Dietary Habits, Diet Quality, Nutrition Knowledge, and Associations with Physical Activity in Polish Prisoners: A Pilot Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Participants
2.2. Assessment of the Level of Physical Activity
2.3. Dietary Habits, Diet Quality and Nutrition Knowledge Level
- the “Pro-Healthy Diet Index”: pHDI-10 of 0–6.66—low; 6.67–13.33—moderate; 13.34–20—high;
- the “Non-Healthy Diet Index”: nHDI-14 of 0–9.33—low; 9.34–18.66—moderate; 18.67–28—high.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Dietary Habits, Diet Quality and Nutrition Knowledge Level
3.2. Associations of Dietary Habits, Food Consumption Frequency, and Nutrition Knowledge with the Level of Physical Activity
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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LPAL (n = 93) | MPAL (n = 22) | HPAL (n = 96) | Total (n = 211) | p-Value | |
Age (No. and %) | 0.008 | ||||
18–29 | 25 (11.85%) | 3 (1.42%) | 18 (8.53%) | 46 (21.80%) | |
30–39 | 29 (13.74%) | 12 (5.69%) | 54 (25.59%) | 95 (45.02%) | |
40–49 | 17 (8.06%) | 4 (1.90%) | 16 (7.58%) | 37 (17.54%) | |
50–65 | 22 (10.43%) | 3 (1.42%) | 8 (3.79%) | 33 (15.64%) | |
Age (Mean ± SD) | 38.37 ± 11.99 | 38.00 ± 9.63 | 35.65 ± 7.76 | 37.10 ± 10.07 | N.A. |
Years of detention (Mean ± SD) | 5.97 ± 6.87 | 6.11 ± 7.94 | 4.66 ± 5.83 | 5.38 ± 6.53 | 0.208 |
Education (No. and %) | 0.096 | ||||
Primary | 34 (16.11%) | 3 (1.42%) | 30 (14.22%) | 67 (31.75%) | |
Lower secondary | 25 (11.85%) | 8 (3.79%) | 23 (10.90%) | 56 (26.54%) | |
Upper secondary | 25 (11.85%) | 11 (5.21%) | 38 (18.01%) | 74 (35.07%) | |
Higher | 9 (4.27%) | 0 (0%) | 5 (2.37%) | 14 (6.64%) | |
Height (Mean ± SD) | 177.84 ± 8.37 | 180.38 ± 4.64 | 178.49 ± 7.23 | 178.00 ± 7.54 | N.A. |
Weight (Mean ± SD) | 85.15 ± 14.77 | 88.18 ± 11.58 | 84.61 ± 13.80 | 85.22 ± 14.00 | N.A. |
Body mass index (Mean ± SD) | 26.96 ± 4.47 | 27.14 ± 3.62 | 26.56 ± 3.97 | 27.00 ± 4.15 | N.A. |
Body mass index (No. and %) | 0.804 | ||||
<18.5 (underweight) | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 2 (0.95%) | 2 (0.95%) | |
18.5–24.9 (normal weight) | 41 (19.43%) | 7 (3.32%) | 34 (16.11%) | 82 (38.86%) | |
25.0–29.9 (overweight) | 35 (16.59%) | 10 (4.74%) | 43 (20.38%) | 88 (41.71%) | |
>29.9 (obese) | 17 (8.06%) | 5 (2.37%) | 17 (8.06%) | 39 (18.48%) | |
Smoking (No. and %) | 0.240 | ||||
Yes | 53 (25.12%) | 9 (4.27%) | 46 (21.80%) | 108 (51.18%) | |
No | 40 (18.96%) | 13 (6.16%) | 50 (23.70%) | 103 (48.82%) | |
Professional activity pre-reclusion (No. and %) | 0.473 | ||||
Yes | 28 (13.27%) | 4 (1.90%) | 30 (14.22%) | 62 (29.38%) | |
No | 65 (30.81%) | 18 (8.53%) | 66 (31.28%) | 149 (70.62%) |
LPAL (n = 93) | MPAL (n = 22) | HPAL (n = 96) | Total (n = 211) | p-Value | |
