Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Deep Geothermal Heat Plants
:1. Introduction
2. Research Gaps in Current LCA Practices for Geothermal Systems
3. Systematic Approach to Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Geothermal Heat Plants
3.1. Definition of Life Stages
- “Exploration phase”: When planning the construction of a deep geothermal heat plant, the exploration of an area with geothermal potential takes place before the construction of the site.
- “Construction phase”: More important is, however, the construction phase, as this is where most of the climate-impacting process steps occur.
- “Operation phase”: Even though the operation of a geothermal power or heat plant is emission-free, the operation phase can be taken into consideration as well—for instance, by looking at the auxiliary energy used during operation.
- “End-of-life stage”: Finally, aspects of the dismantling of a geothermal plant can be included in a sustainability assessment in the end-of-life stage [11].
3.2. Definition of Assessment Criteria
- The “space requirement” of the plant, including the area needed during both the construction phase and the operation phase.
- The “energy consumption” over the life cycle of the plant, which can ultimately be related to the “energy returned on energy invested” (EROI) over its lifetime.
- The “material consumption”, e.g., steel, cement, bentonite, and silica sand, used over the life cycle of a plant; this includes aspects of the deep well drilling and manufacturing of the components.
- Resulting “CO2 emissions”, mainly considering the upstream chain, i.e., the production of materials and electricity.
- The “water consumption” over the life cycle of the plant, mainly referring to the upstream chain of the manufacturing of the components.
3.3. Creation of a Framework Based on LCA Guidelines
3.3.1. Definition of the Goal, System Boundaries, and Limitations of this Study
3.3.2. Identification and Quantification of Implications of Relevant Energy and Material Flows
Exploration Phase
Construction Phase
Operation Phase
End-of-Life Stage
4. Application of the Approach to a Practical Example and Interpretation of the Results Obtained
4.1. Specific Space Requirement of the Plant
4.2. EROI and Energy Payback Time
4.3. CO2 Emission Factor
4.4. Water Consumption
4.5. Discussion
5. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Category | Input Data | Reference |
Diesel consumption of a vibration truck while driving | 1 L/km | Expert interview with the truck producer |
Diesel consumption of a vibration truck while vibrating | 50 L/h | Expert interview with the truck producer |
Route of vibration trucks | 250 km | Seismic survey study provided by a service provider |
Category | Input Data | Reference |
Surface of the drilling site | 5000 m2 | Expert interview with a civil engineer |
thereof surface of concrete | 2200 m2 | |
thereof surface of asphalt | 2800 m2 | |
Thickness of concrete | 0.5 m | |
Thickness of asphalt | 0.04 m | |
Diesel consumption of a 40-ton truck | 25 L/100 km | Expert interview with a civil engineer |
Diesel consumption of a concrete mixer (drilling site) | 15 L/h | Expert interview with a civil engineer |
Diesel consumption of a compactor roll (drilling site) | 14 L/h | |
Diesel consumption of a wheel loader (trench for district heating grid) | 9.5 L/h | Expert interview with a civil engineer |
Diesel consumption of a compactor (trench for district heating grid) | 5.5 L/h | |
Depth of each deep well | 3500 m | Authors’ own estimate based on local geophysical data and comparable projects in the Upper Rhine Valley |
Electricity consumption (drilling of the two deep wells) | 1.2 GWh | Expert interview with a drilling service provider |
Volume of drilling fluid | 7300 m3 | [26] |
Material consumption of casing | [11] | |
thereof steel | 565 t | |
thereof cement | 539 t | |
thereof silica sand | 217 t | |
thereof bentonite | 33.6 t | |
Floor area of aboveground heat plant | 240 m2 | Expert interview with a plant operator |
Power of an LSP | 550 kW | [30] |
Material consumption of an LSP | Expert interview with a pump manufacturer | |
thereof steel | 40 t | |
