Environmental Assessment of the Impacts and Benefits of a Salinity Gradient Energy Pilot Plant
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Legal Framework
2.3. Geographical Boundaries and Current Uses
2.4. Thermohaline Structure
- A permanent fresh water effluent in the southwest of the lagoon (<5 psu (practical salinity units) with an almost constant temperature (27 °C));
- An estuarine zone in the central west of the system (where the salinity concentration varies with tides between 5 and 35 psu);
- A marine zone in the mouth of the sea inlet (around 35 psu);
- A hypersaline zone in the east of the system (60–100 psu).
2.5. Theoretical Potential for Generating SGE
- FW/SW: 0.244 ± 0.0889 kW, with a maximum of 0.527 kW in May, in the dry season;
- FW/HW: 1.111 ± 0.277 kW, which is the maximum average of the three plants’ configurations;
- SW/HW: 0.413 ± 0.194 kW, with a maximum of 0.916 in December, in the Nortes season.
2.6. Biological Characteristics
2.7. Environmental Impact Assessment
- changes to land use (excavation, land newly used, etc.);
- emission of pollutants (atmosphere, water, land, solid waste, etc.);
- storage of waste (in situ, transport, waste sites, etc.);
- overexploitation of resources (raw materials, energy consumption, water, flora, and fauna, etc.);
- alterations in species composition and abundance (emigration, reduction in numbers, extinction, etc);
- deterioration of the landscape (topography, vegetation, watercourses, surroundings, etc.);
3. Results and Discussion
- Consider the proximity of the resource (freshwater, marine, hypersaline);
- Choose building sites on land with sparse vegetation;
- Consider smaller areas for excavation and the introduction of pipelines;
- Consider that permanent effects (such as changes to hydrodynamics) have greater effects on receptors than temporary effects (such as construction noise or increased turbidity) in resilient systems, such as coastal lagoons [41];
- Consider final effluent discharge area;
- Consider areas accessible to tourism;
- Consider species conservation.
3.1. Construction Phase
3.2. Operation Phase
3.3. Decommissioning Phase
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Precipitation, Evaporation, and Atmospheric Temperature
Appendix A.2. Tides, Winds, and Waves
Appendix A.3. Bathymetry
Appendix A.4. Hydrogeological Characteristics
Appendix A.5. Hydrodynamics
Appendix A.6. Salinity Patterns
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Scheme 37 | Category of Protection | Importance and/or Uses |
VEGETATION [37,38] | ||
Mangrove | ||
Conocarpus erectus Avicennia germinans Rhizophora mangle Laguncularia racemosa | Threatened | Erosion control and soil conservation/construction. Key in the life cycle of various organisms (fish and crustaceans). Carbon reservoirs, natural filter for water quality. |
Coastal dune | ||
Cordia sebestena Jacquinia macrocarpa | Uncategorised | Ornamental, medicinal, substrate fixation |
Bravaisia berlandieriana | Uncategorised | Construction, medicinal, substrate fixation |
Metopium brownei | Uncategorised | Toxic, substrate fixation |
Capparis incana Gomphrena serrata Rivina humilis Capparis flexuosa | Uncategorised | Medicinal, substrate fixation |
Acanthocereus tetragonus Sideroxylon americanum | Uncategorised | Edible, substrate fixation |
Pithecellobium keyense | Uncategorised | Substrate fixation |
Peten | ||
Ficus cotinifolia | Uncategorised | Reclamation of degraded land |
Manilkara zapota Sabal yapa | Uncategorised | Medicinal, construction, and handicrafts |
Lowland flooded forest | ||
Sporobolus pyramidatus | Uncategorised | Primary cover resistant to saline soils |
Solanum nigrum | Uncategorised | Edible |
Haematoxylum campechianum | Uncategorised | Textile |
Ipomoea carnea | Uncategorised | Medicinal, ornamental |
Seagrasses | ||
Thalassia testudinum | Minor concern | Key in the life cycle of various organisms (fish and crustaceans). Carbon reservoirs. |
FISHES [39] | ||
Fundulus persimilis Fundulus grandissimus | Subject to special protection | Endemic |
Gambusia yucatana | Uncategorised | Endemic |
Sphoeroides testudineus Strongylura notata Harengula clupeola | Uncategorised | Traded for bait, resident, abundant species (vital in the food chain) |
Trachinotus falcatus Lutjanus griseus Lutjanus synagris Floridichthys polyommus Archosargus probatocephalus Eucinostomus gula Eucinostomu argenteusMugil curema Mugil trichodon Hyporhamphus unifasciatus Chriodorus atherinoides | Uncategorised | Marketed for local and regional consumption |
Poecilia velifera | Subject to special protection | - |
Aetobatus narinari | Almost threatened | Commercial importance in the region |
Callinectes sapidus | Uncategorised | Marketed for local and regional consumption |
BIRDS [41] | ||
Phoenicopterus ruber Phalacrocorax brasilianus Cochlearius cochlearius Platalea ajaja Ardea alba | Minor concern | For tourism (birdwatching) |
Campylorhiynchus yucatanicus | Near threatened | Endemic |
Egretta rufescens | Subject to special protection | For tourism (birdwatching) |
REPTILES [42] | ||
Crocodylus moreletii | Subject to special protection | For tourism (sighting) |
Eretmochelys imbricate | Critically endangered | Tourism (controlled releases at turtle camps) |
Chelonia mydas | Endangered | Tourism (controlled releases at turtle camps) |
Caretta caretta | Endangered | Tourism (controlled releases at turtle camps) |
ARTHROPODS [43] | ||
Limulus polyphemus | Near threatened | Medicinal |
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Marin-Coria, E.; Silva, R.; Enriquez, C.; Martínez, M.L.; Mendoza, E. Environmental Assessment of the Impacts and Benefits of a Salinity Gradient Energy Pilot Plant. Energies 2021, 14, 3252. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14113252
Marin-Coria E, Silva R, Enriquez C, Martínez ML, Mendoza E. Environmental Assessment of the Impacts and Benefits of a Salinity Gradient Energy Pilot Plant. Energies. 2021; 14(11):3252. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14113252
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarin-Coria, Etzaguery, Rodolfo Silva, Cecilia Enriquez, M. Luisa Martínez, and Edgar Mendoza. 2021. "Environmental Assessment of the Impacts and Benefits of a Salinity Gradient Energy Pilot Plant" Energies 14, no. 11: 3252. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14113252
APA StyleMarin-Coria, E., Silva, R., Enriquez, C., Martínez, M. L., & Mendoza, E. (2021). Environmental Assessment of the Impacts and Benefits of a Salinity Gradient Energy Pilot Plant. Energies, 14(11), 3252. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14113252