On the Role of Processing Parameters in Producing Recycled Aluminum AA6061 Based Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) Prepared Using Hot Press Forging (HPF) Process
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Preparation
2.2. Hot Press Forging Process
2.3. Hardness Test
2.4. Density Measurement
2.5. Crystal Structure Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Vickers Microhardness
3.2. Density
4. Conclusions
- An increase in both microhardness and density was seen as both temperature and holding time increased. Nevertheless, temperature had a stronger effect the MMC-AlR performance, compared to the holding time. The microhardness increased 4.94–10.45%, from 7.360 to 86.656 HV0.3, by increasing the operating temperature from 430 to 530 °C. The density increased 0.95–12.71%, from 2.314 to 2.684 g/cc, by increasing the operating temperature from 430 to 530 °C.
- MMC-AlR was much stronger than AlR when compared to the AR. MMC-AlR hardness is only 10.21% less, while AlR had 16.85% of differentiation from AR. MMC-AlR density increased 0.63%, while AlR was recorded as having 0.64% of differentiation from AR.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Nomenclature | Value |
Matrix volume fraction | (%) | 98.0 |
Reinforcement volume fraction | (%) | 2.0 |
Matrix density | (g/cm3) | 2.667 |
Reinforcement density | (g/cm3) | 3.916 |
Matrix hardness | (HV) | 95.512 |
Reinforcement hardness | (HV) | 2700 |
Parameter | Value | Chip Morphology |
Cutting Speed, v | 1100 m/min | |
Feed, f | 0.05 mm/tooth | |
Depth of Cut, DOC | 1.0 mm |
Temperature (°C) | Holding Time (min) | Specimen Designation |
430 | 60 | R1 |
430 | 90 | R2 |
430 | 120 | R3 |
480 | 60 | R4 |
480 | 90 | R5 |
480 | 120 | R6 |
530 | 60 | R7 |
530 | 90 | R8 |
530 | 120 | R9 |
Specimen | Vickers Hardness (HV0.3) | Density (g/cc) |
R1 | 71.360 | 2.314 |
R2 | 73.367 | 2.487 |
R3 | 74.625 | 2.512 |
R4 | 76.432 | 2.608 |
R5 | 76.988 | 2.632 |
R6 | 78.454 | 2.653 |
R7 | 80.592 | 2.654 |
R8 | 83.921 | 2.657 |
R9 | 86.656 | 2.684 |
AR | 95.512 | 2.667 |
Specimen | | | |
Number of Intercepts | 95 | 131 | 202 |
Mean Intercepts length (mm) | 53.28 | 38.64 | 25.05 |
G number | 5.17 | 6.09 | 7.34 |
Average Grain Diameter (μm) | 60.07 | 43.62 | 28.33 |
Specimen | Peak Height (cts) | d Spacing (Å) | Crystallite Size (Å) |
R1 | 14,535 | 2.34677 | 739.9 |
R9 | 10,452 | 2.34641 | 770.6 |
AR | 9723 | 2.34527 | 785.5 |
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Ahmad, A.; Lajis, M.A.; Yusuf, N.K. On the Role of Processing Parameters in Producing Recycled Aluminum AA6061 Based Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) Prepared Using Hot Press Forging (HPF) Process. Materials 2017, 10, 1098. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10091098
Ahmad A, Lajis MA, Yusuf NK. On the Role of Processing Parameters in Producing Recycled Aluminum AA6061 Based Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) Prepared Using Hot Press Forging (HPF) Process. Materials. 2017; 10(9):1098. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10091098
Chicago/Turabian StyleAhmad, Azlan, Mohd Amri Lajis, and Nur Kamilah Yusuf. 2017. "On the Role of Processing Parameters in Producing Recycled Aluminum AA6061 Based Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) Prepared Using Hot Press Forging (HPF) Process" Materials 10, no. 9: 1098. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10091098
APA StyleAhmad, A., Lajis, M. A., & Yusuf, N. K. (2017). On the Role of Processing Parameters in Producing Recycled Aluminum AA6061 Based Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) Prepared Using Hot Press Forging (HPF) Process. Materials, 10(9), 1098. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10091098