Filter Pruning via Measuring Feature Map Information
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Weight Pruning
2.2. Filter Pruning
3. The Proposed Method
3.1. Notations
3.2. Pruning Criteria
3.2.1. Feature Maps Probability
3.2.2. Feature Maps Entropy
3.3. Parallel Pruning Criteria
Algorithm 1 A Pruning Algorithm Based on Entropy of Feature Map |
Algorithm 2 A Parallel Pruning Algorithm |
Require: Training set , and two threholds and . Ensure: The compat network.
3.4. Pruning Strategy
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Implementation Details
4.2. Comparison on CIFAR10/100
4.3. Comparison on ImageNet
4.4. Ablation Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CNN/CNNs | Convolutional Neural Networks |
FLOPs | floating point operations |
BN | Batch Normalization |
GAP | global average pooling |
DNS | Dynamic Network Surgery |
SNIP | single-hot network pruning |
APoZ | Average Percentage of Zeros |
APG | Accelerated Proximal Gradient |
OBD | Optical brain damage |
OBS | Optical brain surgeon |
KD | Knowledge Distillation |
DML | Deep mutual learning |
SGD | Stochastic gradient descent |
SSS | Sparse Structure Selection |
VCNNP | Variational convolutional neural network pruning |
GAL | generative adversarial learning |
GDP | Gobal and Dynamic pruning |
DCFF | dynamic-coded filter fusion |
NS | Network Slimming |
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Model | Alg | Acc(%) | Param | FLOPs |
VGG16 | Baseline | 93.90 | 14.72M | 313.75M |
NS [12] | 93.69 | 3.45M | 199.66M | |
L1 [22] | 93.40 | 5.40M | 206.00M | |
SSS [35] | 93.02 | 3.93M | 183.13M | |
GAL-0.05 [21] | 92.03 | 3.36M | 189.49M | |
VCNNP [20] | 93.18 | 3.92M | 190.01M | |
HRank [14] | 92.34 | 2.64M | 108.61M | |
DCFF [36] | 93.47 | 1.06M | 72.77M | |
CP MC [15] | 93.40 | 1.04M | 106.68M | |
SWP [37] | 92.85 | 1.08M | 90.60M | |
83.96M | ||||
93.47 | 89.02M | |||
93.16 | 79.85M | |||
VGG19 | Baseline | 93.68 | 20.04M | 398.74M |
NS [12] | 93.66 | 2.43M | 208.54M | |
93.63 | 129.21M | |||
93.58 | 127.44M | |||
ResNet56 | Baseline | 93.22 | 0.85M | 126.55M |
NS [12] | 92.94 | 0.41M | 64.94M | |
L1 [22] | 93.06 | 0.73M | 90.90M | |
NISP [38] | 93.01 | 0.49M | 81.00M | |
GAL-0.6 [21] | 92.98 | 0.75M | 78.30M | |
HRank [14] | 93.17 | 0.49M | 62.72M | |
KSE (G = 4) [39] | 93.23 | 0.43M | 60M | |
DCFF [36] | 93.26 | 0.38M | 55.84M | |
KSE (G = 5) [39] | 92.88 | 0.36M | 50M | |
FilterSketch [16] | 93.19 | 0.50M | 73.36M | |
0.39M | 69.52M | |||
93.36 | 0.39M | 63.15M | ||
93.09 | 59.66M | |||
ResNet164 | Baseline | 95.04 | 1.71M | 254.50M |
NS [12] | 94.73 | 1.10M | 137.50M | |
CP MC [15] | 94.76 | 0.75M | 144.02M | |
94.66 | ||||
93.65 | 0.73M | 105.86M | ||
DenseNet40 | Baseline | 94.26 | 1.06M | 290.13M |
GAL-0.01 [21] | 94.9 | 0.67M | 182.92M | |
HRank [14] | 94.24 | 0.66M | 167.41M | |
VCNNP [20] | 93.16 | 0.42M | 156.00M | |
CP MC [15] | 93.74 | 0.42M | 121.73M | |
KSE (G = 6) [39] | 94.70 | 0.39M | 115M | |
NS [12] | 94.09 | 0.40M | 132.16M | |
94.04 | ||||
93.75 |
