Develop and experiment with new ways of linking research to policy-making in the field of sustainable food consumption and production | |
2013–2016 | | Assess the impact of global and local food chains (20 cases in 10 countries) | |
2016–2019 | | Reduce knowledge gaps by reconnecting producers and consumers | |
2019–2023 | | Develop innovative processing technologies for fruits and vegetables | |
2016–2021 | | Qualitatively assess the organisational development of 12 SFSCs and their impact assessment (social, economic, environmental) | |
2018–2021 | | Foster and accelerate a shift towards collaborative SFSCs (analysis of various types) | |
2020–2024 | RUR-05–2020: Connecting consumers and producers in innovative agri-food supply chains (CSA) | -AgroBRIDGES: Building bridges between consumers and producers by supporting short food supply chains through a systemic, holistic, multi-actor approach- based toolbox -COACH: Collaborative agri-food chains: Driving innovation in territorial food systems and improving outcomes for producers and consumers -COCOREADO: Connecting consumers and producers to rebalance farmers’ positions through ambassador training | |
2020–2024 | CE-FNR-07–2020: FOOD 2030-Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation (CSA) | -CITIES2030 Co-creating resiIlient and sustainable food systems towards the FOOD2030 PROJECT -FOOD TRAILS Building pathways towards FOOD 2030-led urban food policies |
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Economy | Social | Environment | Health/Nutrition | Governance |
-SFSCs increase farmers’ income -SFSCs generate jobs -SFSCs increase farmers’ workload -SFSCs contribute to the local economy | -SFSCs strengthen social relations -SFSCs favour collective action and social innovations -SFSCs remain, for the majority, inaccessible to low-budget consumers -SFSCs value women’s work | -SFSCs reduce or increase GHG emissions, depending on logistics -SFSCs value agrobiodiversity -SFSCs favour environmentally-friendly practices (producers, consumers) | -SFSCs favour nutritious and healthy food | -SFSCs balance power relations in food chains in favour of farmers -SFSCs favour citizen participation in the functioning of food chains |
Keywords Related to SFSCs | Keywords Related to Sustainability |
Short food supply chains Direct sales Alternative food networks Local food Local food systems Food relocalisation | Sustainability; performance; income; price; job; workload; work organisation; local economy; embeddedness; producer-consumer relation; food justice; social innovation; GHG; agrobiodiversity; environment; sustainable consumption; healthy/nutritious food; local food governance; food democracy |
Publication Type | Dominant Discipline | Publication Year (Range: 2000–2018) | Geographical Reach |
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Chiffoleau, Y.; Dourian, T. Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Is Shortening the Answer? A Literature Review for a Research and Innovation Agenda. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9831.
Chiffoleau Y, Dourian T. Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Is Shortening the Answer? A Literature Review for a Research and Innovation Agenda. Sustainability. 2020; 12(23):9831.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChiffoleau, Yuna, and Tara Dourian. 2020. "Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Is Shortening the Answer? A Literature Review for a Research and Innovation Agenda" Sustainability 12, no. 23: 9831.
APA StyleChiffoleau, Y., & Dourian, T. (2020). Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Is Shortening the Answer? A Literature Review for a Research and Innovation Agenda. Sustainability, 12(23), 9831.