Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Numerical Challenges and Comparative Studies
3. Hole and Injection Geometry Studies
4. Free-Stream and Coolant Flow Studies
5. Turbulence Studies
6. Summary and Future Prospects
- The increase in computing power over the past two decades has made it possible to solve increasingly complex problems. In the future, LES of film cooling will apply more realistic geometry and flow conditions close to gas turbine operating conditions, and studies will expand to conjugate heat transfer including conduction.
- Recently, with the help of additive manufacturing, more complex shapes can be realized in film cooling [21], and LES can be used to discover and optimize new shapes.
- Film-cooling research has been focused on effectiveness, and research on the heat transfer coefficient has been lacking. The insulation effect of film cooling is inversely proportional to the heat transfer coefficient, and when the blowing ratio or unsteadiness is large, film-cooling performance is substantially affected [146]. Thus, LES can make a good contribution to heat transfer predictions in the future.
- As LES can provide turbulence statistics and considerable instantaneous flow field and temperature field data, attempts to link it with data-driven engineering, including machine learning, have recently been made. It is expected that such studies will be conducted in the future.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Cs | Smagorinsky eddy viscosity constant |
D | hole diameter |
L | hole length |
M | blowing ratio = |
Prt | turbulent Prandtl number |
U | flow velocity [m/s] |
u | streamwise velocity component [m/s] |
v | wall-normal velocity component [m/s] |
w | spanwise velocity component [m/s] |
x | streamwise coordinate |
y | wall-normal coordinate |
z | spanwise coordinate |
Greek symbols | |
β | orientation angle |
angle between the streamwise direction and projected injection vector on the x–z plane | |
adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness | |
spanwise-averaged film-cooling effectiveness | |
density [kg/m3] | |
Θ | dimensionless temperature |
Subscripts | |
C | coolant |
G | mainstream gas |
m | spanwise-averaged |
rms | root mean squared |
Abbreviations | |
DR | density ratio |
LDV | laser doppler velocimetry |
LES | large eddy simulation |
PSP | pressure sensitive paint |
RANS | Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation |
TLC | thermochromic liquid crystal |
PIV | particle image velocimetry |
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Institution (Country) | Software | Convection Term | SGS Model | Inflow Generation |
Louisiana State Univ. [18,25,26,27,28] (USA) | In house | 3rd upwind, WENO | Dynamic, local averaging | Velocity profile |
RWTH Aachen [29,30,31,32,33] (Germany) | In house | AUSM | MILES | Rescaling |
KIT [34,35,36,37] (Germany) | Fluent/ In house | - | Smagorinsky, Cs = 0.1 | Rescaling |
Virginia Tech. [38,39,40,41] (USA) | In house | - | Dynamic | Uniform |
ETH [42,43,44,45] (Switzerland) | In house | - | ADM | SEM (synthetic eddy) |
Denken [46] (Japan) | In house | Bounded central difference | Dynamic | Laminar profile |
Penn State Univ. [47,48,49] (USA) | Fluent | - | Smagorinsky–Lilly | Velocity |
Manchester Univ. [50,51,52,53] (UK) | Star-CCM+ | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Uniform |
Tsinghua Univ. [54,55,56] (China) | Fluent | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Velocity, Tu = 5% |
Nanjing Aviation Univ. [57,58,59,60,61,62] (China) | Fluent | Bounded central difference | Smagorinsky, Cs = 0.1 | Spectral Synthesizer Method |
Purdue Univ. [63] (USA) | In house | Beam and Warming | - | Velocity |
Stanford Univ. [64,65] (USA) | Vida (Cascade) | - | Vremen | Rescaling |
Univ. Texas Austin [66] (USA) | PlasComCM | Pade 6 | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Velocity |
Harbin Inst. Tech. [67,68,69,70,71,72] (China) | Fluent | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Velocity |
Kookmin Univ. [5,6,73,74,75,76,77] (Korea) | Fluent | Bounded central difference | Smagorinsky–Lilly | Velocity |
Korea Univ. [78,79,80,81,82,83] (Korea) | CFX/Fluent | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Uniform, Tu = 1% |
Shanghai Xiaotong [84,85,86] (China) | Fluent | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Spectral Synthesizer Method |
KARI [87,88] (Korea) | CFX | Bounded central difference | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Trip wire/ Cylinder |
CEDEX [89] (France) | In house | - | Wall-adapting local eddy viscosity | Velocity |
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Ahn, J. Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review. Energies 2022, 15, 8876.
Ahn J. Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review. Energies. 2022; 15(23):8876.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAhn, Joon. 2022. "Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review" Energies 15, no. 23: 8876.
APA StyleAhn, J. (2022). Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling: A Review. Energies, 15(23), 8876.