3.2. clean Phase
Given an arc that undergoes a decremental update, the clean phase aims at performing a more efficient regarding bidir–2hc, removal of outdated labels, by finding and removing all and only outdated label entries (from now on simply referred to as outdated entries) from the labeling, i.e., by avoiding to remove any correct entry. This is obtained by scanning the labels of vertices that are actually subject to entry removals and, contextually, by identifying pairs of vertices that might remain "uncovered" (i.e., without an hub in the labeling) after the removal of the mentioned incorrect label entries. This last identification step is necessary to test that the cover property for the new graph efficiently, in a next phase. The two purposes above are achieved, in detail, by:
determining two sets of vertices, named forward invalid hubs and backward invalid hubs, respectively, that are hubs for some pair in G but might stop being hubs in , due to the operation on , so to remove from L the incorrect entries associated with such vertices;
identifying and exploring two (virtual) subgraphs of the input graph, named forward cover graph and backward cover graph, respectively, and denoted by and , respectively
In more details, to define our algorithm we give the following definitions.
Definition 1 (Forward Cover Graph). Given a graph , a 2-hop-cover labeling L of G, an arc . The forward cover graph is a subgraph of G with and as vertex and arc sets, respectively, as follows:
a vertex u is in if and there exist two pairs and such that (that is a shortest path from u to y includes and h is a hub vertex for pair );
an arc is in if and (hence ).
In other words, vertices of the forward cover graph are those with, in G, a shortest path toward y that might contain arc
and hence whose distance toward y might change as a consequence of a decremental operation occurring on
. Please note that whether the distance toward y changes or not depends on the number of shortest paths from the vertex to y that are in the graph, and on the vertex ordering (see
Figure 3a for a graphical example of two different vertices of the forward cover graph). Note also that the arcs of such graph are the arcs of a shortest-path arborescence of G rooted at x plus arc
. Symmetrically, we define a backward version of the cover graph as follows.
Definition 2 (Backward Cover Graph). Given a graph , a 2-hop-cover labeling L of G and an arc . The backward cover graph is a subgraph of G with and as vertex and arc sets, respectively, as follows:
a vertex u is in if and there exist two pairs and such that (that is a shortest path from x to u includes and h is a hub vertex for pair );
an arc is in if and (hence ).
In other words, analogously to the forward case, vertices of the backward cover graph are those having, in G, a shortest path from x that might contain arc
and hence whose distance from x might change as a consequence of a decremental operation occurring on
. Please note that again whether the distance from x changes or not depends on the number of shortest paths from the vertex from x that are in the graph, and on the vertex ordering. Note also that the arcs of such graph are the arcs of a shortest-path arborescence of
rooted at y plus arc
(a toy example of the structure of cover graphs for a given input graph is shown in
Figure 3b).
Finally, we define the set of forward invalid hubs (backward invalid hubs , respectively) of as follows.
Definition 3 (Forward Invalid Hubs).
Given a graph , a 2-
cover labeling L
of G
and an arc . Then, the set of forward invalid hubs of is defined as: Similarly, we give a backward version.
Definition 4 (Backward Invalid Hubs).
Given a graph , a 2-
cover labeling L
of G
and an arc . Then, the set of backward invalid hubs of is defined as: Given the above definitions, algorithm clean’s strategy is based on the following properties. Notice that for the sake of simplicity, in what follows we use or to denote a vertex v belonging to the vertex set of either the forward or the backward cover graph.
Property 2. Let L be a 2-hop-cover labeling of G. Assume arc is subject to a decremental operation and let be the graph obtained by applying to G such modification. Let (, resp.) be the forward (backward, resp.) cover graph. Then, for any vertex such that (, resp.) we have that (, resp.) contains only correct entries for , that is for any we have (for any we have , resp.).
Proof. By definition of forward cover graph, we know implies there does not exist two pairs and such that for some . Observe that for any 2-hop-cover labeling, , for some , implies . Now, by contradiction, assume an entry is outdated, that is . This implies that the only shortest path from u to y in G includes arc (since the update is decremental we have that increases) and h is a hub vertex for pair . Hence we would have u is in the forward cover graph since there exist pairs and such that , which is a contradiction. The proof for the backward version is symmetric. □
Corollary 1. For any pair such that and , we have that labeling L covers the pair also for , that is .
