The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island
:1. Introduction
2. The Specifics of Saint Martin’s Waste Management Organization during Normal Periods
2.1. The Complexity of the Political Organization
2.2. Weight of the Tourism Sector Influencing Waste Production and Management
2.3. Organization of the Waste Management Service: Streams and Facilities
3. The Method
3.1. General Methodological Framework
3.2. Specific Methodological Framework
3.3. Data-Collection Method
4. The Study of the Evolution of Saint Martin’s Insular Metabolism after the Passage of Hurricane Irma Applied to Waste Management
4.1. The Intensity of Waste Flows Was Modified in the Long Term after Irma
4.2. Modification of the Spatial Structure of Waste Streams
4.3. Temporary Reorganization of Actors after Irma
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Waste Streams | On-Site Treatment | Destination | Eco-Organization |
Green waste | Crushed and mixed with sludge from the collectivity’s treatment plant on the composting platform | Sale of compost to NF-U 44-095 standards (from 2014) | NA |
Glass | Crushed | Sand and glass gravel are marketed on the island under the name “SWALIGLASS” Marketed to companies on the island for filling electricity supply trenches Used internally on the site for making concrete structures or for route cleanliness | NA |
WEEE | Massification Grinding | AER in Guadeloupe International scrap markets | Ecologic |
Furniture | Massification | VALDELIA | |
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste | Massification, sorting and compacting | Shipped to international markets after processing in specialized scrap installations in Europe | NA |
Cardboard boxes resulting from business activities | Sorted, compacted, and dispatched for upgrading | NA | |
Packaging waste | Massification | Sorted and upgraded at ECODEC in Guadeloupe | ECODEC EcoEmballages |
Batteries and accumulators | Massification | SCRELEC | |
Bulbs | Massification | Recylum | |
Used engine oil | Recovered from garages free-of-charge by a service-provider | Upgraded at OSILUB (Rouen) under the terms of an ADEME contract | NA |
Cable | Massification | Dispatched to Recyclables for upgrading copper and aluminum | NA |
ELV | Storage, decontamination, and dismantling | NA | |
Rubble | Crushing, sorting | Reuse on site for site design and landfilling | NA |
Year | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Quantity of waste treated at Grande Caye Ecosite | 34,155 tonnes (Source: Verde) 33,307 tonnes (Source: IREP) | 42,311 tonnes (Source: IREP) | 83,760 tonnes (Source: IREP) | 67,184 tonnes (Source: Verde) |
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Popescu, R.; Beraud, H.; Barroca, B. The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island. Sustainability 2020, 12, 6731.
Popescu R, Beraud H, Barroca B. The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island. Sustainability. 2020; 12(17):6731.
Chicago/Turabian StylePopescu, Roxana, Hélène Beraud, and Bruno Barroca. 2020. "The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island" Sustainability 12, no. 17: 6731.
APA StylePopescu, R., Beraud, H., & Barroca, B. (2020). The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island. Sustainability, 12(17), 6731.