On the Front Lines of a Sustainable Transportation Fleet: Applications of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Transit and School Buses
:1. Introduction
2. Background Information
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Environmental Emission Calculation Methods
3.2. Air Pollution Externatilty Calculation Methods
3.3. Cash Flow and Net Revenue Calculation Methods
4. Data Collection
4.1. Transit and School Bus Specifications
4.2. Vehicle-to-Grid System Specifications
5. Results
5.1. Cash Flow Results
5.2. Environmental Emission Results
5.3. Air Pollution Externatilty Results
6. Discussion
- The cash flow analysis results in this study indicated that BE transit buses are not economically feasible to operate even with V2G net revenues taken into account, and the initial purchase price of a BE transit bus is especially discouraging for fleet owners compared to those of diesel buses and buses with other alternative fuel options. However, this could change in the near future with battery development and market demand trends for alternative fuel transit buses. On the other hand, BE school buses effectively eliminated their high initial cost requirements throughout their lifetimes, whereas diesel school buses did not.
- Transit buses also yielded less net revenue for fleet owners from V2G service. However, this result does not mean that V2G services are not feasible or applicable for BE transit buses. It should be noted that the primary duty of transit buses is to serve society for reliable public transportation and to provide a source of revenue for transit agencies. It is therefore still beneficial for transit agencies to collect additional revenue from BE transit buses even while they are not in use. Conversely, with extensive cash flow benefits, BE school buses can easily substitute diesel school buses for the fleet owners’ cost perspective.
- If the total number of transit and school bus fleets in the U.S. is taken into account, the overall potential of V2G system applications and BE bus adoption can be significant. However, it is not clear if the current electricity generation and distribution infrastructure could support that adoption. Therefore, BE bus deployment levels should be studied further and optimized parallel to current development trends in the utility generation and supply system.
- In addition to V2G technology, there are other new technologies similar to V2G that provide power as needed from plugged-in electric vehicles back to a home (V2H) or back to a building (V2B). These similar technologies could be an interesting future area of study through which to present the possible benefits of providing electricity from an electric vehicle fleet back to the workplace buildings (administrative, maintenance, etc.) of a fleet operator. That said, as highlighted in this research, buses have a significant amount of power available from their batteries compared to any passenger vehicle’s capacity. Thus, heavy-duty vehicles are more capable of providing power support to a building than light-duty vehicles are. This concept can also lead to another research area where there is potential of V2G, V2H, or V2B technologies to enhance the resiliency of grid/building during extreme events.
- The air emission externality results in this study are especially noteworthy because this study focuses on vehicles operating in or near highly populated areas. This is particularly true for school buses, the tailpipe emissions of which are emitted mainly near a non-adult population. Moreover, since air emission externalities are not defined specifically for non-adult populations, the public health damage rates for school bus emissions could be even higher than the average rates used in this study. Also, although electricity generation does not usually occur near populated areas, conventional power generation methods still have high emission rates of hazardous pollutants due to the high fossil fuel dependency of the U.S. power generation sector. These per-kWh emission rates for electricity generation are expected to decrease in future years as the U.S. invests more and more in renewable energy sources and technologies. However, this study shows that V2G technology can already provide significant air emission externality reduction benefits from BE transit buses and school buses.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AFLEET | Alternative fuel life-cycle environmental and economic transportation |
APEEP | Air pollution emission experiments and policy analysis |
BE | Battery electric |
CAISO | California independent system operators |
CNG | Compressed natural gas |
EIA | Energy information administration |
EPA | Environmental protection agency |
ERCOT | Electric Reliability Council of Texas |
GHG | Greenhouse gases |
GREET | Greenhouse-gases Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation |
ISO-NE | Independent system operators of new England region |
