3.1. Seabed Sediments, Hydrography and Benthic Invertebrates
The installation of offshore wind turbines means that there is unavoidable disturbance to the seabed in the vicinity of the turbine. For the majority of operational offshore wind farms to date, the turbines have been installed on monopile foundations, driven into the seabed sediment. On occasion, the nature of the seabed, for example the presence of hard chalk or other bedrock, demands that the monopiles be part-drilled (where the pile is driven as deep as possible, then the required depth achieved by drilling) to reach the required depth for turbine stability. Drilling into the seabed can result in the release of drill cuttings, fine-grained material which has the potential to remain in suspension before settling out. The introduction of fine particles into the existing sediment environment has the potential to alter the overall sediment structure in the surrounding area, thereby potentially affecting the biological community present [
Due to the potential environmental impact, the deposition of drill cuttings in many countries (e.g., the UK), is closely controlled by national legislation which demands monitoring be undertaken to ensure any drill cuttings are correctly deposited and the risk to the environment is kept to a minimum. Installing any structure will have an impact on the flow of currents in the immediate surrounding area. This alteration to flow patterns can result in scour around the base of the turbine tower, and has the potential to cause further changes to the the seabed.
The potential for impacts on the benthic community within an offshore wind farm is one of the major concerns which should be considered within any EIA, as there is often little mitigation possible to minimise disturbance to the communities directly impacted by the development. The alteration of the sediment structure and flow patterns around the foundations and towers can directly impact the adjacent habitats thereby potentially impacting the local communities. The increased turbulence may produce a coarser substratum which then becomes inhabited by coarse-sediment organisms whereas any pockets of fine sediments created by the local conditions would attract mud-tolerant organisms [
Figure 1.
Example of cluster analysis of comparison matrix, analysing waste activities, biological extraction and physical structures (A. waste discharges and waste activities; B. biological and physical extraction and activities; C. physical structures and physical interference).
Figure 1.
Example of cluster analysis of comparison matrix, analysing waste activities, biological extraction and physical structures (A. waste discharges and waste activities; B. biological and physical extraction and activities; C. physical structures and physical interference).
This potential for change has the capacity to lead to further impacts up the food chain, and therefore the entire community may be altered. However, within offshore wind farms, to reduce the risk of wake effects impacting the efficiency of the generators, the turbines may be spaced up to seven times the diameter of the rotor blades apart. As technology improves and turbines and blades increase in size, the spacing between the individual turbines also increases so although the area of seabed impacted by each individual turbine may increase slightly due to the increased diameter of the pile, the size of the impacted area compared to the overall wind farm is greatly reduced.
Studies of the benthic changes before, during and after construction (
Figure 2) show that while there are changes to the primary (species richness and abundance) and derived variables (e.g., diversity) adjacent to the wind farm and along cable routes, these changes are within a highly variable natural situation. The level of change therefore is related to the physical nature of the area and given that offshore wind farms are often built on sandbanks and gravel areas, by definition high energy mobile sites which are usually subject to substratum modification and turnover, then further anthropogenic change superimposed on natural change may be less detectable.
In addition to environmental changes through the installation of the offshore turbine structures and associated infrastructure, there is also the concern for direct habitat loss through site occupation by the monopile and foundations. With foundations of up to 6 m diameter, there is a minimum of 12.5 m
2 lost per turbine (based on a 4 m diameter), plus a potential additional 452 m
2 lost should scour protection be installed around the foundation (assuming an area 10 m out from the base of the turbine is protected [
6]. However, it should again be noted that this area is relatively minor in relation to the total area within the wind farm site boundary. This equates to a small percentage of area potentially lost through turbine installation. At the Barrow Offshore Wind Farm, NW England, there are 30 turbines installed within an area of 10 km
2, each occupying 452 m
2, amounts to a total of 13,560 m
2, assuming scour protection is deployed, less than 0.15% of the total area enclosed within the wind farm site boundary.
While other impacts on the benthos are possible, as yet there are no data. For example the potential for direct effects on stationary or slow-moving animals, which are unable to move therefore would be killed if directly beneath the jack-up vessel or pile. Similarly, there is the potential risk of smothering from deposition or accidental release of drill cuttings. With the deposition of drill cuttings from offshore oil and gas rigs, notable areas are affected even reaching many hectares [
3] and these can cause benthic community changes where opportunistic species outcompete the less-tolerant species. However, the drill cuttings disposed from the construction of offshore turbines are likely to be of a much smaller volume.
Despite the loss of area, in terms of the physical area of disturbance, it has been shown that the installation of a turbine, with the right form of scour protection where appropriate, can increase the surface area available for organisms to colonise [
6]. The area of habitat created depends on whether scour protection is installed, and if so, which type of material is used. Wilson and Elliott [
6] showed that with synthetic fronds, which mimic seagrass, there is a potential for a direct area loss of 12.5 m
2; however when boulder and gravel protection are used, the habitat gain is 577 m
2 and 650 m
2 respectively, assuming a 4 m diameter turbine, and 10 m of scour protection, as above.
Although there is the concern that wind turbines simply act as aggregation devices, attracting organisms from adjacent areas (see below), there is a large body of evidence which suggests that the towers and foundations act as artificial reefs, increasing productivity in the immediate vicinity, which has the potential to spread into the surrounding area [
Oil rigs, which are similar to offshore wind farms in terms of their subsurface structure act as successful fish and mobile invertebrate aggregation devices, with much anecdotal evidence of greater fishing in the areas surrounding platforms. Within the UK, evidence from operational offshore wind farms has found that the developments can have little effect on populations. Surveys undertaken within the Barrow Offshore Wind Farm, off the north-west coast of England, eighteen months after construction, found that similar catch rates of lobster were found both inside and outside the wind farm boundary [
8]. Numbers of legally-sized crabs caught were also found to be similar. However, the abundance of undersized crabs caught was much greater inside the wind farm boundary than outside, suggesting that the wind farm area was acting as a haven for juvenile crabs [
Figure 2.
a–c Macrobenthic faunal changes (S, A and H’) for a UK wind farm showing within and outside the areas of impact between 2002 (pre-construction) and 2006 (post construction). R—Reference Site; C—Cable route; SI—Secondary impact (outside the development area but within the tidal excursion); W–Wind farm development site; WS—Scour assessment (within the vicinity of turbines) [Unpublished data].
Figure 2.
a–c Macrobenthic faunal changes (S, A and H’) for a UK wind farm showing within and outside the areas of impact between 2002 (pre-construction) and 2006 (post construction). R—Reference Site; C—Cable route; SI—Secondary impact (outside the development area but within the tidal excursion); W–Wind farm development site; WS—Scour assessment (within the vicinity of turbines) [Unpublished data].
