Dragonfly Algorithm and Its Hybrids: A Survey on Performance, Objectives and Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Dragonfly Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Dragonfly Algorithm |
3. Hybrids of DA
3.1. Hybrids of DA Which Handle Continuous and Single-Objective Problems
3.2. Hybrids of DA Which Handle Binary and Single-Objective Problems
3.3. Hybrids of DA Which Handle Continuous and Multi-Objective Problems
3.4. Performance Analysis
3.4.1. Hybrids of DA Which Improve Its Effectiveness by Improving Exploitation
3.4.2. Hybrids of DA Which Improve Its Effectiveness by Improving Exploration
Algorithm | Algorithm Used for Hybridisation | Way of Improvement | Application | Improved Effectiveness (%) | Efficiency | |
Phase | Equation/Step | |||||
Memory-based Hybrid DA (MHDA) [8] | PSO | Exploitation | Equations to be improved: (6), (7) Added equations: | CEC 2014 benchmark functions, Welded beam design problem | 12.7% (welded beam design problem) | Improved |
Coulomb force search strategy-based DA [12] | Coulomb force search strategy (CFCSS) | Exploitation | Equation to be improved: (6) Modified equation: | 25 and a 72-bar space truss structure problem & Optimal design of the Bucket wheel reclaimer (BWR) | 1.7% (72-bar space truss structure problem) | Improved |
Hybrid DA and firefly (DA-FA) [24] | Firefly Algorithm (FA) | Exploitation | Equation to be improved: (8) Modified equation: | CEC 2019 benchmark functions, Wireless sensor networks localization problem | 9.7% (CEC 10) | Improved |
Hybrid DA and Nelder–Mead Algorithm (INMDA) [26] | Improved Nelder–Mead Algorithm | Exploitation | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Step added (After line 15 in Algorithm 1): Invoke INMDA | Training of multilayer perceptron | 67.1% (function ) | Improved |
DA with opposition-based learning (OBLDA) [13] | Opposition-based learning (OBL) | Exploitation | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Step added (After lines 11 and 13 in Algorithm 1): Select half of dragonflies from the population and apply OBL | Multilevel thresholding colour image segmentation | 0.93% | No change |
Hybrid DA-DE [20] | Differential evolution | Exploitation | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After lines 11 and 13 in Algorithm 1): Evaluate fitness of dragonfly Compute average fitness of population If fitness of dragonfly is greater than average, apply mutation, crossover and selection operations of DE | Image segmentation | 0.042% (penguin image using Otsu method, level 10) | No change |
Hybrid modified DA and whale optimization [30] | Whale optimization algorithm | Exploitation | Equations to be improved: (6), (7) Added equations: | Optimal scheduling of microgrid with islanding constraints | 50.9% (test scenario 1) | No change |
Hybrid DA-PSO [29] | PSO | Exploitation | Equations to be improved: (6), (7) Added equations: | Multiobjective Optimal Power Flow (MO-OPF) problem | 7.2E-4% (IEEE 30-bus system when considering only the fuel cost) | Lower efficiency |
Hybrid DA-DE (IEDA) [31] | Differential Evolution | Exploitation | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After line 7 in Algorithm 1): Select half of the population and apply information exchange strategy of DE | Optimal design of hybrid power active filter | 36.6% (experiment case 1) | Lower efficiency |
Algorithm | Algorithm Used for Hybridisation | Way of Improvement | Application | Improved Effectiveness (%) | Efficiency | |
Phase | Equation/Step | |||||
hybrid DADE [11] | Differential Evolution | Exploration | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added: After line 4 in Algorithm 1 - Update personal and global best positions After lines 11 and 13 in Algorithm 1 - Apply mutation and crossover technique of DE | Benchmark mathematical functions & Welded beam design problem | 2.1% (welded beam design problem) | Improved |
Hybrid DA and ABC (DA-ABC) [25] | Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) | Exploration | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Apply onlooker bee phase and modified scout bee phase of ABC | Training of multilayer perceptron | 5.2% (’iris’ dataset) | Improved |
Hyper Learning Binary Dragonfly Algorithm (HLBDA) [27] | Hyper Learning Strategy | Exploration | Equations to be improved:(4), (5), (7) Modified equations: | Feature selection | 1.5% (’primary tumour’ dataset) | Improved |
Hybrid DA-Opposition-based learning [23] | Opposition-based Learning (OBL) | Exploration | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Step added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Apply OBL to new position and select the best position | Real parameter function optimization | 93.4% (function ) | No change |
Hybrid DA-Simulated Annealing [22] | Simulated Annealing Algorithm | Exploration | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Calculate retention probability using idea of simulated annealing If new position is better than original position, retain new position directly. Otherwise, retain new position based on retention probability | Flexible flow-shop scheduling | 0.29% (’J10c10c3’ test data) | Lower efficiency |
