Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation for Spanish Cement-Based Materials
:1. Introduction
- In integrated Portland cement plants, i.e., factories with clinker production: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) and biomass waste use as a non-recyclable-waste-derived fuel. Currently, biomass use in Spain accounts for 33% of non-recyclable-waste-derived fuels, whereas in Europe (CEMBUREAU) it accounts for 17%. The global non-recyclable-waste-derived fuels percentage in Spain is 37%, while in Europe (CEMBUREAU) it is 52%. Furthermore, the Spanish carbon neutrality roadmap aims to achieve 70% alternative fuel usage by 2050, of which almost half (about 40%) should be biomass-waste-derived fuels. In Europe (CEMBUREAU), the use of alternative fuels is expected to reach about 90%, with more than 50% being biomass waste.
- In mortar and concrete through their service life: natural carbonation.
- In concrete production (ready-mix concrete or precast concrete): controlled accelerated concrete carbonation permanently stores carbon and increases the concrete compressive strength. This notwithstanding, this process enables the use of cements with a lower content of clinker in the concrete, which leads to a further reduction of carbon dioxide in the built environment. It is well-known that carbonation results in increased compressive strength for CEM I concrete. By contrast, concrete manufactured with blended cements present a lower compressive strength than CEM I concrete.
1.1. Whole-Life Carbon Emissions of Buildings and Civil Constructions
1.2. Carbon Dioxide Uptake by Cement-Based Materials
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection
- Annual compilations and collations of data according to official statistics from the Spanish cement sector (Oficemen), beginning in 1990.
- Following a prior request by the authors, in some cases, manufacturers collect and send us data.
2.2. Carbon Dioxide Uptake by Natural Carbonation
2.2.1. Carbonation in the Standardization and Policy Context
2.2.2. Carbonation Modeling
2.2.3. Factors Affecting Carbonation
2.3. Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation and Hypothesis
- The data used in the CO2 uptake estimation are considered “robust data” since 1990, as they correspond to the verified statistics of the Spanish cement sector. Accordingly, they are “virtually certain” according to the IPCC likelihood scale [48].
- Concrete and mortar to be carbonated have been produced and used in Spain in civil works and building in the years preceding the year concerned.
- The highest growth of the square root of time function is produced during the first years. Therefore, the carbon dioxide uptake estimation has been limited to the first 50 years in this study, considering an average carbonation rate of 3 mm/year0.5.
- It has been considered that 23% of the absorption of carbon dioxide emitted in the decarbonation of the raw materials utilized in the manufacture of Portland cement clinker has taken place in 50 years.
- Due to the high porosity of the mortar, it carbonates at a higher rate, which is why it undergoes special treatment [32].
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sanjuán, N.; Mora, P.; Sanjuán, M.Á.; Zaragoza, A. Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation for Spanish Cement-Based Materials. Materials 2024, 17, 326.
Sanjuán N, Mora P, Sanjuán MÁ, Zaragoza A. Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation for Spanish Cement-Based Materials. Materials. 2024; 17(2):326.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSanjuán, Natalia, Pedro Mora, Miguel Ángel Sanjuán, and Aniceto Zaragoza. 2024. "Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation for Spanish Cement-Based Materials" Materials 17, no. 2: 326.
APA StyleSanjuán, N., Mora, P., Sanjuán, M. Á., & Zaragoza, A. (2024). Carbon Dioxide Uptake Estimation for Spanish Cement-Based Materials. Materials, 17(2), 326.