A Multimodel Framework for Quantifying Flow and Advective Transport Controlled by Earthquake-Induced Canister Failures in a Reference Case for Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Workflow for the Study
2.2. Conceptual Repository and the Reference Case for the Study
2.2.1. Layout and Hydraulic Properties of the Conceptual Repository
2.2.2. Reference Case and the Relative Properties of the Geological Conceptual Model
2.2.3. Hydrogeological Conceptual Model
2.3. Canister Failure Induced by Fracture Shear Movement
2.3.1. Mathematical Formulation for Mechanical Modeling
2.3.2. DFN Generation for Canister Failure Calculation
2.3.3. Deposition Hole Rejection Criteria
2.3.4. Calculation of Fracture Shear Movement
- Fault source: The active fault near the reference case is the Binhai fault (Figure 9a). Based on data from previous studies and workshops, the Binhai fault can be divided into two rupture models (Figure 8).
- Model 1: The length and dip of the fault are 450 km and 60 degrees toward the west, respectively. Three possible seismogenic depths are 10, 15, and 20 km [16]. The maximum magnitudes evaluated from in situ stress are Mw 7.93, 8.27, and 8.51. Slip rates are 0.02, 0.2, and 0.5 mm/yr;
- Diffuse seismicity: Diffuse seismicity is also called area sources in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). There is no definite geometry for the rupture plane of diffuse seismicity. A boundary with earthquakes shares similar focal mechanisms for diffuse seismicity could be defined through geophysical and geological surveys, narrowing down the uncertainties of rupture planes. Three boundaries of diffuse seismicity referring to previous studies for the reference case are listed as follows (see Figure 9b):
- A circle with a 200 km radius from the reference case: The length of the radius is determined by the distance from the reference case to the deformation front in the Taiwan region. The edge of the circle also coincided with the front of Peikang High and the seismicity distribution in Taiwan [16,31,32];
- AS_K01 and DS_K01: AK_K01 and DS_K01 are the area sources that cover the Taiwan Strait region. Their boundaries are modified from areal sources proposed in previous seismic hazard analyses for nuclear power plants in Taiwan and the design earthquakes in the Taiwan Strait region;
- The upper and lower depths of diffuse seismicity are 2 km and 35 km, referring to the depths of areal sources in the past PSHA studies in Taiwan. Since this diffuse seismicity cannot be linked to any precise geological structure, a non-surface rupture model is assumed in the study. Based on the assumption and the study of Shimazaki (1986) [33], the maximum magnitude for the diffuse seismicity was specified as 6.5. This maximum magnitude of 6.5 is consistent with the observed seismic data within this region after eliminating events related to the Binhai fault [34]. Additionally, the seismicity rate of diffuse seismicity is derived based on the truncated exponential model [35]. The truncated exponential model employs Gutenberg–Richter’s law, which represents the counts of cumulative annual numbers of earthquakes of a certain magnitude [36].
2.3.5. Evaluation of Potential Canister Failure Due to Shear Movement of Fractures
2.4. Groundwater Flow and Particle Tracking
2.4.1. Mathematical Formulation for Flow
2.4.2. Particle Tracking
2.4.3. The Concept for Radionuclides Released from Canisters and Flow and Transport Properties
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Earthquake Induces Potential Failure Canister Destroyed by Fracture Shear Movement
3.1.1. Calculation of Fracture Shear Movements for the Reference Case
3.1.2. The Information of Shear Fracture-Destroying Potential Canisters
3.2. Density-Dependent Groundwater Flow, Advective Transport, and the Relevant Quantitative Parameters
3.2.1. The Groundwater Flow and the Advective Transport for Potential Failure Canisters
3.2.2. Flow and Transport Parameters for Potential Failure Canisters Induced by the Shear Displacement
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Units | Material | Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) | Porosity (–) |
MT | Backfill material | 1.0 × 10−10 | 4.0 × 10−1 |
DT | Backfill material | 1.0 × 10−10 | 4.0 × 10−1 |
DH | Buffer material | 1.0 × 10−12 | 4.0 × 10−1 |
EDZ | Granitic gneiss | 3.3 × 10−8 * | 1.0 × 10−4 |
Units | Lithology/Material | Distributions/Attitude and Width | Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) | Porosity (–) |
R0 | Regolith | 70 m thickness of the topmost of domain | 1.0 × 10−5 | 1.0 × 10−3 |