It is of note that the creation of complex habitats, which may mimic rocky substratum with crevices, that adjoins onto sandy substrata is the preferred habitat for commercially-caught crab and lobster. Hence the creation of this mixture of habitat by wind turbine monopiles and scour protection will be beneficial to those populations. Building on such information, wind farms may have the capacity to increase benthic populations for commercial reasons, particularly if this is built-in to the project at the earliest planning and design phases. As the currents around the base of wind turbines require scour protection to ensure the stability of the turbine, the scour protection can act as habitat creation [
6], thereby increasing the environmental benefits. As certain species prefer specific habitats, for example near rocky outcrops, animals such as crab and lobster are likely to be found in higher numbers than on a flat sandy-bed habitat. One of the most common forms of scour protection is to deploy large boulders around the base of the tower. This mimics a rocky outcrop environment and therefore may increase lobster, crab and reef fish within the wind farm boundary. Given that the perceived impact on commercial fisheries is often one of the greatest objections against offshore wind farm developments, this has the potential for a
win-win situation, as both the benthic population and commercial fishermen may benefit from the installation of the turbines.
3.2. Demersal and Pelagic Fishes
Alterations in the physical environment due to noise, electromagnetic fields, water clarity, nature of the benthic substrata and hydrodynamic field, are of concern with regards to interactions between offshore wind farms and fish communities [
21] or community-controlling coastal processes [
11]. Water quality issues such as pollution have a comparatively reduced footprint and duration, although effects may occur during the construction and decommissioning phases or as consequences of operational accidents.
These effects on the physical and biological aspects of habitats receiving wind turbines and operational pressures are considered here as having negative environmental impacts ranging from moderate to minor, although the direction and magnitude of the response is still unclear (
Table 4). Offshore wind power structures can also act as both artificial reefs and fish aggregation devices (FAD), which have been used to restore damaged ecosystems. Moreover, and directly relevant to fish and other commercially-important groups, is the creation of
de facto fishing exclusion zones which act as marine protected areas, which have proven successful in managing and protecting biodiversity and fisheries [
16]. Recent proposals for wind farms off the Dutch coast have been examined in the light of their beneficial role in preventing beam-trawling, itself regarded as a damaging activity [
3] on fish populations which are far from their historical abundance, diversity and overall community integrity [
17]. Therefore increased benefits to biodiversity and fisheries may result when wind farms are placed in nursery grounds and when combined with other measures of reducing fishing mortality. Benefits to commercially-fished stocks may arise from several factors such as reduced juvenile by-catch mortality, increased spawning biomass, over-spill of large size fish to fishing grounds,
Table 4.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: marine fishes (Modified from [
12]). The evaluation of the severity of impacts is presented between brackets, however, the impacts will differ significantly between the construction, operational and decommissioning stages [
Table 4.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: marine fishes (Modified from [12]). The evaluation of the severity of impacts is presented between brackets, however, the impacts will differ significantly between the construction, operational and decommissioning stages [10].
Potential impact | Likely to occur around offshore wind farms? | Likely to cause significant impact? |
Noise | Yes, during the consenting and construction phase (notably seismic surveys and piling) and later during the operational phase. | Species dependent with hearing specialist being the most vulnerable (Moderate to Minor) |
Electro-magnetic field | Yes, export cable route and their connecting cables. | Depends on the species, and their level of vulnerability/sensitivity. Potentially more severe effects on elasmobranchs (Moderate to Minor) |
Habitat loss/degradation | The seabed habitat will be lost (monopile) or replaced (cable route) through installation. | Potentially no, as the loss is usually small compared to the total available habitat. Creation of new hard habitat (foundations and scour protection) may be beneficial to fish. (Minor) |
Increased turbidity | Yes, during the initial construction phase, e.g., as cables are installed. Impact should be reduced after construction. | Increased turbidity may impact on fish with benthic eggs through egg smothering, Reduction in the ability to feed for visual predators or indirect effects by affecting primary production. May also release sediment-bound chemical pollutants. (Minor, Undetectable?) |
Alteration of community composition | Yes, due to changes in habitats and conditions leading to altered interactions between species (predator-prey, competition,) | Yes for those species being removed, or with increased vulnerability but no for those entering the area. Overall there may be a benefit to the surrounding environment (reef effect) (Unknown) |
3.2.1. Underwater Structures
Much interest has been placed on turbine underwater structures functioning as artificial reefs and FAD [
21]. For example, a study in the Adriatic Sea proposed a beneficial link between offshore wind farms and bluefin tuna [
15]. Castro
et al. (2002) reviewed the effect of floating structures on fish aggregating behaviour suggesting that wind farms may act as fish aggregation devices, resulting in catch rates in the immediate area between ten and a hundred times greater than in the surrounding open ocean [
84]. The cause may be a combination of the shelter provided by the structures, and the reduced fishing effort which is often found around offshore wind farms (although in most cases not specifically prohibited unless on safety grounds).
Despite this there is the need for more evidence for underwater structures being generally beneficial for fish. The FAD may simply be a change in distribution with no direct effects on averaged long-term gains of fish biomass and yield and even potential detrimental effects such as increased vulnerability to predators or exposure to fishing devices. Indirect evidence for the likely ecological effects can be obtained from available literature on artificial reefs and other underwater structures. This experimental evidence suggests that the aggregating effect is rapid, with noticeable effects occurring within a very short time from the erection of underwater structures [
20] which suggests a redistribution of fish available in the area. However, the presence of such directed behaviours may indicate an overall beneficial effect for populations such as increased food availability, shelter, presence of mates or suitable spawning surface as conceptually proposed in the literature [
Wind turbine field studies suggest a strong species-specific response with increased abundance over longer periods and changes of assemblage composition (fish and macrocrustaceans) [
20]. However, there is the need for the study of long-term interactions between fish and offshore turbine structures. Furthermore, the role of underwater structures as FAD or artificial reefs may be modified by other alterations of the physical environment as result of other perturbations such as underwater noise, electromagnetic fields and disturbance of the seabed.
