Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications
:1. Introduction
- avoid the employment of markers and eliminate artefacts caused by their use [72].
2. Nanoparticles Modeling
- The particle size is much smaller than the incident wavelength present in the surrounding medium: the wave phase can be considered nearly constant over the particle volume. We are under the so-called quasi static approximation.
- Both particle and surrounding material are considered homogeneous, isotropic and non-absorbing media.
3. Nanoparticles Design Approaches
3.1. Inter-Coupling Effect
3.2. Multipolar Resonance
3.3. Plasmon Hybridization
3.4. Fano Resonance and Symmetry Breaking
3.5. Plasmonics Effects and Near-Zero-Index (NZI) Materials
3.6. Electromagnetic Nanoparticle Sensitivity and Applications to Single Molecule Detection
4. Nanoparticles Sensors and Applications in Medical Diagnostics
- Dielectric relaxation is the result of the movement of dipoles (dipole relaxation) and electric charges (ionic relaxation) due to an applied alternating field [143,144,145]. In particular:
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- Ionic relaxation comprises ionic conductivity and interfacial (space) charge relaxation. Ionic conductivity predominates at low frequencies and introduces only losses to the system. Interfacial relaxation occurs when charge carriers are trapped at interfaces of heterogeneous systems.
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- Dipole relaxation originates from permanent and induced dipoles aligning to the electric field. The time needed for dipoles to relax (relaxation time/frequency) is determined by the local viscosity. Dipole relaxation is heavily dependent on temperature, pressure and tissue constituents. In tissues, such a dispersion phenomenon is due mainly to the polarization of cellular membranes which act as barriers to the flow of ions between the intra and extra cellular media. Other contributions to such a dispersion come from the polarization of protein/organic macromolecules and polarization of water molecules.
- At higher frequencies and smaller scales, resonance processes arise from the rotations/vibrations of atoms, ions, or electrons. These processes are observed near their characteristic absorption frequencies [146]. In particular:
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- Atomic polarization is observed when the nucleus of the atom reorients in response to the electric field. It is intrinsic to the atom nature and it is a consequence of the applied field. Atomic polarization is usually small compared to electronic polarization.
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- Electronic polarization occurs when the electric field displaces the electron density relative to the nucleus it surrounds. This displacement occurs due to the equilibrium between restoration and electric forces.
5. Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Structure | Frequency Range (nm) | Sensitivity (nm/RIU) | |
Kretschmann configuration [118,119] | 400–900 | 7500–30 k | |
Fiber-Optic sensors [120] | 400–1600 | 2000–9800 | |
Nano-structured coupling [121,122] | 600–2000 | 440–600 | |
Nanoparticle-based sensors | Periodic array (Inter-Coupling effect) [123] | 400–950 | 200–350 |
Gold nano-ring (Multipolar Resonance) [124] | 300–1800 | 650 | |
Pair/disk pair (Plasmon Hybridization) [125] | 500–900 | 170 k | |
Un-periodic array (Fano Resonance/Symmetry breaking) [126] | 300–700 | 165 | |
Graphene Core-shell spheres (Plasmonic and NZI) [112] | 520–870 | 421 | |
Interferometer [127,128] | 800–1550 | 250–4547 | |
Meta-surfaces [129,130] | 1400–1600 | 600 |
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La Spada, L.; Vegni, L. Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications. Materials 2018, 11, 603. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11040603
La Spada L, Vegni L. Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications. Materials. 2018; 11(4):603. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11040603
Chicago/Turabian StyleLa Spada, Luigi, and Lucio Vegni. 2018. "Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications" Materials 11, no. 4: 603. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11040603
APA StyleLa Spada, L., & Vegni, L. (2018). Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications. Materials, 11(4), 603. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11040603