Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines
:1. Introduction
- The Protocol and Network Tier (PN-Tier) aggregates the core DLT elements and organizes them in two layers. The Protocol Layer contains technology solutions for digital assets registration, transactions, data structures, privacy, and business rules implementation. The Network Layer contains technology solutions for creating a peer-to-peer network, ledger replication, and consensus-based validation.
- The Scalability Tier (S-Tier) runs most of the time a parallel DLT network and aggregates technological solutions for addressing the scalability issues raised by the PN-Tier. We have focused on solutions for blockchain ledger scalability problems such as storage scalability, transaction throughput, and computational scalability.
- The Interoperability Tier built on top of the previous two tiers addresses integration and interoperability of multiple DLT applications and systems deployments.
2. Protocol and Network Tier
2.1. Protocol Layer
2.1.1. Type of Asset and Data Structures
2.1.2. Privacy of Transacting Parties and Data
2.1.3. Business Rules Enforcement over Transactions
2.2. Network Layer
2.2.1. Data Propagation and Replication
2.2.2. Permission Mechanisms
2.2.3. Consensus Protocols
3. Scalability Tier
3.1. Storage Size
3.2. Transaction Throughput
3.3. Processing Capability
4. Interoperability Tier
5. Discussion and Development Guidelines
5.1. Decentralization of Design
- Step 1.
- Understanding the existing system design and business model. An exhaustive understanding of the business is required to design a decentralized application. Good knowledge of the business model and rules that govern the domain, as well as of the architecture used in the centralized implementation, are prerequisites for starting the sequence of steps required to achieve a consistent and well-documented decentralized solution. One needs to identify the functional and non-functional requirements that need to be addressed for ensuring the completeness of the design. Most of the time, a complete and sound list of requirements can be obtained by holding several interview sessions with the future stakeholders of the system.
- Step 2.
- Identify potential challenges for each tier. Once the functional and non-functional requirements are clearly defined, the challenges that can arise once mapping the model on a decentralized solution can already be identified. We classify the challenges based on the tiers identified at the level of architecture. Protocol and Network Tier challenges: What is the targeted network level, public or private? Does the system need to hide the transacted information? Is selective disclosure a requirement of the business? Etc. Scalability Tier challenges: Are the scalability requirements higher than what the Protocol and Network Tier solutions can offer? Are the scalability requirements targeting storage, throughput, or computation?
- Step 3.
- Determine potential tradeoffs. Depending on the set of challenges identified, there might be situations where not all the requirements can be successfully ensured by the DLT solutions. In such situations, a tradeoff needs to be made. Most of the time, the application scalability may be affected while incorporating the reliability, immutability, and consensus properties ensured by a DLT. Furthermore, by outsourcing components of the system to the Scalability Tier, another tradeoff regarding the actual decentralization must be done since most of the Scalability Tier solution requires a trusted party to oversee the outsourced component.
- Step 4.
- Define a DLT compliant translation of the application design and business model. It is important to conduct thorough research of the state of the art whenever a DLT solution is considered, for a system decentralization. Obtaining a clear picture of all potential theologies alternatives to the problems identified can be quite difficult. A decentralized design of the system should be proposed, and the most suitable solution for each architectural component needs to be selected.
5.2. Decentralized Application Development
- Step A.
- Choose the DLT platform. From this point forward one needs to proceed with the evaluation of the existing DLT implementation platforms, since some decentralized applications may be compatible with existing systems, thus beneficiating from the already built network of miners. Two cases may emerge (Table 9): an existing platform matches the decentralized application requirements, or a new custom chain needs to be implemented. In the latter case, a custom chain is built and used as the base PN-Tier for the decentralized application implementation. Most of the time, this situation arises when the current frameworks’ specifications are not compliant with the application requirements, thus a new DLT core platform must be developed, and a new network of nodes must be built. Furthermore, a tradeoff regarding the cost and the complexity of the implementation must be considered when choosing one of the two solutions.
- Step B.
- Publish and advertise the idea through a whitepaper. One principle of decentralized application whitepaper is to provide complete transparency to build trust with the investors. Companies are encouraged to provide an honest technical and economic roadmap. They should explain in detail the technical feasibility of the solution as well as the investment and revenue plans, the shares among the company partners, the economic sustainability of the solution, etc.
- Step C.
- Token launch or Initial Coin Offering. A fixed number of tokens should be released to attract investors and raise money for the development phase. The token distribution plan specifies the maximum number of tokens that will be ever generated by the decentralized application, the tokens unlocked for distribution, the tokens transferred to the founders or other participants, and the tokens locked for future use. The initial coin offering plans are advertised by the company, mentioning the initial price, start date, end date, the number of tokens unlocked, pricing schemes (constant pricing, incremental pricing, etc.). The token registry and the distribution rules are programmed as smart contracts and deployed on-chain. Each buyer willing to invest in the decentralized application will need to acquire the necessary cryptocurrency and sign a transaction paying the requested sum in return for several tokens. The distribution contract will validate the deposited sum, and if all the rules hold, the token registry will update the buyer’s account accordingly.