3.2.2. Sound Pollution Effects on Fishes
Natural sounds in the ocean are produced by abiotic (breaking waves, currents and drifting materials on the seabed, rain,
etc.) or biotic sources (vocalization, snapping sounds, bubble ejection, echolocation chirps,
etc.). Given the physiology of sound perception in fish and the physics of underwater sound waves (
i.e. fast speed and long propagation distance), natural sound and pressure waves create a sound spectrum which could be distorted if interfered by sound pollution from the creation and operation of wind turbines. At an intense level, this could have significant effects, occasionally causing physical injury or death as demonstrated in fish affected by underwater explosions or pile driving (most likely during the scoping and construction phases) [
85]. More importantly, there may be a range of sublethal effects leading to ecological implications given that fish use sounds to gather information about predators, prey, competitors, and mates, for the location of migration routes or feeding grounds [
22]. Mueller-Blenkle
et al. [
86] recently found responses to distant piling noise in cod
Gadus morhua and sole
Solea solea in controlled field experiments. Therefore noise pollution, when interfering with or masking natural signals, could have consequences at the ecosystem level such as community composition changes due to avoidance behaviours, migration failure due to navigation impairment, mortality due to increased exposure to predators, growth reduction and reproductive impairment due to reduced access to prey or spawning partners.
3.2.3. Electromagnetic Fields
Fish are sensitive to electromagnetic (EM) fields [
10]. Experimentally demonstrable EM clues used by fish include the Earth’s magnetic field, marine currents and weak electric fields caused by electrophysiological activity of muscles and nerves of benthic organisms. These clues have long been considered to play roles in spatial orientation and prey detection [
26] especially in elasmobranchs but also widespread in many teleosts [
25]. In a typical offshore wind farm, EM fields arise from the buried electrical cables interconnecting wind turbines with the consumer grid. The intensity of the induced EM field around these cables depends on many design factors such as type and magnitude of current, conductor core geometry, insulation type, nature of the seabed, depth of the cable if buried,
etc. [
25]. There is the potential for induced EM fields at the seabed surface to exceed the sensitivity threshold of electro-sensitive species [
25] although the strength of EM fields quickly diminishes with distance from the cable (theoretical decay rate = 1/distance
3) [
23]. Therefore directed behaviours, both attraction and avoidance responses, are restricted to a narrow corridor along cable routes. Potentially the width of the impacted area,
i.e. where EM fields are at or above the lower sensitivity limit measured in the laboratory, could for the more sensitive species extend hundreds of metres from a cable [
23]. Possible ecological effects of EM field may include poor hunting performance in these areas or failure to complete migrations if fish, especially demersal and benthic species travelling along the coast, have to migrate over these cables. However, little direct behavioural evidence is available and there are inconclusive results on affected fish behaviours of electro-sensitive species due to EM fields [
3.2.4. Habitat Alteration
Hard structures used to support the turbines or to protect their foundations represent artificial hard bottom habitats and opportunities for fish or their larvae to settle. This is accompanied by a loss of original bottom habitat due to direct physical destruction (
i.e. turbines foundations, cable trenching and armour deposition) or indirectly by modifications in the hydrodynamic field resulting in increased scouring of soft sediments. The effects could extend into the water column affecting pelagic fish and larvae especially during the construction and decommissioning of wind farms as sediment plumes may increase turbidity or lead to the re-mobilization of sediment-bound contaminants. Therefore, while the construction of offshore wind farms increases the complexity of the habitats, this may lead to changes in the nature of the local fish assemblage. From the conservation view, this may cause the fish community to return to their original (pre-anthropogenically-altered) condition and is consequently perceived as beneficial. However, it may also cause further deviation from the reference community natural to the area and may be considered undesirable [
In coastal temperate waters, where wind power is more likely to develop, initial fouling assemblages on underwater wind power structures differ from those inhabiting adjacent natural hard substrata and thus influence surrounding natural assemblages [
28]. The nature and complexity of man-made structures influence assemblages of benthic crustaceans more than fish [
20]. Enhancement of the structures with features such as holes and artificial seagrass beds have been proposed to increase complexity and microhabitat choice, measures that are considered to increase the ecological value of artificial hard substrata and have positive effects on the complexity of the resulting fish assemblage [
Once the changes to the physical environment have changed the local fish community it is possible that alteration could extend further from what is purely expected as a result of biological interactions, with these effects occurring at different scales. Predation pressure, competition for resources, input of invasive species, settling of larvae, diseases, species dominance and many other effects are much harder to identify with precision as many possible feedback loops between fishes and fish and other biological components of the ecosystem may operate at any given time and scale. The potential effects on the ecology of adjacent coastal waters are then difficult to predict.
3.2.5. Fish Sampling Methods
Survey methods need adapting to the particular behaviour of each species. Ideally, the sampling method should indicate abundance by being quantitative. It is also important to obtain information on the fish prey and predator fields for ecosystem-based assessments. Traditional fishing gear (trawls, pots, creels, gillnets, plankton nets,
etc.) preferentially target a single habitat (e.g., pelagic or demersal) and often produce a sample that contains a complex mixture of fish and shellfish. These data give the primary community variables such as species richness, abundance and biomass to indicate the community structure. However, this will only be true when the fishing method is un-selective and operates effectively and reproducibly. On many occasions, sampling biases dictate that alternative gear or two or more complementary gear types must be used. Using different gear types (
i.e. multigear assessments) requires more complex analysis and often the different outputs cannot be combined but it undoubtedly produces a more valid overall assessment [
Newer methods for fisheries assessment use acoustic and visual or video-based survey techniques. Acoustic methods use sound waves to echolocate fish targets which are necessarily grouped in coarse taxonomic or functional groups such as ‘pelagic clupeids’. For practical and technical reasons acoustic methods are best suited to provide overall fish biomass of pelagic species but less or not effective on benthic fishes. Visual scuba censuses are increasingly used in studies focussing on the habitat enhancement role of wind farm structures. The advantages of this are the precise spatial resolution provided and the non-destructive nature of the sampling. It has, however, fundamental disadvantages in areas where visibility is poor or in deep waters and where species identification or diver access may be difficult. Remote techniques such as towed video or baited video stations may expand the operational range of visual scuba censuses but are not currently used. Stereoscopic video systems could be used to describe the size structure of the fish being observed but, as with any other survey gear may be subject to bias as its efficiency may be limited on small cryptic fish species. Importantly, remote video or scuba surveys non-intrusive survey methods are often well-received as they promote welfare of fish and, in the case of video observations, provide a permanent visual record that can be assessed in multiple ways.