Proof. Consider that for any pair , since L is a 2-hop-cover labeling, we have . Moreover, having and implies both and contain only correct entries for . Therefore . □
Hence, regardless of the magnitude of the change on , we are sure that the cover property is satisfied by L also in , for pairs such that and and we do not need to search for outdated entries in outgoing labels of vertices of the forward cover graph nor in incoming labels of vertices of the backward cover graph.
Now, we establish how to determine which entries are outdated in the labels of the vertices of the two cover graphs. Please note that there can be labels of vertices of the two cover graphs that do not contain outdated entries. Still, we will show it is necessary to identify such vertices since they might be interested by violations of the cover property due to the removals of the above-mentioned outdated entries. This heavily depends on the structure of the shortest paths in the graph and on the effect of the decremental update on such structure, as shown in the example of
Figure 4.
Property 3. Let and be the forward and backward cover graphs, respectively. Let L be a well-ordered 2-hop-cover labeling of G. Assume arc is subject to a decremental operation and let be the graph obtained by applying to G such modification. Let and be the sets of forward and backward invalid hubs. Then:
a label entry in the outgoing label of a vertex is outdated if and only if and there is no vertex such that: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) ;
a label entry in the incoming label of a vertex is outdated if and only if and there is no vertex such that: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) .
Proof. We focus on case 1. The proof for case 2 is symmetric.
(⇒) First of all observe that if contains an outdated label entry then, by Lemma 2, we must have and hence we know that and , i.e., v is connected in G to y via a shortest path that includes . By contradiction, we now assume that is outdated but one of the two following conditions is true:
and there is a vertex such that: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) .
Case 1. If , we have that h is not a hub vertex for pair in L. This implies that there exists another hub vertex that covers pair which in turn implies that:
either ;
or but h is not hub vertex (that is h does not belong to ) since precedes both h and x in the vertex ordering ( and ) and since L is well-ordered.
In both sub-cases we obtain a contradiction, as is not outdated (the decremental operation does not change the value of ).
Case 2. We have that there exists a neighbor of v, namely u, that is not in . Hence, its outgoing label, by Property 2, does not contain any incorrect entry and we have for any . Therefore, as and the weight of does not change in , we have that and thus the label entry is not outdated, which is a contradiction.
(⇐) Again by contradiction we assume that there is a non-outdated (correct) entry while and there is no vertex such that: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) . Since and we know that . Now, since the entry is correct for , there must exist another shortest path, say P, in G that: (i) does not contain and such that . Call the neighbor of v on this second shortest path. Since there is no neighbor u such that and , it follows that .
It follows that pair
is covered by some other vertex, say
, such that
. Since
we have also that h must be preceding
in the vertex ordering (i.e.,
) as otherwise the visit rooted at h would have not reached v (it would have been pruned thanks to
). This is a contradiction since for the pruning on P to happen
must precede h. An explanatory example of this scenario is shown in
Figure 5a. □
To summarize, Properties 2–3 provide a theoretical basis upon which we design an effective algorithm for removing outdated entries, and for detecting pairs of uncovered vertices in , as we know that: (i) to find and remove (all and only) outdated entries it suffices to scan labels (, resp.) of vertices (, resp.) and to search for entries in the form such that ( such that , resp.); (ii) to find pairs of vertices whose cover property can be broken in due to removals of outdated entries, it suffices to determine vertices of and ,
Therefore, the strategy of algorithm clean is divided in two steps. First, it computes sets and , according to the definition (line 3 of Algorithm 3), and then it performs two suited visits of the input graph G (Algorithms 5 and 6) with the two-fold aim of identifying the vertices of the two cover graphs and removing outdated entries. These two sets are stored to evaluate, in a subsequent phase, whether the cover property in the new graph is satisfied or not.
Algorithm 3: Algorithm clean |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i002]() |
Specifically, each of the two visits start from the endpoints of the arc that is interested by the update (x and y, respectively), as shown in Algorithms 5 and 6, and proceed by determining vertices of the cover graphs on the basis of the corresponding conditions (see Definitions 1 and 2).
To limit the search to such vertices only, each visit employs a priority queue to drive the exploration in a shortest-path first fashion, starting from either x or y, and performs corresponding relax operations (see procedure 7 used in both Algorithms 5 and 6). This guarantees that vertices of the cover graphs are analyzed in order of distance from x or y and hence that entries are removed only if outdated.