- Step D.
- Development and application deployment. The decentralized application development will continue according to the roadmap presented in the whitepaper. Based on the alternatives presented in the previous chapters, a guideline for choosing the specific implementation solutions is presented in Table 10. Upon finalization, the application will be deployed and all the users that acquired tokens during the initial coin offering will be able to start using the decentralized application or will be able to sell the tokens to other interested parties.
- Step E.
- Token listing on public exchanges. To facilitate the exchange of tokens between interested users, the company can list the token on one of the public exchanges. Sellers can make their offers and buyers can make their bids therefore, depending on the public interest in the launched business, the token can have the potential to raise its value. Being an off-chain exchange, only upon settlement the updated balance will be registered on-chain mirroring the transaction that happened between the seller and the buyer. However, some of these exchanges chose to act as a custodian for the exchanged tokens and the actual registry is not updated on-chain.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | Token Example | Fungibility | Issuers |
Native tokens | Bitcoin, Ether, CryptoKitties [4,15,23] | Yes | Mining Reward Schemes |
ERC20, ERC223, ERC-621 [26] | Yes | Initial Coin Offerings | |
ERC721 [26] | No | Initial Coin Offerings | |
Asset-Based Tokens | Real Estate [27] | No | Government Land Registries [28] |
Patents [29] | No | U.S. Patent & Trademark Office [30] | |
Academic Records [31] | No | The Registrar’s Office [32] | |
Gold | Yes | Royal Mint Gold [33] |
Features | Private-Public Key Encryption | Zero-Knowledge Proofs | Ring Signatures | Homomorphic Encryption | Coin Mixers |
Hidden Data | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Non-traceable | yes | n/a | yes | yes | yes |
Non-linkable | no | yes | yes | no | yes |
Decentralized | no | yes | yes | yes | no |
Private Business Enforcement | no | yes | no | no | no |
Transaction validation by network | no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Type | Implementation | Platform | Enforcement Flexibility | Costs | Exploitation Risks |
Stateless Transaction Oriented | Transactional Rules | ||||
Built-In Enforcement | Bitcoin [4], Litecoin [17] | Limited | None | Low | |
Nxt [57] | Templates | None | Low | ||
Piggy Backed Enforcement | Counterparty [58] | Turing Complete | Fee per instruction | High | |
Stateful Business Oriented | State Storage | ||||
Smart Contracts & Merkle Patricia Tree | Ethereum [15] | Turing Complete | Fee per instruction | High | |
Smart Contracts & NoSQL DB | HyperLedger [34] | Turing Complete | None | High |
Type | Platform | Trusted Parties | Global Disclosed | Selective Disclosed | ||
Data | Structure | Data | Structure | |||
Public DLTs | Ethereum [15], Bitcoin [4], etc. | - | All transactions | Blockchain | - | - |
Business Specific Chains | HyperLedger Multi-channel [60] | Orderer | - | - | Exclusive transactions | Queues, Blockchain |
Plasma [62] | Central Authority, N delegates | Public Transactions + settlements | Blockchain | Exclusive transactions | Blockchain | |
Point-to-Point transactions | Corda [61] | Notary Service | - | - | Exclusive transactions | Local database |
Quorum [49] | Private parties | Public transactions, Hashes of Exclusive Transactions | Blockchain | Exclusive transactions | Merkle Patricia Tree |
Action | Public Chain | Private Chain | ||
Permission-Less | Permissioned | Consortium | Enterprise | |
Chain Access | Everyone | Everyone | Group Owner | Group Owner |
Transactions | Everyone | Owners & Validated Users | Owners & Validated Users | Administrator |
Commit to chain | Everyone | Owners & subset of Validated Users | Owners & subset of Validated Users | Administrator |
Features | Protocol & Network Tier | Scalability Tier | |
Fully Replicated | Sharding | File Systems | |
Immutability | Yes | Yes | No |
Trusted Parties | None | None | Peer nodes |
Byzantine Tolerant | Yes | A tradeoff with the no. of shards | No |
Storage Scalability | Low | Medium | High |
Cost | High | Medium | medium |
Protocol and Network Tier | Scalability Tier | |||
Fully Replicated | Sharding | Sidechains | Payment Channels | |
Trusted Parties | None | None | Depending on implementation | None |
Transaction Scalability | Low | Medium | Medium | High |
Cost | High | Medium | Medium | Low |
Implementation Level | Deposit Mechanism | Withdraw Mechanism | Trusted Entities | Chain Independence | |
Central Exchange | Escrow | TX to a central authority | TX to a central authority | Central Authority | Yes |
MultiSig Federation [138] | Escrow | TX to a multi-signature federation | TX to a multi-signature federation | N Delegates | Yes |