Finally, given the limitations of field surveys, specific manipulative methods and experimental designs are needed to test hypotheses, including different levels of complexity in underwater structures and cascade effects on fish. These experiments will require adding test structures or exclusion trials where the access of fish or other biological components to the structures is controlled [
28]. Similarly the effects of noise or EM fields on fish behaviour will need better knowledge of the sensitivity of key fish species and responses to actual stimuli in the field. Active acoustic tracking has been used with success to follow fish responses in control exposure experiments in the field [
3.3. Coastal and Inland Birds
Coastal and inland birds may be using the marine areas as passage migrant routes, and so infrastructural and environmental considerations need to be met e.g., wind farms cannot be constructed in all locations, and some locations are better than others. The ‘quality’ of the wind supply in an area results in siting the turbines in open, exposed areas such as coastal margins and offshore areas (Drewitt and Langston 2006 [
1]). Such areas are often also important and sensitive habitats for a range of plants and animals, for instance for coastal and inland birds for feeding, roosting and migrating. Potential impacts and hazards to coastal and inland birds have been summarized [
29] as:
Behavioural: birds avoiding the areas around turbines as a response to a visual or audio cue; the turbines act as a barrier to movement;
Physical habitat: birds respond to destruction, modification or creation of habitat associated with wind turbines construction and operation;
Direct population change: birds collide with turbine structures.
Within each of these, the indirect impacts of wind turbine construction and operation for birds include disrupting foraging behaviour, breeding activities and migratory patterns whereas direct impacts include increased mortality, alterations in the availability of food, roost and nesting resources, and in increased predation risk.
3.3.1. Collision Risk from Coastal and Offshore Wind-farms and Turbines
The large numbers of diurnal and nocturnal migrants including coastal and land birds, which move through offshore areas, vary with migration intensity, time, altitude and species depending on external factors such as season and weather [
30]. Hϋppop
et al., [
30] found that in the German Bight, half of these migratory flights were at heights coinciding with turbine rotor-blade heights. Given the current move from 30–40 m to >70 m blades then the area of influence will increase. For migrant birds, turbine structures on land appear only to cause a significant problem when they are situated on exposed sites with high migration densities
i.e. passes, straits and peninsulas [
30]. Gull species are frequent victims as they are abundant and widespread and so the likelihood of encounters with turbines are greater. Waterfowl such as cormorants and geese species are also at risk although when measured collision rates for these are very low. Raptors also have low collision rates but these increase where very large numbers occur in areas with high densities of turbines [
31]. For example, the white-tailed eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla is an important and charismatic coastal raptor and has been of particular concern with respect to collision mortalities. It is listed as threatened and there have been documented incidents of collisions from 2001. In Germany the number of white-tailed eagles found during occasional searches is increasing annually [
32] and these incidents are most likely to occur in areas where concentrations are high and there is a large prey base as with other raptors. Passerine migrants also collide with turbines at a very low rate given the large numbers passing through wind farms [
31]. It is therefore considered that of key concern for collision risk are those species which pass through a wind farm (or wind farms) on a regular basis (e.g., on a daily basis between foraging and breeding sites, and in particular in poor light or weather conditions), are long-lived (usually with a correspondingly low annual reproductive output), and are large (usually with a correspondingly low manoeuvrability) (see below).
In general, collision risk depends on several different factors related to bird species, numbers and behaviour, weather conditions and topography and the nature of the wind farm/turbine itself including the use of lighting. The risk is greater on or close to areas that are frequently used for feeding, roosting or migratory pathways and local flight paths. This is particularly important for wading birds and gulls when turbines are located in a coastal or estuarine site, as these birds often move daily between inland roosting and coastal feeding grounds. This diurnal movement is often linked to tidal cycles.
Large birds such as swans and geese tend to be less manoeuvrable and may be at a greater risk of colliding with a turbine structure. However some studies have shown geese to be adept at avoiding collision, for example Fernley
et al., [
33] studying goose collisions at operating wind farms, recorded an avoidance rate of up to 100% at some sites – this was based on the main species at the study sites: Canada, Snow and Brent geese (respectively
Branta canadensis,
Anser caerulescens and
Branta bernicla).
Flight pattern is an important factor with regards to collision risk. Raptors often drift on wind currents, and if those currents flow through a wind farm, then a collision may occur. Raptors also practice contour flying close to the ground and a sudden updraft may force the bird into the rotor swept area [
34]. The risk to birds from collision may further increase with age and decreasing physiological condition, this being particularly important for birds on long migrations such as many wader species and passerines.
Reduced visibility due to poor weather conditions and darkness may increase the potential collision risk. This can be difficult to measure with present monitoring techniques, although with new technologies being developed, such as thermal imaging, additional data may become available. Strong winds may also affect collision potential, reducing the ability of some species to avoid structures and the rotor swept area and/or forcing flights into the rotor swept area of a turbine due to a reduction in the available flight height. However, the impact of these potential collision risks may be reduced as the birds may not fly under such conditions. Dirsken
et al., [
35] for example found that pochard
Aythya ferina and tufted duck
Aythya fuligula regularly flew through a wind farm in the night under moonlit conditions but avoided the area in dark and foggy conditions.
Artificial illumination of turbine structures offshore can affect collision risk. In general, and under normal conditions, migrating birds are able to avoid structures although Hϋppop
et al., [
30] demonstrated that under poor visibility, birds, and in particular terrestrial birds, were attracted to offshore illumination and thus drawn into wind farm sites (which are continually illuminated), thus increasing the risk of collision incidents.
Habituation can be important with regard to avian mortalities by wind turbines [
36] as birds become habituated to the presence of wind turbines after the first few years of operation [
37]. In some areas, particularly where other anthropogenic structures exist, such as chimneys and other large structures, inland and some coastal birds may be habituated to avoiding large structures, recognising them as a hazard to avoid, and thus reducing mortality rates. In other areas birds may learn with time. For example, avoidance responses have been observed by large gull species near to the wind turbines at Europoort, Rotterdam (pers. obs.), with some individuals displaying a modified roost flight-line through the wind turbines at a substantial distance (estimated at over 1 km), whilst others were observed under the same conditions and at the same time of day to fly to within a few 100 m of an indivudal turbine and then undertake a rapid direction and altitude change in order to avoide the rotor sweep. Whether this variation avoidance was due to individual preferences or habituation of some individuals is unclear, but demonstrates that the habituation concept, whilst undoubtedly reducing collision risk, can also be difficult to quantify accurately. Despite this, habituation will reduce collision impacts over-time, although this depends on the species and their fidelity to an area. In addition, recent changes in turbine technology have led to a decrease in death rates of all flying animals [
36] as turbines have larger blades that rotate more slowly and, with the advancement of tracking technology, wind farms are located more appropriately and care is taken to avoid diurnal and seasonal migratory flyways.
