Is the Sustainability Revolution Devouring Its Own Children? Understanding Sustainability as a Travelling Concept and the Role Played by Two German Discourses on Sustainability
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sustainability as Chance—The Confidence of the German Forest-Based Industry
1.2. Sustainability on Travel
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. The SRU Discourse on Strong Sustainability
2.2. Sustainable Standards in the Building Sector
3. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Knauf, M. Is the Sustainability Revolution Devouring Its Own Children? Understanding Sustainability as a Travelling Concept and the Role Played by Two German Discourses on Sustainability. Forests 2014, 5, 2647-2657.
Knauf M. Is the Sustainability Revolution Devouring Its Own Children? Understanding Sustainability as a Travelling Concept and the Role Played by Two German Discourses on Sustainability. Forests. 2014; 5(11):2647-2657.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKnauf, Marcus. 2014. "Is the Sustainability Revolution Devouring Its Own Children? Understanding Sustainability as a Travelling Concept and the Role Played by Two German Discourses on Sustainability" Forests 5, no. 11: 2647-2657.
APA StyleKnauf, M. (2014). Is the Sustainability Revolution Devouring Its Own Children? Understanding Sustainability as a Travelling Concept and the Role Played by Two German Discourses on Sustainability. Forests, 5(11), 2647-2657.