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The Association between Eating-Out Rate and BMI in Korea

Department of Public Health, Graduate School, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea
Institute of Health Services Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea
Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(17), 3186;
Submission received: 11 July 2019 / Revised: 23 August 2019 / Accepted: 27 August 2019 / Published: 31 August 2019


Previous research suggests that adult men consume larger amounts of calories while eating-out than when eating meals prepared at home. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between the daily eating-out rate and body mass index (BMI) in the Korean population. The study used data from 18,019 individuals aged ≥19 years who participated in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) from 2013 to 2016. BMI was measured according to the Asia-Pacific BMI measurement criteria. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to examine the validity of the association between the eating-out rate and BMI. In this population, women with higher eating-out rates were found to have higher BMIs. Specifically, the risks of becoming obese or overweight increased among those with a 1%–50% (obesity odds ratio (OR) = 1.28, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.09–1.51; overweight OR = 1.38, 95% CI: 1.14–1.64) or 51%–100% daily eating-out rate (obesity OR = 1.51, 95% CI: 1.24–1.84; overweight OR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.20–1.87), relative to those who reported never eating-out. By contrast, no statistically significant association between the daily eating-out rate and BMI was observed among men. Notably, we observed positive associations of the daily eating-out rate with obesity and being overweight in South Korean women, but not men. Our findings suggest that education about proper habits when eating-out is needed to prevent obesity.

1. Introduction

According to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of obese individuals worldwide has increased by approximately three-fold from 1975 to 2016 [1]. Although obesity is a non-communicable disease, the ever-increasing population of affected individuals has become a global issue [2,3,4], particularly as the WHO has reported that the health consequences of obesity, particularly chronic diseases and death, are as deleterious as those of smoking [5]. Consistent with global trends, the rate of obesity is steadily increasing in South Korea. The 2016 version of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) determined an obesity rate of approximately 30% [6], and predictions suggest that the social problems caused by obesity will soon become extreme. Although obesity does not have specific symptoms, it has been correlated with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, and some types of cancer [7,8,9,10,11]. Therefore, it is equally important to prevent and treat/manage obesity [12,13,14].
Modern occupational shifts to more knowledge-based production industries [15] have led to relative decreases in opportunities for physical activity. This is certainly true in South Korea, where much of the working population remains seated during working hours [16]. Recent years have also seen an increase in the amount of appetite-stimulating media, such as cooking shows and restaurant reviews. Simultaneously, an increasing number of people show they prefer to eat out than at home. In Korea, this phenomenon has been demonstrated by increases in both the frequency of eating-out and the decreased proportion of household expenditure on food purchases. For example, the frequency of eating-out increased from 23.6% in 1990 to 45.1% in 2015 in Korea, while the proportion of household expenditure on food decreased from 76.4% to 54.9% [8,9,17].
According to a previous study of the lunchtime consumption habits of adult men, greater amounts of calories were consumed when eating-out than when eating lunch at home [18]. This led us to speculate on a potential connection between the increased frequency of eating-out and the increasing incidence of overweightness/obesity in Korea, using the body mass index (BMI) as an indicator. Such a correlation might be a main factor affecting the incidence and prevention of obesity.
We expected this phenomenon to be observed equally due to the increasingly Western-style Korean eating-out culture. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between daily eating-out rate and BMI among Koreans.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Data Collection and Study Participants