3.3.2. Displacement/Disturbance/Avoidance
Coastal and inland birds may be displaced from a habitat due to the construction or operation of a wind farm/turbine. Displacement distances,
i.e. the distance around a wind farm where bird activity is reduced or absent, vary considerably. Displacement distances of up to 800 m have been demonstrated by Pederson and Poulsen [
38] for the coastal species lapwing
Vanellus vanellus, golden plover
Pluvialis apricaria and gull species near to a single turbine located on coastal grassland. Larsen and Madsen [
39], found that field use by wintering pink-footed geese
Anser brachyrynchus in Danish farmland was affected by the presence of wind turbines, with avoidance distances varying between wind farms with a linear turbine layout (avoidance distance of c.100 m) and a clustered layout (c.200 m). The study also highlighted the fact that habitat loss was reduced where turbines were located close to other avoidance zones that were associated with existing physical elements in the landscape such as roads or other large structures.
In the UK at the coastal wind farm at Blyth, Northumberland, Still
et al., [
40] found no significant disturbance effects despite the area supporting internationally important numbers of wintering purple sandpiper
Calidris maritima which roost on the seawall at the wind farm site. Similar situations have been highlighted elsewhere for example golden plover roosting within the Havergigg coastal grassland wind farm site in Cumbria, NW England (SGS Environment 1994, in Percival [
Whilst avoidance is necessary to prevent collisions by migratory shore and land birds, this will in itself have an energetic cost to individuals, particularly if they have to make large diversions to avoid wind farm sites on migratory flyways. In some circumstances, such required ‘diversions’ could become so great that the wind farm in effect becomes a barrier. The extra energy required to make such diversionary flights will reduce the condition of the bird and effects on breeding and survival rates may affect overall population size. In extreme cases, the barrier effect may render a preferred functional site unavailable, e.g., a barrier between a breeding and feeding area may, if alternative feeding areas (even potentially sub-optimal) cannot be found, lead to a loss of that breeding site function.
Noise emitted from turbines and wind farms may potentially cause disturbance to coastal and land birds. These noises are typically masked by background natural sounds but it has been suggested that in some cases these noises may interfere with wildlife and birds, for example by masking alarm calls preventing birds from alerting others to dangers [
3.3.3. Habitat Changes/Loss
Habitat loss can affect the overall population size of an inland or coastal bird species by reducing food availability or forcing birds to travel further afield to obtain food, thus expending additional energy. These factors lead to changes in fecundity and survival of individuals, hence affecting population size and viability. The loss of a roost site effects birds in a similar way, as safe roosting is important for energy conservation and birds will travel large distances to find a suitable roost. For coastal and land birds, habitat loss would be particularly important where a wind farm was located in an estuary or coastal position as these areas provide rich feeding grounds and roosting areas for waders and waterfowl. The total direct loss of habitat from a wind turbine installation and its infrastructure, (cable lines
etc.), is dependent on the overall size of the development but is likely to be small. About 2–5% of actual habitat loss over the development area will arise from the turbines themselves. However interactions with the surrounding landscape, geomorphology and hydrology may increase this loss [
1]. Human land use in estuarine locations has historically been high, and this continues. Similarly, the provision of roost sites close to estuarine feeding sites for many species of wildfowl is extremely important, with the viability of such roosts being dependent on several factors including proximity to feeding grounds (terrestrial and estuarine), land use (including agricultural crop type), the availability of sight and flight lines and ambient disturbance levels. These key location determinants mean that only a limited number of inland roost sites are tenable for most species, and these are therefore used by large numbers on a regular basis. Species such as golden plover and lapwing, which feed and roost in very large densities on both estuarine and adjacent terrestrial habitats, and undertake regular (daily or tidal) movements between both habitats, require viable flightlines between sites. Many of these movements occur at an altitude within most operational rotor sweeps, and the design of most wind farms in such areas usually are linearly along the estuary bank, thus readily providing a potential barrier for such estuary-to-field and return movements by wader species. Consideration and knowledge of such areas and the habitat needs for key species is therefore necessary during the EIA, particularly when considering the effects of a wind farm development in the context of other adjacent developments (
i.e. cumulative effects).
Cumulative effects may occur if wind farm sites are poorly planned in conjunction with other neighbouring sites, for example where more than one wind farm site exists along a flyway corridor of a given population. Primarily, this may become a concern where rare species, in particular those restricted geographically, or long-lived species with low productivity experience a cumulative mortality across sites although this can also be an important aspect for many populations. For instance a ‘chain’ of small, linear wind farms along the banks of an estuary could have a significant detrimental effect on a population which regularly moves between the estuary and hinterland, as well as wider implications for migratory movements into and out of the estuary, and the status of the estuary in the wider international flyway context.
3.3.4. Detection of Impacts
During the EIA and consenting process for the development of wind farms, additional assessment work is necessary in the more sensitive areas (e.g., in Europe development sites within or adjacent to sites of conservation value designated under the EU Wild Birds and Habitats Directives). To assess the impacts of the construction and operation of a wind farm on the avifauna of an area, a baseline study is needed to provide seasonal data on species, their abundance, distribution and movements, including altitude and direction of flights, in relation to the likely height of rotor operation, as well as the wind farm layout. Tidal cycles, light and weather conditions should be noted as these may affect the presence and behaviour of coastal and inland birds in an area, and their susceptibility of interactions with turbines. Several methods are available to identify diurnal usage by birds in and around a wind farm, with a series of prescribed survey methodologies available, primarily using expert observation from differing survey platforms. As this review cannot give all methods and their applicability for all wind farm options, other sources should be consulted, e.g., the UK Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment (COWRIE) and The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). The following gives a short description of the some of the survey requirements and/or options available.
Infrared and radar technologies can detect nocturnally active species such as the Golden plover (
Pluvialis apricaria) (and bats), although such technologies are currently being developed and refined. In predicting the effects of a wind farm on such bird and bat populations, there is a small but increasing body of research available from exsiting wind farm developments, with predictive models of impact having been developed, based on these data. Such models are of potential use in predicting collision rates of avian species, following the construction of a wind farm as they enable factors such as turbine design and operational parameters such as wind farm layout to be addressed, in addition to site-specific data on the seasonality, main flightlines and abundance levels of key species and generic data on the size and avoidance behaviour of these species (or surrogates) when interacting with turbines. Such models broadly indicate likely impact rates but rely upon both good baseline datasets and accurate avoidance rate data for turbines. Baseline data collection techniques are generally prescribed and robust, although there may be site-specific aspects that require additional data to provide a full picture of aviafaunal usage. However, avoidance rate data, particularly at sea and at night are not well defined, and further research on these aspects is needed. As such, the output from current collision risk models should be used with caution, with their greatest strengths being in providing a standardised approach to the assessment of a generic collision risk. This can allow for intra- and inter-site mortality rates to be compared based on a range of wind farm layout designs at an early stage of the development, and in the wider cumulative impact characterisation stage. Wider Population Viability Assessments (PVAs) may be required for certain species, depending on their local distribution and the functional value of the area. Upon project consent, pre and post construction monitoring should follow a standard Before-After/Control-Impact (BACI) approach [
3] with prescribed, standardised and repeatable methods of data collection and analysis allowing for a comparison of impacts. Onshore, scavenging trials can be used to provide information on the rates of scavenger predation at wind farm sites, and the results of such studies then used to adjust collision mortality rates determined from standard carcass retrieval studies.
