‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Study Context and Setting
2.3. Study Population
2.4. Data Collection by Panel Sessions with Parents
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Panel Participants’ Characteristics
3.2. Parents’ Views on What Family Health Entails in Their Neighbourhood
3.3. Parents’ Priorities for Improving Family Health
3.3.1. Parents’ Priority: Enough Money
3.3.2. Parents’ Priority: Happy Children with a Safe Place to Meet and Play
3.3.3. Parents’ Priority: Good Communication with Authorities
3.4. Parents’ Ideas for Programme Activities
- Information on, and easy referral to, organisations that could help to reduce financial stress, for instance by paying for swimming lessons for children. Parents indicated that many people did not make use of existing possibilities as people did not know of their existence, or did not know where or whom to ask about them, or the people that they asked did not know. Parents suggested that the authorities or the general practitioner should refer people to specific information on websites or inform them on who does what.
- Adjustment of forms from authorities to make them easier to understand, to reduce stress related to communication. Parents suggested that the municipality should accompany verbal information with written information that they could read at home at leisure. They suggested that professionals working at authorities should empathise with their situation, think along with their ideas and keep their word.
- Regular low-cost group activities for children to meet friends, differentiated by children’s age and disability, for instance, ‘playing games, playing soccer, craft making’.
- Low cost, social activities for parents to increase togetherness, for example, a healthy-cooking workshop or creative activities. However, many parents expected the participation threshold to be (too) high; for example, people would be afraid to participate alone, fearing that people going there already would all be friends. To overcome this threshold, they suggested an accompanying buddy or a high financial reward, for example, a bingo night with high value prizes for all, though this was not considered realistic.
3.5. Integrating Parents’ Perceptions in Programme Plan Development
4. Discussion
4.1. Our Main Results
4.2. Comparisons with Existing Literature
4.3. Methodological Reflections
4.4. Strengths and Limitations
4.5. Recommendations
4.5.1. For Health Policymakers
4.5.2. For Further Research and Research Funding
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Panel Session | Topic | Questions to Parents | Techniques |
1 | Family health needs that parents prioritised to be addressed in the programme | 1. What does being healthy in your neighbourhood mean for you and your family? 2a. What aspect of your own or your family’s health would you like to see improved? 2b. What is the most relevant need for (i) your own family and (ii) families in the neighbourhood? | |
2 | Factors influencing three priority health needs emerging in session 1 Lifestyle themes prioritised by parents | 1. What are the factors that facilitate or obstruct the improvement of family health for priority needs? 2. Which of the healthy lifestyle themes that the health organisations think are important (smoking, alcohol use, or healthy eating and physical activity) do you consider most relevant for families in the neighbourhood to address? |
3 | Factors influencing health behaviours | 1. What does healthy eating mean for you, and what do you need to eat more healthily, a. for you as parent? b. for your child(ren)? 2. What do you and your children need to be more physically active? 3. What helps you to relax in stressful periods? |
4 | Ideas for programme activities for health behaviours | 1. What are your ideas for solutions/programme activities for a. healthy eating, b. physical activity, c. relaxation? |
5 | Programme activity ideas prioritised by parents | 1. What activity will contribute most to family health in your neighbourhood? 2. In what activity do you see your family participating? 3. To which activities would you contribute? |
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Share and Cite
Wink, G.; Fransen, G.; Huisman, M.; Boersma, S.; van Disseldorp, L.; van der Velden, K.; Wagemakers, A.; van den Muijsenbergh, M. ‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 8145. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18158145
Wink G, Fransen G, Huisman M, Boersma S, van Disseldorp L, van der Velden K, Wagemakers A, van den Muijsenbergh M. ‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(15):8145. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18158145
Chicago/Turabian StyleWink, Gerda, Gerdine Fransen, Merel Huisman, Sandra Boersma, Lieke van Disseldorp, Koos van der Velden, Annemarie Wagemakers, and Maria van den Muijsenbergh. 2021. "‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 15: 8145. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18158145
APA StyleWink, G., Fransen, G., Huisman, M., Boersma, S., van Disseldorp, L., van der Velden, K., Wagemakers, A., & van den Muijsenbergh, M. (2021). ‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8145. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18158145