Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution
:1. Introduction
2. The Proposed Method
2.1. The Grammatical Evolution Method
- N is the set of non-terminal symbols.
- T is the set of terminal symbols.
- S represents that start symbol of the grammar with .
- P is the production rules of the grammar. Usually these rules are in the form or .
- Obtain the next element V from the provided chromosome.
- The production rule is selected according to the scheme
2.2. The Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Algorithm 1 The modified version of the Simulated Annealing algorithm |
procedure siman
2.3. The Neural Network Construction Algorithm
- Initialization step:
- (a)
- Set as the maximum number of generations allowed.
- (b)
- Set as the number of chromosomes.
- (c)
- Set as the selection rate and as the mutation rate.
- (d)
- Define as the number of generations that should elapse before applying the local optimization technique.
- (e)
- Define as the number of chromosomes involved in the local search procedure.
- (f)
- Initialize the chromosomes. Each chromosome is considered as a series of randomly initialized integers.
- (g)
- Set iter=0.
- Genetic step:
- (a)
- Fordo
- Create for every chromosome a neural network using the Grammatical Evolution procedure of Section 2.1 and the associated grammar given in Figure 1.
- Calculate the fitness on the train set of the objective problem as:
- Perform the selection procedure. Initially, the chromosomes are sorted according to their fitness values. The best chromosomes are transferred to the next generation. The remaining chromosomes will be replaced by offspring created during the crossover procedure.
- Perform the crossover procedure. The crossover procedure produces offspring. For every pair of produced offspring and , there are two offspring . The selection is performed using tournament selection. The new offspring are produced using the one-point crossover procedure. An example of the one-point crossover procedure is shown in Figure 3.
- Perform the mutation procedure. For each element of every chromosome, a random number is drawn. The corresponding element is altered if .
- (b)
- EndFor
- Local Search step:
- (a)
- If Then
- Create a set of randomly chosen chromosomes from the genetic population. Denote this set as .
- For every in apply the modified Simulated Annealing algorithm given in Algorithm 1:
- set iter = iter + 1. If iter > goto Evaluation step else goto Genetic step.
- Evaluation step:
- (a)
- Obtain the chromosome with the lowest fitness value and create the associated neural network .
- (b)
- Evaluate the neural network in the test set of the underlying dataset and report the results.
3. Results
- The UCI dataset repository, (accessed on 20 March 2024) [59];
- The Keel repository, (accessed on 20 March 2024) [60];
- The Statlib URL (accessed on 20 March 2024).
3.1. Classification Datasets
- Appendictis a medical dataset, provided in [61].
- Australian dataset [62], which is related to credit card transactions.
- Balance dataset [63], a dataset related to psychological experiments.
- Circular dataset, an artificial dataset that contains 1000 examples.
- Dermatology dataset [66], which is a medical dataset about dermatological deceases.
- Ecoli dataset, a dataset about protein localization sites [67].
- Haberman dataset, related to breast cancer.
- Heart dataset [68], a medical dataset about heart diseases.
- Hayes roth dataset [69], which is a human subjects study.
- HouseVotes dataset [70], related to votes collected from U.S. House of Representatives Congressmen.
- Liverdisorder dataset [73], a medical dataset related to liver disorders.
- Mammographic dataset [74], a medical dataset related to breast cancer.
- Parkinsons dataset, a medical dataset related to Parkinson’s disease (PD) [75].
- Pima dataset [76], a medical dataset related to the diabetes presence.
- Popfailures dataset [77], a dataset related to climate measurements.
- Regions2 dataset, medical dataset related to hepatitis C [78].
- Saheart dataset [79]. This dataset is used to detect heart diseases.
- Segment dataset [80], related to image processing.
- Student dataset [81], related to data collected in Portuguese schools.
- Transfusion dataset [82], this dataset was taken from the Blood Transfusion Service Center in Hsin-Chu City in Taiwan.
- Wdbc dataset [83], a medical dataset related cancer detection.
- Eeg datasets, a dataset related to EEG measurements [86]. From this dataset the following cases were used: Z_F_S, Z_O_N_F_S, ZO_NF_S, and ZONF_S.
- Zoo dataset [87], related to animal classification.
