Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles, Enzymes and Ribozymes
:1. Introduction
2. An overview of viroid singularity and diversity
3. Family Pospiviroidae: an asymmetric rolling-circle mechanism with circular and linear templates catalyzed by host enzymes
3.1. Initiation and elongation: involvement of RNA polymerase II
3.2. Cleavage of oligomeric (+) strands is most likely mediated by a member of the RNase III family
3.3. Ligation of monomeric linear (+) strands: presumable participation of a novel RNA ligase
4. Family Avsunviroidae: a symmetric rolling-circle mechanism with circular RNA templates catalyzed by host enzymes and viroid ribozymes
4.1. Initiation and elongation: involvement of a nuclear-encoded chloroplastic RNA polymerase
4.2. Cleavage of oligomeric (+) and (-) strands is mediated by hammerhead ribozymes
4.3. Ligation: an unsolved question with several possible alternatives
5. Concluding remarks and perspectives
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Flores, R.; Gas, M.-E.; Molina-Serrano, D.; Nohales, M.-Á.; Carbonell, A.; Gago, S.; De la Peña, M.; Daròs, J.-A. Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles, Enzymes and Ribozymes. Viruses 2009, 1, 317-334.
Flores R, Gas M-E, Molina-Serrano D, Nohales M-Á, Carbonell A, Gago S, De la Peña M, Daròs J-A. Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles, Enzymes and Ribozymes. Viruses. 2009; 1(2):317-334.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFlores, Ricardo, María-Eugenia Gas, Diego Molina-Serrano, María-Ángeles Nohales, Alberto Carbonell, Selma Gago, Marcos De la Peña, and José-Antonio Daròs. 2009. "Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles, Enzymes and Ribozymes" Viruses 1, no. 2: 317-334.
APA StyleFlores, R., Gas, M.-E., Molina-Serrano, D., Nohales, M.-Á., Carbonell, A., Gago, S., De la Peña, M., & Daròs, J.-A. (2009). Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles, Enzymes and Ribozymes. Viruses, 1(2), 317-334.