How many meals do you usually consume daily? | 0.769 | ||||
1 | 2 (0.95%) | 0 (0.00%) | 1 (0.47%) | 3 (1.42%) | |
2 | 4 (1.90%) | 0 (0.00%) | 4 (1.90%) | 8 (3.79%) | |
3 | 42 (19.90%) | 8 (3.79%) | 37 (17.53%) | 87 (41.23%) | |
4 | 24 (11.37%) | 8 (3.79%) | 28 (13.27%) | 60 (28.44%) | |
5 or more | 21 (9.95%) | 6 (2.84%) | 26 (12.32%) | 53 (25.12%) | |
Do you consume meals at regular times? | 0.416 | ||||
No | 23 (10.90%) | 2 (0,95%) | 17 (8.06%) | 42 (19,91%) | |
Yes, but only some of them | 34 (16.11%) | 10 (4.74%) | 43 (20.38%) | 87 (41.23%) | |
Yes, all of them | 36 (17.06%) | 10 (4.74%) | 36 (17.06%) | 82 (38.86%) | |
How often do you snack between the meals? | 0.345 | ||||
Never | 4 (1.90%) | 3 (1.42%) | 11 (5.21%) | 18 (8.53%) | |
1–3 times per month | 24 (11.37%) | 7 (3.32%) | 16 (7.58%) | 47 (22.27%) | |
Once per week | 10 (4.74%) | 1 (0.47%) | 14 (6.64%) | 25 (11.85%) | |
Few times per week | 17 (8.06%) | 5 (2.37%) | 19 (9.00%) | 41 (19.43%) | |
Once per day | 14 (6.64%) | 3 (1.42%) | 19 (9.00%) | 36 (17.06%) | |
Few times per day | 24 (11.37%) | 3 (1.42%) | 17 (8.06%) | 44 (20.85%) | |
What types of food do you usually consume between the meals during the weekdays? | |||||
Fruit | 43 (22.28%) | 13(6.74%) | 38 (19.69%) | 94 (48.70%) | 0.372 |
Vegetables | 18 (9.33%) | 9 (4.66%) | 21 (10.88%) | 48 (24.87%) | 0.215 |
Unsweetened dairy beverages and desserts | 26 (13.47%) | 4 (2.07%) | 18 (9.33%) | 48 (24.87%) | 0.250 |
Sweetened dairy beverages and desserts | 28 (14.51%) | 5 (2.59%) | 27 (13.99%) | 60 (31.09%) | 0.815 |
Sweet snacks | 36 (18.65%) | 9 (4.66%) | 42 (21.76%) | 87 (45.08%) | 0.697 |
Savory snacks | 22 (11.40%) | 5 (2.59%) | 23 (11.92%) | 50 (25.91%) | 0.983 |
Nuts, almonds, seeds | 25 (12.95%) | 5 (2.59%) | 19 (9.84%) | 49 (25.39%) | 0.464 |
Other | 10 (5.18%) | 0 (0.00%) | 7 (3.63%) | 17 (8.81%) | 0.193 |
Do you add any sugar to your hot beverages? | 0.578 | ||||
No | 33 (15.63%) | 6 (2.84%) | 36 (17.06%) | 75 (35.55%) | |
Yes, I add one teaspoon of sugar (or honey) | 22 (10.43%) | 5 (2.37%) | 19 (9.00%) | 46 (21.80%) | |
Yes, I add two or more teaspoons of sugar (or honey) | 24 (11.37%) | 8 (3.79%) | 25 (11.85%) | 57 (27.01%) | |
Yes, I use sweeteners (low-caloric substitute for sugar) | 16 (7.58%) | 3 (1.42%) | 14 (6.63%) | 33 (15.64%) | |
Do you add salt to your meals and sandwiches once prepared? | 0.193 | ||||
No | 25 (11.85%) | 6 (2.84%) | 41 (19.43%) | 72 (34.12%) | |
Yes, but only sometimes | 52 (24.64%) | 12 (5.69%) | 41 (19.43%) | 105 (49.76%) | |
Yes, I add salt to most of my meals | 16 (7.58%) | 4 (1.90%) | 14 (6.64%) | 34 (16.11%) | |
Are you currently following a diet? | 0.300 | ||||
No | 76 (36.02%) | 17 (8.06%) | 78 (36.97%) | 171 (81.04%) | |