3.2. Regression Datasets
- Abalone dataset [88], a dataset related to the prediction of age of abalones.
- Airfoil dataset, a dataset proposed by NASA [89].
- Baseball dataset, related with the income of baseball players.
- Concrete dataset [90], which is a civil engineering dataset.
- Dee dataset. This dataset has measures from the price of electricity.
- HO dataset, downloaded from the STALIB repository.
- Housing dataset, mentioned in [91].
- Laser dataset. This is a dataset related to laser experiments
- LW dataset, related to risk factors associated with low-weight babies.
- MORTGAGE dataset, a dataset related to economic measurements from the USA.
- PL dataset, provided from the STALIB repository.
- SN dataset, provided from the STALIB repository.
- Treasury dataset, a dataset related to economic measurements from the USA.
- TZ dataset, provided from the STALIB repository.
3.3. Experimental Results
- The column DATASET denotes the used dataset.
- The column ADAM denotes the application of the ADAM optimization method [92] in an artificial neural network with processing nodes.
- The column NEAT stands for the usage of NEAT method (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies ) [93].
- The column MLP stands for the experimental results of an artificial neural network with processing nodes. The neural network was trained using a Genetic Algorithm and the BFGS local optimization method [94].
- The column RBF represents the application of an RBF network with processing nodes in each dataset.
- The column NNC denotes the usage of the original Neural Construction technique, which was constructed with Grammatical Evolution.
- The column NNC-S denotes the usage of the proposed local optimization procedure in the Neural Construction technique.
- The line AVERAGE denotes the average classification or regression error.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Purpose | Value |
Number of chromosomes | 500 | |
Number of generations | 200 | |
Selection rate | 0.10 | |
Mutation rate | 0.05 | |
g | Number of random changes | 10 |
R | Range of random changes | 10 |
Small value used in comparisons | ||
Number of random samples | 200 | |
T | Initial temperature | |
Rate of decrease in temperature | 0.8 |
Dataset | ADAM | NEAT | GENETIC | RBF | NNC | NNC-S |
APPENDICITIS | 16.50% | 17.20% | 18.10% | 12.23% | 14.40% | 14.60% |
AUSTRALIAN | 35.65% | 31.98% | 32.21% | 34.89% | 14.46% | 14.90% |
BALANCE | 7.87% | 23.84% | 8.97% | 33.42% | 22.13% | 7.66% |
CIRCULAR | 3.94% | 34.07% | 5.99% | 6.30% | 14.26% | 7.88% |
CLEVELAND | 67.55% | 53.44% | 51.60% | 67.10% | 49.93% | 48.59% |
DERMATOLOGY | 26.14% | 32.43% | 30.58% | 62.34% | 24.80% | 13.11% |
ECOLI | 64.43% | 43.24% | 49.38% | 59.50% | 48.82% | 44.88% |
HABERMAN | 29.00% | 24.04% | 28.66% | 25.10% | 28.33% | 28.73% |
HAYES ROTH | 59.70% | 50.15% | 56.18% | 64.36% | 37.23% | 28.08% |