Entangled Chain [140] | Protocol Layer | SPV Proof from the main chain | - | Dependent on the withdraw | Mining rate restriction |
Sidechains [121,122] | Network & Protocol Layer | SPV Proof from the main chain+ proof of block validity | SPV Proof from the sidechain + proof of block validity | Sidechain miners | Yes |
Drivechain [142] | Network & Protocol Layer | SPV Proof from the main chain+ proof of block validity | SPV Proof from the sidechain + proof of block validity + miners votes | Sidechain miners | Yes |
Hybrid Models [123] | Network & Protocol Layer | SPV Proof from the main chain + proof of block validity | SPV Proof from the sidechain + proof of block validity + miners votes + multi-signature notaries | Sidechain miners + Notaries | Yes |
Plasma [62] | Network & Protocol Layer | Proof for TX on the main chain | Direct withdraw + Fault Proofs | Central Authority, N Delegates | Yes |
Lightning Network, Interledger [137] | Scalability Tier Solution | Atomic Swap | Atomic Swap | None | Yes |
Option | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Standalone Customized DLT | Target the business requirements, limitations, and challenges | Needs to build a network and gain trust in the mining nodes. Increased implementation complexity |
Existing DLT Platform | Existing P2P Network and community Attacks are unlikely considering the high number of existing nodes | High costs imposed by the mining nodes Some tradeoffs may be made due to the core-properties of an existing DLT |
Issue | Tier | Description | Alternative Solutions |
Asset Representation | PN-Tier | Custom tokens in an existing DLT | ERC-721: CryptoKitties [23], Rarible [22], EtherTulips [20] ERC20: Grid [21], Telcoin [25], Storj [110] |
Native token in a custom build DLT | Filecoin [112], MediaChain [113] | ||
Data Structure | PN-Tier | Selection of Security and Decentralisation over Scalability | Blockchain platforms: Ethereum [15], Hyperledger [34], Quorum [49] |
Selection of Scalability and Security over Decentralization | Directed Acyclic Graphs: IOTA [16], HashGraph [39] | ||
Data privacy | PN-Tier | Anonymity of identities involved | Ring Signatures: Monero [18], CryptoNote [54] Mixers: CoinJoin [47], Dash [48] |
Anonymity of content retaining verifiability | Homomorphic Encryptions (MimbleWimble [53]); Secure Multi Party Computation: Enigma [133]; Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Zcash [19], Zerocoin [51], | ||
PN-Tier/ S-Tier | Anonymity of data using references to locations in Scalability Tier | External Storage System: IPFS [111] | |
Business Enforcement | PN-Tier | Built-in custom business rules | Filecoin [112], NRGCoin [24] |
Generic rules and pluggable Turing Complete implementation | Ethereum [15], Hyperledger [34] | ||
Data Propagation | PN-Tier | Selective disclosure | Hyperledger Multichannel (Corda [61], Plasma [62]), Quorum [49] |
Global disclosure | Any public permissionless DLT | ||
Permissions & Consensus | PN-Tier | Public Permissionless & Byzantine Fault Tolerance | Ethereum with PoS or PoW |
Public Permissioned | Ethereum PoS or PoA; Hyperledger [34] | ||
Consortium or Private | Hyperledger [34], Corda [61] | ||
Large Size data | PN-Tier | Selection of Scalability and Decentralisation over Security | BigChainDB [20] |
PN-Tier/ S-Tier | File System Storage | IPFS [111], Storj [110], Filecoin [112] | |
High-Frequency Data | PN-Tier/S-Tier | Selection of Scalability and Security over Decentralization | IOTA [16], Sharding [104], Sidechains [121] |
Overlay Networks; Payment/State Channels | Payment Channels [124], Raiden [125] | ||
Computational Intensive Algorithms | PN-Tier/S-Tier | Selection of Scalability and Security over Decentralization | Secure Multi-Party Computation: Enigma [133]; TrueBit [129] |
Oracles | Provable [128] |
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Share and Cite
Antal, C.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Antal, M.; Salomie, I. Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines. Future Internet 2021, 13, 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13030062
Antal C, Cioara T, Anghel I, Antal M, Salomie I. Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines. Future Internet. 2021; 13(3):62. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13030062
Chicago/Turabian StyleAntal, Claudia, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, and Ioan Salomie. 2021. "Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines" Future Internet 13, no. 3: 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13030062
APA StyleAntal, C., Cioara, T., Anghel, I., Antal, M., & Salomie, I. (2021). Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines. Future Internet, 13(3), 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13030062