The KNHANES is a cross-sectional survey of a nationally representative, all-age population conducted annually by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) since 1998. From among the 31,098 respondents to the 2013–2016 KNHANES, we selected only adult respondents aged 19 years or older (n = 24,095).
We used two-stage filtering to extract participants who responded to a question related to the frequency of eating-out. First, we classified participants as obese, overweight, underweight, or normal weight according to the BMI classification (n = 22,883). Second, the average number of meals per day was calculated as the average of number of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners consumed, and the daily frequency of eating-out was stratified as “more than twice per day,” “less than once per day (1 to 24 times per month),” and “none (less than once per month).”
The frequency of daily meals may vary from person to person. We focused on eating-out rates for a more detailed analysis. Therefore, we calculated the daily eating-out rate as the frequency of eating-out per day/daily food intake rate per day (n = 19,704). Additional details are provided in the next section.
We excluded participants for whom the following data were missing: Marital status (n = 31), household income (n = 92), educational level (n = 1482), occupation (n = 29), and physical activity (n = 51). Therefore, a final sample population of 18,019 people was included in our study analysis.
The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), which we used, corresponds to the research conducted by the government for public welfare in accordance with the Korea Bioethics Act. Therefore, it was possible to conduct this investigation without consideration of the research ethics review committee.

2.2. Variables

Our independent variable was the daily rate of eating-out. Because the KNHANES did not include variables that could be used to calculate this rate, we generated an average rate of eating-out. First, the average number of meals per day was determined from responses to the question, “How many times a week did you eat breakfast (lunch, dinner) in the last year?” The possible answers were 5–7, 3 or 4, 1 or 2, or no times per week. Subsequently, we divided the results by 7 to calculate the average number of meals. Through those three indicators, we divided into groups, those that had meals once a day, a group that eats twice a day, and a group that eats more than three times a day. Second, the question used to determine the frequency of eating-out and set the variable of interest was, “On average, during the past year, how often did you eat out rather than home-cooked food?” This item had 7 possible responses: More than twice per day, once per day, 5 or 6 times per week, 3 or 4 times per week, 1 or 2 times per week, 1–3 times per month, and never (less than once per month). Because the answers to this question differed, we sorted the respondents using the following reset criteria: more than twice per day, less than once per day (once per day, 5–6 times per week, three to four times per week, 1 to 2 times per week, 1–3 times per month), and never (less than once per month). The daily rate of eating-out was calculated using the following formula: Daily eating-out frequency/daily eating frequency × 100.
The BMI status was set as the dependent variable. We generated these data based on the following Asia-Pacific BMI standards: Normal, 18.5–22.9 kg/m2; underweight, <18.5 kg/m2; overweight, 23–24.9 kg/m2; and obese, ≥25 kg/m2.

2.3. Covariates

The sociodemographic factors of sex (men, women), age (20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, ≥70 years), and the socioeconomic factors of marital status (unmarried, married, and once married (divorced, separated, or widowed)), monthly household income (high, medium, medium-high, and medium-low, low), educational level (elementary school or less, middle school, high school, and college or higher), and occupation (workers and non-workers) were included. Health-related behaviors were categorized as follows: Smoking status (yes, no), alcohol status (yes, no). Daily energy intake was determined using the recommendations for energy intake by sex and age published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2015 [19]. According to Korean energy intake standards, the recommended energy intake varied according to age, sex, and pregnancy. Therefore, we calculated the recommended nutrient intake to be in the range of ±100 kcal to determine whether the nutrient intake was appropriate or not. Physical activity to the ACSM guideline was determined using data regarding the frequency of physical activity participation. The time, frequency, and intensity of exercise were taken into consideration to conduct a more detailed analysis of the physically active (vigorous physical activity once per week for 20 min or more, 3 days a week or more, or moderate physical activity or walking exercise performed once for more than 30 min per week for 3 days or more) and non-activite groups [20]. Finally, diabetes is closely related to obesity [21,22]. Therefore, we added diabetes as a covariate. Diabetes-related items were stratified by the clinical (i.e., physician’s) diagnostic or non-diagnostic status.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