HEART | 38.53% | 39.27% | 28.34% | 31.20% | 15.78% | 16.00% |
HOUSEVOTES | 7.48% | 10.89% | 6.62% | 6.13% | 3.52% | 3.74% |
IONOSPHERE | 16.64% | 19.67% | 15.14% | 16.22% | 11.86% | 10.03% |
LIVERDISORDER | 41.53% | 30.67% | 31.11% | 30.84% | 32.97% | 32.82% |
MAMMOGRAPHIC | 46.25% | 22.85% | 19.88% | 21.38% | 18.22% | 16.58% |
PARKINSONS | 24.06% | 18.56% | 18.05% | 17.41% | 13.21% | 12.26% |
PIMA | 34.85% | 34.51% | 32.19% | 25.78% | 28.47% | 25.26% |
POPFAILURES | 5.18% | 7.05% | 5.94% | 7.04% | 6.83% | 5.52% |
REGIONS2 | 29.85% | 33.23% | 29.39% | 38.29% | 25.87% | 24.47% |
SAHEART | 34.04% | 34.51% | 34.86% | 32.19% | 30.80% | 29.52% |
SEGMENT | 49.75% | 66.72% | 57.72% | 59.68% | 54.89% | 39.38% |
STUDENT | 5.13% | 12.50% | 5.61% | 7.52% | 5.70% | 4.52% |
TRANSFUSION | 25.68% | 24.87% | 25.84% | 27.36% | 25.30% | 24.33% |
WDBC | 35.35% | 12.88% | 8.56% | 7.27% | 7.27% | 5.59% |
WINE | 29.40% | 25.43% | 19.20% | 31.41% | 13.53% | 11.47% |
Z_F_S | 47.81% | 38.41% | 10.73% | 13.16% | 15.30% | 7.93% |
Z_O_N_F_S | 78.79% | 79.08% | 64.81% | 60.40% | 50.48% | 40.42% |
ZO_NF_S | 47.43% | 43.75% | 8.41% | 9.02% | 15.22% | 6.60% |
ZONF_S | 11.99% | 5.44% | 2.60% | 4.03% | 3.14% | 2.36% |
ZOO | 14.13% | 20.27% | 16.67% | 21.93% | 9.10% | 7.20% |
AVERAGE | 32.23% | 30.72% | 24.94% | 28.74% | 22.13% | 18.43% |
Dataset | ADAM | NEAT | GENETIC | RBF | NNC | NNC-S |
ABALONE | 4.30 | 9.88 | 7.17 | 7.37 | 5.11 | 4.95 |
AIRFOIL | 0.005 | 0.067 | 0.003 | 0.27 | 0.003 | 0.003 |
BASEBALL | 77.90 | 100.39 | 103.60 | 93.02 | 59.40 | 57.30 |
CONCRETE | 0.078 | 0.081 | 0.0099 | 0.011 | 0.008 | 0.006 |
DEE | 0.63 | 1.512 | 1.013 | 0.17 | 0.26 | 0.23 |
HO | 0.035 | 0.167 | 2.78 | 0.03 | 0.016 | 0.012 |
HOUSING | 80.20 | 56.49 | 43.26 | 57.68 | 25.56 | 18.82 |
LASER | 0.03 | 0.084 | 0.59 | 0.024 | 0.026 | 0.015 |
LW | 0.028 | 0.17 | 1.90 | 1.14 | 0.97 | 0.038 |
MORTGAGE | 9.24 | 14.11 | 2.41 | 1.45 | 0.29 | 0.12 |
PL | 0.117 | 0.097 | 0.28 | 0.083 | 0.046 | 0.033 |
SN | 0.026 | 0.174 | 2.95 | 0.90 | 0.026 | 0.024 |
TREASURY | 11.16 | 15.52 | 2.93 | 2.02 | 0.47 | 0.18 |
TZ | 0.07 | 0.097 | 5.38 | 4.10 | 0.06 | 0.028 |
AVERAGE | 13.12 | 14.20 | 12.45 | 12.02 | 6.60 | 5.84 |
Datatset | NNC-S | NNC-S | NNC-S | NNC-S |
APPENDICITIS | 14.90% | 15.00% | 14.60% | 14.50% |
AUSTRALIAN | 14.59% | 14.85% | 14.90% | 15.04% |
BALANCE | 8.53% | 7.68% | 7.66% | 7.56% |
CIRCULAR | 10.49% | 8.81% | 7.88% | 7.50% |
CLEVELAND | 48.41% | 48.31% | 48.59% | 48.10% |
DERMATOLOGY | 15.09% | 13.80% | 13.11% | 13.29% |
ECOLI | 45.30% | 45.12% | 44.88% | 44.36% |
HABERMAN | 27.80% | 27.97% | 28.73% | 27.83% |
HAYES ROTH | 29.85% | 28.85% | 28.08% | 29.15% |
HEART | 16.11% | 15.04% | 16.00% | 14.78% |
HOUSEVOTES | 3.70% | 4.22% | 3.74% | 3.70% |
IONOSPHERE | 10.54% | 10.09% | 10.03% | 10.00% |
LIVERDISORDER | 31.41% | 33.15% | 32.82% | 33.29% |
