A Review of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance in the United States
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Building Energy Code Compliance Evaluation
3. Activities of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance
3.1. Prior to ARRA
3.1.1. Commercial Code Compliance Evaluation
3.1.2. Residential Code Compliance Evaluation
3.2. ARRA
3.2.1. Methodology Developed by BECP
3.2.2. Code Compliance Studies to Meet the ARRA Requirement
3.3. Post ARRA
3.3.1. BECP Residential Energy Code Field Study
3.3.2. BECP Commercial Energy Code Field Study
3.3.3. Northwest Commercial Code Compliance Evaluation
3.3.4. Other Methodologies and Studies
4. Discussion
4.1. Code Compliance Evaluation Methodologies
4.2. Steps Involved in Code Compliance Evaluation Studies
4.2.1. Sample Frame
4.2.2. Sample Selection
4.2.3. Site Recruitment
4.2.4. Data Collection
Plan Review
Field Inspection
4.2.5. Code Compliance Evaluation
4.2.6. Cost of Code Compliance Evaluation Activities
5. Conclusions and Future Research
5.1. Conclusions
- 1.
- The widespread acknowledgment of the importance of conducting code compliance evaluation. Builders, architects, and code officials increasingly recognize the benefits of building energy codes. Furthermore, there is now a widespread acknowledgment of the importance of conducting code compliance evaluation studies. The ACEEE publishes an annual State Scorecard to assess the stringency of the residential building energy code (CSit) and evaluate additional code activities (ACit). For instance, in both 2015 and 2016, states had the opportunity to earn up to 3 extra points beyond code stringency by implementing compliance studies based on standardized protocols and a statistically significant sample (up to 1 point), as well as engaging in additional code compliance activities such as training and compliance surveys (up to 2 points) [110].
- 2.
- The ARRA 2009 played a significant role in promoting code compliance evaluation activities in the U.S. While there were code compliance evaluation activities prior to the advent of the ARRA, the code compliance requirement introduced by the ARRA sparked nationwide attention on the energy code and created a nationwide need for a standardized and consistent methodology to conduct code compliance evaluation studies.
- 3.
- The emergence of standardized methodology and protocols. Code compliance evaluation studies have traditionally been focused on meeting short-term and specific needs, with little emphasis on designing standardized and consistent methodologies for the long term and the comparability of results among studies. The code compliance goal for all states within an eight-year timeframe mandated by the ARRA presented an opportunity for developing consistent and standardized methodologies, reducing barriers for states to conduct a code compliance evaluation by eliminating the need to develop state-specific methods from scratch. The BECP 2010 methodology [8] was the first of its kind, and its widespread adoption and testing led to several suggestions for its improvement, resulting in the development of enhanced standardized protocols and tools for conducting code compliance evaluations, such as the BECP FOA methodologies [72,97] and the Northwest [63,64] methodology.
- 4.
- Common steps remain with little change but with an improvement and enhancement in each step. The common steps involved in a code compliance evaluation study have remained largely unchanged, but improvements and enhancements have been made to each of these steps:
- a.
- In more recent methodologies, rigorous statistical significance has been incorporated into sample designs. Target sample sizes are derived based on predefined statistical criteria, which guide data collection and ensure the credibility of the study results.
- b.
- Most recent methodologies place more emphasis on random sample selection and strive to avoid self-selection bias.
- c.
- The principle of objectivity has been enforced in the field data collection and recording in more recent methodologies, such as the BECP’s FOA methodologies, to ensure accuracy and impartiality of the collected data. However, in many studies, it is not uncommon to encounter data substitution when unobservable code item are present in the field studies. Including data that is not directly observed but assumed can compromise the credibility of the studies.
- d.
- Incomplete data collection is inherent in building field surveys, and data analysis needs to account for it. Code compliance assessments using building simulations are primarily conducted at the individual building level, and data substitution is inevitable when preparing input for building models, intoducing potential biases. The use of large-scale pseudo homes, as demonstrated in the residential FOA methodology [72], provides an effective approach for analyzing limited and incomplete field data. The results from large-scale pseudo homes offer an overview of the state’s average EUI and EUI distribution of new residential homes. However, it does not provide energy-wise code compliance information of each individual home visited during the field survey.
- 5.
