Questioning the Assumptions, Sustainability and Ethics of Endless Economic Growth
:1. Introduction
2. Indicators of the Environmental Crisis
This obsession with endless economic growth demonstrates that societies still do not understand that humanity has exceeded ecological limits, and that this is the root cause of the current environmental crisis.
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- The Global Ecological Footprint now stands at 1.7 Earths (GFN 2021). All of life on Earth of course has only one planet.
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- The Living Planet Index has declined by 68% since 1970 (WWF 2020).
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- The species extinction rate is at least 1000 times normal (MEA 2005). At least a million species are now threatened with extinction (IPBES 2019). Biodiversity expert E.O. Wilson (2003) predicted that if we keep proceeding this way, half the world’s species will be extinct by 2100. This may in fact happen sooner (Ceballos et al. 2017).
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- At least 60% of ecosystem services are degrading or being used unsustainably (MEA 2005).
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- Three (probably now four) of nine planetary boundaries have now been exceeded as a result of human activity (Steffen et al. 2015b), as shown in Figure 2.
In effect, we are bankrupting nature and consuming the past, present and future of our biosphere (Wijkman and Rockstrom 2012). On a finite world with expanding human population and consumption, clearly something has got to give. Humanity faces a fundamental problem, for it is totally dependent on the biosphere it is degrading (Washington 2013). Hence, society needs to understand and accept that we are way past sustainable ecological limits.
The size of the human population is not the only variable stressing Earth. But it is a powerful force that is also eminently amenable to change, if the international political will can be mustered. Scientific willingness to engage with this issue will contribute to raising public awareness and helping to shift policies. In our efforts to halt the extinction crisis and to bequeath a biodiverse planet to future generations, willingness to marshal the resources and deploy proven tactics to address the population question is crucial.
3. Questioning the Assumptions of Neoclassical Economics
- (1)
- Strong anthropocentrism. Nature is seen as ‘just a resource’ (Washington et al. 2021).
- (2)
- (3)
- The idea that the economy can grow forever in terms of continually rising GDP, which has increased by an astounding 25-fold over the last century (Dietz and O’Neill 2013).
- (4)
- The refusal to accept any biophysical limits to growth; for, when classical economics was developed, limits were distant (Daly 1991).
- (5)
- A circular theory of production causing consumption that causes production in a never-ending cycle. Real production and consumption, however, are in no way circular (Daly 1991).
- (6)
- Environmental damage is merely an ‘externality’, a spillover effect of market transactions, and worth only peripheral attention (Daly and Cobb 1994).
- (7)
- All forms of capital can be substituted; thus, human capital can be substituted for natural capital (this is ‘weak sustainability’, Daly and Cobb 1994). This assumes that money can replace essential ecosystem services that support human society.
4. The Impossibility and Unsustainability of Endless Physical Growth on a Finite Planet
The United Nations (UN), almost all governments, business, media and both the political ‘left’ and ‘right’ are busy extolling endless growth. Yet we live on a finite planet, so clearly endless economic growth is impossible, and its pursuit unsustainable and unethical—indeed, such destructive pursuit of the impossible is insane. There are three main drivers of ‘unsustainability’—overpopulation, overconsumption and the growth economy (Washington 2015).
The question “On a finite planet, is it possible to keep growing economically forever?” is one hardly ever asked in neoclassical economics (Daly 1991, 2014) or in many other academic disciplines (Washington 2015). Even the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED 1987) report Our Common Future did not ask that question—suggesting that ‘sustainable development’ required a gross domestic product growth rate of 5% (a rate at which the global economy would double its output every 14 years).
… the cure for poverty, unemployment, debt repayment, inflation, balance of payment deficits, the population explosion, crime, divorce and drug addiction.
5. The Key Problem of Denial
6. Can the Economy Grow If We Do Not Increase the Population or Resource Use?
- A stable and ecologically sustainable population;
- A low use of resources; and
- Equitable distribution of wealth (Daly 1991; Magnus-Johnston 2016).
7. The Fantasy of Absolute Decoupling
… ‘fantasy’ that functions to obfuscate fundamental tensions among the goals of poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and profitable enterprise that it is intended to reconcile. In this way, decoupling serves to sustain faith in the possibility of attaining sustainable development within the context of a neoliberal capitalist economy that necessitates continual growth to confront inherent contradictions.
- (1)
- there is virtually no evidence that (absolute) decoupling works;
- (2)
- the conceptual basis for even imagining its possibility is weak; and
- (3)
- even if it were possible, it would be politically infeasible.
The validity of the green growth discourse relies on the assumption of an absolute, permanent, global, large and fast enough decoupling of economic growth from all critical environmental pressures. The literature reviewed clearly shows that there is no empirical evidence for such a decoupling currently happening. (their emphasis)
It is therefore misleading to develop growth-oriented policy around the expectation that decoupling is possible. We also note that GDP is increasingly seen as a poor proxy for societal wellbeing. GDP growth is therefore a questionable societal goal.
… large rapid absolute reductions of resource use and GHG emissions cannot be achieved through observed decoupling rates, hence decoupling needs to be complemented by sufficiency-oriented strategies and strict enforcement of absolute reduction targets.
8. The Worldview and Ethics of Endless Growth
People who manage to intervene in systems at the level of a paradigm hit a leverage point that totally transforms systems […] In a single individual it can happen in a millisecond. All it takes is a click in the mind, a new way of seeing.
9. Are the SDGs Actually Sustainable?
The SDGs are fairy tales, dressed in the bureaucratese of intergovernmental narcissism, adorned with the robes of multilateral paralysis, and poisoned by the acid of nation-state failure.
10. Risk
11. Implications for Academic and Economic Sectors
12. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Washington, H. Questioning the Assumptions, Sustainability and Ethics of Endless Economic Growth. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 497.
Washington H. Questioning the Assumptions, Sustainability and Ethics of Endless Economic Growth. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2021; 14(10):497.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWashington, Haydn. 2021. "Questioning the Assumptions, Sustainability and Ethics of Endless Economic Growth" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14, no. 10: 497.
APA StyleWashington, H. (2021). Questioning the Assumptions, Sustainability and Ethics of Endless Economic Growth. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(10), 497.