Yes, as advised by my doctor for medical reasons | 7 (3.32%) | 1 (0.47%) | 12 (5.69%) | 20 (9.48%) | |
Yes, it was my personal decision | 10 (4.74%) | 4 (1.90%) | 6 (2.84%) | 20 (9.48%) |
LPAL (n = 93) | MPAL (n = 22) | HPAL (n = 96) | Total (n = 211) | p-Value | |
Sweetened hot beverages (black tea, coffee, herbal or fruit teas) | 0.978 | ||||
Never | 11 (5.21%) | 4 (1.90%) | 13 (6.16%) | 28 (13.27%) | |
1–3 times per month | 8 (3.79%) | 3 (1.42%) | 6 (2.84%) | 17 (8.06%) | |
Once per week | 7 (3.32%) | 2 (0.95%) | 6 (2.84%) | 15 (7.11%) | |
Few times per week | 16 (7.58%) | 3 (1.42%) | 15 (7.11%) | 34 (16.11%) | |
Once per day | 12 (5.69%) | 3 (1.42%) | 16 (7.58%) | 31 (14.69%) | |
Few times per day | 39 (18.48%) | 7 (3.32%) | 40 (18.96%) | 86 (40.76%) | |
Sweetened carbonated or still beverages | 0.091 | ||||
Never | 29 (13.74%) | 6 (2.84%) | 20 (9.48%) | 55 (26.07%) | |
1–3 times per month | 22 (10.43%) | 5 (2.37%) | 30 (14.22%) | 57 (27.01%) | |
Once per week | 14 (6.64%) | 4 (1.90%) | 17 (8.06%) | 35 (16.59%) | |
Few times per week | 18 (8.53%) | 2 (0.95%) | 20 (9.48%) | 40 (18.96%) | |
Once per day | 6 (2.84%) | 0 (0.00%) | 5 (2.37%) | 11 (5.21%) | |
Few times per day | 4 (1.90%) | 5 (2.37%) | 4 (1.90%) | 13 (6.16%) | |
Energy drinks | 0.175 | ||||
Never | 54 (25.59%) | 9 (4.27%) | 55 (26.07%) | 118 (55.92%) | |
1–3 times per month | 15 (7.11%) | 7 (3.32%) | 14 (6.64%) | 36 (17.06%) | |
Once per week | 7 (3.32%) | 4 (1.90%) | 8 (3.79%) | 19 (9.00%) | |
Few times per week | 12 (5.69%) | 0 (0.00%) | 13 (6.16%) | 25 (11.85%) | |
Once per day | 2 (0.95%) | 0 (0.00%) | 6 (2.84%) | 8 (3.79%) | |
Few times per day | 3 (1.42%) | 2 (0.95%) | 0 (0.00%) | 5 (2.37%) | |
Fruit juices | 0.622 | ||||
Never | 16 (7.58%) | 3 (1.42%) | 22 (10.43%) | 41 (19.43%) | |
1–3 times per month | 22 (10.43%) | 4 (1.90%) | 32 (15.17%) | 58 (27.49%) | |
Once per week | 23 (10.90%) | 5 (2.37%) | 14 (6.64%) | 42 (19.91%) | |
Few times per week | 23 (10.90%) | 6 (2.84%) | 18 (8.53%) | 47 (22.27%) | |
Once per day | 6 (2.84%) | 2 (0.95%) | 7 (3.32%) | 15 (7.11%) | |
Few times per day | 3 (1.42%) | 2 (0.95%) | 3 (1.42%) | 8 (3.79%) | |
Vegetable juices or fruit and vegetable juices | 0.402 | ||||
Never | 30 (14.22%) | 5 (2.37%) | 34 (16.11%) | 69 (32.70%) | |
1–3 times per month | 28 (13.27%) | 7 (3.32%) | 24 (11.37%) | 59 (27.96%) | |
Once per week | 14 (6.64%) | 2 (0.95%) | 16 (7.58%) | 32 (15.17%) | |
Few times per week | 13 (6.16%) | 2 (0.95%) | 14 (6.64%) | 29 (13.74%) | |
Once per day | 6 (2.84%) | 3 (1.42%) | 4 (1.90%) | 13 (6.16%) | |
Few times per day | 2 (0.95%) | 3 (1.42%) | 4 (1.90%) | 9 (4.27%) | |
Sweets (confectionary, biscuits, cakes, chocolate bars, cereal bars, other) | 0.901 | ||||
