A Look at the Interconnection of Dimensions of Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile
:1. Introduction
2. Teacher Professional Development in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile
From the Interconnection of Contents to the Multidimensional Condition of Knowing
3. Methodology
3.1. Method and Sampling
3.2. Instrument
3.3. Instrument Validity and Reliability
3.4. Procedure
3.5. Data Analysis
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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ITEMS | Factor 1 | Factor 2 |
Item 9 | 0.515 | |
Item 10 | 0.528 | |
Item 11 | 0.357 | |
Item 12 | 0.440 | |
Item 13 | 0.359 | |
Item 15 | 0.483 | |
Item 16 | 0.383 | |
Item 17 | 0.532 | |
Item 18 | 0.561 | |
Item 19 | 0.469 | |
Item 20 | 0.618 | |
Item 21 | 0.545 | |
Item 22 | 0.603 | |
Item 24 | 0.319 | |
Item 25 | 0.468 | |
Item 27 | 0.581 |
ITEMS | Factor 3 | Factor 4 | Factor 5 |
Item 28 | 0.657 | ||
Item 29 | 0.593 | ||
Item 30 | 0.716 | ||
Item 31 | 0.619 | ||
Item 32 | 0.426 | ||
Item 33 | 0.550 | ||
Item 34 | 0.777 | ||
Item 35 | 0.798 | ||
Item 36 | 0.701 | ||
Item 37 | 0.711 | ||
Item 38 | 0.759 | ||
Item 39 | 0.566 | ||
Item 40 | 0.741 | ||
Item 41 | 0.807 | ||
Item 42 | 0.591 | ||
Item 43 | 0.631 | ||
Item 44 | 0.665 | ||
Item 45 | 0.765 | ||
Item 46 | 0.629 | ||
Item 47 | 0.778 | ||
Item 48 | 0.741 |
Conceptual Dimension | Responses | |
Frequency/% Correct | Frequency/% Incorrect | |
9: From the paradigm of complexity, motor skills are: | 84/13.6% | 535/86.4% |
10: Pre-sports games help to incorporate into sports: | 254/41.0% | 365/59.0% |
11: When applying exercises in class, the teacher must be conscious of the demands on students in accordance with their capacities and characteristics. What is the main training principle that should be considered? | 264/42.6% | 355/57.4% |
12: The essential recommendation to build a camp with the students is: | 288/46.5% | 331/53.5% |
13: Training muscle strength is characterized by: | 115/18.6% | 504/81.4% |
15: When planning training analytically, this must consider: | 170/27.5% | 449/72.5% |
16: The degenerative physical quality that reduces with age is: | 215/34.7% | 404/65.3% |
17: The new curricular bases for 11th and 12th grade emphasize the development of: | 322/52.0% | 297/48.0% |
18: Assessment is a qualitative expression to focus learnings through: | 345/55.7% | 274/44.3% |
19: The purpose of the cumulative assessment is focused on: | 330/53.3% | 289/46.7% |
Procedural Dimension | Responses | |
Frequency/% Correct | Frequency/% Incorrect | |
20: From the didactics of physical education, you need to work with the conditional (physical) capacities of 9th grade students. What elements do you consider essential before implementing your class? | 321/51.9% | 298/48.1% |
21: You need to design and implement different activities that favor the understanding of basic, specific and specialized motor skills in 12-year-old girls and boys. How would you do this? | 204/33.0% | 415/67.0% |
22: You need to incorporate human motor skills to expand the indigenous cultural experiences of students in our country. What would you choose? | 208/33.6% | 411/66.4% |
24: You need your students to complete a self-assessment on the team sports unit. How would you go about this? | 332/53.6% | 287/46.4% |
25: You need your students to complete a peer assessment on the corporal expression unit. How would you conduct this assessment? | 80/12.9% | 539/87.1% |
27: You are trekking a volcano with 11th grade students and on the ascent, one of the students doesn’t feel well and can’t go on. What do you do? | 382/61.7% | 237/38.3% |
