Difficulties and Needs of Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents in Italy and Slovenia: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Study
:1. Introduction
1.1. Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents
1.2. Long-Term Care Systems and Policy Recognizing Adolescent Young Caregivers in Italy and in Slovenia
1.3. Aims of the Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants’ Inclusion Criteria and Recruitment Strategy
2.2. Data Collection Procedure and Ethics
2.3. Study Design
2.4. Quantitative Measures and Qualitative Variables
2.5. Analysis Methodology
3. Results
3.1. Sample Description
3.2. Quantitative Results
3.3. Qualitative Results
3.3.1. Support Needed by AYCs of GrPs
“I’m a semi-temporary caregiver. I carry out assistive activities by supporting my grandparents who, due to their age, are unable or find difficult to carry out certain activities in their daily life. Currently, I’m mainly concerned with my grandfather, who is carrying out rehabilitative activities following a major fall. Therefore, I don’t think I need any further support.”(Italian respondent).
“I don’t have a big carer role because my grandfather doesn’t have many care needs”(Slovenian respondent).
“Nothing, I do it because I grew up with that person and I don’t want to abandon her despite it being a degenerative disease. Nothing is needed when things are done with the heart.”(Italian respondent).
“It was never difficult for me to help someone who needs my help. I always try to the best of my abilities. If someone helps me with this it´s his decision and his good will”(Slovenian respondent).
“Someone to help me assist the sick person”(Italian respondent).
“Financial support from the state since the merits and above all the great sacrifice of a boy who puts the lives of others first than his must be recognized”(Italian respondent).
“[A support to] Help them do what they aren’t able to do, for example accompany them to go out, help them to sit and to get up”(Italian respondent).
“I would like to receive advice on how to better organize my day’s activities”(Italian respondent).
“I would like to be well informed about what I´m going to do. To be informed about the possible complications or problems that I can stumble upon”(Slovenian respondent).
“In the role of caregiver I would need a doctor with me to know how to help my grandma with the disease”(Italian respondent).
“That I would get some advice from a person that is experienced in this field”(Slovenian respondent).
“Moral support”(Italian respondent).
“A little company and a form of empathy from the teachers would help me”(Italian respondent).
“For me to feel more useful”(Slovenian respondent).
“My support could be, or rather they are, my good friends who I can confide in when it gets hard for me”(Slovenian respondent).
3.3.2. Difficulties Encountered by AYCs of GrPs
“Changing the Stoma bag”(Slovenian respondent).
“Insecurities about the right medicines to make my grandfather take”(Italian respondent).
“Her body weight is heavy for me and the smell of certain leakages is disgusting”(Italian respondent).
“The main problem is that I have problems lifting a person, that’s why I also have back problems”(Slovenian respondent).
“I haven’t enough time”(Italian respondent).
“I think the Government should help more informal caregivers because you can often feel that you’re not able to assist someone else due to financial constraints e.g., treatments, facilities, visits, medicines, etc. …)”(Italian respondent).
“What I miss more is the lack of information”(Italian respondent).
“Sometimes I also go to work with mom to help her and so it’s difficult to combine study, care and work”(Italian respondent).
“When I want to study someone always bothers me and that’s when I lose my concentration”(Slovenian respondent).
“Repeating things over and over to make them understand”(Italian respondent).
“Understanding their problems and understanding how to help them not to think about it”(Italian respondent).
“I find it difficult to understand my grandma: she has speech and hearing difficulties”(Italian respondent).
“Age, it’s worse by the years. Everything hurts her and together with her I feel sad for her pain too”(Slovenian respondent).
“It’s difficult for me making my grandparents smile really”(Italian respondent).
“I simply feel deeply sad to see my paternal grandparents in the state they are, suffering from dementia”(Italian respondent).
“I’m worried that I can’t take good care of them”(Italian respondent).
“Grandmother is sometimes grumpy if all things aren’t as she says, she complains a lot if I don’t have time to, and my brother could help because he’s on his computer most of the time, (she) is mad at me, insults me; she doesn’t think of the help from my younger brother”(Slovenian respondent).
“It’s difficult for me limiting the risk that my grandma could do something wrong for herself and she might get hurt”(Slovenian respondent).
