A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Research Motivation
1.3. Main Contributions
1.4. Organization of the Paper
2. Related Works
2.1. Duty Cycle
2.2. Transmission Power Control
2.3. Topology Control and Routing in Sensor Networks
2.4. The Proposed Approach
3. Mathematical Model
3.1. Problem Definition
3.2. System Model
4. Optimization Solution Approach
4.1. Lagrangian Relaxation Method
4.2. Reformulation for LR Optimization Solution
4.3. Solution of LR Subproblems
4.4. Obtaining Primal Feasible Solution
5. Experimental Results and Discussion
5.1. Many-to-One WSN Transmission Experiment with Different Delay Scenarios
5.2. Tree Structure WSN Experiment with Different Numbers of Subtrees
5.3. Performance Analysis
6. Conclusions
6.1. Contributions and Key Results
6.2. Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Notation | Description |
The index set of possible number of subtrees, defined as | |
The index set of possible numbers of sensor nodes in a single subtree, defined as | |
The sensor node that responsible for sensing and gathering data from different area, which is the node number in subtree | |
The relay node from subtree , responsible for aggregating data sent from the lower-level layer sensor nodes | |
The sink node that responsible for aggregating data sent from the relay nodes | |
The allowable end to end delay from sensor node to sink node for Subtree | |
Distance between sensor and relay node from subtree | |
Set of possible range for sensor nodes in subtree | |
Set of possible range for relay node in subtree | |
Set of possible range for sink node | |
Sensor node’s timeout interval from subtree (a given unit of time slots) | |
Relay node’s timeout interval from subtree (a given unit of time slots) | |
The transmission time from sensor nodes to relay node, e.g., one time slot | |
The expected smallest time slots for the network to maintain | |
The initial power storage for sensor node | |
The initial power storage for relay node from subtree | |
The initial power storage for sink node |
Notation | Description |
The transmission range of sensor nodes in subtree , | |
The transmission range of relay node in subtree , | |
The transmission range of sink node | |
M | Index set of all possible packet size, including |
The active probability of sensor nodes in a time slot in subtree | |
The active probability of relay nodes receive data in a time slot in subtree | |
The active probability of relay nodes send data in a time slot in subtree | |
The active probability of sink nodes in a time slot | |
The probability of sensor nodes to transmit packet with size to relay node in subtree when no error occurs with transmission range radius of | |
The probability of the relay node in subtree to transmit packet with M size to sink node when no error occurs with transmission range radius of | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when sensor nodes in subtree is active with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when sensor nodes in subtree is inactive with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when the relay node in subtree is active with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when the relay node in subtree is inactive with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when the sink node is active with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate influenced by m when the sink node is inactive with transmission range in one time slot | |
The average power consumption rate for sensor nodes in subtree to transmit a size packet in one time slot with transmission range | |
The average power consumption rate for the relay node in subtree to transmit a size packet in one time slot with transmission range |
Experiments | LB (watts) | UB (watts) | Time (sec) | GAP (%) |
Normal Delay | 71.9 | 74.82 | 15.8 | 4.08 |
Tight Delay | 73.3 | 74.84 | 4.8 | 2.04 |
Experiments | LB (watts) | UB (watts) | Time (sec) | GAP (%) |
= 1001 | 332.75 | 349.38 | 308.6 | 4.9 |
= 3000 | 498.06 | 522.76 | 4662.7 | 4.96 |
Exhaustive Search | Round Robin (RR) | Proposed Method | |
Objective value (watts) | 64.458 | 73.464 | 63.453 |
Time (sec) | 315.5 | 30.2 | 19.6 |
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Tai, K.-Y.; Liu, B.-C.; Hsiao, C.-H.; Tsai, M.-C.; Lin, F.Y.-S. A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2023, 23, 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020763
Tai K-Y, Liu B-C, Hsiao C-H, Tsai M-C, Lin FY-S. A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2023; 23(2):763. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020763
Chicago/Turabian StyleTai, Kuang-Yen, Bo-Chen Liu, Chiu-Han Hsiao, Ming-Chi Tsai, and Frank Yeong-Sung Lin. 2023. "A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks" Sensors 23, no. 2: 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020763
APA StyleTai, K.-Y., Liu, B.-C., Hsiao, C.-H., Tsai, M.-C., & Lin, F. Y.-S. (2023). A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 23(2), 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020763