3.4. Sea Birds
The highly mobile marine birds (considered here to include seabirds, seaducks and divers) undertake not only long distance migratory flights but also daily foraging trips, and have flight responses to advancing weather systems, compensation flights for tidal displacements and
ad hoc responses to sudden localised feeding opportunities. As the result, marine birds are not only at risk to interaction with marine structures (such as wind turbines) during migration but at all times as they spend most of their lifecycle at sea only returning to land to breed. As with inland and coastal birds, the two main issues considered for marine birds in relation to offshore wind farms have centred around the potential problem of direct mortality resulting from collisions and concerns surrounding energy budget depletion and barrier effects for birds that are avoiding the wind farm areas [
Direct mortality and/or lethal injury to birds can occur not only from collisions with the stationary superstructure and the rotating rotor blades but also as the result of the turbulent airflow associated with the blades around the sweep area. Collision mortality rate data attributed to offshore wind farms are currently very limited for marine birds, largely because of the difficulties associated with the detection of collisions and recovery of carcasses at sea [
1], particularly during periods of darkness and poor weather. To date, measurement of collision rates at sea for species and/or sites has proven to be very difficult, with the most effective method being infra-red thermal imagery technology to gather data from sampled sections of the turbine sweep area, recording being triggered by warm-bodied objects entering the field of view [
29]. Further research into such techniques is ongoing as there is the need for operational monitoring of collision impacts and associated risk as more wind farm developments become operational and renewable energy targets require a substantial increase in generation capacity.
Radar studies undertaken at several offshore wind farms document a substantial avian avoidance response, with the birds modifying their flight trajectories to avoid the turbines and therefore reducing the risk of collision [
43] (see
Figure 3). Species such as common eider S
omateria mollissima modified their flight trajectories at an average distance of 3km from the Nysted offshore wind farm (Denmark) during daylight (less by night) compared to pre-construction flight patterns [
44]. At the Tunø Knob offshore wind park in the Kattergat (Denmark), Larsen and Guillemette [
45] found that common eiders mostly avoided flying close to and within the wind park and that this avoidance was caused not by the action of the rotors but by the presence of the turbine structure themselves. The avoidance behaviour implied that risk of collision at the Tunø Knob and Nysted offshore wind farm was negligible, although it could be potentially higher during poor visibility [
Figure 3.
Radar registration from the Nysted offshore wind farm applied on a GIS-platform. Red dots indicate individual wind turbines, green area the land, green dot the sitting of the radar and black lines migrating waterbird flocks determined visually at the Nysted offshore wind farm. Adapted from Kahlert
et al. [
Figure 3.
Radar registration from the Nysted offshore wind farm applied on a GIS-platform. Red dots indicate individual wind turbines, green area the land, green dot the sitting of the radar and black lines migrating waterbird flocks determined visually at the Nysted offshore wind farm. Adapted from Kahlert
et al. [
As there are limited data available on the collision mortality of seabirds with offshore wind farm structures [
46], caution should be taken in drawing general conclusions. The further development of radar and thermal imaging hardware and associated software is therefore required to gather data on actual collision rates for a range of species. However, whilst it is important to quantify the actual collision rates of seabirds at offshore wind farms, it is also necessary to model the effect of such mortality rates on populations at a range of scales. The significance of individual mortalities of species is linked to population dynamics for each species, and can have a wide variance in overall ecological importance. This is because the populations of species with high adult survival rates and correspondingly low breeding rates, such as many seabird species and raptors, may be more susceptible to relatively small sale additive mortality impacts (and in particular the mortality of adult breeding birds) than, for instance, passerine species. Longer lived species are generally less able to rapidly replace any population losses than species with a relatively high annual mortality and correspondingly short lifespan. Therefore, the loss of a long-lived species such as the northern gannet (
Morus bassanus), has a potentially high impact on the population status, and possibly conservation importance, than for most passerines with a lifespan of perhaps 4 or 5 times less. However, there are widely varying relative abundances between such species with extremely large migratory flocks of some passerines undertaking long distance offshore migrations, passing through wind farm areas. Such relative abundance levels will influence relative collision rates between species although, to some extent, such effects may be dampened by relative avoidance potential, where larger birds are perhaps less likely to be able to avoid individual turbine collisions than smaller more agile species. All of these factors, as well as others such as a range of operational parameters associated with turbine design and operation, need to be considered in addressing the severity of any avian collision risk. Such criteria have been used to produce Collision Risk Models, such as that of Band
et al. [
47], which is routinely used as a basic predictive tool within the EIA process. However, such tools are only as good as the data on which they are based and, as already noted, collision mortality rates for individual species of seabirds with wind farm structures is poorly documented. Whilst there is agreement that collision mortalities are low and acceptable for most offshore wind farms, if appropriately sited, this is based on limited direct data, and considerable reliance on surrogate datasets. As such, more comprehensive data are required thus allowing refining the predictive modelling routines and a greater confidence in prediction during EIA.
More general avoidance behaviour occurs when birds are scared off by wind turbines so that they are either unable to use an area around the turbine(s), or they modify their behaviour within an area. Such behaviour reduces collision risk but means that offshore wind farms can both produce areas of effective ‘habitat loss’ for some seabird species, and/or represent a barrier to movement either to local feeding and roosting flights, or to longer migratory flights [
48]. Whether or not marine birds will be affected at an offshore wind farm site will be dependent on several factors, including the species of marine birds using the area (this related to individual species vulnerability to disturbance), the functional use of the surrounding waters and airspace, and wind farm design. For instance, seaducks and divers are more prone than seabirds to disturbance by the visual stimulus of rotating turbines or displacment by the boat /helicopter traffic associated with maintenance [
50]. Moreover, behavioural responses vary between species, depending on such factors as stage of life cycle (wintering, moulting and breeding), flock size and degree of habituation [
1]. Such avoidance behaviour may have several consequences, one of which is an increase in the energy demands of an individual bird, because of increased distances flown in order to avoid a wind farm. The impact of extended or modified flight lengths due to the presence of a wind farm site may be small in energetic terms for migratory birds [
48] but could have greater consequences for wintering birds commuting daily between feeding and roosting areas e.g., common eider and common scoter
Melanitta nigra [
48]. A study at the Nysted offshore wind farm reported an added distance of c.500 m to migratory common eider as the consequence of the wind farm’s presence in their migratory flight path. Hence, the cost of avoidance is trivial but the construction of further wind farms along the migration route could have cumulative effects on the population. Similarly, and as with inland and coastal birds, potentially more significant effects could also occur if a wind farm were inappropriately sited between breeding and feeding sites, particularly for colonial species with limited breeding site availability (e.g., many seabird species).