Never | 10 (4.74%) | 2 (0.95%) | 5 (2.37%) | 17 (8.06%) | |
1–3 times per month | 17 (8.07%) | 4 (1.90%) | 19 (9.00%) | 40 (18.96%) | |
Once per week | 16 (7.58%) | 6 (2.84%) | 13 (6.16%) | 35 (16.59%) | |
Few times per week | 34 (16.11%) | 7 (3.32%) | 41 (19.43%) | 82 (38.86%) | |
Once per day | 11 (5.21%) | 2 (0.95%) | 12 (5.69%) | 25 (11.85%) | |
Few times per day | 5 (2.37%) | 1 (0.47%) | 6 (2.84%) | 12 (5.69%) |
LPAL (n = 93) | MPAL (n = 22) | HPAL (n = 96) | Total (n = 211) | p-Value | |
Self-reported nutrition knowledge level | 0.500 | ||||
Insufficient | 17 (8.06%) | 4 (1.90%) | 17 (8.06%) | 38 (18.01%) | |
Sufficient | 44 (20.85%) | 7 (3.32%) | 42 (19.91%) | 93 (44.08%) | |
Good | 29 (13.74%) | 11 (5.21%) | 35 (18.59%) | 75 (35.55%) | |
Very good | 3 (1.42%) | 0 (0.00%) | 2 (0.95%) | 5 (2.37%) | |
Nutrition knowledge level | 0.367 | ||||
Insufficient | 25 (11.85%) | 8 (3.79%) | 25 (11.85%) | 58 (27.49%) | |
Sufficient | 53 (25.12%) | 13 (6.16%) | 69 (32.70%) | 135 (63.98%) | |
Good | 15 (7.11%) | 1 (0.47%) | 2 (0.95%) | 18 (8.53%) |
LPAL (n = 93) | MPAL (n = 22) | HPAL (n = 96) | Total (n = 211) | p-Value | |
Pro-Healthy Diet Index | 0.362 | ||||
Low | 82 (38.86%) | 19 (9.00%) | 87 (41.23%) | 188 (89.10%) | |
Medium | 11 (5.21%) | 2 (0.95%) | 8 (3.80%) | 21 (9.95%) | |
High | 0 (0.00%) | 1 (0.47%) | 1 (0.47%) | 2 (0.95%) | |
Non-Healthy Diet Index | 0.344 | ||||
Low | 90 (42.65%) | 20 (9.48%) | 91 (43.13%) | 201 (95.26%) | |
Medium | 3 (1.42%) | 1 (0.47%) | 4 (1.90%) | 8 (3.80%) | |
High | 0 (0.00%) | 1 (0.47%) | 1 (0.47%) | 2 (0.95%) |
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Kosendiak, A.; Stanikowski, P.; Domagała, D.; Gustaw, W.; Bronkowska, M. Dietary Habits, Diet Quality, Nutrition Knowledge, and Associations with Physical Activity in Polish Prisoners: A Pilot Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 1422.
Kosendiak A, Stanikowski P, Domagała D, Gustaw W, Bronkowska M. Dietary Habits, Diet Quality, Nutrition Knowledge, and Associations with Physical Activity in Polish Prisoners: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(3):1422.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKosendiak, Aureliusz, Piotr Stanikowski, Dorota Domagała, Waldemar Gustaw, and Monika Bronkowska. 2022. "Dietary Habits, Diet Quality, Nutrition Knowledge, and Associations with Physical Activity in Polish Prisoners: A Pilot Study" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 3: 1422.
APA StyleKosendiak, A., Stanikowski, P., Domagała, D., Gustaw, W., & Bronkowska, M. (2022). Dietary Habits, Diet Quality, Nutrition Knowledge, and Associations with Physical Activity in Polish Prisoners: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1422.