Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Path Planning Algorithms
2.1. General Classification
2.2. Path Planning Workspace Modeling
2.2.1. Environment Modeling
2.2.2. Robot–Surface Interaction Modeling
3. Reactive-Computing-Based Path Planning Algorithms
3.1. Reactive Manoeuvre
3.2. Local Optimization
4. Soft-Computing-Based Path Planning Algorithms
4.1. Evolutionary Computation
4.2. Artificial Intelligence
5. C-Space-Search-Based Path Planning Algorithms
5.1. Graph Search
5.2. Sampling-Based
6. Optimal-Control-Based Path Planning Algorithms
6.1. PDE-Solving-Based
6.2. Global Optimization
7. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ACO | Ant Colony Optimizer |
AIT* | Adaptively Informed Tree |
APF | Artificial Potential Fields |
ABIT* | Advanced Batch Informed Trees |
BIT* | Batch Informed Trees |
D* | Dynamic A* |
DEM | Digital Elevation Map |
DL | Deep Learning |
DP | Dynamic Programming |
DPP | Dynamic Programming Principle |
DWA | Dynamic Window Approach |
FIM | Fast Iterative Method |
FMM | Fast Marching Method |
FMT* | Fast Marching Tree |
FMS | Fast Marching Square |
FSM | Fast Sweeping Method |
FM* | Heuristic Fast Marching |
GMT* | Group Marching Tree |
HJB | Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman |
LPA* | Lifelong Planning A* |
MPC | Model Predictive Control |
OUM | Ordered Upwind Method |
PDE | Partial Derivative Equation |
PRM | Probabilistic Roadmap Method |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimizer |
RABIT* | Regionally Accelerated Batch Informed Trees |
RDT | Rapidly Deterministic Tree |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
RRT | Rapidly Random Tree |
RRT* | Heuristic Rapidly Random Tree |
TEB | Timed Elastic Bands |
VFH | Vector Field Histogram |
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Reactive Computing | Soft Computing | C-Space Search | Optimal Control | |||||
Publication | Reactive Manoeuvre | Local Optimization | Evolutionary Computation | Artificial Intelligence | Sampling Based | Graph Search | PDE Solving | Global Optimization |
Raja and Pugazhenthi [3] (2012) | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Nash and Koenig [11] (2013) | No | No | No | No | Yes (RRT and PRM) | Yes (Any-angle and A*) | No | No |
Souissi et al. [7] (2013) | Yes (APF) | No | Only mentions | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Elbanhawi and Simic [12] (2014) | Only mentions | No | Only mentions | Only mentions | Yes | Only mentions | No | No |
González et al. [13] (2015) | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes (NLP) |
Mac et al. [8] (2016) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Noreen et al. [14] (2016) | No | No | Only mentions | No | Yes | Only mentions | No | No |
Injarapu and Gawre [15] (2017) | No | No | Yes (GA) | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Ravankar et al. [16] (2018) | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes (NLP) |
Zhang et al. [4] (2018) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes (ANN) | No | Yes | No | No |
Zafar and Mohanta [9] (2018) | Yes (APF) | No | Yes | Yes (ANN) | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Costa and Silva [17] (2019) | No | No | Yes (GA) | No | Yes (RRT) | Yes (A*) | No | No |
Patle et al. [10] (2019) | Yes (APF) | No | Yes | Yes | Only mentions (PRM) | No | No | No |
Gómez et al. [18] (2019) | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes (eikonal solvers) | No |
Campbell et al. [19] (2020) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Zhang et al. [20] (2020) | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes (A* Variants) | Yes (Fast Marching) | Yes (DP) |
Sun et al. [21] (2021) | Only mentions (APF, DWA) | No | Only mentions | Yes | Only mentions (RRT and PRM) | Only mentions | No | No |
Vagale et al. [6] (2021) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes (DRL) | Yes (RRT and PRM) | No | No | No |
Individuals | Behaviors |
Particles [115,116,117,128] | Best position memory, variable velocity |
Fireflies [129] | Brightness atraction |
Dragonflies [130] | Hunting and migration |
Grasshoppers [131,132] | Attraction and repulsion |
Wolves [133,134] | Hierarchy system, hunting for prey |
Whales [135,136] | Spiral bubble-nets |
Cuckoos [137] | Lévy flights, brood parasitism |
Bats [138] | Echolocation |
Bacteria [139] | Foraging |
Category | Sub-Category | Preliminary Map Model | Deterministic | Replanning | Optimality | Completeness |
Reactive Computing | Reactive Manoeuvre | No [7] | Yes | Yes | Sub-optimal | Not ensured |
Local Optimization | Depends on planner used in first step | Yes | Yes | Sub-optimal | Not ensured | |
Soft Computing | Evolutionary | Only ACO | No | Yes [3] | Heuristic | Depends (e.g., GA no; PSO, yes) [20] |
Artificial Intelligence | Depends | No | Yes | Heuristic | Not ensured | |
C-Space Search | Graph Search | Yes [7,11] | Yes [7] | Only incremental | Global restricted to graph | Yes |
Sampling-Based | No | No [7] | Yes | Asymptotical | Probabilistic | |
Optimal Control | PDE Solving | Yes | Yes | Very rare [212,213,214] | Globally optimal | Yes |
Global Optimization | Depend on planner used in first step | Yes | Yes [3] | Globally optimal | No [20] |
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Sánchez-Ibáñez, J.R.; Pérez-del-Pulgar, C.J.; García-Cerezo, A. Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review. Sensors 2021, 21, 7898.
Sánchez-Ibáñez JR, Pérez-del-Pulgar CJ, García-Cerezo A. Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):7898.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSánchez-Ibáñez, José Ricardo, Carlos J. Pérez-del-Pulgar, and Alfonso García-Cerezo. 2021. "Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review" Sensors 21, no. 23: 7898.
APA StyleSánchez-Ibáñez, J. R., Pérez-del-Pulgar, C. J., & García-Cerezo, A. (2021). Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review. Sensors, 21(23), 7898.