In fact, whenever a vertex v of the forward (backward, resp.) cover graph is found, its outgoing (incoming, resp.) label is searched for entries in the form
for every
, resp.). If any entry of this kind is present, then the algorithm determines whether the entry is correct or not for
by looking at the outgoing (incoming, resp.) neighbors’ labels to establish whether there exists a second shortest path in G from v to h (from h to v, resp.), which is sufficient for the label entry to be correct in
Figure 5b).
If the search fails, then the entry is outdated and hence it is selected for removal (see line 12 of Algorithm 5 and line 12 of Algorithm 6) by adding the hub to a corresponding list (one per vertex, see line 17 of Algorithm 5 and line 17 of Algorithm 6). Otherwise, it is correct and hence it is preserved (see, e.g., line 13 of Algorithm 5). Once all vertices of the cover graphs have been found, and their label sets searched to select outdated entries, the visit terminates and both the lists of hubs corresponding to outdated entries and sets of vertices of the cover graphs are returned.
Algorithm 4: Algorithm recover |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i003]() |
The actual removal of outdated entries is performed then at this point, once the two visits are concluded, by sequentially scanning only the labels of vertices of the cover graphs that contain at least one outdated label entry (see lines 7–9 of Algorithm 3).
This is done for the sake of the efficiency, so to be able to test the membership of vertices of the cover graph and the presence of outdated entries in linear time, by exploiting the content of the 2-hop-cover labeling L of G (see, e.g., line 18 of Algorithm 5 or line 18 of Algorithm 6). The naive alternative to achieve the same purpose would be executing a traditional shortest-path algorithm (with possibly superlinear worst-case running time, e.g., Dijkstra’s).
We conclude the section by proving some results concerned with the correctness of Algorithm clean. In particular, first we show the two sets and , computed by the algorithm, are exactly the two vertex sets of and .
Algorithm 5: Procedure fclean |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i004]() |
Algorithm 6: Procedure bclean |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i005]() |
Algorithm 7: Sub-Procedure RELAX used in Procedures fclean and bclean |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i006]() |
Lemma 1. Let L be a minimal well-ordered 2-hop-cover labeling of a graph G. Let us assume that an arc of G undergoes a decremental update. Let (, resp.) be the forward (backward, resp.) cover graph. Then, if a vertex v is in (in , resp.), we have that vertex v is added to set by Algorithm 5 (to set by Algorithm 6, resp.).
Proof. The proof is by induction on the number of operations on the queue . We first focus on Algorithm 5. Consider that at least one vertex is always inserted in the queue, namely x, with a priority of , the weight of the arc in G. Observe that is a monotonically increasing value.
Base case (). The only time when we have is when . Hence and this shows the inductive basis since, if x is in we have that with . Therefore, the vertex is added to by the algorithm. Please note that x is always added to .
Inductive Hypothesis. We assume the claim holds when , i.e., we have k extracted vertices that are in and have been visited by Algorithm 5.
Inductive Step. We consider the case when . Observe that the next extracted vertex v must be a neighbor of some vertex, say , processed in one of the previous k iterations, as otherwise v would not be in . Moreover, as v is the one with minimum priority. Therefore, we have that, if vertex v is in , in line 18, set must be not empty, with for some (since any pair of vertices is covered by some hub h in L for G) and . Thus, the claim holds. □
Then, we prove that all entries left in the labeling by Algorithm clean are correct for .
Lemma 2. Let L be a minimal well-ordered 2-hop-cover labeling of a graph G. Let us assume that an arc of G undergoes a decremental update and let be the resulting graph. Let the labeling returned by Algorithm 3. Then, for any , all entries are correct for , that is . Symmetrically, for any , all entries are correct for , that is .
Proof. By contradiction, assume that there exists some entry , for some , that does not correspond to a shortest path in after executing Algorithm 3, i.e., such that . Since undergoes a decremental update, we must have that , as otherwise a first contradiction would be reached (either a decremental update is not increasing the distance or ).Moreover, we know since L is a 2-hop-cover labeling therefore v must be a descendant of x in a shortest-path arborescence of G rooted at h, as otherwise would not be in . Hence, by Lemma 1, vertex v must be in the forward cover graph and hence is processed by Algorithm 3 in line 19. Thus, two cases can occur: either or not. In the former case, the label entry is removed by Algorithm clean, which is again a contradiction. In the latter case, instead, we have that the shortest path from x to h in G did not contain , hence . Now, on the one hand, if the shortest path from v to h in G included , we reach a contradiction. In fact, is removed, since and hence and . On the other hand, if the shortest path from v to h in G did not include , we obtain the contradiction of being correct, since not being on the shortest path from v to h implies . A symmetric argument can be used to show that all entries are correct, for any , by considering the shortest-path arborescence of and set . □
Finally, we prove a slightly stronger property, which is the minimality of removals. Specifically, we can prove that no correct label entry is removed by Algorithm 3, i.e., the number of removals is minimal to remove all entries that do not correspond to shortest paths in . In what follows, given two labelings L and we use to denote the set of label entries that are in L but not in .