ISO | International standards organization |
ISO/RTO | Independent system operators/regional transmission organizations |
LCA | Life cycle assessment |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas |
MOVES | Motor vehicle emission simulation |
MPDGE | Miles per diesel gallon equivalent |
NERC | North American electricity reliability corporation |
NREL | National renewable energy laboratory |
NYISO | New York independent system operators |
PJM | Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland interconnection RTO |
SOC | State-of-charge |
TBW | Tire & brake wear |
V2G | Vehicle-to-grid |
WTP | Well-to-pump |
WTW | Well-to-wheel |
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Study type | Reference | Short description of the articles |
LCA studies | Frey et al. [17] | Comparison of the LCA results for diesel and hydrogen fuel cell transit buses. |
Hess [18] | Evaluating the environmental emissions of alternative fuel transit buses. | |
Ally and Pryor [19] | Comparison of diesel, natural gas, and fuel cell bus options by using process-LCA tool GaBI and fuel cycle models. | |
Chester and Horvath [20] | It defines and quantifies all of the public transportation modes’ LCA analysis results, but although it is an important study in terms of methods and data, the study itself is beyond the scope of this research which will assume that the infrastructure of BE and diesel buses will be the same except for the charging infrastructure of each bus type, as will be further explained in later sections. | |
Ou et al. [21] | Alternative fuel use level scenarios for future years under various scenarios related to the adoption of alternative fuels for transit buses are investigated. | |
Ou et al. [22] | Evaluation of different policy recommendations for reducing GHG emissions and fossil fuel consumption in China by using alternative fuels for transit buses. | |
Cooney et al. [23] | A hybrid-LCA approach to evaluate the environmental emission impacts of BE and diesel transit buses, taking the different state-based electricity grid mixes into account. | |
García Sánchez et al. [24] | Comparison of the GHG emissions and energy consumption rates of BE, hybrid, and diesel buses for Spain’s current and future electricity generation mixes. | |
Lajunen [25] | The lifetime energy consumption rates and cost-benefit analysis results of BE and hybrid transit buses are presented. | |
Onat et al. [26] | Hybrid and BE passenger vehicles are analyzed for their LCA impacts for environmental, social, and economic concerns. | |
Donateo et al. [27] | Real life experiment (driving cycles) for electric vehicle related environmental emissions. | |
Xu et al. [28] | The environmental emission performance of various alternative fuel options for transit buses in different U.S. cities under different operational conditions is investigated. | |
Rogge et al. [29] | Drive range anxiety of battery electric transit buses are studied for feasible charging solutions of uninterrupted service. | |
Ercan and Tatari [30] | Diesel, hybrid, BE, biodiesel, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) fuel options of transit buses in terms of their lifetime environmental emissions and water withdrawal impacts with the consideration of regional electricity generation mixes. | |
V2G studies | Kempton and Tomic [14] | Comparison of V2G ancillary service revenues as well as the costs incurred due to battery degradation. |
Kempton and Tomic [15] | Business models for the incorporation of V2G and fluctuated renewable energy. | |
Noel and McCormack [12] | Comparison of V2G available BE and diesel school buses for life cycle cost and environmental emission externalities. | |
Turton and Moura [31] | V2G system is analyzed with an energy-system model has been used to project the future changes of both energy and transportation systems. | |
Kudoh et al. [32] | Vehicle to Home (V2H) systems are analyzed with LCA perspective. | |
Externality studies | Muller and Mendelsohn [33,34] | Air Pollution Emission Experiments and Policy (APEEP) analysis model to quantify conventional air emissions’ human health impacts. |
Michalek et al. [35] | Quantified air emission externalities for vehicle manufacturing, fuel production, electricity generation, and tailpipe emissions. | |
Gouge et al. [36] | Optimal transit bus operation for reducing air pollution externalities. | |
Ercan et al. [37] | Optimal bus fleet in terms of life cycle cost, CO2 emissions, and air emission externalities with different alternative fuel choices for transit buses under different driving conditions. |
Notation | Explanation | Type | Index |
j | Air pollutant type | GHG | j = 1 |
CO | j = 2 | ||
NOx | j = 3 | ||
PM10 | j = 4 | ||
PM2.5 | j = 5 | ||
SOx | j = 6 | ||
VOC | j = 7 | ||
p | Power plant type | Coal | p = 1 |
Oil | p = 2 | ||
Gas | p = 3 | ||
Other Fossil | p = 4 | ||
Nuclear | p = 5 | ||
Hydro | p = 6 | ||
Biomass | p = 7 | ||
Wind | p = 8 | ||
Solar | p = 9 | ||
