Comparison between Concentrated Solar Power and Gas-Based Generation in Terms of Economic and Flexibility-Related Aspects in Chile
:1. Introduction
Technology Type | Installed Capacity (MW) | Generated Energy 2019 (GWh) |
Hydroelectric Dam | 3421.53 | 9199.12 |
14.20% | 12.0% | |
Run-of-river hydropower | 3301.00 | 11,631.07 |
13.7% | 15.1% | |
Solar Photovoltaic | 2750.41 | 6382.91 |
11.4% | 8.3% | |
Wind | 1792.08 | 4818.10 |
7.4% | 6.3% | |
Biomass | 501.41 | 1822.46 |
2.1% | 2.4% | |
Geothermal | 39.70 | 201.64 |
0.2% | 0.3% | |
Total Renewable | 11,806.13 | 33,841.79 |
48.9% | 43.3% | |
Coal | 4774.94 | 28,390.26 |
19.8% | 36.9% | |
Natural Gas | 4381.53 | 14,130.97 |
18.2% | 18.4% | |
Diesel Oil | 3161.61 | 290.73 |
13.1% | 0.4% | |
Total Conventional | 12,318.08 | 42,811.96 |
51.1% | 55.7% | |
Total SEN | 24,124.21 | 76,867.27 |
100.0% | 100.0% |
2. CSP Technology
- Tower systems reach higher temperatures in the receiver and therefore in storage,
- The annual energy production regime is more homogeneous, that is, the production difference does not show great differences depending on the time of year,
2.1. Environmental Benefits from CSP Technology
2.2. CSP Operation
3. Gas Technology
3.1. Environmental Impacts of Gas Generation
3.2. Gas Technology Operation
4. Economic Comparison between Hybrid CSP+PV Plant and Natural Gas Plant
4.1. Solar Energy
4.1.1. Base Case
4.1.2. Optimistic Summer and Winter Flat Profile
4.1.3. Summer Restriction and Optimistic Winter
4.1.4. Flat Profile
4.1.5. CSP with 6 h of Storage
4.2. Economic Analysis
4.3. Case of a Gas Plant
5. Discussion
5.1. Flexibility
5.2. Reliability
5.3. Economic Risk
5.4. Descarbonization Process
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Items | PTC | LFR | SPT | SPD |
Capacity, MWe | 10–200 | 10–200 | 10–150 | 0.01–0.4 |
Operating temperature range, °C | 150–400 | 150–400 | 300–1200 | 300–1500 |
Annual efficiency from solar to electricity, % | 15 | 8–10 | 20–35 | 20–35 |
Required area, m2/MWh | 4–6 | 6–8 | 8–12 | 30–40 |
Maximum efficiency of the plant, % | 14–20 | ~18 | 23–45 | ~30 |
Water requirement, m3/MWh | 3 (wet cooling) 0.3 (dry cooling) 0.4–1.7 (hybrid) | 3 (wet cooling) 0.2 (dry cooling) | 2–3 (wet cooling) 0.25 (dry cooling) 0.1–1 (hybrid) | 0.05–1 (For cleaning mirrors) |
Molten salt storage | Commercially available | Possible but not proven | Commercially available | Possible but not proven |
Steam conditions, °C/bar | 380 to 540/100 | 260/50 | 540/100 to 160 | Does not apply |
Pollutant | Per Capita Cost, USD |
Particulate Material (PM) | 0.9 |
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) | 0.01 |
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) | 0.025 |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)(*) | 5 |
Energy | Global Horizontal Irradiance | Direct Normal Irradiance | Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance |
Annual total energy, kWh/m2-year | 2544 | 3811 | 207 |
Annual average daily total energy, kWh/m2 | 7.0 | 10.4 | 0.6 |
Hybrid Case | Case Description |
Base | PV + CSP without restriction |
Optimistic summer and winter flat profile | PV + Night CSP in winter |
Summer restriction and optimistic winter | PV + CSP supplement PV in summer and without restriction in winter |
Flat Profile | PV + Night CSP |
CSP Plant | PV Plant | ||
Solar Field | Value | Orientation and monitoring | |
Heliostat number | 10,014.0 | Arrangement type | Tracking on an axis (W–E) |