Attitudinal Dimension | ||||
Never | Rarely | Frequently | Always | |
When I think of the formative assessment | ||||
28: I think of the personal capacities of my students | 6.0% | 1.8% | 17.8% | 79.8% |
29: I think of the physical performance of my students | 1.8% | 18.9% | 49.9% | 29.4% |
30: I think of my students’ processes | 0.0% | 8.0% | 13.6% | 85.6% |
31: I think of the physical tests that I can apply | 2.7% | 23.4% | 53.2% | 20.7% |
32: I think of my students’ final achievements | 1.3% | 7.3% | 17.3% | 74.2% |
33: I think of my students’ grades | 7.8% | 60.1% | 20.4% | 11.8% |
When I think about motor skills and their manifestations | ||||
34: I think of my students’ corporeity | 1.5% | 4.5% | 26.7% | 67.4% |
35: I think of my students’ emotional development | 5.0% | 6.8% | 23.7% | 69.0% |
36: I think of sports training | 4.8% | 30.5% | 51.1% | 13.6% |
37: I think of my students’ health | 8.0% | 1.5% | 16.3% | 81.4% |
38: I think of games | 5.0% | 2.7% | 21.5% | 75.3% |
39: I think of sports | 1.9% | 12.8% | 61.9% | 23.4% |
40: I think of my students’ cognitive development | 5.0% | 2.3% | 19.9% | 77.3% |
41: I think of my students’ actions | 2.0% | 1.5% | 21.2% | 77.2% |
When I plan my classes | ||||
42: I think of the class results | 3.0% | 4.8% | 26.8% | 68.0% |
43: I think of the materials I have | 3.0% | 3.2% | 11.6% | 84.8% |
44: I think of the study program contents | 0.0% | 5.0% | 26.3% | 68.7% |
45: I think of the context where I will hold my class | 0.0% | 1.8% | 9.0% | 89.2% |
46: I think of how I would rate the class | 2.3% | 18.7% | 53.6% | 25.4% |
47: I think of the personal capacities of my students | 0.0% | 1.5% | 15.0% | 83.5% |
48: I think of my students’ prior knowledge | 0.0% | 2.4% | 19.4% | 78.2% |
Sex | Types of Schooling | ||||||
Dimensions | Men | Women | Municipal | Subsidized | Private | ||
Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | Value p | Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | Value p | |
Conceptual | 3.60 (1.58) | 3.70 (1.58) | 0.25 | 3.72 (1.54) | 3.58 (1.62) | 3.69 (1.51) | 0.63 |
Procedural | 2.39 (1.19) | 2.47 (1.21) | 0.21 | 2.43 (1.19) | 2.46 (1.19) | 2.20 (1.27) | 0.35 |
Attitudinal | 2.99 (0.18) | 3.00 (0.16) | 0.19 | 3.00 (0.16) | 2.99 (0.17) | 2.99 (0.18) | 0.89 |
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Share and Cite
Peña-Troncoso, S.; Toro-Arévalo, S.; Vega-Ramírez, J.; Gallardo-Fuentes, F.; Pazos-Couto, J.M. A Look at the Interconnection of Dimensions of Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 3249. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043249
Peña-Troncoso S, Toro-Arévalo S, Vega-Ramírez J, Gallardo-Fuentes F, Pazos-Couto JM. A Look at the Interconnection of Dimensions of Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(4):3249. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043249
Chicago/Turabian StylePeña-Troncoso, Sebastián, Sergio Toro-Arévalo, Javier Vega-Ramírez, Francisco Gallardo-Fuentes, and José María Pazos-Couto. 2023. "A Look at the Interconnection of Dimensions of Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 4: 3249. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043249
APA StylePeña-Troncoso, S., Toro-Arévalo, S., Vega-Ramírez, J., Gallardo-Fuentes, F., & Pazos-Couto, J. M. (2023). A Look at the Interconnection of Dimensions of Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Training in Chile. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3249. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043249