Lemma 3. Let L be a minimal well-ordered 2-hop-cover labeling of a graph G. Let us assume that an arc of G undergoes a decremental update and let be the resulting graph. Let the labeling returned by Algorithm 3. Then, does not contain any label entry that is correct for .
Proof. Assume by contradiction a correct label entry is removed from , that is contains, for some , pair and . Call u the neighbor of v that induces the presence of such label entry in L which is well-ordered. Clearly we have that and since there must exist a neighbor on the shortest path from v to h (which is traversed, e.g., by fs–2hc).
Now, either the shortest path P from u to h contains arc
or not. In the latter case, we have that
. Therefore, in line 13 of Algorithm 5 the label entry is not selected for removal, which is a contradiction. In the former case, as the entry is correct for
, there must exist another shortest path, say
, that does not contain arc
and such that
. Call
the neighbor of v on such path, i.e.,
. Since the label entry is removed, it follows that Algorithm 5 in line 12 does not find any neighbor of
, i.e.,
cannot have
. Therefore, the visit rooted at h has not reached
due to some pruning test. It follows that pair
is covered (on
) by some other vertex, say
, such that
. Since
we have also that h must be preceding
in the vertex ordering (i.e.,
) as otherwise the visit rooted at h would have not reached v (it would have been pruned thanks to
). This is a contradiction since, for the pruning on
to happen, vertex
must precede h (an explanatory example of the scenario discussed in this proof is shown in
Figure 6a). A symmetric argument can be used to prove that no correct label entry is removed from any incoming label
. □
3.3. recover Phase
The second phase of Algorithm queue–2hc, named recover, takes place after Algorithm clean is concluded and considers sets and with the aim of restoring the (possibly broken) cover property for the new graph . The procedure, shown in Algorithm 4, takes as input also and the labeling returned by Algorithm clean, say , and works by resuming a series of forward and backward shortest-path visits, each considering as root one of the vertices in sets and (i.e., vertices of forward and backward cover graphs), in the order imposed by the vertex ordering. Please note that in the remainder of the paper, given a vertex , we denote by the index of h in said ordering. Each visit, rooted at some vertex , has the purpose of checking whether the cover property is satisfied for pairs for any other and, in case it is not, to restore it. This is done by visiting only the vertices and the arcs of the forward and backward cover graphs, as discussed in the following. The above is possible thanks to the following property on the labeling, holding after the execution of Algorithm clean.
Property 4. Let and the forward and backward cover graphs, respectively. Let be the labeling returned by Algorithm 3 when applied to G, to its 2-hop-cover labeling L, as a consequence of a decremental update on arc . Then, for any pair such that or , we have that labeling covers pair also for , that is .
Proof. By contradiction assume for a pair such that (while v can be of any kind) we have that labeling does not cover the pair for , i.e., (the case when u can be of any kind while is symmetric). Notice that by Lemma 2 we know that entries in are all correct for . Now, only three cases can occur: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) and . Notice in fact that by the definition of cover graphs, we cannot have that and .
Case (i). Both u and v are in hence we know that the shortest path in G between u and v does not contain . Furthermore, it is straightforward to see that the shortest path from u to v is made of only vertices in (by contradiction, otherwise u cannot be in ). Hence the hub, say h covering the pair must be in as well. Therefore h is not in thus it cannot be removed from by Algorithm 5. Moreover, is not changed by Algorithm 5. Hence, we reach the contradiction of .
Case (ii). We know the shortest path from x to v in G included arc . We can distinguish two sub-cases: either the hub h covering pair in G belongs to such path or not. In the former case, we have that and hence also the shortest path from u to h in G must include . This implies that since there must exist two pairs and such that and (that is there must exist an that is a hub vertex for pair ) which is a contradiction. In the latter case, the shortest path from u to h in G does not include and neither the shortest path from h to v in G. Hence, by Lemma 3, correct entries and must be in and , respectively, which implies the pair is covered and the contradiction is reached.
