Computational System to Classify Cyber Crime Offenses using Machine Learning
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Proposed Methodology
3.1. Information Gathering (Reconnaissance)
3.2. Preprocessing
Python code for Calculation of tf-idf vector – Incident |
fromsklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer |
tf_idf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=5, norm=’l2’, encoding=’latin-1’, |
ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words=’english’) |
feat_crime = tfidf.fit_transform(df.Incident).toarray() |
features.shape |
Python code for Calculation of Correlated Words |
fromsklearn.feature_selection import chi2 |
import numpy as np |
M = 2 |
for Cyber_crime, c_id in sorted(c_to_id.items()): |
feat_crime_chi2 = chi2(feat_crime, labels == c_id) |
indices_crime = np.argsort(feat_crime_chi2[0]) |
feat_crime_names = np.array(tfidf.get_feature_names())[indices_crime] |
uni_grams = [j for j in feat_crime_names if len(j.split(’ ’)) == 1] |
bi_grams = [j for j in feat_crime_names if len(j.split(’ ’)) == 2] |
write (.format(Cyber_crime)) |
write (.format(’\n. ’.join(unigrams[-N:])) |
write(.format(’\n. ’.join(bigrams[-N:])) |
3.3. Clustering and Classification
3.4. Prediction Analysis
4. Results and Analysis
Test Cases
5. Conclusions and Future Scope
Future Scope
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Incident | Offender | Access violation | Victim | Harm | Year | Location | Age of offender |
Illegal downloading | CC | TI | Company | Loss of proprietary | 2013 | Delhi | 27 |
Pirated textbook | CC | TI | Individual | Loss of copyright | 2012 | Maharashtra | 38 |
Illegal downloading of application | CC | TI | Company | Loss of proprietary | 2013 | Hyderabad | 26 |
Pirated software | CC | TI | Company | Loss of intellectual rights | 2012 | Hyderabad | 22 |
Illegal downloading of music | CC | TI | Industry | Loss of proprietary | 2015 | Hyderabad | 20 |
Hacking of power plant communication | CH | TI | State | Infrastructure loss | 2013 | Delhi | 34 |
Hacking of smart phone | CH | TT | Individual | Loss of proprietary | 2014 | Gujrat | 23 |
Hacking of government website | CH | TI | State | Economic loss | 2015 | Maharashtra | 32 |
Stealing of credit card information | CC | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2015 | Banglore | 33 |
Illegal purchase of goods | CC | TI | Company | Loss of proprietary | 2013 | Banglore | 29 |
Creating a fake account of reputed person | CC | TI | Individual | Loss of reputation | 2015 | Hyderabad | 21 |
Siphoned money from a individual account | CT | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2015 | Tamilnadu | 22 |
OTP theft | CC | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2012 | Tamilnadu | 24 |
Illegal purchase of goods | CC | TI | Company | Loss of proprietary | 2011 | Maharashtra | 26 |
KYC theft | CT | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2013 | Maharashtra | 22 |
Creating a fake ID | CH | TS | Individual | Loss of reputation | 2014 | Bihar | 23 |
Spoof calling | CC | TT | Individual | Loss of privacy | 2011 | Gujrat | 24 |
Hacking of password of an account | CH | TI | Individual | Loss of reputation | 2013 | Bihar | 21 |
Illegal downloading of movie | CH | TI | Industry | Loss of proprietary | 2012 | Maharashtra | 22 |
Hacking of smart phone | CH | TT | Individual | Loss of security | 2011 | Hyderabad | 24 |
Illegal access of social account | CC | TI | Individual | Loss of proprietary | 2014 | Hyderabad | 21 |
OTP theft | CT | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2012 | Maharashtra | 32 |
Illegal access of college website | CC | TI | Organisation | Financial loss | 2015 | Delhi | 23 |
Stealing of bank account details | CC | TI | Individual | Financial loss | 2013 | Maharashtra | 30 |
Content-Based Features |
Incident |
Offender |
Harm |
Access Violation |
Year |
Victim |
Cybercrime | Incident | Catergory_id | |
0 | Identity Theft | Email Id Theft | 0 |
1 | Copyright attack | Pirated application | 1 |
2 | Identity Theft | Illegal purchase of goods | 0 |
3 | Copyright attack | Posting an article without permission | 1 |
4 | Copyright attack | Making piracy of an application | 1 |
5 | Identity Theft | KYC theft | 0 |
6 | Identity Theft | Online shopping fraud | 0 |
7 | Hacking | Hacking of Smart phone | 2 |
8 | Copyright attack | Illegal downloading of movie | 1 |
9 | Identity Theft | Illegal access of bank account | 0 |
Crime Type | Total Crimes | |
0 | Copyright attack | 466 |
1 | Hacking | 282 |
2 | ID theft | 868 |
3 | Others | 1923 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Ch, R.; Gadekallu, T.R.; Abidi, M.H.; Al-Ahmari, A. Computational System to Classify Cyber Crime Offenses using Machine Learning. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4087.
Ch R, Gadekallu TR, Abidi MH, Al-Ahmari A. Computational System to Classify Cyber Crime Offenses using Machine Learning. Sustainability. 2020; 12(10):4087.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCh, Rupa, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Mustufa Haider Abidi, and Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari. 2020. "Computational System to Classify Cyber Crime Offenses using Machine Learning" Sustainability 12, no. 10: 4087.
APA StyleCh, R., Gadekallu, T. R., Abidi, M. H., & Al-Ahmari, A. (2020). Computational System to Classify Cyber Crime Offenses using Machine Learning. Sustainability, 12(10), 4087.