Cross-Entropy Method in Application to the SIRC Model
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
1.2. Importance Sampling
1.3. Cross-Entropy Method
- Generating random data samples (trajectories, vectors, etc.) according to a specific random mechanism.
- Updating parameters of the random mechanism based on data to obtain a “better” sample in the next iteration.
1.4. Application to Optimization Problems
1.5. Goal and Organization of This Paper
2. Optimization of Control for SIRC Model
2.1. SIRC Model
- ▪
- S—persons susceptible to infection, who have not previously had contact with this disease and have no immune defense against this strain
- ▪
- I—people infected with the current disease
- ▪
- R—people who have had this disease and are completely immune to this strain
- ▪
- C—people partially resistant to the current strain (e.g., vaccinated or those who have had a different strain)
2.2. Derivation of Optimization Functions
2.3. Optimization of the Epistemological Model by the CE Method
Algorithm 1: (Modification of the Sani and Kroese’s algorthm (v. [6]) to two optimal functions case): |
3. Description of the Numerical Results
3.1. A Remark about Adjusting the Parameters of the Control Determination Procedure
3.2. Proposed Optimization Methods in the Model Analysis
3.3. CE Method Version 1
3.4. CE Method Version 2
3.5. Comparison of Results
4. Summary
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
CE | Cross-entropy method (v. page 2) |
FEM | the finite element methods (v. page 6) |
GOF | a goodness-of-fit (v. page 8) |
IS | the importance sampling (v. page 2) |
SIR | The SIR model is one of the simplest compartmental models. The letters means the number of Susceptible–Infected–Removed (and immune) or deceased individuals. (v. [43,44,45,46]). |
SIRC | The SIR model with the additional group of partially resistant to the current strain people: Susceptible–Infectious–Recovered–Cross-immune (v. page 4). |
Appendix A. Optimization by the Method of Cross-Entropy
Appendix A.1. Multiple Selection to Minimize the Sum of Ranks
Appendix A.2. Minimization of Mean Sum of Ranks
- (1)
- Updating Generate a sample from . Calculate and sort in ascending order. For choose
- (2)
- Updating obtain from the Kullback–Leibler distance, that is, from maximizationAs in [49], here a three-dimensional matrix of parameters is consider.It seems that
- (3)
- Stopping Criterion The criterion is from [16], which stop the algorithm when (T is last step) has reached stationarity. To identify the stopping point of T, consider the following moving average processThen let us defineThen the stopping criterion is defined as follows
Appendix A.3. The Vehicle Routing Problem
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Method | Cost Index | Time |
Results without control functions | 0.00799 | - |
0.00789 | ||
Sequential quadratic programming method | 0.003308 | - |
0.006489 | ||
Cross-entropy method version 1 | 0.003086 | 30 s |
0.006443 | ||
Cross-entropy method version 2 | 0.003044 | 4 min 54 s |
0.006451 |
Sample Availability: The implementation codes for the algorithms used in the examples are available from the authors. |
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Stachowiak, M.K.; Szajowski, K.J. Cross-Entropy Method in Application to the SIRC Model. Algorithms 2020, 13, 281.
Stachowiak MK, Szajowski KJ. Cross-Entropy Method in Application to the SIRC Model. Algorithms. 2020; 13(11):281.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStachowiak, Maria Katarzyna, and Krzysztof Józef Szajowski. 2020. "Cross-Entropy Method in Application to the SIRC Model" Algorithms 13, no. 11: 281.
APA StyleStachowiak, M. K., & Szajowski, K. J. (2020). Cross-Entropy Method in Application to the SIRC Model. Algorithms, 13(11), 281.