- Energy-based metrics used to supplement or replace the compliance rate. It is now widely recognized that the binary compliance rate alone cannot adequately assess the energy impact of non-compliance, although it can still serve as an indicator of code enforcement performance. The focus of code compliance evaluation has shifted from mere compliance verification to methodologies that evaluate the overall effectiveness of energy codes that were created in buildings. In most studies, various types of building energy models were created using field-collected data, and EUI of building components, building systems, and the entire building were used as metrics to evaluate code compliance. More recently, the Northwest methodology has incorporated the collection and analysis of billing data to assess the code’s impact through an energy performance measurement. Unlike EUI derived from building simulations, the total and end-use EUI obtained from billing data analysis represent the actual energy consumed by the buildings. The disaggregated EUIs for major building end-uses are compared with compliance results as specified in the Northwest methodology [63,64]. The use of billing data offers the potential for code compliance based on absolute energy use, similar to the approach used in Europe.
- 6.
- Recruitment is one of the most challenging steps in the code compliance evaluation process, and various issues have been reported in previous studies, including the following:
- a.
- Sample representativeness: Ensuing that the selected sample of buildings is a representative of the building population is crucial for drawing accurate conclusions. However, difficulties arose in obtaining a truly representative sample due to factors such as self-selection bias, limited access to certain types of buildings, or challenges in obtaining consent from building owners.
- b.
- Data availability: Code compliance studies often require access to detailed data on building characteristics, energy consumption, and other relevant information. Obtaining comprehensive and reliable data could be a challenge, particularly when building owners are reluctant to share information.
- c.
- d.
- Time and resource constraints: Conducting code compliance evaluation studies requires significant time, effort, and resources. Recruiting a sufficient number of buildings and completing all necessary data collection and analysis can be time-consuming and costly. To address this, the commercial FOA methodology [99] has been enhanced by using the standard error from the regression analysis of lost savings against possible code compliance condition as the estimate of the coefficient of variation in the sample size formula. This approach allows for lower sample sizes compared to traditional survey-sampling methods, as the regression analysis leverages data across strata rather than using data from a single stratum in the survey-sampling approach.
5.2. Future Research
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ACEEE | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
APEC | Association of Professional Energy Consultants, Inc |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers |
BECP | Building Energy Codes Program |
CBECS | Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey database from EIA |
CBSA | Commercial Building Stock Assessment database of the Northwest of U.S. |
CEI | Certified Energy Inspector |
CEP | City Energy Project |
CEUS | California Commercial End-Use Survey database of California |
CIP | Conservation Improvement Program at Minnesota |
COMcheckTM | Software developed by the U.S. DOE to automate demonstration of commercial energy code compliance |
CV | coefficient of variation |
DNV GL | Det Norske Veritas® |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
ECCCNYS | Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State |
eQuest | the Quick Energy Simulation Tool |
E+ | EnergyPlus Simulation Engine |
EIA | Energy Information Agency |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EUI | Energy Usage Intensity |
FSEC | Florid Solar Energy Center |
FOA | funding opportunity announcement |
HERS | Home Energy Rating System |
HVAC | heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
IDFBS | Indiana Department of Fire and Building Service |
IECC | International Energy Conservation Code |
IMT | Institute for Market Transformation |
NEEA | Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance |
NRDC | Natural Resource Defense Council |
NREC | Nonresidential Energy Code |
NY DOS | New York Department of State |
OEESC | Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code |
OREC | Oregon Energy Code |
ORSC | Oregon Residential Specialty Code |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
REM/RateTM | Residential energy analysis, code compliance, and HERS rating software |
REScheckTM | Software developed by the U.S. DOE to automate demonstration of residential energy code compliance |
SCE | Southern California Edison |
SF | single-family homes |
UPV | uniform present value |
VEIC | Vermont Energy Investment Corporation |
WSEC | Washington State Energy Code |
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Reference | State | Building Type | Methodology | Sample Source | Code Permit Year Home Built | Sample Frame | Site Visit | Miscellaneous |
