The Impact of EBM-Manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Surface Modifications on Cytotoxicity toward Eukaryotic Cells and Microbial Biofilm Formation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples’ Fabrication
2.2. Modifications of Ti6Al4V ELI Pellets’ Surface
2.3. Surface Topography and Roughness Measurements
2.4. Wettability and Surface Free Energy
2.5. Microbiological Tests
2.5.1. Quantitative Cultures
2.5.2. Confirmation of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans Strains to Form Biofilm on the Tested Biomaterials Using Scanning Electron Microscopy
2.5.3. Cytotoxicity Assay
2.5.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Samples’ Fabrication
3.2. Surface Topography and Roughness Measurements
3.3. Surface Free Energy and Wettability
3.4. Biological Tests
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The presented surface modifications of the EBM-processed Ti6Al4V ELI alloy changed their surface topology, wettability, and SFE parameters.
- (2)
- The lack of toxicity of all investigated materials was confirmed for osteoblasts. The acid-etching and sandblasting modifications decreased viability of fibroblasts in cytotoxic tests. No cytotoxicity was displayed for fibroblasts when machined samples were applied.
- (3)
- The microbiological tests indicated that the as-built, the sandblasted, and the acid-etched alloy should be not applied in patients with a history of infection caused by S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, or C. albicans, respectively. In such a case, the machined, as-built, and sandblasted alloys should be applied, respectively.
- (4)
- In patients with an unknown history of microbiological infection, the Ti6Al4V ELI alloy of the machined surface should be applied, because of the lowest cytotoxicity combined with the most favorable joined results concerning the ability of biofilm formation by analyzed pathogens.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Medical Device | Application Example | Most Commonly Isolated Bacterial Strains | Incidence | Reference |
Plates and screws for stable plate osteosynthesis | Locomotor system traumatology | S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. caprae | 3%–7% | [43,44] |
Intramedullary nail | Locomotor system traumatology | S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. caprae, E. coli, P. areuginosa | 1%–13% | [45,46,47] |
Hip or knee joint prosthesis | Primary arthoplasty | S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. caprae, P. mirabilis, P. acnes, P. aeruginosa | 1%–3% | [48,49] |
Composition in wt % | |||||||
Alloy | O | V | Al | Fe | H | C | N |
Ti6Al4V ELI ASTM F136 | <0.13 | 3.5–4.5 | 5.5–6.5 | <0.25 | <0.012 | <0.08 | <0.05 |
Ti6Al4V ELI Arcam | 0.10 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 0.10 | 0.010 | 0.03 | 0.01 |
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Szymczyk-Ziółkowska, P.; Hoppe, V.; Rusińska, M.; Gąsiorek, J.; Ziółkowski, G.; Dydak, K.; Czajkowska, J.; Junka, A. The Impact of EBM-Manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Surface Modifications on Cytotoxicity toward Eukaryotic Cells and Microbial Biofilm Formation. Materials 2020, 13, 2822.
Szymczyk-Ziółkowska P, Hoppe V, Rusińska M, Gąsiorek J, Ziółkowski G, Dydak K, Czajkowska J, Junka A. The Impact of EBM-Manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Surface Modifications on Cytotoxicity toward Eukaryotic Cells and Microbial Biofilm Formation. Materials. 2020; 13(12):2822.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSzymczyk-Ziółkowska, Patrycja, Viktoria Hoppe, Małgorzata Rusińska, Jolanta Gąsiorek, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Karolina Dydak, Joanna Czajkowska, and Adam Junka. 2020. "The Impact of EBM-Manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Surface Modifications on Cytotoxicity toward Eukaryotic Cells and Microbial Biofilm Formation" Materials 13, no. 12: 2822.
APA StyleSzymczyk-Ziółkowska, P., Hoppe, V., Rusińska, M., Gąsiorek, J., Ziółkowski, G., Dydak, K., Czajkowska, J., & Junka, A. (2020). The Impact of EBM-Manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy Surface Modifications on Cytotoxicity toward Eukaryotic Cells and Microbial Biofilm Formation. Materials, 13(12), 2822.