Earlier Flowering of Betula pendula Roth in Augsburg, Germany, Due to Higher Temperature, NO2 and Urbanity, and Relationship with Betula spp. Pollen Season
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Environmental Factors
2.1.1. Urbanity Index
2.1.2. Air Quality Measurements
2.1.3. Meteorological Parameters
2.1.4. Pedological and Geological Parameters
2.1.5. Surroundings
2.2. Aerobiological Monitoring in Augsburg
2.3. Phenological Flowering Observations of Betula Pendula
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Categorisation |
open water bodies (e.g., lake, river) | no/yes |
non-biological sealing | no/gravel/concrete/wall/mixed |
street | no/yes |
sealed areas | no/low (<50%)/high (>50%) |
diversity of plants in the herbaceous layer | no/low diversity (agricultural fields)/medium div. (meadow, garden)/high div. (multiple environments) |
diversity of trees and shrubs | no/Betula/mixed incl. Betula/mixed, other/shrubs |
shading of the tree | no/low/medium/high |
positions of buildings | cardinal directions from the tree |
Year | Flowering Trait | |||
Start | Peak | End | Duration | |
2015 | 0.95 (104 ± 2) | 0.50 (109 ± 2) | 0.17 (115 ± 3) | ns |
2016 | 0.99 (102 ± 4) | 0.70 (105 ± 5) | 0.51 (110 ± 4) | 0.23 (10 ± 3) |
2017 | 0.96 (93 ± 4) | 0.72 (95 ± 4) | 0.54 (102 ± 6) | ns |
Average | 0.97 (99 ± 6) | 0.85 (102 ± 7) | 0.71 (108 ± 7) | ns |
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Share and Cite
Kolek, F.; Plaza, M.D.P.; Leier-Wirtz, V.; Friedmann, A.; Traidl-Hoffmann, C.; Damialis, A. Earlier Flowering of Betula pendula Roth in Augsburg, Germany, Due to Higher Temperature, NO2 and Urbanity, and Relationship with Betula spp. Pollen Season. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910325
Kolek F, Plaza MDP, Leier-Wirtz V, Friedmann A, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Damialis A. Earlier Flowering of Betula pendula Roth in Augsburg, Germany, Due to Higher Temperature, NO2 and Urbanity, and Relationship with Betula spp. Pollen Season. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(19):10325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910325
Chicago/Turabian StyleKolek, Franziska, Maria Del Pilar Plaza, Vivien Leier-Wirtz, Arne Friedmann, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, and Athanasios Damialis. 2021. "Earlier Flowering of Betula pendula Roth in Augsburg, Germany, Due to Higher Temperature, NO2 and Urbanity, and Relationship with Betula spp. Pollen Season" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 19: 10325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910325
APA StyleKolek, F., Plaza, M. D. P., Leier-Wirtz, V., Friedmann, A., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., & Damialis, A. (2021). Earlier Flowering of Betula pendula Roth in Augsburg, Germany, Due to Higher Temperature, NO2 and Urbanity, and Relationship with Betula spp. Pollen Season. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910325