[21,23,26] | Oregon | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database | April 1990–April 1991 | 213 | 71 | Ten building categories (office); two stratum stratification by size; random selection; building with documents and permission for site visit and interview; no target sample size; DOE2 for energy simulation. |
[21,22,26] | Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database | Jan 1990–Jan 1991 | 468 | 70 | Eleven building categories (office); two stratum stratification by size; random selection; building with documents and permission for site visit and interview; no target sample size; DOE2 for energy simulation. |
[28,29,30,32] | Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database permitted in 1995. | 1994 Washington NREC | 792 | 88 | Eleven building categories (mainly retail and warehouse); three stratum stratification by size; random selection except all largest buildings included; building with documents and permission for site visit and interview; no target sample size; DOE2 for simulation. |
[33] | Idaho Montana Oregon Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database | ID and MT: ASHRAE 90.1-1989 OR: Oregon 1989 WA: Washington 1994 | 356 168 1020 655 | 71 48 64 32 | ID and MT: permitting from June 1997 to June 1998. OR: permitting from June 1997 to June 1998. WA: Washington 1994 |
[34,35] | Idaho Montana Oregon Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database | ID: 2000-IECC MT: ASHRAE90.1-1989 OR: Oregon 1998 WA: Washington 2001 Permit from 2002 to 2004 | 1196 257 1780 2846 | 64 29 107 146 | Fourteen building categories; three-stratum by size; target sample size determined on a 90% confidence interval with a 10% significance; 190 of 346 homes with billing data for EZ Sim analysis; shift from building under construction to fully constructed and occupied. |
[40] | California | Commercial/Residential | Nine building departments | Title 24 | 418 | Sample sizes determined with 90% confidence and 10% precision; permitted Nov 2005–June 2006. | ||
[41] | Indiana | Commercial | New and alteration submitted to IDFBS | 2000-IECC/2003-IECC | 55 | Retail, office, school, medical, and grocery; no target sample size; COMcheck to determine compliance; original sample size was set to 50 with 5 added at the end of the study. | ||
[42,43] | Oregon | Residential | SF permitted in 1993 | 14,000 | 283 | No centralized permit existed in Oregon and sample frame assembled from individual jurisdictions; random sample size was determined with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% margin of error, based on a binomial distribution with assumed 75% compliance rate; 50% field visit conducted at the time of final inspection. | ||
[45] | Vermont | Residential | Multiple sources | Between 1999 and 2001 | 159 | Census bureau and other data sources. | ||
[47] | Illinois | Commercial Residential | BECP 2010 | 2009-IECC | 44 10 | BECP 2010 has a statistically determined sample size of +/−44 with a State Sample Generator Tool (same for all rows marked with BECP 2010 in the Methodology rows). | ||
[48] | Florida | Commercial Residential | BECP 2010 (Variant) | Florida 2007 | 50 43 | Specific recruitment approach established by FSEC applied on the commercial sample selection and a mailing list recruitment used for residential sample selection; commercial sample were occupied buildings; all residential sample were permitted using Florida performance methodology; Energy Gauge USA. | ||
[50,51,52,53] | Montana Idaho Washington Oregon | Residential | BECP 2010 | MT: Multiple sources ID, WA, OR: Census permits | MT and ID: Amended 2009-IECC WA: 2009-WSEC OR: 2011-ORSC | 1130 + 2207 | 61 + 64 66 66 88 | BECP 2010 has a statistically determined sample size of +/−44 with a State Sample Generator Tool. The two numbers for MT are for both areas with local official and self-certifying areas; SEEM, significant item. |
[58] | Illinois | Commercial Residential | BECP 2010 | 96 jurisdictions | Amended 2012-IECC | 44 (30) 42 (13) | The sample size from the sample generator tool were 44 and 42, but there were only 30 and 13 site visits for commercial and residential buildings; E+ and eQuest for energy simulation. | |
[59] | Massachusetts | Commercial | BECP 2010 variant | Dodge database | 2012-IECC | 655 | 39 | Partial credit for partial compliance |
[60] | New York | Commercial Residential | BECP 210 variant | Dodge database | ASHRAE 90.1-2007 2009_IECC | 44 26 | eQuest simulation for commercial composite building; REM/Rate modeling for residential individual building. | |
[74,75] | Alabama | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2015 Alabama Code | 9506 | 134 | 126 | BECP Res FOA has a statistically determined sample size of 63 for all key items (same for all rows marked with BECP 2010 in the Methodology rows). Average of the 19 most recent months of Census Bureau permit. | |
[76] | Arkansas | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2014 Arkansas Energy Code | 5257 | 226 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[77,78] | Georgia | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2011 Georgia Energy Code | 27,503 | 216 | 139 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[79,80] | Kentucky | Residential | BECP Res FOA | Amended 2009 IECC | 7345 | 140 | 121 | HVAC and plumbing permits; two phases of field studies for the pilot state. | |