Model | Alg | Acc(%) | Param | FLOPs |
VGG16 | Baseline | 73.80 | 14.77M | 313.8M |
VCNNP [20] | 73.33 | 9.14M | 256.00M | |
NS [12] | 73.72 | 8.83M | 274.00M | |
CPGMI [54] | 73.53 | 4.99M | 198.20M | |
CPMC [15] | 73.01 | 4.80M | 162.00M | |
73.17 | ||||
73.06 | ||||
73.17 | 4.09M | 147.99M | ||
VGG19 | Baseline | 73.81 | 20.08M | 398.79M |
NS [12] | 73.00 | 5.84M | 274.36M | |
4.21M | ||||
195.77M | ||||
180.51M | ||||
ResNet56 | Baseline | 71.77 | 0.86M | 71.77M |
NS [12] | 70.51 | 0.60M | 62,82M | |
0.50M | 80.48M | |||
70.67 | 69.88M | |||
ResNet164 | Baseline | 76.74 | 1.73M | 253.97M |
NS [12] | 76.18 | 1.21M | 123.50M | |
CPMC [15] | 77.22 | 0.96M | 151.92M | |
76.28 | 150.57M | |||
75.27 | ||||
DenseNet40 | Baseline | 74.37 | 1.11M | 287.75M |
VCNNP [20] | 72.19 | 0.65M | 218.00M | |
CPGMI [54] | 73.84 | 0.66M | 198.50M | |
CPMC [15] | 73.93 | 0.58M | 155.24M | |
NS [12] | 73.87 | 0.55M | 164.36M | |
73.74 | ||||
73.62 |
Model | Top-1% | Top-5% | FLOPs | Parameters |
ResNet50 [41] | 76.15 | 92.87 | 4.09 | 25.50 |
SSS-32 [35] | 74.18 | 91.91 | 2.82 | 18.60 |
[50] | 72.30 | 90.80 | 2.73 | - |
GAL-0.5 [21] | 71.95 | 90.94 | 2.33 | 21.20 |
HRank [14] | 74.98 | 92.33 | 2.30 | 16.15 |
GDP-0.6 [40] | 71.19 | 90.71 | 1.88 | - |
GDP-0.5 [40] | 69.58 | 90.14 | 1.57 | - |
SSS-26 [35] | 71.82 | 90.79 | 2.33 | 15.60 |
GAL-1 [21] | 69.88 | 89.75 | 1.58 | 14.67 |
GAL-0.5-joint [21] | 71.80 | 90.82 | 1.84 | 19.31 |
HRank [14] | 71.98 | 91.01 | 1.55 | 13.77 |
ThiNet-50 [41] | 68.42 | 88.30 | 1.10 | 8.66 |
GAL-1-joint [21] | 69.31 | 89.12 | 1.11 | 10.21 |
HRank [14] | 69.10 | 89.58 | 0.98 | 8.27 |
NS [12] | 70.43 | 89.93 | ||
90.69 | ||||
70.41 | 89.91 | |||
69.91 | 89.46 | |||
68.62 | 88.62 |
Model | Algorithm | Acc(%) | Param | FLOPs |
VGG16 | 93.04 | 0.97M | 69.06M | |
ResNet164 | 94.55 | 0.90M | 133.06M | |
DenseNet40 | 93.83 | 0.37M | 149.75M | |
Model | Algorithm | Acc(%) | Param | FLOPs |
VGG16 | C-softmax | 92.97 | 0.98M | 65.38M |
I-softmax | 0.99M | 83.96M | ||
VGG19 | C-softmax | 91.85 | 1.72M | 63.64M |
I-softmax | 1.55M | 129.21M | ||
ResNet56 | C-softmax | 93.21 | 0.45M | 63.11M |
I-softmax | 0.39M | 69.52M | ||
ResNet164 | C-softmax | 93.91 | 0.67M | 112.73M |
I-softmax | 0.67M | 111.33M | ||
DenseNet40 | C-softmax | 94.17 | 0.39M | 118.01M |
I-softmax | 94.04 | 0.38M | 110.72M |
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Shao, L.; Zuo, H.; Zhang, J.; Xu, Z.; Yao, J.; Wang, Z.; Li, H. Filter Pruning via Measuring Feature Map Information. Sensors 2021, 21, 6601.
Shao L, Zuo H, Zhang J, Xu Z, Yao J, Wang Z, Li H. Filter Pruning via Measuring Feature Map Information. Sensors. 2021; 21(19):6601.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShao, Linsong, Haorui Zuo, Jianlin Zhang, Zhiyong Xu, Jinzhen Yao, Zhixing Wang, and Hong Li. 2021. "Filter Pruning via Measuring Feature Map Information" Sensors 21, no. 19: 6601.
APA StyleShao, L., Zuo, H., Zhang, J., Xu, Z., Yao, J., Wang, Z., & Li, H. (2021). Filter Pruning via Measuring Feature Map Information. Sensors, 21(19), 6601.