The chi-square test was used to examine significant differences in BMI depending on the eating-out rate. We also used multinomial logistic regression because we had four dependent variables (obesity, overweight, underweight, and normal weight). Multinomial logistic regression is used when the dependent variable in question is nominal (equivalently categorical, meaning that it falls into any one of a set of categories that cannot be ordered in any meaningful way) and for which there are more than two categories. That method is a particular solution to classification problems that use a linear combination of the observed features and some problem-specific parameters to estimate the probability of each particular value of the dependent variable. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to determine odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) after adjusting for covariates. Additionally, subgroup analyses according to the eating-out rate and BMI were conducted. For all data analysis, we used SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) and the significance level was set at p-value < 0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Study Participants

Table 1 lists the general characteristics of the study population, stratified by sex. Approximately 90% of Koreans reported some frequency of eating-out. On the other hand, 517 men (7.2%) and 1147 women (10.6%) answered that they do not eat out at all. Among the respondents who said that they eat out, 5061 men (70.1%) and 7,658 women (71.0%) were included in the eating-out rate of 1%–50%. Within the category of a 51%–100% rate of eating-out, 1657 (22.8%) were men and 1989 (18.4%) were women. Although similar proportions of men and women comprised the 1%–50% group, the distribution in the 51%–100% group indicated a greater exposure to eating-out among men than among women. Among male participants, 2769 (38.3%), 1878 (25.9%), 208 (2.81%), and 2375 (32.9%) met the BMI criteria for obesity, overweight, underweight, and normal weight, respectively. Among female participants, 3230 (29.9%), 2327 (21.5%), 525 (4.9%), 4,712 (43.7%) met the BMI criteria for obesity, overweight, underweight, and normal weight, respectively. Among the subgroup of women who reported never eating-out, 37.8%, 22.5%, 3.6%, and 36.1% met the criteria for obesity, overweight, underweight, and normal weight, respectively. Among the subgroup of men who reported never eating-out, 29%, 25.5%, 7.5%, and 37.9% met the criteria for obesity, overweight, underweight, and normal weight, respectively. For men with a rate of eating-out of 1%–50%, the corresponding values were 1927 (38%), 1332 (26.3%), 117 (2.3%), and 1685 (33.3%), respectively, while among those with a rate of eating-out of 51%–100%, the corresponding values were 692 (42.0%), 414 (25.0%), 47 (2.9%), and 494 (30.0%), respectively. For women with a rate of eating-out of 1%–50%, the corresponding values were 2,260 (29.5%), 1686 (22.0%), 352 (4.6%), 3360 (43.9%), respectively, while among those with a rate of eating-out of 51%–100%, the corresponding values were 536 (27.0%), 383 (19.3%), 132 (6.6%), 938 (47.2%), respectively. In summary, approximately 60% of the men in each group exceeded the normal weight category, regardless of their rate of eating-out. Approximately 50% of the women in each group exceeded the normal weight category, regardless of their rate of eating-out.

3.2. Factors Associated with Eating-out Rate and BMI

Table 2 presents the results of factors associated with the frequency of eating-out and the BMI. A multinomial logistic regression analysis corrected for covariance revealed a significant correlation between the eating-out rate and BMI only among women. In this group, the likelihood of becoming obese or overweight was higher among those with a daily eating-out rate of 1%–50% (obesity OR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.09–1.51; overweight OR = 1.38, 95% CI: 1.14–1.64) or 51%–100% (obesity OR = 1.51, 95% CI: 1.24–1.84; overweight OR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.20–1.87) relative to those who reported never eating-out. It is also analyzed that people with diabetes are more likely to be obese (men’s obesity OR = 1.53, 95% CI: 1.27–1.84; women’s obesity OR = 1.65, 95% CI: 1.39–1.96).