modified DA algorithm using Brownian motion [10] | Brownian motion | Exploration | Equation to be improved: (8) Modified equation: | Benchmark functions & Welded beam design problem | 20% (welded beam design problem) | Not considered |
BBO and Mexican hat wavelet DA (BMDA) [14] | BBO with Mexican hat wavelet | Exploration | Equation to be improved: (7) Added equation: | CEC2017 benchmark functions | 65.0% (function ) | Not considered |
Improved DA (IDA) [19] | Differential Evolution (DE) | Exploration | Equations to be improved: (7), (8) Modified equations: Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Use strategy of differential evolution on new position obtained by DA | Optimise the parameters of SVM | 26.4%, 25.27%, 23.44% (3 types of prediction errors) | Not considered |
3.4.3. Hybrids of DA Which Improve Its Effectiveness by Improving Both Exploitation and Exploration
3.4.4. Hybrids of DA Which Improve Its Effectiveness by Improving Initialization
Algorithm | Algorithm Used for Hybridisation | Way of Improvement | Application | Improved Effectiveness (%) | Efficiency | |
Phase | Equation/Step | |||||
Quantum behaved and Gaussian mutational DA (QGDA) [16] | Gaussian Mutation Mechanism and Quantum Rotation Gate | Exploration and Exploitation | Steps to be improved: Lines 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Update position of dragonfly using Gaussian mutation Perform quantum gate operation | CEC 2014 benchmark functions | 99.9% (function ) | Improved |
Improved DA based on elite opposition learning and exponential function steps (EOEDA) [21] | Elite Opposition Learning and Exponential Function Steps | Exploration and Exploitation | Equation to be improved: (7) Modified equation: Step to be improved: Line 11 from Algorithm 1 Step added (After line 14 in Algorithm 1): Generate elite opposition solution of new solution Compare new solution and elite opposition solution and select the best one | Numerical optimization of standard functions | 100% (function ) | Improved |
Hybrid DA-DE algorithm with chaotic maps and elite opposition-based learning [17] | DE, Chaotic Maps and Elite-Opposition based Learning | Exploration and Exploitation | Steps to be modified: Line 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Steps added (After lines 11 and 13 in Algorithm 1): Evaluate fitness of dragonfly Compute average fitness of population If fitness of dragonfly is greater than average, apply mutation, crossover and selection operations of DE | Multilevel thresholding image segmentation | 0.037% (’bridge’ image using Otsu’s method) | Lower efficiency |
Hybrid improved DA [28] | Approach of Quantum optimal solution and Use of Dynamic weights | Exploration and Exploitation | Step to be improved: Line 6 from Algorithm 1 Modified step: Update weights using Equation to be improved: (6) Modified equation: | Feature selection | 2.5% (’Arrhythmia’ dataset) | Lower efficiency |
Hybrid DA and GA (DA-GA) [32] | Genetic Algorithm (GA) | Exploration and Exploitation | Step to be improved: Line 11 and 13 from Algorithm 1 Added and modified steps (After line 4 in Algorithm 1): Divide population in half Update position of first half using DA Update position of second half using GA Form new population by taking both halves | Optimal power flow problem | 0.084% (line outage between buses 6 and 26 in the 38 bus RDS) | Lower efficiency |
Algorithm | Algorithm Used for Hybridisation | Way of Improvement | Application | Improved Effectiveness (%) | Efficiency | |
Phase | Equation/Step | |||||
Chaotic DA [9] | Chaos theory | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 6 in Algorithm 1 Step added (before line 6 in Algorithm 1): Calculate the value of chaotic map Equation to be improved: (6) Modified equation: | Feature selection | 18.1% (’Irritant effect’ dataset) | Improved |
DA with opposition-based learning (OBL) [13] | Opposition-based learning (OBL) | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 1 in Algorithm 1 Step added (After line 1 in Algorithm 1): Compute the opposite of each solution using OBL Select the fitter solution to form the initial population | Multilevel thresholding colour image segmentation | 0.93% | No change |
Hybrid DA-Opposition-based learning [23] | Opposition-based learning (OBL) | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 1 in Algorithm 1 Step added (After line 1 in Algorithm 1): Compute the opposite of each solution using OBL Select the fitter solution to form the initial population | Real parameter function optimization | 93.4% (function ) | No change |