4. Discussion
4.1. Difficulties and Support Needs of AYCs of GrPs in Italy and Slovenia
4.2. Policies and Support Interventions Targeting AYCs of GrPs in Italy and Slovenia
4.3. Study Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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AYCs | ||||
Total | Italy | Slovenia | p | |
162 (100%) | 87 (53.7%) | 75 (46.3%) | ||
Gender, n (%) | <0.001 | |||
Male | 30 (18.5%) | 27 (31.0%) | 3 (4.0%) | |
Female | 128 (79.0%) | 58 (66.7%) | 70 (93.3%) | |
Transgender/non-binary | 4 (2.5%) | 2 (2.3%) | 2 (2.7%) | |
Age, n (%) | 0.006 | |||
15 | 10 (6.2%) | 10 (11.5%) | 0 (0.0%) | |
16 | 75 (46.3%) | 35 (40.2%) | 40 (53.3%) | |
17 | 77 (47.5%) | 42 (48.3%) | 35 (46.7%) | |
Country of birth, n (%) | 0.020 | |||
National | 156 (96.3%) | 81 (93.1%) | 75 (100.0%) | |
Abroad | 6 (3.7%) | 6 (6.9%) | 0 (0.0%) | |
Living with the grandparent(s), n (%) | 65 (40.1%) | 17 (19.5%) | 48 (64.0%) | <0.001 |
Hours a day spent providing care, n (%) | 2.5 ± 2.6 | 2.7 ± 2.6 | 2.3 ± 2.6 | 0.421 |
GrPs’ disease(s) * | ||||
Physical disability, n (%) | 102(63.0%) | 54(62.1%) | 48(64.0%) | 0.800 |
Cognitive impairment, n (%) | 50(30.9%) | 31(35.6%) | 19(25.3%) | 0.157 |
Mental illness, n (%) | 36(22.2%) | 18(20.7%) | 18(24.0%) | 0.613 |
Other, n (%) | 38(23.5%) | 14(16.1%) | 24(32.0%) | 0.017 |
Addiction (e.g., drugs, alcohol), n (%) | 12(7.4%) | 7(8.1%) | 5(6.7%) | 0.738 |
AYCs of GrPs | ||||
Total N = 162 | Italy N = 87 | Slovenia N = 75 | p | |
Health problems, n (%) | 55 (33.9%) | 28 (32.2%) | 23 (36.0%) | 0.609 |
MACA score, mean ± SD | 11.9 ± 4.9 | 10.8 ± 4.2 | 13.4 ± 5.2 | 0.001 |
PANOC-Pos, mean ± SD | 14.5 ± 4.1 | 13.9 ± 4.2 | 15.4 ± 3.7 | 0.048 |
PANOC-Neg, mean ± SD | 2.8 ± 3.4 | 2.6 ± 3.2 | 3.2 ± 3.5 | 0.376 |
KIDSCREEN, MEAN ± SD | 33.2 ± 6.8 | 34.7 ± 6.7 | 31.4 ± 6.5 | 0.004 |
School attendance, n (%) | 15 (9.3%) | 6 (6.9%) | 9 (12.0%) | 0.121 |
School performance, n (%) | 13 (8.0%) | 8 (9.2%) | 5(6.7%) | 0.290 |
Formal support services received by AYCs’ family, n (%) | 0.003 | |||
No | 98 (60.5%) | 43 (49.4%) | 55 (73.3%) | |
Yes | 33 (20.4%) | 20 (23.0%) | 13 (17.3%) | |
I do not know | 31 (19.1%) | 24 (27.6%) | 9 (9.4%) | |
Informal help, n (%) | 49 (32.2%) | 28 (33.3%) | 21 (30.9%) | 0.748 |
Formal Support Received by AYCs of GrPs | ||||||||
Italy | Slovenia | |||||||
No | Yes | Don’t Know | p | No | Yes | Don’t Know | p | |
Health problems, n (%) | 13 (30.23) | 9 (45) | 25 (6) | 0.342 | 17 (30.91) | 9 (69.23) | 1 (14.29) | 0.016 |
Informal help received, n (%) | 12 (28.57) | 8 (40) | 8 (36.36) | 0.631 | 11 (20) | 10 (76.92) | 21 (30.88) | 0.000 |
Hours of care provided, mean ± SD | 3.05 ± 3.08 | 2.48 ± 1.35 | 2.32 ± 2.54 | 0.005 | 1.89 ± 1.64 | 4.73 ± 4.76 | 1.5 ± 0.55 | 0.003 |
Panoc-Neg, mean ± SD | 2.97 ± 3.98 | 2.41 ± 2.62 | 2.00 ± 1.89 | 0.618 | 2.37 ± 2.54 | 5 ± 4.71 | 7 ± 6.56 | 0.014 |
Informal help received by AYCs of GrPs | ||||||||
Italy | Slovenia | |||||||
No | Yes | Total | p | No | Yes | Total | p | |
Health problems, n (%) | 16 (28.57) | 11 (39.29) | 27 (32.14) | 0.322 | 14 (29.79) | 12 (57.14) | 26 (38.24) | 0.032 |
