A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems and Their Applications in Cybersecurity
:1. Introduction
2. The Conduct of the Study
- RQ1: What is the current state of the art regarding the application of recommender systems for cybersecurity?
- RQ 2: What is the actual, up-to-date and the most comprehensive division of the recommender system types?
3. What Are Recommender Systems?
3.1. Basic Terms
- items
- users
- transactions.
3.2. Creating a Recommender System: The Principles
- “Users: who are the users of the system? What are their goals?
- Data: What are the characteristics of the data the recommendations are based on?
- Application: what is the application the recommender is part of? [34]”
3.3. Filtering Techniques
3.3.1. Collaborative Filtering (CF)
Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering
- User-based CFBy this approach, the users are matched by the recommender engine based on their taste in the product in question [43]. Simply put, in the user-based collaborative filtering, the user U and the set of users similar to them are selected. Then, the rating for an item is searched for; the user has not rated the item. By choosing N of the similar users who did rate the item, the rating is then calculated.
- Item-based CFThis type of recommendation is based on the concept that customers tend to choose items similar to the ones they expressed an interest in, and at the same time will not buy the items they are not interested in. In this kind of system, the user–item matrices are used as an input for finding the relations among various items. The analysis of how the items interact is the basis for generating a personalized recommendation.The item-based algorithms tend to perform better than the user-based ones, as the latter ones are known to have scalability issues, i.e., when the user–item matrix is of substantial size, the computational time becomes very considerable. As the relations between items are more stable than those among users, item-based algorithms usually need less computational time to make correct predictions, or the computations may be performed offline. Then, the rating may be calculated from the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the N nearest neighbor.
- Other types of memory-based collaborative filteringVery seldom, the researchers classify other methods as memory-based collaborative filtering, such as Predictability Paths, cluster-based smoothing and trust inferences in [41], and so on.
Model-Based Collaborative Filtering
- Matrix factorizationIt consists of breaking a large matrix down into a product of smaller ones [16,41]. The algorithms employed for factorizing matrices are Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and so on [41]. Using the algorithms, the features may be extracted for every product that has been rated. Then, a comparison is made between them and the items which do not have any ratings and finally, based on this, the rating is predicted [35,36].
- Clustering-based algorithmsUsually, by this type of algorithms, one means the k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), a Machine Learning (ML) technique. The aim of this algorithm is to search for clusters of similar users, the similarity being based on the users’ past behavior (like their ratings, the items they had already bought, etc.). Although the user-based collaborative filtering is based on the same concept, with the kNN the similarities are found based on an unsupervised machine learning model. Additionally, the number of similar users is limited to k [42]. It is worth noting that some researchers argue this technique does not belong to the model-based recommenders, but rather, it should be classified as a memory-based one, as though it is a machine learning technique, it is of non-parametric nature [42].
3.3.2. Content-Based Filtering
3.3.3. Knowledge-Based Filtering
3.3.4. The Comparison of the Three Main Filtering Approaches
3.3.5. Hybrid Recommender Systems
3.3.6. Other Types of Recommender Systems
- Computational Intelligence-based Recommendation TechniquesSometimes called CIRS, the computational intelligence recommender systems are the ones which include Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Bayesian techniques, clustering techniques, genetic algorithms, fuzzy set techniques, etc., in their recommendation models. Bayesian classifiers solve classification problems based on probabilistics. They often are part of model-based recommenders, or help create a model for the content-based recommenders. With a Bayesian network being used for recommendations, the nodes correspond to items, while the states correspond to all the vote values possible. Thus, each item in the network will have a set of parent items—they will be its best predictors [3].Artificial neural networks have also been used as part of recommendation engines. For example, ref. [79] have applied one in a personalized TV recommendation system. They trained an ANN of three layers with the back-propagation method. A hybrid movie recommender was presented by [80]. The trained ANN representing the preferences of individual users was responsible for content filtering.To make the computational cost of finding k-nearest neighbors lower, clustering may be applied. Clustering consists of assigning items to groups. This way, the items within groups are more similar than the ones in other groups. With recommender systems, this may result in, e.g., smoothing the unrated data for users, by predicting the unrated items from a group of related items. Additionally, with the assumption that the nearest neighbor is within the Top-N most similar clusters to the active user, there is only the need for selecting the nearest neighbors in the Top-N clusters. This results in greater scalability of the system [3,81]. Furthermore, the technique can help tackle the cold start issue, by grouping items [82].Genetic Algorithms (GA), i.e., stochastic search techniques, have mainly been applied in K-means clustering, for improved online shopping market segmentation, such as in [83]. Similarly, ref. [84] have used a GA method for obtaining optimal similarity function. Finally, several techniques based on the fuzzy set theory have been used to handle the non-stochastic uncertainty, e.g., the information being imprecise, or the classes of objects not being sharp enough [3].