Hybrid DA-DE algorithm with chaotic maps and elite opposition-based learning [17] | DE, Chaotic Maps and Elite-Opposition based Learning | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 1 in Algorithm 1 Modified step: Generate initial population using chaotic maps Generate elite opposition population Select the best positions as the initial population | Multilevel thresholding image segmentation | 0.037% (’bridge’ image using Otsu’s method) | Lower efficiency |
Chaotic DA based on sine-cosine mechanism (SC-DA) [15] | Chaos theory and Sine-Cosine Mechanism | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 1 in Algorithm 1 Modified step: Generate initial population using singer chaos Equation to be improved: (7) Modified equation: | Numerical benchmark functions | 83.3% (’Sphere’ function) | Not considered |
Hybrid DA-Modified Conjugate Gradient [18] | Modified Conjugate Gradient Method | Initialization | Step to be improved: Line 1 in Algorithm 1 Modified step: Generate initial population using Modified Conjugate Gradient | Standard numerical functions | 29.2% (function ) | Not considered |
4. Applications of DA and Hybrids
4.1. Optimal Design
4.2. Electrical Engineering
4.3. Networking
4.4. Mechanical Engineering
4.5. Machine Learning
4.6. Resource Allocation
4.7. Digital Image Processing
4.8. Numerical Optimization
4.9. Other Applications
5. Discussion, Challenges and Future Directions
5.1. Effectiveness of DA
5.2. Efficiency of DA
5.3. Limitations of DA—Effectiveness
5.3.1. Low Exploitation
5.3.2. Local Optima
5.3.3. Low Accuracy of Solutions
5.4. Limitations of DA-Efficiency
5.5. Way of Improvement of the Hybrids of DA
5.6. Limitations of the Hybrids of DA
5.7. Nature of Problem
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Our Survey | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |
Background on DA | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Applications of DA based on domain | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Analysis of the performance of DA as compared to other swarm intelligence algorithms | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Consideration of the limitations of DA and proposed future directions | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Analysis of the performance of the hybrids of DA as compared to original DA | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Consideration of the methods employed to enhance the original DA obtaining the hybrids | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Analysis of the limitations of the hybrids of DA | ✓ | ||||
Categorization of hybrids according to the type of problem | ✓ | ||||
Taxonomies to categorize the hybrids of DA according to the performance improvement (effectiveness, efficiency) | ✓ | ||||
Taxonomies of hybrids of DA according to effectiveness improving method | ✓ |
Domain | Applications |
Optimal Design | [8,10,11,12,15,16,31,34,35,36] |
Electrical Engineering | [29,32,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50] |
Networking | [24,51,52,53,54,55] |
Mechanical Engineering | [56] |
Machine Learning | [9,16,19,25,26,27,28,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68] |
Resource Allocation | [22,30,69,70,71] |
Digital Image Processing | [13,17,20,72,73,74,75,76] |
Numerical Optimization | [8,10,11,14,15,16,18,21,23] |
Other Applications | [77,78,79] |
Test Function | Average Cost of Objective Function | |||
DA | PSO | GWO | WOA | |
TF1 | 2.85E-18 | 4.2E-18 | 6.1914E-57 | 3.9083E-75 |
TF2 | 1.49E-05 | 0.003154 | 3.126E-33 | 1.6851E-52 |
TF3 | 1.29E-06 | 0.001891 | 1.0428E-23 | 243.9508 |
TF4 | 0.000988 | 0.001748 | 1.2987E-18 | 3.5743 |
TF5 | 7.600558 | 63.45331 | 6.8427 | 17.2376 |
TF6 | 4.17E-16 | 4.36E-17 | 0.031252 | 0.0012727 |
TF7 | 0.010293 | 0.005973 | 0.00060573 | 0.0036346 |
TF8 | −2857.58 | -7.1E+11 | −2645.1694 | −3232.574 |
TF9 | 16.01883 | 10.44724 | 0.8731 | 2.0739 |
TF10 | 0.23103 | 0.280137 | 8.2305E-15 | 4.9146E-15 |
TF11 | 0.193354 | 0.083463 | 0.023527 | 0.034195 |
TF12 | 0.031101 | 8.57E-11 | 0.0032059 | 0.37982 |
TF13 | 0.002197 | 0.002197 | 0.010053 | 0.031895 |
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Share and Cite
Emambocus, B.A.S.; Jasser, M.B.; Mustapha, A.; Amphawan, A. Dragonfly Algorithm and Its Hybrids: A Survey on Performance, Objectives and Applications. Sensors 2021, 21, 7542. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21227542
Emambocus BAS, Jasser MB, Mustapha A, Amphawan A. Dragonfly Algorithm and Its Hybrids: A Survey on Performance, Objectives and Applications. Sensors. 2021; 21(22):7542. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21227542
Chicago/Turabian StyleEmambocus, Bibi Aamirah Shafaa, Muhammed Basheer Jasser, Aida Mustapha, and Angela Amphawan. 2021. "Dragonfly Algorithm and Its Hybrids: A Survey on Performance, Objectives and Applications" Sensors 21, no. 22: 7542. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21227542
APA StyleEmambocus, B. A. S., Jasser, M. B., Mustapha, A., & Amphawan, A. (2021). Dragonfly Algorithm and Its Hybrids: A Survey on Performance, Objectives and Applications. Sensors, 21(22), 7542. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21227542