Case (iii). As with case (i), we have that the shortest path in G between u and v does not contain and that both labels and are not changed by Algorithm 5. Hence, again we have the contradiction of with . □
By Property 4 it emerges that to guarantee the property holding for
, it suffices to restart some shortest-path visits as follows. Given a root vertex
), all vertices
, respectively) are first analyzed in order to find
viable neighbors for h. A viable neighbor
, respectively) is a neighbor such that: (a)
, respectively) and (b)
, respectively). For all such neighbors, we know that after the execution of Algorithm
clean, there exists at least one shortest path from u to h (from h to u, respectively) that did not contain
in G. Clearly, there can be many viable neighbors (see
Figure 6b). Therefore, to correctly discover distances corresponding to shortest paths, the procedure selects the one with a minimum distance encoded in the label entry. In particular, if we call
then the algorithm inserts v into a queue
Q with priority
(see Algorithm 4). If no viable neighbor exists in
, then the vertex is not inserted in the queue. Observe that the search for viable neighbors can be accelerated by skipping vertices according to their ordering and to the well-ordered property (see lines 5–8 or lines 18–21) that guarantees that if
Algorithm 8: Procedure used by Algorithm recover |
![Algorithms 13 00191 i007]() |
Once all vertices in
, respectively) has been treated as above, we have that
Q contains vertices in
, respectively) with at least one viable neighbor, i.e., connected to the vertex h under consideration through a path that is not including
. If
Q is empty, it follows that no such vertices exist, and hence it is easy to see that the decremental operation must be an arc removal that has increased the number of strongly connected components of G (otherwise we would have that at least vertex x has vertex y as viable neighbor). Therefore, vertices in
, respectively) are not connected to (are not reachable from, respectively) h and hence the visit for h can terminate. If Q is not empty instead, the vertex v with minimum priority, say
, is extracted and, if
, respectively) then new label entry
is added to
, respectively). In particular, if the value of
is smaller than the distance returned by
pQ, it follows that the shortest path being discovered is not encoded in the labeling, i.e., that pair
is not covered by L. Please note that the pruning test considers vertices up to index
in the ordering, as done by
resume–2hc to preserve minimality of the labeling (see [
8] for more details on
prefixal correctness). Now, if a new label entry is added, then only the neighbors of v that are in
, resp.) are scanned in a relaxation step (see Algorithm 8) to add them to the queue or to decrease their key. In fact, vertices outside
, resp.) by Lemma 2 already satisfy the cover property to h. The algorithm terminates when the queue is empty for all vertices in
. We are now ready to conclude the proof of correctness of Algorithm
Theorem 1. Let and the forward and backward cover graphs, respectively. Let be the labeling returned by Algorithm 4 when applied to graph , labeling and set and , respectively. Then, is a minimal well-ordered 2-hop-cover labeling that covers , i.e., for any pair we have .
Proof. First of all, observe that any pair that can have the cover property not satisfied for (see Property 4) is considered by Algorithm recover, either in line 5 or in line 8.
We focus on proving the claim for all pairs for a given vertex (the proof for the case is symmetric). The proof is by induction on the number of operations on the queue . Observe that if we have that no vertex has at least one viable neighbor. It is easy to see that this implies none of such vertices are reachable, in , from h in . In fact, any viable neighbor, say w, is outside hence pair is covered by by Lemma 4. Moreover, all entries in are correct. Thus, and the claim holds.
Base case (). In this case, we have that one vertex, say w, has a viable neighbor and . By Lemma 2 it follows that and hence the cover property is tested in line 27. If is smaller than , a label entry is added to thus the claim follows. Otherwise, we have that which, in turn, implies that by the definition of pQ.
Inductive Hypothesis. We assume the claim holds when , i.e., we have and for any vertex t among the k vertices that have been extracted up to this point.
Inductive Step. We consider the case when . Observe that the next extracted vertex v must be a neighbor of some vertex, say , processed in one of the previous k iterations, as otherwise v would not be in . Therefore, we have that , as otherwise either v would not be extracted to be the minimum, or would not be among the previously extracted vertices. Therefore, two cases can occur: either is smaller than or not. In the former case, a label entry is added to thus the claim follows. In the latter case, again we have that which, in turn, implies that by the definition of pQ and this concludes the proof. □