- Social-network-based recommendationsThe rapid increase in the social networking tools has directly resulted in social network analysis becoming an important part of recommender systems. Recommender systems offer the possibility for the users to make social interactions among one another, such as comments, adding to friendlist, etc. Based on these interactions, recommendations can be made. The social network recommendations rely heavily on the concept of “trust”. In human interactions, a person’s decision (to buy something) is more likely to be influenced by friends’ opinions than by an advertisement. Trust, i.e., the level of how one user trusts others concerning a product, is helpful in making predictions where the data on similar neighbors would be too sparse otherwise. Indeed, a positive correlation between trust and user similarity has been found scientifically [85]. In addition, the authors of [3] discuss other social interactions and relations which are used for making recommendations, namely social bookmarks, physical context, social tag, “co-authorship” relations, “co-citations”, and more.
- Context-awareness-based recommendation methodsIn recommender systems, context is understood as any kind of information which may characterize a situation or an entity, such as a person, place or an object that is relevant to the user–item interaction [86]. Context may thus mean time or the company of other people. Applying context in recommendation process makes the results more personalized and appropriate. As [87] claim, the rating function is no longer two-dimensional, i.e., (R: User × Item → Rating); instead, it has become multi-dimensional (R: User × Item × Context → Rating).
- Group Recommender Systems (GRS; also called e-group activity recommendation systems)Group recommendations are a method of making group suggestions “when group members are unable to gather for face-to-face negotiation, or their preferences are not clears despite meeting each other [3]”. They are used for recommending films, music, websites, evens or travels. The process of clustering people into a group may follow several strategies, based on the research of decision-making or social choice theory, such as the theory of average, least misery, most pleasure, and so on [44], as well as the strategies of sum or approval voting.
- Demographic filteringSome researchers, such as [23,88], describe the demographic filtering as a separate filtering technique. By this method, the system gathers the information such as age, gender, education level, place of residence, as well as users’ opinions on items. Then, the similarities are found between the users’ ratings; finally, the data are filtered by users’ age or the area they live in. According to [18], these methods form similar correlations to the ones present in collaborative filtering, but unlike the collaborative and content-based techniques, they may not need a history of user ratings. However, they may raise some security issues, due to the nature of data they gather [23].
- Utility-based recommender systemsLastly, there are utility-based recommenders. In them, the utility of an item for a user is calculated, with gathered the users’ interest level in that attribute. As with the knowledge-based recommenders, the utility-based systems are not based on building long-term generalizations concerning the users. Rather, the recommendation is made based on the assessed match between the set of available options and the users’ needs. Specifically, the utility-based recommenders calculate the utility of each object to a user and then make recommendations based on that. The weight of the attribute may also be calculated by the system, lowering the load on users. To do so, the total utility must be determined. It is the sum of all the item values, i.e., the weight multiplied by the similarity function. The system returns a list of items ranked according to their similarity level to the user requirements [59]. There are various approaches to what makes utility and how to compute it, but the general idea is that the utility function should be based on item ratings that the users offered to describe their preferences [37]. One of the main advantages of this filtering technique is that the utility computation can be influenced by some non-product attributes (e.g., product availability). This way, for a user who needs to receive an item as soon as possible, such a system could enable trading off price against delivery schedule [18]. As mentioned before, utility-based recommender systems are either seen as separate method of filtering [18], or as being part of knowledge-based recommenders [19].
4. The Result of the Study—The State of the Art of Recommender Systems for Cybersecurity
5. Discussion of the Results
5.1. The Answers to the Research Questions
5.2. Threats to Validity
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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IEEEXplore | SpringerLink | arXiv | ACM Digital Library | Science Direct | ||
recommender system + cybersecurity | 20 | 296 | 11 | 549,218 | 1881 | |
recommender system + threat intelligence | 15 | 1165 | 8 | 562,218 | 12,413 | |
recommender system + attack mitigation | 3 | 235 | 10 | 552,639 | 19,935 | |
total | 38 | 1696 | 29 | 1,664,075 | 34,229 | 1,700,067 |
Useful in Recommending: | Advantages | Disadvantages | |
Collaborative filtering |
| |
Content-based |
Knowledge-based |
Hybridization Method | Description |
Weighted | The scores/votes of all the available recommendation techniques are combined together to produce a single recommendation. |
Switching | The system uses a criterion dependent on the situation to switch between recommendation techniques. |
Mixed | Recommendations from more than one technique are presented at the same time. |
Feature combination | Features from different recommendation data sources are thrown together into a single recommendation algorithm. |
Cascade | One recommender produces a recommendation which is then refined by another technique. |
Feature augmentation | Output (a rating/classification) from one recommender is incorporated into the processing of the next recommender. |
Meta-level | The model generated by one recommendation technique is used as the input to another. |
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Share and Cite
Pawlicka, A.; Pawlicki, M.; Kozik, R.; Choraś, R.S. A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems and Their Applications in Cybersecurity. Sensors 2021, 21, 5248. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21155248
Pawlicka A, Pawlicki M, Kozik R, Choraś RS. A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems and Their Applications in Cybersecurity. Sensors. 2021; 21(15):5248. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21155248
Chicago/Turabian StylePawlicka, Aleksandra, Marek Pawlicki, Rafał Kozik, and Ryszard S. Choraś. 2021. "A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems and Their Applications in Cybersecurity" Sensors 21, no. 15: 5248. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21155248
APA StylePawlicka, A., Pawlicki, M., Kozik, R., & Choraś, R. S. (2021). A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems and Their Applications in Cybersecurity. Sensors, 21(15), 5248. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21155248