[81,82] | Maryland | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2015 IECC | 10,541 | 207 | 185 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[83,84] | North Carolina | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2012 North Carolina Code | 30,029 | 249 | 134 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[85,85] | Pennsylvania | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2009 IECC | 16,371 | 171 | 160 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[87,88] | Texas | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2015 IECC | 100,608 | 133 | 136 | 30 counties in south central and southeast. | |
[89] | Idaho | Residential | BECP Res FOA | Idaho Energy Conservation Code | 11,019 | 127 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[90] | Michigan | Residential | BECP Res FOA | Michigan Residential Energy Code | 12,381 | 124 | Target sample sizes vary by code item being either 63 or 40. | |
[91] | Montana | Residential | BECP Res FOA | Amended 2012 IECC | 3161 | 125 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[92] | Nebraska | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2009 IECC | 5436 | 147 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[93] | Oregon | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2017 ORSC | 11,041 | 162 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[94] | Tennessee | Residential | BECP Res FOA | Amended 2009 IECC | 28,021 | 138 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[95] | Virginia | Residential | BECP Res FOA | 2015 Virginia Code | 22,497 | 138 | Average of the three most recent years of Census Bureau permit. | |
[65,98] | 4C | Commercial | BECP Com FOA | 2012-IECC | 9 | Pilot study; one building type (office); a single climate zone (4C); 63 measures. | ||
[97] | 2A, 5A | Commercial | BECP Com FOA | 2012-IECC/ASHRAE 90.1-2010 | 579 | 230 | Two building types (office and retail); two climate zones (2A and 5A); 67 key code items; regression. | |
[64] | Washington | Commercial | Northwest | WA: 2009-WAEC | 12 | Pilot; fully constructed and occupied with a minimum of 12 months electric and gas billing data; EZ Sim; building categories: education, multifamily, office, healthcare, retail, and warehouse; binary compliance logic. | ||
[63] | NEEA Idaho Montana Oregon Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database Q2 2011–Q1 2013 | ID, MT, OR: amended 2009-IECC WA: 2009-WSEC Construction occupied in 2013/2014 | 3207 (Region) 353 (ID) 251 (MT) 901 (OR) 1702 (WA) | 112 (Region) 45 (ID) 44 (MT) 68 (OR) 99 (WA) | Pilot; fully constructed and occupied with a minimum of 12 months electric and gas billing data; target sample size determined based on a 90% confidence interval with a 10% significance; fifteen building categories (education, office, health, retail, and multifamily). |
[56] | Oregon | Commercial | Northwest | Dodge database Q2 2013–Q2 2016 | Permitted on 2010-OEESC and 2014-OEESC | 222 | 46 | Fully constructed and occupied with a minimum of 12 months electric and gas billing data; not all commercial buildings but focused on key building type: office, retail, school, and multifamily; sample size determined based on a 90% confidence interval with a 10% precision. Original sample size was 64 and a revised design in response to recruiting challenges led to a final sample of 46; billing analysis. |
[101] | Washington | Commercial | Northwest | Multi-data sources | 2015 WSECC | 2211 | 76 | Dodge + Construction Monitor + selected building department + developer data from team member’s network; target sample size: 108 with 76 completed visits due to COVID-19; billing analysis; not fully constructed. |
[102] | Illinois Minnesota Oregon Washington | Multifamily | Dodge database/building permit survey | 24 | 16 projects that received city plan review support, 8 “control” projects that were used for baseline comparison purposes, and 12 projects that received design team support. |
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Xie, Y.; Tyler, M.; Huckett, J.; Bartlett, R.; Chen, Y.; Salcido, V.; Mendon, V.; Rosenberg, M. A Review of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance in the United States. Energies 2023, 16, 5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16165874
Xie Y, Tyler M, Huckett J, Bartlett R, Chen Y, Salcido V, Mendon V, Rosenberg M. A Review of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance in the United States. Energies. 2023; 16(16):5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16165874
Chicago/Turabian StyleXie, Yulong, Matthew Tyler, Jennifer Huckett, Rosemarie Bartlett, Yan Chen, Victor Salcido, Vrushali Mendon, and Michael Rosenberg. 2023. "A Review of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance in the United States" Energies 16, no. 16: 5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16165874
APA StyleXie, Y., Tyler, M., Huckett, J., Bartlett, R., Chen, Y., Salcido, V., Mendon, V., & Rosenberg, M. (2023). A Review of the Evaluation of Building Energy Code Compliance in the United States. Energies, 16(16), 5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16165874