thereof aluminum | 450 kg | |
thereof tin | 180 kg | |
Material consumption of the electric motor of an LSP | Ref. [11]; Expert interview with a pump manufacturer | |
thereof steel | 1.25 t | |
thereof copper | 1.25 t | |
Material consumption of an injection pump thereof steel | 1.2 t | Expert interview with a pump manufacturer |
Material consumption of a heat exchangerthereof steel | 9 t | Expert interview with a heat exchanger manufacturer |
Material consumption of a district heating pipeline | Expert interview with a pump manufacturer | |
thereof steel | 44 t/km | |
thereof polyethylene | 6.7 t/km | |
thereof polyurethane | 4 t/km | |
Material consumption of four district heating network pumps + motors (power of motor: 110 kW) | Service datasheet of a pump manufacturer | |
thereof steel | 5.67 t | |
thereof copper | 2.19 t | |
Distance between the heat plant and district heating network | 1.5 km | Authors’ own estimate based on local geographic conditions |
Category | Input Data | Reference |
Lifetime of the LSP | 7 years | Authors’ own estimate based on comparable projects; [30] |
Material consumption for the replacement of the LSP | Authors’ own calculations | |
thereof steel | 22 t | |
thereof aluminum | 1800 kg | |
thereof copper | 1080 kg | |
thereof tin | 720 kg |
Category | Input Data | Reference |
Material consumption for the backfilling of the deep wells | [41] | |
thereof cement | 33.5 t | |
thereof bentonite | 1.5 t | |
thereof silica sand | 15.8 t |
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Criterion/Life Stage | Exploration Phase | Construction Phase | Operation Phase | End-of-Life Stage |
Space requirement | X | X | ||
Energy consumption | X | X | X | X |
Material consumption | X | X | X | |
CO2 emissions | X | X | X | X |
Water consumption | X | X | X | X |
Material | CO2 Emission Factor | Specific Water Consumption |
Diesel fuel (driving) | 3.166 t CO2/t | - |
Diesel fuel (production) | 7.624 t CO2/TJ | 4607 kg water/TJ |
Concrete | 0.161 kg CO2/kg | 0.267 kg water/kg |
Asphalt | 186.1 kg CO2/kg | 1.413 kg water/kg |
Cement | 0.91 kg CO2/kg | 1.13 kg water/kg |
Bentonite | 0.0247 kg CO2/kg | 0.0698 kg water/kg |
Silica sand | 0.0193 kg CO2/kg | 1.466 kg water/kg |
Steel | 1.36 kg CO2/kg | 11.7 kg water/kg |
Copper | 1.64 kg CO2/kg | 4.01 kg water/kg |
Aluminum | 9.42 kg CO2/kg | 39.9 kg water/kg |
Tin | 15.803 kg CO2/kg | 1046.482 kg water/kg |
Polyethylene | 2.42 kg CO2/kg | 6.2 kg water/kg |
Polyurethane | 4.2 kg CO2/kg | 4.2 kg water/kg |
Criterion/Life Stage | Exploration Phase | Construction Phase | Operation Phase | End-of-Life Stage |
Space requirement | 15,000 m2 | 5000 m2 | ||
Energy consumption | 497 MWh | 1858 MWh | 157,223 MWh | 388 MWh |
Material consumption | concrete: 3365 t asphalt: 1240 t bentonite: 2134 t steel: 685 t silica sand: 217 t aluminum: 0.45 t copper: 16 t tin: 0.18 t stainless steel: 6.8 t polyethylene: 10 t polyurethane: 6 t | steel: 27 t aluminum: 1.8 t copper: 11.9 t tin: 0.7 t | concrete: 34 t bentonite: 1.5 t sand: 16 t | |
CO2 emissions | 151.8 t | 2807 t 1 or 2343 t 2 | 27,759 t 3 or 90 t 4 | 149 t |
Water consumption | 8.24 m3 | 14,424 m3 | 1133 m3 | 63 m3 |
Criterion | Value |
Energy consumption | 159,965 MWh |
Max. CO2 emissions | 30,867 t |
Water consumption | 15,628 m3 |
Sustainability Indicator | Value |
Energy returned on energy invested (EROI) Energy payback time | ~34 ~315 days |
CO2 emission factor | ~5.56 g/kWhth resp. ~0.05 g/kWhth |
Water consumption | ~0.0028 L/kWhth (≙2.8 L/MWhth) |
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Maar, L.; Seifermann, S. Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Deep Geothermal Heat Plants. Energies 2023, 16, 6774.
Maar L, Seifermann S. Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Deep Geothermal Heat Plants. Energies. 2023; 16(19):6774.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaar, Lilli, and Stefan Seifermann. 2023. "Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Deep Geothermal Heat Plants" Energies 16, no. 19: 6774.
APA StyleMaar, L., & Seifermann, S. (2023). Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Deep Geothermal Heat Plants. Energies, 16(19), 6774.