Routing with Face Traversal and Auctions Algorithms for Task Allocation in WSRN
:1. Introduction
- We improve the existing greedy-face-greedy–based routing solution and apply it to the robot task allocation problem. It results in a more extended network lifetime and better energy balancing using a combination of face traversal routing and auctions based on different metrics evaluated for different scenarios and network topologies.
- We introduce the RFTA2 algorithm, which shows a network lifetime of up to seven times longer than k-SAAP [9] and BFS [10] algorithms with significantly fewer communication costs. It also offers a network lifetime of up to five times longer than the GFGF2A algorithm (for few additional communication costs).
- We introduce RFTA2GE, which features the best robot energy utilization and energy balancing among all robots for additional communication costs. Since the communication costs are usually by an order of magnitude lower than robot movement costs, this is a highly beneficial contribution of RFTA2GE. It features a network lifetime up to seven times longer than k-SAAP [9] and BFS [10] for three times fewer communication costs.
- Within the algorithms RFTA2 and RFTA2GE, we introduce the parameter SR (search radius). It is the radius of the circle which defines the space around the event where the search for the robot is performed. We also determine its optimal value and prove it mathematically.
2. Related Work
2.1. Task Allocation
2.2. Face Routing
2.3. Greedy Routing
2.4. Greedy-Face-Greedy (GFG) Routing
2.5. Greedy-Face-Greedy-Find (GFGF) Algorithms
2.6. Auctions
3. System Model
Definition 1. Task allocation problem. |
For a given: S = {S1, S2, … Sm}, set S of m sensors, R = {R1, R2, …Rn}, set R of n robots with known locations, E = {E1, E2, …En}, initial energies of robots where E1 = E2 … = En, and T = {T1, T2, …Tk} set of k successive events on known target locations detected by sensors; the problem is to find the best robot to react upon the event in each round and to assign the task for all consecutive events. Only a single-task-single-robot assignment is possible during one round. Accordingly, the problem is to pair the robots and the tasks with the minimum total cost. The cost could be a function of distance, energy, communication costs, time, or some combination of parameters. Here, we want to maximize the network lifetime by minimizing each robot’s energy spent to do the task. The task allocation problem can be mathematically formulated as: Find the assignment matrix A = {aij} where i = 1, 2, … n and j = 1, 2, … k and The total energy consumption for the robot i to perform a task j must be smaller than the initial energy of robot ): The energy needed to perform the task is considered to be dependent on distance to the task location and robot’s speed : |
- All the robots in the network have the same transmission radius r, and each robot can communicate only with its first neighbors located inside of the radius r.
- All the robots know their position, and the position of the current event is known. Other events are not known a priori.
- All the robots have a certain amount of energy at the beginning of the routing process called ‘initial energy’. In the beginning, we assume it is at 100%. While performing the task, the robot energy is drained proportionally to the distance traveled.
- The search radius SR is a circle around the event where the robot is searched; the routing stops if any robot is identified. Since the robots can determine both their position and the event’s position, they can decide locally whether they are in the circle or not.
- During auctions, robots calculate the energy needed to do the task. If it does not have enough energy to do the task, the robot does not bid back.
- To evaluate the algorithms, we focus on communication costs and the network lifetime.
- Communication costs are based on the number of messages needed to route the message from the source to the destination during one round of simulations (i.e., for one event).
- The network is considered alive until a task cannot be allocated because none of the neighboring robots have enough energy to perform it, and no one bid.
- The network is assumed to be connected. One particular strategy for it could be finding the (minimal) connected dominating set. Communications would be used to update and maintain connectivity. Maintaining the network’s connectivity is out of the scope of this paper. It remains for future work.
4. RFTA Algorithms
4.1. RFTA1 Algorithm
Algorithm 1. Pseudocode for RFTA1 algorithm |
4.2. RFTA2 Algorithm
Update of the Network
Algorithm 2. Pseudocode for RFTA2 algorithm |
4.3. GFGF2A Algorithm
Algorithm 3. Pseudocode for GFGF2A algorithm |
4.4. RFTA2GE Algorithm
Algorithm 4. Pseudocode for RFTA2GE algorithm |
4.5. Optimal Radius Value for RFTA2 and RFTA2GE Algorithms
4.6. Complexity Analysis
5. Results and Discussion
Robot Energy Statistics and Balancing
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Algorithm | Complexity | Mobility | Method | Simulation Env./Source Code |
BFS [10] | O(diam … |E|) | yes | Breath-first search | Robot simulator Webots/not available |
k-SAAP [9] | N/A | yes | Localized auctions with k neighbors | C programming language/available |
AAP [24] | N/A | no | Localized auctions with an adaptive number of neighbors | OMNet++ simulation tool /not available |
MIA-TA [36] | O(n2) | yes | Auctions with maintaining network connectivity | Python on a PC with AMD 4.1 GHz CPU and 8GB RAM/not available |
RFTA2 | O(n2 + n) | yes | GFG with auctions | C programming on Intel i5 @ 1.9 GHz, 8GB RAM |
Average messages per robot (AMPR) [#msg] | 14.79 ± 5.51 | 43.32 ± 12.23 | 68.64 ± 15.39 |
Average network lifetime (ANL) [#rounds] | 225.11 ± 88.51 | 323.14 ± 122.69 | 376.35 ± 96.94 |
Average MIN of remaining robot energy [%] | 7.39 | 11.33 | 5.95 |
Average remaining robot energy (ARRE) [%] | 79.52 ± 6.98 | 44.81 ± 20.17 | 35.04 ± 13.98 |
The average number of robot reactions (ANRR) | 2.13 ± 0.81 | 3.07 ± 1.14 | 3.57 ± 0.84 |
Average traveled distance per robot (ATDPR) [m] | 1.06 ± 0.36 | 2.85 ± 1.04 | 3.35 ± 0.72 |
Average messages per robot (AMPR) [#msg] | 6.45 ± 3.63 | 13.62 ± 6.29 | 57.62 ± 18.13 |
Average network lifetime (ANL) [#rounds] | 85.60 ± 57.25 | 260.16 ± 123.88 | 319.87 ± 105.66 |
Average MIN of remaining robot energy [%] | 11.49 | 12.00 | 8.03 |
Average remaining robot energy (ARRE) [%] | 90.56 ± 5.48 | 53.44 ± 20.76 | 41.93 ± 16.88 |
The average number of robot reactions (ANRR) | 0.82 ± 0.56 | 2.47 ± 1.15 | 3.05 ± 0.95 |
Average traveled distance per robot (ATDPR) [m] | 0.49 ± 0.28 | 2.39 ± 1.07 | 2.99 ± 0.87 |
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Stanulovic, J.; Mitton, N.; Mezei, I. Routing with Face Traversal and Auctions Algorithms for Task Allocation in WSRN. Sensors 2021, 21, 6149.
Stanulovic J, Mitton N, Mezei I. Routing with Face Traversal and Auctions Algorithms for Task Allocation in WSRN. Sensors. 2021; 21(18):6149.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStanulovic, Jelena, Nathalie Mitton, and Ivan Mezei. 2021. "Routing with Face Traversal and Auctions Algorithms for Task Allocation in WSRN" Sensors 21, no. 18: 6149.
APA StyleStanulovic, J., Mitton, N., & Mezei, I. (2021). Routing with Face Traversal and Auctions Algorithms for Task Allocation in WSRN. Sensors, 21(18), 6149.