Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey
:1. Introduction
2. Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Detection
3. Video-Based Fire Detection: Enhancing Fire Detection Systems with Visual Analysis
3.1. Video Fire Detection in the Visible Spectrum
3.2. Video Fire Detection in the Infrared Spectrum
3.3. Satellite
4. The Role of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Fire Detection and Prevention
4.1. Detection of Wildfires Using a Machine Learning Approach
4.2. Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
5. Open Problems and Promising Research Directions
Conflicts of Interest
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Paper | Color Space | Real-Time | Spectral Analysis | Moving Object | Classifier/ HMM | Wavelet | NN | Statistical Analysis | Smoke |
[34] | RGB | X | X | ||||||
[37] | RGB/HSI | X | X | X | |||||
[38] | RGB | X | X | ||||||
[39] | YUV | X | |||||||
[40] | YUV | X | X | ||||||
[41] | YUV | X | X | X | |||||
[42] | YCbCr | X | X | X | |||||
[43] | YCbCr/RGB | X | |||||||
[44] | Lab | X | X | X | X | ||||
[45] | Lab | X | |||||||
[46] | Lab/YCbCr | X | X | X | |||||
[47] | HSV | X | X | ||||||
[48] | HSV | X | X | X | |||||
[49] | HSV/HSL | X | |||||||
[50] | HSV | X | X | HMM | |||||
[51] | RGB/HSV | X | X | X | |||||
[52] | RGB/HSV | X | X | ||||||
[53] | Luv | X | X | X | X | ||||
[54] | HSI | X | X | X | |||||
[55] | FCS | X | X | ||||||
[56] | X | X | |||||||
[57] | RGB | X | X | X | |||||
[59] | X | X | weak classifier, HMM | X | |||||
[60] | greyscale | X | X | X | X | X | |||
[62] | X | X | HMM | X | |||||
[64] | X | SVM | X | ||||||
[65] | X | SVM | X | ||||||
[66] | RGB | SVM | X | ||||||
[67] | X | RAB | X | X | |||||
[69] | X | ||||||||
[70] | RGB | X | X | X | |||||
[72] | RGB | X | X | X | X | ||||
[73,74] | X | X | X | X | |||||
[75] | X | ||||||||
[77] | RGB | X | X | X | X | X | |||
[78] | X | X | X |
Image Sensor | AVHRR | MODIS | VIIRS |
Spatial Resolution | 1 km | 1 km | 750 m |
Spectral Band | 6 (bands at 1 km) | 36 (2 bands at 250 m, 5 bands at 500 m and 29 at 1 km resolution) | 22 (16 moderate-resolution bands at 750 m, 5 image resolution at 750 m and 1 pancromatic day/night at 750 m) |
Advantages | infrared | more various channels for more perfect earth mapping | The pancromatic day/night band gives an opportunity to take more accurate forest fire data |
Disadvantages | Few channels for multiple image analyze in terms of resolution. To complete earth mapping it takes 102 min | To complete earth mapping it takes 99 min | To complete earth mapping it takes 50 min |
Technique | Real-Time Detection | Reliability in Identification | Wildfire Prediction | Simulation of Fire Spread | Robustness | Complexity | Area Covered |
ML models w/ environment data | X | Low | X | X | Low | Low/Medium | Medium/Large |
Computer vision | X | High | High | High | Very variable |
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Carta, F.; Zidda, C.; Putzu, M.; Loru, D.; Anedda, M.; Giusto, D. Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey. Sensors 2023, 23, 6635.
Carta F, Zidda C, Putzu M, Loru D, Anedda M, Giusto D. Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey. Sensors. 2023; 23(14):6635.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarta, Francesco, Chiara Zidda, Martina Putzu, Daniele Loru, Matteo Anedda, and Daniele Giusto. 2023. "Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey" Sensors 23, no. 14: 6635.
APA StyleCarta, F., Zidda, C., Putzu, M., Loru, D., Anedda, M., & Giusto, D. (2023). Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey. Sensors, 23(14), 6635.