3.3. Association between BMI and Eating-out Rate by Socioeconomic Status

Table 3 presents the results of a subgroup analysis stratified by socioeconomic status. Among men, those who were married and had a daily eating-out rate of 51%–100% were 1.44 times more likely to be obese. Among women, those who were married and had a daily eating-out rate of 1%–50% were 1.30 times more likely to be obese. Furthermore, those with a low household income and those with an education level of less than elementary school were 1.34 and 1.27 times more likely to be obese, respectively. In the analysis of occupation, the probability of obesity for women with and without occupation increased by 1.38 times and 1.24 times, respectively, regardless of occupation. Among those with a daily eating-out rate of 51%–100%, married women were 1.56 times more likely to become obese, and those with a low household income were 1.49 times more likely to be obese. In the analysis of occupation, the probability of obesity for women with and without occupations increased by 1.44 times and 1.67 times.

4. Discussion

Previous studies conducted in other countries identified a positive association between the frequency of eating-out with BMI [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. Specifically, previous studies conducted in Europe suggested that foods consumed while eating-out tend to contain higher amounts of energy-dense macronutrients, such as fat and sugar, compared to those prepared at home [24], while a Brazilian study found a positive correlation between the frequency of food intake with adult weight gain in South America [23]. Our finding of a significant association between the eating-out rate and BMI among Korean adult women but not men was partially consistent with those previous reports. Our observations indicate that a high frequency of eating-out may correlate with a higher BMI among women. Particularly, we found that many married women who eat out frequently are overweight or obese. Furthermore, it was confirmed that women with frequent eating-out patterns were more likely to be obese, regardless of their occupational status. In addition, as in the previous study, the analysis of our study showed that a person with diabetes is likely to have a high BMI [22].
Our findings suggest a need for improvements in education, publicity, and policies regarding healthy eating habits, and indicate that institutional measures should be formulated to establish a healthy culture of eating-out. Approximately 92.8% of Korean men and 89% of Korean women have reported exposure to eating-out [31]. As the proportion of people who eat out has been on the rise lately, the government needs to review the various laws and regulations related to eating-out and lead a proper eating-out culture [32]. Such as, by providing eating-out guidelines for diabetics, providing calorie information for each food, and guidelines for using ingredients for restaurants. But before we do that, the relationship between the eating-out rate and obesity in women requires verification. According to a previous study conducted in the United States, the analysis of eating-out and BMI of premenopausal women showed higher BMIs in women who frequently eat out [28]. As with this prior study, according to our results, the more often Korean women eat out, the more they are affected in terms of their BMI. However, no significant results were found in men, only identifying the tendency that BMI may increase as more people eat out. This is in contrast to previous studies that suggested that BMI may increase with the rate of eating-out for both men and women [23,33,34]. To validate our findings, further investigations are recommended to see if there is a causal relationship between BMI and eating-out. Based on our research, causality in further studies will help to come up with measures to reduce obesity in certain populations.
Our research has numerous limitations. First, we used cross-sectional data, thus could not include accurate information about the food consumed during meals. To objectively determine the relationship between the eating-out rate and BMI, it would be necessary to compare calories from identical menus of foods prepared at home and in a restaurant. Second, data concerning the daily eating-out rate were derived from a combination of four indicators and was calculated as the ratio of numeric responses to the questions, “How often did you eat out on average during the past year?” and “How many times a week did you have breakfast (lunch, dinner) in the last year,” and multiplied by 100 to yield a percentage. Therefore, the measurement values may have been more unstable than values derived using a single index. Third, the relevant KNHANES question inquired about the average during the previous 1-year period. The response relies on the potentially incomplete and inaccurate memory of the respondent, thus may be subject to recall bias. Fourth, it is difficult to define obesity and overweightness according to the BMI standard, or to assume exposure to other diseases. For example, BMI measurements often suggest that people with an above-average muscle mass are overweight or obese.
Despite these limitation, our research has several strengths of note. First, the use of nationally representative data will allow our results to be generalized to the general adult population of South Korea. Second, as the statistical analysis was based on data collected over four consecutive years, the correlation between the rate of eating-out and BMI among Korean adults is relatively reliable. Third, our findings are consistent with previous studies suggesting that eating-out, compared to eating at home, may be associated with a higher caloric intake [23,24,25,26,35] and is more likely to increase BMI [36,37].