Avoidance may also result in the general displacement of birds from a preferred feeding distribution if the birds avoid the entire wind farm area and a strip around the turbines. Petersen
et al. [
51] found that the numbers of common scoters and red-throated divers
Gavia stellata greatly declined after the construction of the Horns Rev offshore wind farm. A smaller decline in long tailed duck
Clangula hyemalis was also observed at the Nysted offshore wind farm [
Given the recent introduction of offshore wind farms, there are few comprehensive studies of the pre- and post-construction effects. The most comprehensive study is that by Desholm [
29] which presents an extensive and very comprehensive assessment of the Nysted wind farm area, Denmark. This illustrates the habituation of the birds to the development (
Figure 4 and
Figure 5).
Figure 4.
The Gedser Odde peninsula, Denmark, as the proposed site of the Nysted offshore wind farm showing the preconstruction migration pattern of geese (broken lines) and common eider (solid lines) recorded by radar; red lines denote land migration patterns, the red hatched area is the proposed wind farm site and the red dot is the radar tower [
Figure 4.
The Gedser Odde peninsula, Denmark, as the proposed site of the Nysted offshore wind farm showing the preconstruction migration pattern of geese (broken lines) and common eider (solid lines) recorded by radar; red lines denote land migration patterns, the red hatched area is the proposed wind farm site and the red dot is the radar tower [
Figure 5.
The south-west flight paths of autumn-migrating waterbirds at the Nysted wind farm, Denmark. Red dots indicate individual turbines and black lines migrating waterbird flocks [
Figure 5.
The south-west flight paths of autumn-migrating waterbirds at the Nysted wind farm, Denmark. Red dots indicate individual turbines and black lines migrating waterbird flocks [
Such effects underscore the need for a rigorous baseline seabird survey and data collation component to any EIA with the need to address both the development area and adjacent communities and ecological function. As indicated above, the EIA also requires cumulative impacts to be considered on the seabird community especially where other likely plans and projects might affect the seabird community. This is especially the case within designated conservation sites such as European Marine Sites which require an Appropriate Assessment (Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats and Species Directive). This requires not only good biological and effects data for the specific development area, but for a substantially wider area that may be affected through the cumulative or in-combination approach. For instance, for some species of migratory seabird, it may be necessary to address the likely impact of a series of wind farm developments along a linear coastal feature, in terms both of avoidance and barrier effects (and associated energetic implications) and the more direct collision mortality effects. As discussed above, such criteria are extremely difficult to predict accurately, given current data gaps, and any assessments of impacts are potentially additionally hampered by inertia in data release from other wind farm developments within the assessment area, who not unreasonably have their own commercial concerns to consider. In the UK, the creation of a central repository for wind farm biological data and a requirement for developers to lodge data with the repository has gone some way to addressing this issue although there remain issues, particularly along the north-west European coastline, where trans-national boundaries can severely hamper such collaborative initiatives.
The above text has largely addressed the likely negative impacts that wind farms may have on the seabird ecology of an area. Undoubtedly there are several potential significant areas of impact possible from such structures. However, experience has shown that with suitable background data and an increasing body of effects information, mitigation measures can be employed to reduce such impacts. By far the most effective pathway for impact reduction is through the correct siting of wind farms, away from key migratory and other important functional areas. However, there are additional measures that can be undertaken, including layout design. It is also important to emphasise that positive effects to seabird populations are also possible from wind farm developments, for instance where wind farms may provide nursery or refuge areas for fish, increasing the prey availability in an area, or where turbine bases and scour protection provide a greater diversity of substratum and associated fish assemblage, again increasing the prey potential for some species.
Table 5.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: birds (modified from Wilson [
Table 5.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: birds (modified from Wilson [12]).
Potential impact | Likely to occur around offshore wind farms? | Likely to cause significant impact? |
Mortality through collision | Depends on conditions, species and location of wind farm | No—figures indicate a very low risk. (Very minor) |
Mortality through disruption of feeding grounds | Depends on the species present and location of wind farm | No—if careful planning means development away from important areas. (Undetectable?) |
Disruption of migration routes | Depends on location of wind farm and distance from shore | No—if wind farm is not too close to shore, and major known routes are avoided in planning. (Minor) |
3.6. Mammals (Marine Mammals)
As with the other ecological components described above, there is the need to consider the biological features of cetaceans and other sea mammals which make them susceptible to adverse effects of offshore wind turbines [
55]. Notably, cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) have highly sensitive auditory systems, most of them are highly vocal and many also exhibit a greatly developed echolocation capacity. These attributes are essential for communication (possibly over hundreds of kilometres) and to recognize their surrounding environment, allowing them to navigate, avoid obstacles and predators, forage for food and find other individuals [
57]. Baleen and toothed whales have distinct auditory capacities: baleen whales are considered as low frequency sound producers (from below 10 Hz to 25 kHz) and their low frequency moans, calls and songs have been suggested for use for long-distance communication [
59]; toothed whales produce high frequency sounds (from a few kHz to 150 kHz) and are assumed to be true echolocators [
Pinnipeds (seals and sealions) also vocalize, both in and out of water, and use calls to determine territory and dominance out of water [
60]. True seals (Phocidae) appear to hear higher frequencies underwater than eared seals (Otariidae), and vice-versa in relation to airborne sounds [
61]. True seals are known to have underwater audiograms ranging from 1 kHz to 50 kHz (with sensitivities of 60–82 dB–all dB values hereinafter are re. 1 µPa @ 1 m.), while out of water, seal hearing sensitivity ranges from 2 kHz to 20 kHz (similar to humans). However, they are probably able to hear lower frequency sounds (100 Hz at 96 dB) either in and out of water [
Given their great auditory capabilities, marine mammals are highly sensitive to noise in the ocean, particularly that coming from human activities [
62]. Maximum sound pressure levels to avoid auditory damage from single pulses have been estimated to be of 180 dB for cetaceans and 190 dB for pinnipeds [
63]. A cumulative Energy Flux Density value (EFD, which takes into account both cumulative duration and the level of exposure) has also been estimated at 195 dB re. 1 µPa
2s as leading to a auditory Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) and at 215 dB re. 1 µPa
2s as producing Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) to marine mammals [
Table 7.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: marine mammals (modified from Wilson [
Table 7.
