Chemical Composition and FTIR Analysis of Acetylated Turkey Oak and Pannonia Poplar Wood
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Wood Material
2.2. Acetylation
2.3. Preparation of Particles for Chemical Analysis
2.4. Measurement of Wood Polymers, Total Extractive, and Ash Content
2.5. Determination of pH and Buffering Capacity
2.6. Equillibrium Moisture Content
2.7. FTIR Analysis
2.8. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
Band Number | Wavenumber (cm−1) Pannonia Poplar | Wavenumber (cm−1) Turkey Oak | Functional Group | Assignment |
1 | 3534 3351 3201 | 3567 3348 3135 | OH stretching (bonded) | |
2 | 1761 | 1765 | C=O (carbonyl) stretching in unconjugated acetyl groups | Xylan (hemicelluloses) |
3 | 1378 | 1382 | Symmetric C-H deformation in CH3 | Cellulose and hemicelluloses |
4 | 1260 | 1267 | Syringyl ring and C-O stretching in the ester bond | Lignin and xylan (hemicelluloses) |
5 | 1174 | 1177 | Asymmetric C-O-C stretching | Cellulose and hemicelluloses |
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Chemical Composition | Untreated | Acetylated | Difference (pp) | Percent Change (%) | Acetylated | ||||
S | H | S | H | S | H | S | H | Degraded | |
Moisture content (%) | 5.9 | 5.9 | 2.5 | 2.5 | −3.40 | −3.40 | −58 | −58 | 2.8 |
Holocellulose content (%) | 77.59 a (2.65) | 78.47 a (0.34) | 91.55 b (1.03) | 90.26 b (4.26) | +13.96 | +11.79 | +18 | +15 | 84.36 ab (2.60) |
Hemicelluloses content (%) | 33.52 a (3.64) | 33.81 a (1.45) | 60.68 b (0.19) | 58.08 b (0.59) | + 27.16 | +24.27 | +81 | +72 | 54.44 b (2.99) |
Alpha-cellulose content (%) | 44.07 bc (0.98) | 44.66 c (1.11) | 30.87 a (0.84) | 32.19 ab (3.67) | −13.20 | −12.47 | −30 | −28 | 29.92 a (5.59) |
Klason lignin content (%) | 17.10 b (0.43) | 19.11 b (1.95) | 6.47 a (0.47) | 8.14 a (1.98) | −10.63 | −10.97 | −62 | −57 | 7.17 a (0.23) |
Extractive content (%) | 4.41 c (0.03) | 3.38 b (0.14) | 2.72 a (0.15) | 2.41 a (0.01) | −1.69 | −0.97 | −38 | −29 | 3.79 b (0.13) |
Ash content (%) | 0.90 b (0.06) | 1.11 b (0.10) | 0.22 a (0.08) | 0.88 b (0.19) | −0.68 | −0.23 | −75 | −20 | 0.83 b (0.03) |
pH | 5.79 a (0.01) | 6.59 b (0.12) | 5.35 a (0.21) | 6.52 b (0.10) | - | - | - | - | 5.70 a (0.07) |
Buffering capacity (mg/g) | 0.36 b (0.03) | 0.11 a (0.03) | 0.35 b (0.08) | 0.13 a (0.05) | −0.01 | +0.02 | −3 | +18 | 0.56 c (0.00) |
Chemical Composition | Untreated | Acetylated | Difference (pp) | Percent Change (%) | ||||
S | H | S | H | S | H | S | H | |
Moisture content (%) | 5.4 | 4.1 | 3.3 | 3.3 | −2.10 | −0.80 | −39 | −20 |
Holocellulose content (%) | 77.87 a (0.08) | 75.96 a (1.91) | 79.27 a (2.77) | 76.26 a (5.23) | +1.40 | +0.30 | +2 | +0 |
Hemicelluloses content (%) | 29.66 a (0.95) | 31.73 a (4.65) | 44.95 a (0.29) | 38.85 a (7.51) | +15.29 | +7.12 | +52 | +22 |
Alpha-cellulose content (%) | 48.21 c (0.87) | 44.23 bc (2.74) | 34.32 a (2.47) | 37.41 ab (2.28) | −13.89 | −6.82 | −29 | −15 |
Klason lignin content (%) | 16.27 a (0.23) | 16.20 a (1.60) | 13.25 a (1.07) | 17.27 a (2.16) | −3.02 | +1.07 | −19 | +7 |
Extractive content (%) | 4.89 a (0.09) | 5.09 a (0.11) | 4.70 a (0.23) | 5.64 b (0.04) | −0.19 | +0.55 | −4 | +11 |
Ash content (%) | 1.13 a (0.22) | 1.16 a (0.27) | 0.60 a (0.10) | 0.61 a (0.08) | −0.53 | −0.55 | −47 | −47 |
pH | 5.58 a (0.04) | 5.39 a (0.04) | 5.86 a (0.47) | 5.13 a (0.24) | - | - | - | - |
Buffering capacity (mg/g) | 0.45 b (0.01) | 0.48 b (0.00) | 0.27 a (0.04) | 1.02 c (0.03) | −0.18 | +0.54 | −40 | +113 |
Wood Species | Wavenumber (cm−1) | Absorption | Wavenumber (cm−1) | Absorption | Ratio | HPLC Acetyl Content (%) |
Pannonia poplar | ||||||
Sapwood | 1760 | 3.287 | 1507 | 1.061 | 3.098 | 24 |
Heartwood | 1761 | 3.316 | 1508 | 1.018 | 3.257 | >24 |
Degraded part | 1755 | 3.235 | 1509 | 1.054 | 3.069 | 24 |
Turkey oak | ||||||
Sapwood | 1762 | 1.061 | 1510 | 0.581 | 1.828 | 15 |
Heartwood | 1752 | 0.783 | 1510 | 0.609 | 1.287 | 8 |
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Fodor, F.; Hofmann, T. Chemical Composition and FTIR Analysis of Acetylated Turkey Oak and Pannonia Poplar Wood. Forests 2024, 15, 207.
Fodor F, Hofmann T. Chemical Composition and FTIR Analysis of Acetylated Turkey Oak and Pannonia Poplar Wood. Forests. 2024; 15(1):207.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFodor, Fanni, and Tamás Hofmann. 2024. "Chemical Composition and FTIR Analysis of Acetylated Turkey Oak and Pannonia Poplar Wood" Forests 15, no. 1: 207.
APA StyleFodor, F., & Hofmann, T. (2024). Chemical Composition and FTIR Analysis of Acetylated Turkey Oak and Pannonia Poplar Wood. Forests, 15(1), 207.