Surface area | 1.15 km2 | ||
Solar tower and receiver | PV module features | ||
Tower height | 165 m | Types of modules | Standard |
Receiver height | 40 m | DC/AC Ratio | 1.2 |
Receiver diameter | 17 m | Investor Efficiency | 96% |
Thermal energy storage (TES) | Loss | ||
Storage capacity | 13 h | Global loss | 14% |
Cold and hot storage temperature | 287–565 °C | ||
Solar Multiple | 2 | ||
Power Block | Power Block | ||
Design power | 130 MWe | Design power | 150 MWe |
Configuration | Optimal Solar Multiple | LCOE Conservative CSP, USD/MWh |
CSP without restriction | 1.7 | 83.3 |
Night CSP in winter | 1.5 | 112.7 |
CSP supplement PV in summer and without restriction in winter | 1.5 | 153.7 |
Night CSP | 1.0 | 225.5 |
Parameter | Value | Reference |
Lifetime | ||
Lifetime of CSP systems | 40 years | [11] |
Lifetime of PV Systems | 25 years | [10] |
Degradation Rate | ||
CSP degradation rate | 0.2%/year | [46] |
PV degradation rate | 0.6%/year | [46] |
Economic Rate | ||
Annual interest rate | 7% | [45] |
Inflation rate | 0% |
Parameter | Value |
CAPEX CSP Plant (130 MWe) | 3.25 MMUSD/MWe |
CAPEX PV Plant (150 MWe) | 0.713 MMUSD/MWe |
CAPEX Substation 110 kV | 4.9 MMUSD |
CAPEX Transmission 110 kV | 1.8 MMUSD |
OPEX Substation 110 kV | 0.079 MMUSD/year |
OPEX Transmission 110 kV | 0.016 MMUSD/year |
OPEX CSP | 5 MMUSD/year |
Variable Cost Operational CSP | 3.5 USD/MWe |
Fixed OPEX CSP | 7.72 MMUSD/year |
Fixed OPEX PV | 1.6 MMUSD |
Plant Configuration | Solar Multiple | LCOE Plant, USD/MWh | ||
Hybrid | CSP | PV | ||
PV + CSP without restriction | 2.0 | 52.59 | 62.72 | 30.45 |
PV + Night CSP | 1.5 | 70.63 | 98.00 | 30.45 |
PV + Night CSP in winter | 2.0 | 55.61 | 68.06 | 30.45 |
PV + CSP supplement PV in summer and without restriction in winter | 1.7 | 63.45 | 83.56 | 30.45 |
Configuration | Solar Multiple Optimal for 6 h, (-) | LCOE SAM 6 h (USD/MWh) | SAM 13 h (USD/MWh) | Δ SAM 6/SAM 13 h |
CSP without restriction | 1.7 | 83.3 | 88.3 | −6% |
Night CSP | 1.0 | 225.5 | 132.8 | +70% |
Night CSP in winter | 1.5 | 112.7 | 92.2 | +22% |
CSP supplement PV in summer and without restriction in winter | 1.5 | 153.7 | 118.1 | +30% |
Items | Value |
CAPEX | 0.898 MMUSD/MWe |
Non-fuel Variable Cost | 3.5 USD/MWh |
Fixed Cost | 1% CAPEX |
Plant | LCOE, USD/MWh |
Gas Combined Cycle | 44–68 |
Solar PV–Crys | 36–44 |
STP with Storage | 126–156 |
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Share and Cite
Hernández Moris, C.; Cerda Guevara, M.T.; Salmon, A.; Lorca, A. Comparison between Concentrated Solar Power and Gas-Based Generation in Terms of Economic and Flexibility-Related Aspects in Chile. Energies 2021, 14, 1063.
Hernández Moris C, Cerda Guevara MT, Salmon A, Lorca A. Comparison between Concentrated Solar Power and Gas-Based Generation in Terms of Economic and Flexibility-Related Aspects in Chile. Energies. 2021; 14(4):1063.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHernández Moris, Catalina, Maria Teresa Cerda Guevara, Alois Salmon, and Alvaro Lorca. 2021. "Comparison between Concentrated Solar Power and Gas-Based Generation in Terms of Economic and Flexibility-Related Aspects in Chile" Energies 14, no. 4: 1063.
APA StyleHernández Moris, C., Cerda Guevara, M. T., Salmon, A., & Lorca, A. (2021). Comparison between Concentrated Solar Power and Gas-Based Generation in Terms of Economic and Flexibility-Related Aspects in Chile. Energies, 14(4), 1063.