MAMMOGRAPHIC | 17.16% | 17.25% | 16.58% | 16.99% |
PARKINSONS | 12.32% | 12.89% | 12.26% | 12.11% |
PIMA | 26.12% | 25.96% | 25.26% | 25.92% |
POPFAILURES | 5.58% | 6.00% | 5.52% | 5.68% |
REGIONS2 | 24.71% | 24.05% | 24.47% | 24.66% |
SAHEART | 30.04% | 29.67% | 29.52% | 29.07% |
SEGMENT | 46.94% | 42.37% | 39.38% | 41.19% |
STUDENT | 4.60% | 4.73% | 4.52% | 4.48% |
TRANSFUSION | 24.28% | 24.34% | 24.33% | 24.03% |
WDBC | 6.23% | 6.22% | 5.59% | 5.68% |
WINE | 12.59% | 11.30% | 11.47% | 9.24% |
Z_F_S | 9.57% | 9.60% | 7.93% | 8.10% |
Z_O_N_F_S | 46.04% | 43.36% | 40.42% | 41.54% |
ZO_NF_S | 9.69% | 8.54% | 6.60% | 6.44% |
ZONF_S | 2.58% | 2.28% | 2.36% | 2.36% |
ZOO | 6.90% | 7.00% | 7.20% | 7.70% |
AVERAGE | 19.38% | 18.91% | 18.43% | 18.42% |
Dataset | NNC-S | NNC-S | NNC-S ) | NNC-S |
APPENDICITIS | 14.40% | 14.90% | 14.60% | 15.20% |
AUSTRALIAN | 14.77% | 14.78% | 14.90% | 14.70% |
BALANCE | 7.66% | 7.74% | 7.66% | 7.66% |
CIRCULAR | 8.39% | 8.29% | 7.88% | 7.78% |
CLEVELAND | 49.45% | 49.28% | 48.59% | 47.11% |
DERMATOLOGY | 14.09% | 12.54% | 13.11% | 11.34% |
ECOLI | 44.24% | 46.30% | 44.88% | 44.48% |
HABERMAN | 27.33% | 28.10% | 28.73% | 28.04% |
HAYES ROTH | 29.15% | 27.92% | 28.08% | 26.46% |
HEART | 15.67% | 15.52% | 16.00% | 15.15% |
HOUSEVOTES | 4.00% | 3.62% | 3.74% | 4.52% |
IONOSPHERE | 10.14% | 10.03% | 10.03% | 10.71% |
LIVERDISORDER | 32.80% | 32.12% | 32.82% | 32.29% |
MAMMOGRAPHIC | 17.18% | 16.78% | 16.58% | 16.62% |
PARKINSONS | 12.68% | 12.16% | 12.26% | 11.95% |
PIMA | 25.72% | 25.11% | 25.26% | 26.33% |
POPFAILURES | 5.87% | 5.72% | 5.52% | 5.58% |
REGIONS2 | 23.55% | 24.04% | 24.47% | 24.08% |
SAHEART | 29.48% | 28.96% | 29.52% | 29.24% |
SEGMENT | 40.32% | 40.23% | 39.38% | 40.82% |
STUDENT | 4.18% | 4.50% | 4.52% | 4.78% |
TRANSFUSION | 24.60% | 24.12% | 24.33% | 24.36% |
WDBC | 6.09% | 5.68% | 5.59% | 5.46% |
WINE | 11.00% | 10.30% | 11.47% | 9.41% |
Z_F_S | 8.33% | 8.30% | 7.93% | 8.50% |
Z_O_N_F_S | 41.70% | 43.42% | 40.42% | 41.44% |
ZO_NF_S | 7.58% | 7.72% | 6.60% | 7.10% |
ZONF_S | 2.50% | 2.54% | 2.36% | 3.00% |
ZOO | 6.80% | 6.30% | 7.20% | 6.10% |
AVERAGE | 18.61% | 18.52% | 18.43% | 18.28% |
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Tsoulos, I.G.; Tzallas, A.; Karvounis, E. Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution. Future Internet 2024, 16, 172.
Tsoulos IG, Tzallas A, Karvounis E. Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution. Future Internet. 2024; 16(5):172.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsoulos, Ioannis G., Alexandros Tzallas, and Evangelos Karvounis. 2024. "Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution" Future Internet 16, no. 5: 172.
APA StyleTsoulos, I. G., Tzallas, A., & Karvounis, E. (2024). Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution. Future Internet, 16(5), 172.