Formal help | 12 (21.43) | 8 (28.57) | 20 (23.81) | 0.631 | 44 (93.62) | 11 (52.38) | 13 (19.12) | 0.000 |
KIDSCREEN | 35.98 ± 7.39 | 32.63 ± 4.15 | 34.86 ± 6.66 | 0.032 | 31.11 ± 6.64 | 32.28 ± 6.52 | 31.44 ± 6.57 | 0.529 |
Categories and Sub-Categories | Number of Quotations | |
Italian AYCs | Slovenian AYCs | |
Support not required or underlined | 19 | 6 |
Support not required | 15 | 3 |
Don’t know | 4 | 3 |
Material support | 13 | 2 |
General support | 5 | 0 |
Financial support | 3 | 0 |
Physical support | 2 | 0 |
Information and advice | 2 | 1 |
Experts’ advice | 1 | 1 |
Emotional and moral support needed | 8 | 13 |
External, interpersonal support | 4 | 5 |
Emotional support | 4 | 8 |
Other supports needed | 5 | 0 |
Recognition/legislation support | 2 | 0 |
Educational support | 2 | 0 |
Mental health support | 1 | 0 |
Categories and Sub-Categories | Number of Quotations | |
Italian AYCs | Slovenian AYCs | |
Material difficulties | 41 | 15 |
Difficulties with moving and handling the care recipient | 33 | 12 |
Lack of time | 3 | 0 |
Financial difficulties | 2 | 0 |
Lack of information | 1 | 0 |
Difficulties in managing therapy | 1 | 1 |
Difficulties in helping parent’s life–work balance | 1 | 0 |
School problems | 0 | 2 |
Communication difficulties | 29 | 0 |
Difficulties in conversing, talking together | 20 | 0 |
Difficulties in understanding care recipient’s requests | 6 | 0 |
Difficulties in understanding care recipient’s problems | 3 | 0 |
Emotional and psychological difficulties | 12 | 4 |
Feeling of discomfort, sadness, and guilt | 4 | 0 |
Fear of not managing to take care | 4 | 0 |
Difficulties in supporting the care recipient’s mood | 4 | 1 |
Difficulties in managing behavioural characteristics | 0 | 3 |
Unspecified difficulties | 0 | 5 |
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Share and Cite
Santini, S.; D’Amen, B.; Socci, M.; Di Rosa, M.; Hanson, E.; Hlebec, V. Difficulties and Needs of Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents in Italy and Slovenia: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 2837. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052837
Santini S, D’Amen B, Socci M, Di Rosa M, Hanson E, Hlebec V. Difficulties and Needs of Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents in Italy and Slovenia: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(5):2837. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052837
Chicago/Turabian StyleSantini, Sara, Barbara D’Amen, Marco Socci, Mirko Di Rosa, Elizabeth Hanson, and Valentina Hlebec. 2022. "Difficulties and Needs of Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents in Italy and Slovenia: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Study" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 5: 2837. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052837
APA StyleSantini, S., D’Amen, B., Socci, M., Di Rosa, M., Hanson, E., & Hlebec, V. (2022). Difficulties and Needs of Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents in Italy and Slovenia: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2837. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052837