5. Conclusions

Our study found that the higher the rate of eating-out among Korean women, the higher their BMI. However, there were no similar associations observed among men. Our research will help the Korean Government and organizations to review and improve their regulations and implement them, to create a healthy and correct eating-out culture for the people.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.J.K.; formal analysis, H.J.K. and S.Y.O.; methodology, H.J.K. and D.-W.C.; supervision, E.-C.P.; writing—original draft, H.J.K.; writing—reviewing and editing, E.-C.P.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


We are grateful to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) that conducted the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is the primary source of our study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. General characteristics of study observations (2013–2016).
Table 1. General characteristics of study observations (2013–2016).
N(%)N(%)N(%)N(%)N(%) N(%)N(%)N(%)N(%)N(%)
Daily eating-out rate <0.0001 <0.0001
 None517 7.2150 29.0132 25.539 7.5196 37.9 1147 10.6434 37.8258 22.541 3.6414 36.1
 1%–50%5061 70.11927 38.11332 26.3117 2.31685 33.3 7658 71.02260 29.51686 22.0352 4.63360 43.9
 51%–100%1647 22.8692 42.0414 25.147 2.9494 30.0 1989 18.4536 27.0383 19.3132 6.6938 47.2
Age <0.0001 <0.0001
 20–29777 10.8260 33.5159 20.535 4.5323 41.6 1071 9.9161 15.0133 12.4155 14.5622 58.1
 30–391065 14.7500 47.0258 24.220 1.9287 27.0 1892 17.5380 20.1294 15.5155 8.21063 56.2
 40–491262 17.5550 43.6332 26.318 1.4362 28.7 2023 18.7516 25.5432 21.490 4.5985 48.7
 50–591335 18.5556 41.7384 28.828 2.1367 27.5 2127 19.7708 33.3520 24.543 2.0856 40.2
 60–691437 19.9524 36.5395 27.531 2.2487 33.9 1827 16.9733 40.1489 26.825 1.4580 31.8
 ≥701349 18.7379 28.1350 26.071 5.3549 40.7 1854 17.2732 39.5459 24.857 3.1606 32.7
Marital status <0.0001 <0.0001
 Unmarried1180 16.3437 37.0246 20.947 4.0450 38.1 1186 11.0185 15.6139 11.7171 14.4691 58.3
 Married5538 76.72155 38.91499 27.1132 2.41,752 31.6 7477 69.32230 29.81673 22.4289 3.93285 43.9
 Once married (divorced, separated, bereavement)507 7.0177 34.9133 26.224 4.7173 34.1 2131 19.7815 38.2515 24.265 3.1736 34.5
Household income <0.0001 <0.0001
 Low1357 18.8438 32.3335 24.767 4.9517 38.1 2270 21.0886 39.0551 24.373 3.2760 33.5
 Medium-Low1824 25.3693 38.0451 24.756 3.1624 34.2 2710 25.1906 33.4593 21.9126 4.71085 40.0
 Medium-High1974 27.3811 41.1502 25.450 2.5611 31.0 2863 26.5804 28.1575 20.1137 4.81347 47.1
 High2070 28.7827 40.0590 28.530 1.5623 30.1 2951 27.3634 21.5608 20.6189 6.41520 51.5
Educational level <0.0001 <0.0001
 Elementary school1325 18.3422 31.9346 26.164 4.8493 37.2 3087 28.61334 43.2785 25.469 2.2899 29.1
 Middle school823 11.4297 36.1225 27.328 3.4273 33.2 1116 10.3415 37.2278 24.920 1.8403 36.1
 High school2477 34.3966 39.0604 24.463 2.5844 34.1 3309 30.7888 26.8715 21.6166 5.01540 46.5
