Transferring Knowledge on Motor Development to Socially Vulnerable Parents of Infants: The Practice of Health Visitors
:1. Introduction
2. Aim
3. Research Setting: The Real-Life Experiment Programme
4. The Theoretical Framework
Health Visitors as Frontline Workers
5. Methods
5.1. Participants
5.2. Data Collection
5.3. Data Analysis and Interpretation
6. Results
6.1. The Two Main Factors of the Policy Design
6.1.1. Lack of Resources in the Form of Time for Implementation in Practice
“I have experienced times where I may not have had that much time to go into it. To just sit down and show them (…) this is for the smaller children and this is for the older children. Well, then it has not been applied to the same extent (…).”(#4)
“But it has also to do with time (…) so it has rather been a matter of prioritising the time, telling the parents that you can read it there and see how to do it”.(#13)
6.1.2. Resources in the Form of Materials Handed out to the Families
“I find that many families are extremely happy, also with the bag, since there are some families whose toddlers don’t actually have any toys at all, and these become their only toys. So they are very grateful for the bag, but also just watching the videos is a great thing for them”.(#2)
6.2. The Two Main Factors of the Target Group
6.2.1. The Pressing Needs of the Families
“We have some things we need to cover, that we need to inform about and make sure that the families know (…). So we have checklists, but we just try to pretend that we don’t and then work dialogue-based (…), that is, being in dialogue with the family, learning what’s on their mind. If there are things we have not touched upon but know are relevant at this age, then we’ll make sure to get them in there”.(#8)
“We have a really big group, where there are a lot of social challenges, economic challenges, and a lot of ethnic families as well, so I would rather say that the big group consist of socially vulnerable families”.(#13)
“But I need to take another step before I get to motor skills (…), for instance, making sure that the breastfeeding works. Ensuring that there is some help for the family as to how they can think or act differently so that they will get better (…) how they can get more sleep (…) there are some basic needs that need to be resolved before motor skills (…). Not that I set aside motor skills and say that it is not relevant, because it is relevant, but there is something else on the top of the list”.(#10)
6.2.2. Willingness to Engage in Co-Production
“The bag is a really good way to approach the talk about motor skills (…). The families are just so happy (…) no way, are you bringing us a gift? And I say, yes let me tell you, and then they take the things out of the bag. That is, those visual things, and it is also a little bit appealing, right? Like, take a look at this colourful ball; you can use it for this (…). So, it is a real good opportunity to talk about it, without wagging one’s finger (…) it’s just the way you get in there and motivate them.”(#10)
“It comes more naturally when you ask: ‘well, how did it go using it the materials?’ the next time you visit (…) Then, when the child is four months, I think the parents have become really good at saying: ‘Look at what he can do now, now he knows how to do the things in the video, and now we do like this and this’. I actually think it [the programme] has been spot on.”(#4)
7. Discussion
7.1. Implications for Health Promotion
7.2. Strengths and Limitations
7.3. Implications for Future Research
8. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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The Health Visitors’ Mandatory Visits | ||||||||
Visit 1 | Visit 2 | Visit 3 | Visit 4 | Visit 5 | Visit 6 | Visit 7 | Visit 8 | |
When the child is: | 4 to 5 days old | 7 to 10 days old | 3 weeks old | 2–3 months | 4–6 months | 9–11 months | 18 months | 2.5–3 years |
The Programme | ||
Programme | Description of Each Element | Implementation with the Parents |
Competence development of the health visitors | The health visitors took part in a competence development course on motor development. The motor development course consisted of six lessons, each lasting three hours. The first two times, the course content was motor skills in everyday life; the third and fourth time, the content was tumble play; and the last two times, the content was presence and calm. An expert in the field taught them. The courses consisted of a combination of theory and practice. In addition to this, there was a lesson on how to transfer this knowledge into practice with the parents to infants. | The health visitors had to provide knowledge on motor development, suggestions for activities, and inform about inhibiting factors on motor development. The exact transmission of this knowledge was carried out according to the individual health visitor’s use of discretion. |
A bag with motor toys | Each family received a bag with motor stimulating toys, including a soap bubble, grip ball, massage ball, motor ball, and sensory scarf. The bag also contained a description of how to use the materials, including ideas for play and exercises. In addition, it included swimming tickets and a brochure on activities for infants in the municipality of Hoeje-Taastrup. | The bag was handed out to the parents in mandatory visit 4 when the infants were two to three months old (see Table 1). Each health visitor decided how to explain and show the use of the materials during the visits. |
Ten short videos | Ten short videos (approx. three minutes per. video) were produced for the parents. Each video targeted a specific age group and theme:
| Each health visitor should inform about the videos and where to find them during the visits (through a link, QR code or website). |
Elements of the Implementation Theory | Transferred to the Case of the Article |
Policy design | The programme |
Frontline workers | Health visitors |
Target group | Parents of infants |
Type of Data Source | Participant (Referred to as) | Obtained/Location | Date | Time | |
In-depth interviews | Group interview in district one | Health visitor (#1) Health visitor (#2) Health visitor (#3) Health visitor (#4) | Conducted virtually (TEAMS) | 140121 | One hour |
Group interview in district two | Health visitor (#5) Health visitor (#6) Health visitor (#7) Health visitor (#8) | Conducted virtually (TEAMS) | 280121 | One hour | |
Group interview in district three | Health visitor (#9) Health visitor (#10) Health visitor (#11) Health visitor (#12) | Conducted virtually (TEAMS) | 110221 | One hour | |
Presentation of preliminary results | Member check of initial analysis of the in-depth interviews with all health visitors present (n = 27) | Health visitors (#13) | The town hall in Hoeje-Taastrup | 030621 | Three hours |
Document | Description of the framework for the programme | (FP) | From the Municipality of Hoeje-Taastrup |
The Main Factors Related to the Health Visitors Experience | How the Factors Influence the Implementation | The Health Visitors’ Explanation | |
Policy design | Lack of resources in the form of time | Hampering | Due to all the other topics that must be covered, they do not have enough time for implementation. |
Resources in the form of materials for the families | Enhancing | The materials they hand out to the parents are a valuable and concrete resource for the implementation. | |
Target group | The pressing needs of the families | Hampering | The needs must be addressed prior to the implementation. |
Willingness to engage in co-production | Enhancing | The materials increase the ability and willingness of the target group to engage in co-producing the implementation. |
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Share and Cite
Pedersen, M.R.L.; Stougaard, M.S.; Ibsen, B. Transferring Knowledge on Motor Development to Socially Vulnerable Parents of Infants: The Practice of Health Visitors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 12425.
Pedersen MRL, Stougaard MS, Ibsen B. Transferring Knowledge on Motor Development to Socially Vulnerable Parents of Infants: The Practice of Health Visitors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(23):12425.
Chicago/Turabian StylePedersen, Marlene Rosager Lund, Marianne Staal Stougaard, and Bjarne Ibsen. 2021. "Transferring Knowledge on Motor Development to Socially Vulnerable Parents of Infants: The Practice of Health Visitors" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 23: 12425.
APA StylePedersen, M. R. L., Stougaard, M. S., & Ibsen, B. (2021). Transferring Knowledge on Motor Development to Socially Vulnerable Parents of Infants: The Practice of Health Visitors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12425.