R# | Granitic gneiss | - | 1.0 × 10−10 | 5.4 × 10−3 |
F1 | Fault | N64E/70N, 200 m width | 5.0 × 10−6 | 1.0 × 10−2 |
F2 | Fracture zone | N80E/50S, 20 m width | 5.0 × 10−6 | 1.5 × 10−2 |
Fracture Domain | R0 | R# | |
Elevation | Depth below surface < 70 m | Depth below surface > 70 m | |
Fracture clusters (Pole trend, pole plunge, κ, P32,rel) | Cluster 1 | (198, 18, 18, 26%) | (65, 17, 20, 15%) |
Cluster 2 | (155, 4, 15, 24%) | (344, 38, 18, 24%) | |
Cluster 3 | (264, 23, 16, 18%) | (281, 29, 16, 30%) | |
Cluster 4 | (98, 81, 11, 32%) | (174, 22, 17, 10%) | |
Cluster 5 | - | (175, 75, 19, 21%) | |
Fracture intensity (P32) | 2.4 | 0.3 | |
Fracture size | Power law: , | Power law: | |
Fracture location | Stationary random (Poisson) process | Stationary random (Poisson) process | |
Fracture transmissivity (T, m2⁄s) | ; is the equivalent size (m) of a square fracture. | ; is the equivalent size (m) of a square fracture. | |
Fracture Aperture (e, m) |
Fracture Cluster | Accumulation of Shear Displacement | Fault Source | Diffuse Seismicity | Total |
1 | Max. (mm) | 65.88 | 122.16 | 188.04 |
Avg. (mm) | 23.68 | 71.26 | 94.94 | |
2 | Max. (mm) | 45.40 | 178.15 | 223.55 |
Avg. (mm) | 9.00 | 96.71 | 105.71 | |
3 | Max. (mm) | 36.11 | 47.85 | 83.96 |
Avg. (mm) | 12.00 | 5.09 | 17.09 | |
4 | Max. (mm) | 51.87 | 122.16 | 174.03 |
Avg. (mm) | 11.07 | 90.09 | 101.16 | |
5 | Max. (mm) | 13.44 | 45.30 | 58.74 |
Avg. (mm) | 2.54 | 22.40 | 24.94 |
Fracture Case | Dip Direction | Dip Angle | Fracture Radius (m) | x | y | z | Failure Time (Year) |
1 | 249.6 | 38.6 | 249.4 | −1161.5 | 593.8 | −599.7 | 234,000 |
2 | 9.6 | 101.1 | 111.8 | −599.7 | |||
3 | 600.7 | 978.0 | −599.7 |
Case Number | DH Number | Center of DH | Start Location of the Particle |
Case 1 | DH-2524 | (190,892.64, 2,710,417.50, −504.08) | (190,893.40, 2,710,418.00, −505.25) |
DH-2525 | (190,884.84, 2,710,422.00, −504.08) | (190,885.10, 2,710,423.00, −502.75) | |
Case 2 | DH-671 | (191,922.34, 2,709,736.00, −504.08) | (191,922.90, 2,709,737.00, −506.75) |
Case 3 | DH-2833 | (192,414.22, 2,710,606.75, −504.08) | (192,415.10, 2,710,607.00, −508.25) |
DH-2843 | (192,422.02, 2,710,602.25, −504.08) | (192,422.90, 2,710,603.00, −505.75) |
DH Number | U (m/Year) | Qeq (m/Year) | L (m) | tw (Year) | F (Year/m) | End Location of Particle | End Location Type |
DH-2524 | 2.06 × 10−5 | 7.78 × 10−5 | 2.44 × 103 | 4.34 × 102 | 1.19 × 107 | (189,213.70, 2,711,510.00, −1.00) | Shallow |
DH-2525 | 2.14 × 10−5 | 7.92 × 10−5 | 2.43 × 103 | 4.39 × 102 | 1.18 × 107 | (189,214.90, 2,711,050.00, −1.00) | Shallow |
DH-671 | 1.28 × 10−5 | 6.13 × 10−5 | 2.31 × 103 | 6.25 × 102 | 2.50 × 107 | (192,447.20, 2,711,510.00, −47.95) | Lateral boundary |
DH-2833 | 1.66 × 10−5 | 6.98 × 10−5 | 1.21 × 103 | 1.26 × 102 | 6.29 × 106 | (192,884.30, 2,711,382.00, −25.68) | Lateral boundary |
DH-2843 | 1.74 × 10−5 | 7.15 × 10−5 | 1.21 × 103 | 1.24 × 102 | 5.93 × 106 | (192,880.50, 2,711,382.00, −25.48) | Lateral boundary |
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Share and Cite
Yu, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-J.; Chung, C.-C.; Ni, C.-F.; Lee, I.-H.; Wu, Y.-C.; Lin, T.-Y. A Multimodel Framework for Quantifying Flow and Advective Transport Controlled by Earthquake-Induced Canister Failures in a Reference Case for Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal. Energies 2023, 16, 5081. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16135081
Yu Y-C, Chen C-J, Chung C-C, Ni C-F, Lee I-H, Wu Y-C, Lin T-Y. A Multimodel Framework for Quantifying Flow and Advective Transport Controlled by Earthquake-Induced Canister Failures in a Reference Case for Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal. Energies. 2023; 16(13):5081. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16135081
Chicago/Turabian StyleYu, Yun-Chen, Chi-Jen Chen, Chih-Cheng Chung, Chuen-Fa Ni, I-Hsien Lee, Yuan-Chieh Wu, and Tzu-Yu Lin. 2023. "A Multimodel Framework for Quantifying Flow and Advective Transport Controlled by Earthquake-Induced Canister Failures in a Reference Case for Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal" Energies 16, no. 13: 5081. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16135081
APA StyleYu, Y.-C., Chen, C.-J., Chung, C.-C., Ni, C.-F., Lee, I.-H., Wu, Y.-C., & Lin, T.-Y. (2023). A Multimodel Framework for Quantifying Flow and Advective Transport Controlled by Earthquake-Induced Canister Failures in a Reference Case for Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal. Energies, 16(13), 5081. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16135081