 College or more2600 36.01084 41.7703 27.048 1.9765 29.4 3282 30.4593 18.1549 16.7270 8.21870 57.0
Occupation <0.0001 <0.0001
 Workers5117 70.82085 40.81347 26.3103 2.01582 30.9 5179 48.01440 27.81096 21.2267 5.22376 45.9
 Non-workers2108 29.2684 32.5531 25.2100 4.7793 37.6 5615 52.01790 31.91231 21.9258 4.62336 41.6
Smoking 0.0061 0.0055
 Yes2230 30.9866 38.8528 23.776 3.4760 34.1 360 3.3120 33.363 17.529 8.1148 41.1
 No4995 69.11903 38.11350 27.0127 2.51615 32.3 10,434 96.73110 29.82264 21.7496 4.84564 43.7
Alcohol consumption 0.0010 <0.0001
 Yes5046 69.81975 39.11331 26.4122 2.41618 32.1 4172 38.71144 27.4780 18.7207 5.02041 48.9
 No2179 30.2794 36.4547 25.181 3.7757 34.7 6622 61.42086 31.51547 23.4318 4.82671 40.3
Daily energy intake 0.0005 0.7907
 Less than recommended energy intake per day3055 42.31144 37.5770 25.2110 3.61,031 33.8 5369 49.71624 30.31163 21.7271 5.12311 43.0
 Recommended energy intake per day1373 19.0496 36.1373 27.239 2.8465 33.9 2456 22.8732 29.8516 21.0110 4.51098 44.7
 More than recommended energy intake per day2797 38.71129 40.4735 26.354 1.9879 31.4 2969 27.5874 29.4648 21.8144 4.91303 43.9
Physical activity 0.0167 0.0012
 Yes3630 50.21390 38.3961 26.580 2.21199 33.0 4697 43.51335 28.41002 21.3214 4.62146 45.7
 No3595 49.81379 38.4917 25.5123 3.41176 32.7 6097 56.51895 31.11325 21.7311 5.12566 42.1
Diabetes mellitus 0.0114 <0.0001
 No 6415 88.82429 37.91664 25.9191 3.02131 33.2 9871 91.52795 28.32104 21.3515 5.24457 45.2
 Yes810 11.2340 42.0214 26.412 1.5244 30.1 923 8.6435 47.1223 24.210 1.1255 27.6
Total7225 100.02769 38.31878 26.0203 2.82375 32.9 10,794 100.03230 29.92327 21.6525 4.94712 43.7
Table 2. Factors associated with eating-out rate and BMI (2013–2016).
Table 2. Factors associated with eating-out rate and BMI (2013–2016).
Body Mass Index
VariablesOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI
Daily eating-out rate
 None1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
 20–291.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Marital status
 Unmarried1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
 Once married (divorced, separated, bereavement)1.21(0.89)-(1.66)1.39(0.98)-(1.98)1.07(0.51)-(2.26)1.17(0.89)-(1.53)1.40(1.04)-(1.90)0.72(0.46)-(1.13)
Household income
 Low1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Educational level
 Elementary school1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
 Middle school0.90(0.73)-(1.10)0.94(0.75)-(1.17)1.28(0.77)-(2.14)0.68(0.57)-(0.81)0.79(0.65)-(0.96)0.76(0.44)-(1.34)
 High school0.95(0.77)-(1.18)0.99(0.79)-(1.25)1.23(0.71)-(2.14)0.48(0.41)-(0.57)0.67(0.56)-(0.80)0.98(0.62)-(1.56)
 College or more0.96(0.83)-(1.10)0.90(0.77)-(1.06)0.90(0.60)-(1.36)0.32(0.26)-(0.38)0.50(0.40)-(0.61)1.10(0.68)-(1.77)
 Non-workers1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
 Yes1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Alcohol consumption
 No1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Daily energy intake