Geo-Thermal | p = 10 | ||
r | ISO/RTO regions | PJM | r = 1 |
ISO-NE | r = 2 | ||
NYISO | r = 3 | ||
ERCOT | r = 4 | ||
CAISO | r = 5 | ||
y | Analysis period years | - | y = 2015 - 2027 |
i | Bus type | Transit | i = 1 |
School | i = 2 | ||
eGRIDjry | Yearly (y) emission rate of energy losses in r region for j air pollutant based on eGRID data (lb/kWh) | ||
GLFr | Grid loss factor (GLF) for r region based on eGRID data | ||
UGjp | Well-to-pump (WTP) analysis emissions of energy source for p power plant for j air pollutant (lb/kWh) | ||
EMpry | Yearly (y) emission rate of electricity production at p power plant in r region (lb/kWh) | ||
UEij | Upstream j type of emissions for diesel i type of bus | ||
UAij | Upstream j type of air externality cost for diesel i type of bus | ||
DEij | Downstream j type of emissions for diesel i type of bus | ||
DAij | Downstream j type of air externality cost for diesel i type of bus | ||
Ki | Lifetime electricity consumption of i type bus | ||
Bj | Air externality cost of per MWh electricity generation for j type of emission |
Notation | Value | Definition | Unit | Reference | |
BE-School Bus | BE-Transit Bus | ||||
Pcap | 80 | 203 | Battery Capacity or max power available from bus | kWh | [12,30,48] |
Tbattery | Uniform (2000–6000) | Battery lifetime charging cycles | cycles | [14,23,49,50] | |
DVMT | 50 | 101 | Daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) | miles | [23] |
BRange | 0 | 0 | Buffering range to return safely charging facility | miles | - |
FE | 0.75–2.00 a | 1.70–2.24 b | Fuel economy | kWh/miles | a Low range: [12]; High range [51]. b Low range: [52]; High range: [23]. |
Tdispatch | 0.3 | 0.3 | Dispatch time | h | |
Xconvert | 0.93 | 0.93 | DC to AC conversion factor | - | [53] |
Pdispatch | 70–140 | 70–140 | Capacity of charging facility could transfer for revenue | kW | - |
Tplug | 19.5–21 | 8–12 | Number of hours that bus is plugged to the charger | hours | [11,12] |
Cinstallation | $5000–$10,000 | $5000–$10,000 | Charging facility installation cost | $ (2014) | [54] |
Cequipment | $12,000–$20,000 | $12,000–$20,000 | Charging facility equipment cost (Level 3) | $ (2014) | [54] |
CC-Main | $600–$1000 | $600–$1000 | Charging facility annual maintenance cost (5% of Cequipment) | $ (2014)/year | [54] |
CB-Main | $0.2–$0.75 | $0.75 | Per mile maintenance cost of bus | $(2014)/mile | [12,55] |
Cbus | $230,000 | $800,000 | Purchase cost of bus | $ (2014) | [6,12,25] |
Cbat unit | $600 | Battery price per kWh capacity | $-year/kWh | [56] | |
CV2G | Uniform ($1900–$2100) | Cost of V2G system equipment | $ (2014) | [14] | |
Drate | 0.65%–1.15% | Annual Discount Rate | percentage | [57] | |
Irate | ±10% of CBO’s projections | Annual Inflation Rate | percentage | [58] |
Value Type | School Bus- BE | School Bus- Diesel | Transit Bus- BE | Transit Bus- Diesel |
Purchase price (Cbus) | $230,000 | $110,000 | $800,000 | $340,000 |
Lifetime fuel cost (diesel or electricity) | $21,915 | $82,494 | $87,181 | $500,113 |
Maintenance cost (CB-Main) | $66,814 | $140,461 | $311,892 | $415,856 |
Charging station purchase cost (Cinstallation + Cequipment) | $23,446 | $0 | $23,587 | $0 |
Charging station maintenance cost (CC-Main) | $8971 | $0 | $8979 | $0 |
Battery replacement cost (due to operation) (Cbattery) | $29,819 | $0 | $76,073 | $0 |
V2G capacity payment revenue | −$229,498 | $0 | −$96,261 | $0 |
V2G energy payment revenue (exchanged electricity) | −$56,329 | $0 | −$56,469 | $0 |
V2G cost (V2G equipment + battery degradation) (Cregu) | $79,285 | $0 | $79,423 | $0 |
Resale value | −$32,658 | −$17,199 | −$106,123 | −$43,810 |
Government incentives (if applicable) | −$84,876 | $0 | −$106,146 | $0 |
Net value | $56,888 | $315,756 | $1,022,135 | $1,212,158 |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Ercan, T.; Noori, M.; Zhao, Y.; Tatari, O. On the Front Lines of a Sustainable Transportation Fleet: Applications of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Transit and School Buses. Energies 2016, 9, 230. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9040230
Ercan T, Noori M, Zhao Y, Tatari O. On the Front Lines of a Sustainable Transportation Fleet: Applications of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Transit and School Buses. Energies. 2016; 9(4):230. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9040230
Chicago/Turabian StyleErcan, Tolga, Mehdi Noori, Yang Zhao, and Omer Tatari. 2016. "On the Front Lines of a Sustainable Transportation Fleet: Applications of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Transit and School Buses" Energies 9, no. 4: 230. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9040230
APA StyleErcan, T., Noori, M., Zhao, Y., & Tatari, O. (2016). On the Front Lines of a Sustainable Transportation Fleet: Applications of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Transit and School Buses. Energies, 9(4), 230. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9040230