Potential impacts of offshore wind farms: marine mammals (modified from Wilson [12]).
Potential impact | Likely to occur around offshore wind farms? | Level of significance |
Mortality through collision with increased boat traffic | Unlikely during operation, as collisions with boats are rare. May be an issue during construction due to damage to hearing/orientation | Low, as animals will generally be able to avoid a collision. (Undetectable/minor?) |
Leaving area due to disturbance | Depends on species, but a certain level of avoidance is expected | Relative low, as long as the wind farm was not on a key migration route or in a major feeding ground (Detectable?) |
Noise damage | Yes, during construction, with lower levels during operation. | Potentially high during piling operations, but much reduced once installed, thereby reducing the risks. (Minor) |
Disruption of normal behaviour | Yes, in the initial construction phase, but less likely once marine mammals have become accustomed to the operational levels of noise and activity | Relatively low once operations have been ongoing for a period of time. (Detectable?) |
Several behavioural changes have been reported in marine mammals adjacent to offshore wind farms, such as temporary displacement from the area and changes in echolocation rates [
66]. Behavioural reactions to noise can occur up to 20 km from the sound source [
9], although individuals of the same species may react differently in different locations [
67]. In particular, baleen whales are estimated to show behavioural avoidance of noises around 130–170 dB and suffer physical damage at 220 dB [
68]. Conversely, very few data are available on the physiological effects of anthropogenic noise and very little is known on what frequencies and sound intensities may be responsible of such damage. Nevertheless, documented effects on pinnipeds, for example, are usually related to high intensity sounds [
62] and hearing loss may occur at 1.8 km in harbour porpoises and 400 m in seals during pile-driving [
Offshore wind farms may have numerous impacts on marine mammals, during exploration, construction, operation and decommissioning activities (
Figure 6), but the direct effects of noise and vibration seem to be those posing a bigger threat [
69]. Usually higher frequency sounds are generated during construction and decommissioning, while low frequency sounds occur during operation [
66]. High levels of noise may induce temporary or permanent displacement of marine mammals from the affected areas (largely harmful in preferred habitats), particularly during construction and decommissioning operations [
70]. Disruption of feeding and social behaviours [
60] may also occur and these can generate stress and, ultimately, lead to death [
70]. Noise and visual presence may be particularly damaging in mating and breeding areas (e.g., seal haul-outs), thereby reducing breeding success and growth and/or recovery of cetacean populations, which may be particularly harmful for threatened species [
Figure 6.
Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms during (a) pre-installation exploration, (b) construction (similar effects are likely to occur during decommissioning) and (c) operation (adapted from Gill [
10]; Elliott [
Figure 6.
Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms during (a) pre-installation exploration, (b) construction (similar effects are likely to occur during decommissioning) and (c) operation (adapted from Gill [
10]; Elliott [
During exploration, seismic surveys are a major noise source, and avoidance behaviour has been reported in baleen whales at distances of up to 370 km from the source during such operations [
62]. Based on maximum energy emitted from airguns (20–160 Hz) and peak frequencies at which baleen whales emit sound, species which will most likely be affected by seismic surveys are fin whales
Balaenoptera physalus, minke whales
Balaenoptera acutorostrata and humpback whales
Megaptera novaeangliae [
68]. Additionally, deep diving odontocetes may be particularly vulnerable to seismic exploration, once sounds may concentrate within some water layers (e.g., the SOFAR channel) and be transmitted over greater distances than usual [
68]. Avoidance reactions by seals have also been observed although these were only short-term responses [
Throughout the construction phase, several behavioural changes by marine mammals have been reported, such as temporary displacement from the area and changes in echolocation rates [
65]. For example, harbour porpoise avoidance behaviour was reported in the Horns Rev and Nysted offshore wind farms sites (Denmark), as well as in the reference site, which was 10 km away [
67]. This reaction persisted up to the first two years of operation in Nysted, where abundance was then still lower than expected. Nevertheless, it is not certain what specifically triggered this behavior; whether it was the noise, visual presence, vessels or changes in prey availability. Harbour porpoise avoidance has been particularly related to pile-driving activities, and hearing impairment is a possible consequence at close range [
66]. Furthermore, seals have been reported (in the Näsrevet offshore wind farm, Sweden) to avoid vessels passing close to haul-out sites [
62], and masking may occur in harbour seals up to 80 km distance [
While in operation, offshore wind farms have been registered to produce noise peaks at 120 dB at 16 Hz, therefore exceeding ambient noise levels only at very low frequencies (<1 kHz). As baleen whales are low frequency sound producers, they are expected to be the most affected species by noise produced during offshore wind farm operation, particularly open ocean species. Such noise may interfere with communication and navigation, thus affecting baleen whale migration success [
68]. Conversely, for bottlenose dolphins, noise at 6 kHz has to exceed ambient noise levels (~80 dB) by 22 dB while for harbour seals at 1100 Mz it should be 16 dB above ambient levels. Both of these levels are unexpected to be produced in offshore wind farms at such high frequencies [
62]. Despite this, experimental results suggest that harbour porpoises and harbour seals can detect low-frequency sounds such as those produced during wind-farm operation [
71], showing that research is still needed on this subject. Additionally, airborne noise of offshore wind farms operation is expected to be heard by pinnipeds, but should only be 10–20 dB above their lowest audible threshold at the base of the turbine, thus not causing great disturbance. In addition, seals commonly show habituation to noise and vibration, once no threat is perceived, thus avoidance responses are only short-termed [
Despite all of these potential effects of noise, it has been suggested that, for example, harbour porpoises and seals may be more tolerant to disturbance in areas of greater importance for feeding or reproduction, thus more easily abandoning areas of lower interest, without major consequences [
67]. Therefore, it is of note that impacts of noise from offshore wind farms on marine mammals will depend on the low-frequency hearing abilities of the different species, on sound-propagation conditions and on ambient noise levels, either due to natural or anthropogenic sound (e.g., from shipping) [
Given the above effects, it is recognised that there should be controls on exploration and construction activities in known or anticipated breeding areas (particularly during breeding season) and along cetacean migration routes. The use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) has been suggested as a possible mitigation measure during construction operations, possibly providing an effective and less expensive method of minimising adverse effects [
73]. Despite this, research is still needed on the efficacy of this and on the appropriate types of signals and measure of animals' responses to their action. Research is also required on noise emissions of offshore wind farms' related activities and the continuing of extremely important monitoring programmes in areas of implementation. For marine mammals, particular focus should be given on the breeding and/or migration success of each species or population in relation to offshore activities including wind farms as well as on cumulative impacts with other human activities.