Living with Pain and Looking for a Safe Environment: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Students with Dysmenorrhea
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design
2.2. Research Team
2.3. Participants
2.4. Data Collection
2.5. Focus Group Procedure
2.6. Data Analysis
2.7. Quality Criteria
2.8. Ethical Considerations
3. Results
3.1. Theme 1. Living with Dysmenorrhea
3.1.1. Menstruation
3.1.2. Pain
3.2. Theme 2. Body Changes and Mood Swings
3.3. Theme 3. Seeking a Safe Environment
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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FG Session 1: Duration (minutes) | FG Session 2: Duration (minutes) | Participants | Age, Mean (SD) | |
FG1 | 51 | 52 | 6 | 21.5 (1.04) |
FG2 | 65 | 46 | 6 | 22 (1.89) |
FG3 | 51 | 47 | 6 | 24 (2.60) |
FG4 | 45 | 45 | 6 | 24 (6.38) |
FG5 | 78 | 42 | 9 | 22.3 (3.35) |
Total Number of FGs | Duration (minutes), Mean (SD), Session 1 | Duration (minutes), Mean (SD), Session 2 | Total Participants | Total Mean Age, Mean (SD) |
10 | 290.58 (13.37) | 232, 46.4 (3.64) | 33 | 22.72 (3.46) |
Phase | Contents | Time (min) |
Moderator welcome | Welcome. Explanation of study aims, process of the session, and rules. | 5–10 |
Opening question | Participants were asked about their experience with dysmenorrhea. | 10–20 |
Introductory and transition questions | The question was centered on aspects of dysmenorrhea: body and mood changes. | 10–30 |
Key questions | Questions were posed once more on the basis of prior participant responses in order to go into greater depth regarding areas such as living with dysmenorrhea. | 20–40 |
Closing remarks | The moderator performed a brief summary of the contents covered. | 10–15 |
Research Area | Questions |
Living with dysmenorrhea | What is it like for you to live with dysmenorrhea? What is most relevant to you about this pain? How would you define or explain your pain? |
Changes caused by dysmenorrhea | Have you experienced any changes during dysmenorrhea? Which of these changes are most relevant to you? |
Impact of pain | How does this pain affect you? What is most relevant regarding its impact, living with pain? Does the pain have any impact on work or academic/study repercussions? In what way? What is most relevant about the pain during work/studies? |
Understanding on behalf of family and friends | Has the pain influenced your relationships with other people? What about the relationship with your partner and/or the rest of the family? In what way? |
Criteria | Techniques Performed and Application Procedures |
Credibility | Investigator triangulation: each data source was analyzed. Thereafter, team meetings were performed during which the analyses were compared and themes were identified. Participant validation: This consisted of asking the participants to confirm the data obtained during the data collection stages. |
Transferability | In-depth descriptions of the study performed, providing details of the characteristics of researchers, participants, contexts, sampling strategies, and the data collection and analysis procedures. |
Dependability | Audit by an external researcher: An external researcher assessed the study research protocol, focusing on aspects concerning the methods applied and the study design. |
Confirmability | Investigator triangulation and data collection triangulation. Researcher reflexivity was encouraged via the previous positioning, performance of reflexive reports, and by describing the rationale behind the study. |
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Fernández-Martínez, E.; Abreu-Sánchez, A.; Pérez-Corrales, J.; Ruiz-Castillo, J.; Velarde-García, J.F.; Palacios-Ceña, D. Living with Pain and Looking for a Safe Environment: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Students with Dysmenorrhea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6670.
Fernández-Martínez E, Abreu-Sánchez A, Pérez-Corrales J, Ruiz-Castillo J, Velarde-García JF, Palacios-Ceña D. Living with Pain and Looking for a Safe Environment: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Students with Dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(18):6670.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFernández-Martínez, Elia, Ana Abreu-Sánchez, Jorge Pérez-Corrales, Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Juan Francisco Velarde-García, and Domingo Palacios-Ceña. 2020. "Living with Pain and Looking for a Safe Environment: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Students with Dysmenorrhea" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 18: 6670.
APA StyleFernández-Martínez, E., Abreu-Sánchez, A., Pérez-Corrales, J., Ruiz-Castillo, J., Velarde-García, J. F., & Palacios-Ceña, D. (2020). Living with Pain and Looking for a Safe Environment: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Students with Dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6670.