Bidding a Battery on Electricity Markets and Minimizing Battery Aging Costs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Financial Exploitation of Battery Storage
2.2. Reinforcement Learning Applications for Batteries
3. Methodology
4. Implementation
5. Results
5.1. Training and Validation
5.2. Performance Evaluation
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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- MathWorks Battery. Available online: (accessed on 16 May 2022).
Symbol | Description |
SoC | State of charge of the battery in percent |
DoD | Depth of discharge—the complement of SoC, i.e., DoD = 100% − SoC |
i | Charging/discharging current of the battery—negative values mean discharging |
u | Voltage of the battery |
P | Charging/discharging power of the battery, P = u i. |
R | Hours since the battery last rested, i.e., did not participate on the market and was charged/discharged to 50% SoC with constant power |
FCRact | Actual price (EUR/MW)on that particular hour on the Finnish FCR-N market |
FCRfcast | Forecasted price (EUR/MW) on that particular hour on the Finnish FCR-N market |
T | Number of seconds in one market interval of FCR-N. At the time of writing, T = 3600 |
C | Capacity of the bid made to the FCR-N market. The capacity is in MW and specifies the value of P when the full activation is required. The full activation occurs when the power grid frequency deviation exceeds the limit at which the FCR-N technical specification requires 100% activation of the capacity. In our RL formulation, four discrete values for capacity are used: 0 MW, 0.3 MW, 0.4 MW and 0.5 MW |
age | Age of the battery (equivalent full cycles) |
pen | Market penalty for failing to deliver the capacity C. The penalty is expressed as a percentage of the duration of the market interval, during which the battery is not available due to the SoC exceeding a minimum or maximum threshold |
A | Aging penalty (component of the reward function) |
w | Weight for the aging penalty A |
Symbol | Description | Constant Value |
H | The cycle number constant in cycles | YES |
The exponent factor for DoD | YES | |
The Arrhenius rate constant for the cycle number | YES | |
Reference temperature | YES | |
Ambient temperature | YES | |
The average discharge current in A during a half cycle duration | NO | |
The average charge current in A during a half cycle duration | NO | |
The exponent factor for the discharge current | YES | |
The exponent factor for the charge current | YES |
Gamma (discount factor) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Alpha (learning rate) | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Input states | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Number of hidden layers | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Nodes on hidden layer 1 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Hidden layer activation function | Sigmoid | Sigmoid | Sigmoid |
Output actions | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Output layer activation function | Softmax | Softmax | Softmax |
Dropout | Not used | Not used | Not used |
Optimizer | Adam | Adam | Adam |
Number of seeds | 10 | 10 | 10 |
N (length of memory) | 24 | ||
Batch size | 6 | ||
Number of epochs | 4 | ||
Gae lambda | 0.95 | ||
Policy clip | 0.2 |
Nominal voltage (V) | 772.8 |
Rated capacity (Ah) | 700.0 |
Battery response time (s) | 2.0 |
Sample time (s) | 1.0 |
Maximum capacity | 700.0 |
Cut-off voltage (V) | 504.0 |
Fully charged voltage | 907.4 |
Nominal discharge current (A) | 304.3478 |
Internal resistance (Ohms) | 0.01104 |
Capacity (Ah) at nominal voltage | 633.0435 |
Exponential zone [voltage (V), capacity (Ah)] | [834.9222, 34.3913] |
Initial battery age (equivalent full cycles) | 0.0 |
Aging model sampling time (s) | 2.0 |
Ambient temperatur Ta1 (deg. C) | 25.0 |
Capacity at End of Life (EOL) (Ah) | 633.0435 × 0.9 |
Internal resistance at EOL (Ohms) | 0.01104 × 1.2 |
Charge current (nominal, maximum) [Ic (A), Icmax (A)] | [304.3478, 304.3478 × 3] |
Discharge current (nominal, maximum) [Id (A), Idmax (A)] | [304.3478, 304.3478 × 3] |
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Id (cycles) | 20,000.0 |
Cycle life at 25% DOD, Ic and Id (cycles) | 40,000.0 |
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Idmax (cycles) | 8000.0 |
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Icmax and Id (cycles) | 8000.0 |
Ambient temperatur Ta2 (deg. C) | 45.0 |
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Id (cycles) | 950.0 |
Algorithm | REINFORCE | A2C | PPO |
Training reward | 40.03 | 40.78 | 40.72 |
Training rewards std | 15.17 | 17.74 | 14.05 |
Validation reward | 1878.87 | 1917.16 | 1907.51 |
Validation reward std | 68.03 | 101.43 | 187.03 |
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Aaltonen, H.; Sierla, S.; Kyrki, V.; Pourakbari-Kasmaei, M.; Vyatkin, V. Bidding a Battery on Electricity Markets and Minimizing Battery Aging Costs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies 2022, 15, 4960.
Aaltonen H, Sierla S, Kyrki V, Pourakbari-Kasmaei M, Vyatkin V. Bidding a Battery on Electricity Markets and Minimizing Battery Aging Costs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies. 2022; 15(14):4960.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAaltonen, Harri, Seppo Sierla, Ville Kyrki, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, and Valeriy Vyatkin. 2022. "Bidding a Battery on Electricity Markets and Minimizing Battery Aging Costs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach" Energies 15, no. 14: 4960.
APA StyleAaltonen, H., Sierla, S., Kyrki, V., Pourakbari-Kasmaei, M., & Vyatkin, V. (2022). Bidding a Battery on Electricity Markets and Minimizing Battery Aging Costs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies, 15(14), 4960.