 Less than recommended energy intake per day1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
 Recommended energy intake per day0.94(0.81)-(1.10)1.02(0.86)-(1.21)0.92(0.62)-(1.36)0.93(0.82)-(1.04)0.89(0.78)-(1.01)0.97(0.76)-(1.22)
 More than recommended energy intake per day1.06(0.93)-(1.20)1.04(0.91)-(1.20)0.72(0.51)-(1.03)1.05(0.94)-(1.17)1.03(0.91)-(1.16)1.01(0.81)-(1.25)
Physical activity
 No1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Diabetes mellitus
No1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -1.00- -
Yes 1.53(1.27)-(1.84)1.20(0.98)-(1.48)0.44(0.24)-(0.81)1.65(1.39)-(1.96)1.23(1.01)-(1.50)0.47(0.24)-(0.91)
Table 3. Factors associated with BMI according to the daily eating-out rate.
Table 3. Factors associated with BMI according to the daily eating-out rate.
 Marital status
 Once married (divorced, separated, bereavement)11.2(0.60)-(2.40)0.8(0.34)-(1.88)10.79(0.39)-(1.60)0.8(0.34)-(1.87)10.85(0.26)-(2.79)0.98(0.22)-(4.49)
Household income
Educational level
 Elementary school11.12(0.80)-(1.59)0.92(0.52)-(1.63)11.06(0.74)-(1.50)1.03(0.58)-(1.84)10.82(0.46)-(1.49)0.36(0.10)-(1.32)
 Middle school11.04(0.58)-(1.85)0.95(0.46)-(1.98)10.9(0.49)-(1.63)0.85(0.39)-(1.84)10.41(0.14)-(1.16)0.51(0.12)-(2.25)
 High school11.27(0.75)-(2.15)1.49(0.85)-(2.61)10.98(0.56)-(1.70)1.1(0.61)-(2.00)10.29(0.11)-(0.79)0.32(0.11)-(0.97)
 College or more10.81(0.35)-(1.88)1.03(0.44)-(2.44)10.71(0.30)-(1.69)0.85(0.35)-(2.09)10.29(0.06)-(1.49)0.81(0.15)-(4.54)
 Marital status
 Once married (divorced, separated, bereavement)11.24(0.96)-(1.61)1.41(0.96)-(2.06)11.31(0.97)-(1.75)1.31(0.85)-(2.00)10.66(0.36)-(1.22)0.43(0.15)-(1.19)
Household income
Educational level
 Elementary school11.27(1.04)-(1.54)1.4(0.96-2.03)11.3(1.04)-(1.63)1.42(0.94)-(2.17)10.62(0.37-1.06)0.43(0.12)-(1.60)
 Middle school11.35(0.86)-(2.11)1.61(0.92-2.82)11.62(0.97)-(2.72)1.58(0.83)-(3.04)14.14(0.48-35.74)1.02(0.07)-(15.57)
 High school10.95(0.61)-(1.49)1.07(0.67-1.72)11.53(0.88)-(2.65)1.59(0.89)-(2.83)10.8(0.30-2.12)0.87(0.32)-(2.37)
 College or more11.06(0.48)-(2.32)1.28(0.57-2.85)11.13(0.47)-(2.75)1.37(0.56)-(3.39)11.83(0.41-8.21)1.67(0.37)-(7.61)

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MDPI and ACS Style

Kim, H.J.; Oh, S.Y.; Choi, D.-W.; Park, E.-C. The Association between Eating-Out Rate and BMI in Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 3186.

AMA Style

Kim HJ, Oh SY, Choi D-W, Park E-C. The Association between Eating-Out Rate and BMI in Korea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(17):3186.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kim, Hwi Jun, So Yeon Oh, Dong-Woo Choi, and Eun-Cheol Park. 2019. "The Association between Eating-Out Rate and BMI in Korea" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 17: 3186.

APA Style

Kim, H. J., Oh, S. Y., Choi, D.-W., & Park, E.-C. (2019). The Association between Eating-Out Rate and BMI in Korea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), 3186.

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